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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I see that someone claimed this is being fixed in a coming patch... ? Is it? When is this patch supposed to happen? More importantly can anyone please share a link to the notes or explain what their fix is?




a) Get rid of the /Leave button. You just don't need it. If something irl requires you to leave mid-match, then just shut the game. Other than that the assumption should be that once you join you do your best to help your team win until the match is over. Period. Having a /Leave button just begs people to drop whenever they don't like how it's going, which if it's balanced is about half the time, spoiling the match for everyone else (and then trying to justify it of course : P)




b) Anyone who quits on their team in the middle of a match loses the same amount of Valor they would have earned in a good win. It is very un-valorous to desert your allies during combat, because you can't handle losing ever, and you don't care how you just wrecked the match for your teammates. If the loss of Valor is equal to what they'd get in the next solid win, then there's no point to quit.


The more I think about it though, that /Leave button is really just a stumbling block before a blind man = it's like entrapment. Of course some people by nature will want to quit whenever they think they're going to lose. Providing a /Leave button just screams out to them, and ruins the game for the rest of us.

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Not talking about league play, just talking about pick up teams... no roster. If I'm playing a pick up game of basketball/volleyball/you name it, and someone decides they want to quit because its looking like we might lose, they aren't getting back on any team of mine.


You quit, you stay quit. Dont come back. If its an emergency or something, fine but if you're going to waste my time and my teams time by being a p**** then stay the **** away.


That said its an MMO, so a "time out" or something along that line will have to do. I dont demand that people be superstars or even know the rules but I expect they try. People that think their way is "the only way to play" are often more wrong than a person thats killing peeps (hey at least they are neutralizing 1-2 players to make up for themselves).


Don't you understand, though - using your little pick up basketball game analogy - that if someone someone left your pick up game, they would probably prefer to never come back? I mean, if they're that agitated at playing with bad players, they probably don't want to repeat that again. It's a fact when you throw competitive people into a team-based competitive environment, they're going to want to find other competition if their team isn't being competitive or even remotely competent.


There needs to be a way to divide players by skill so people aren't expected to carry all the weight. Once again, I recommend rated warzones. It's the ONLY sensible solution here. And, once again, I've yet to read one cited reason about how your little "timeouts" and "punishments" are going to improve anything at all.


Here's the kicker - they will not improve anything.


If I queue up for a game of huttball and see my team mashing buttons in the pit as the deficit climbs and climbs in mere minutes, then I'm still going to leave. If I have to wait even 5 minutes to queue again, I'll just alt-f4 out of the game. If I find myself alt-f4'ing a lot, my incentive to log back in is removed. I stop playing. I stop paying. It's that simple.


I'm not paying $15/month to be disciplined. Show me a little respect by playing the game right (that means attempting to complete objectives) and I'll show you some respect by grinding out a session even in a loss. But if you won't try, why should I have to?


I don't understand this mentality where being as awful as possible is perfectly acceptable, but being decent and looking for good competition is the crime.


I propose a system in which a certain criteria is established, and if someone doesn't meet that criteria in the match, then they are restricted from playing again for 15 minutes.

Edited by Genocidalx
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I see that someone claimed this is being fixed in a coming patch... ? Is it? When is this patch supposed to happen? More importantly can anyone please share a link to the notes or explain what their fix is?


Well this is what we have from the "powers that be."


Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Note the lack of "add."


Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior?


Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.


Note the lack of "penalties for quitters."


Have not noticed anything newer.

Edited by SirRobin
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Selfish, egotistical, self centered.




If I go into a Huttball match and no one is making any attempt to run the ball , just farming medals, then everyone is already being selfish , egotistical, and self-centered.


I agree with many others here. SOME people leave because they cannot stand to lose. SOME people leave because medal farming isn't the point. Really, they should just have a FFA map if people want to farm medals.


Consistently, I see no actual, valid, reasoned arguments about why it is "bad" to leave a match if people are just farming and not concentrating on objectives or winning. I suspect people like you are , indeed, farming and want other players to bring you your win while you AFK or kill the fresh 50.

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I see that someone claimed this is being fixed in a coming patch... ? Is it? When is this patch supposed to happen? More importantly can anyone please share a link to the notes or explain what their fix is?




a) Get rid of the /Leave button. You just don't need it. If something irl requires you to leave mid-match, then just shut the game. Other than that the assumption should be that once you join you do your best to help your team win until the match is over. Period. Having a /Leave button just begs people to drop whenever they don't like how it's going, which if it's balanced is about half the time, spoiling the match for everyone else (and then trying to justify it of course : P)




b) Anyone who quits on their team in the middle of a match loses the same amount of Valor they would have earned in a good win. It is very un-valorous to desert your allies during combat, because you can't handle losing ever, and you don't care how you just wrecked the match for your teammates. If the loss of Valor is equal to what they'd get in the next solid win, then there's no point to quit.


The more I think about it though, that /Leave button is really just a stumbling block before a blind man = it's like entrapment. Of course some people by nature will want to quit whenever they think they're going to lose. Providing a /Leave button just screams out to them, and ruins the game for the rest of us.


If you are going to be that extreme to inconvenience people that much because they had to do something midway. And penalize them for leaving the amount of valor.


I suggest you add a corollary that:


1) If you have less than 14.5k HP unbuffed, the queue solo and queue group buttons do not appear.


2) If your expertise level is not at least 200, the queue solo and queue group buttons do not appear.


3) If you have any gear less than level 45, the queue solo and queue group buttons do not appear.


4) If you do not have at least one relic equipped, the queue solo and queue group buttons do not appear.



I don't care if the pope blessed your gaming hands, if you fit into any of the above criteria, you are basically useless in the warzone. Your gaming skill can be over 9000, you will still get stomped.


I had a mouthbreather with 10.98k HP buffed last night in two of my warzones, zero expertise.


So basically that guy was ruining my chances of winning. Therefore he deserves to lose the amount of valor gained equal to the difference between my expertise and his, because he is a mouthbreather. He is ruining my fun and should be harshly punished. The queue warzone button should only be allowed to be clicked by people who are serious and want to contribute. I don't want casuals who have to quit warzones in the middle of the match in my match, and I don't want lazy sub-15k HP, sub-200 expertise bums who want my team to carry them to victory.


Yeah, I like your ideas. Let's get extreme. If you suck, you aren't allowed in. If you have crap gear, you aren't allowed in. If you have to go change a diaper, you aren't allowed in.



Edited by Chaosmagistrate
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my most favorite thing ever, is if someone leaves halfway through a voidstar match, the new person joining immediately asks "how far did we get first round"?


and then leave if they don't like the answer.


so now i've taken to trolling them, and if someone leaves when we're going to win (due to DC'ing or whatever), if the new person joining asks that, i just tell them we're going to lose, and then lol when they leave.

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People dropping WZ is a good thing. Someone who drops your WZ isn't playing for the team. When they leave you get a new roll and someone may join that does.


Before I was neutered (dinged 50) ... I was able from about level 40 on to get into a losing fight and turn it into a win. This was possible because bad selfish horrible players drop and I could get in the match and go to work.


Without dropping your stuck with people afk'ing or deathmatching... and that type of behavior is virulent. Once 1 or 2 on your team decide to "do their own thing" then the rest of the game is pointless, as more and more folks will join them. This is far worse than if they had just quit.

Edited by VoidJustice
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People leaving the WZ make it worse for the people who are already in the WZ and plan on staying, as it puts them down a player. This may or may not be justified by bad/stupid/lowbie play on the part of the people who are already in the WZ.




Leaving the WZ makes it much worse for the guy who fills your spot. There is no justification for this. You're screwing over someone else to avoid being screwed *less*. Suck it up.


Leaving the WZ makes it easier for the opponent. There is no justification for this other than win-trading. Aka no justification at all


Leaving the WZ (or getting auto-kicked for inactivity) needs a *HARSH* penalty. At least a 30min delay on requeue.


Leaving the WZ for being vote-kicked deserves no penalty at all, other than losing time re-queuing

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A number of posters are looking at this problem from the wrong angle. BW will never try to improve the game for players that are good. They do not need to, since they have you're money. Good players dont leave warzones and BW knows that.


Leavers are bad players, always, since they purchased an MMO but choose to disregard the team-based aspects of the genre. Win or lose, MMOs are about playing with a team and with your friends. Leavers likely queue solo and have few RL friends playing with them. Premades seldom leave, in my experience anyway.


BW wants money, and the good players are having fun so they keep paying. Bad players leave warzones for any number of reasons, but BW doesnt want them to leave the game entirely because that = no money. Solution? Let bad players leave to keep their selfish desires motivated to play longer. Penalties for bad players = lost revenue. Thats the bottom line I'm afraid.


Remember that BW would rather have you create a legacy of alts and keep playing their awesome single player story forever than fix endgame pvp and pve.

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A number of posters are looking at this problem from the wrong angle. BW will never try to improve the game for players that are good. They do not need to, since they have you're money. Good players dont leave warzones and BW knows that.


Leavers are bad players, always, since they purchased an MMO but choose to disregard the team-based aspects of the genre. Win or lose, MMOs are about playing with a team and with your friends. Leavers likely queue solo and have few RL friends playing with them. Premades seldom leave, in my experience anyway.


BW wants money, and the good players are having fun so they keep paying. Bad players leave warzones for any number of reasons, but BW doesnt want them to leave the game entirely because that = no money. Solution? Let bad players leave to keep their selfish desires motivated to play longer. Penalties for bad players = lost revenue. Thats the bottom line I'm afraid.


Remember that BW would rather have you create a legacy of alts and keep playing their awesome single player story forever than fix endgame pvp and pve.

Which is worse for a team, someone who leaves and has his place replaced by someone else, or a player that completely ignores team objectives and just tries to get kills? Someone who leaves, or someone who joins and just goes AFK the whole match? Which is more selfish?


People like you have no idea what you're talking about. You talk about how horrible and selfish players are for leaving when half the time, the very reason they leave is the selfish players on their team that don't even try to help the team. You are a hypocrite.

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Which is worse for a team, someone who leaves and has his place replaced by someone else, or a player that completely ignores team objectives and just tries to get kills? Someone who leaves, or someone who joins and just goes AFK the whole match? Which is more selfish?


People like you have no idea what you're talking about. You talk about how horrible and selfish players are for leaving when half the time, the very reason they leave is the selfish players on their team that don't even try to help the team. You are a hypocrite.


In your first case, the leaver is worse than the killbot, since the time lost looking for a player then loading that player into the match equates to the other team getting a two-min or more power play of 7v8 or 6v8 depending on how many players hop on the leaver bus. It's really hard to come back with replacements when a)most good players have joining mid-game turned off and b) team morale is zero on your side and very high on the enemy team. That's if you dont get shut-down for lack of players first. Which is worse for the team - someone who shows up and plays poorly or someone who shows up and gives up, disqualifying your whole team?


Going AFK is just as selfish as leaving and is practically the same thing. Both the AFKer and the leaver put your team down a player with little chance of recovery.


And you must be assuming I'm not a team player to call me a hypocrite. I never leave matches or go afk because as a PVP tank (50 jugg and 50 PT) my role is to support my team with taunts and gaurd and stuns etc. Leaving my team behind is unbecoming of my class and my self-esteem. Tell me, would it feel good up and leaving an 8-man raid because your guildies were playing badly and you just didn't want to tank another wipe? Would you feel better if they were strangers? What if you were the only healer/tank on the fleet?


Leaving is selfish - you cannot argue that you are leaving a match for the good of the team, unless you are admitting you were the problem in the first place.

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Which is worse for a team, someone who leaves and has his place replaced by someone else, or a player that completely ignores team objectives and just tries to get kills? Someone who leaves, or someone who joins and just goes AFK the whole match? Which is more selfish?


People like you have no idea what you're talking about. You talk about how horrible and selfish players are for leaving when half the time, the very reason they leave is the selfish players on their team that don't even try to help the team. You are a hypocrite.


"someone who leaves and has his place replaced by someone else" is extremely selfish and inconsiderate.


"player that completely ignores team objectives and just tries to get kills? This is just not a good player but he probably doesnt hurt the team that badly.


"someone who joins and just goes AFK the whole match" This is beyond selfish, it's disgusting behavior deserving a ban.


The amount of people leaving is out of control in every match (up or down) that goes 2-0 (or likewise scenario in other games) we believe that people who just blame others have no idea what they are talking about and just cant deal with losing. I have had bad players on teams when I was winning and no one quits. People quit because they are losing.


No one believes you, when you say that, within 5 minutes of a match you have determined what all seven of your teammates objectives and skill levels are. I think you need to be honest with yourself when you quit.


Have you ever quit a game you were up in the score even though your team was medal farming, oryou were up in score when the opposition was medal farming and that caused them to lose? No, that would be silly. So why do you leave when people medal farm and you are losing? Because..........it's selfish and you want wins and not loses.

Edited by richardya
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"someone who leaves and has his place replaced by someone else" is extremely selfish and inconsiderate.


"player that completely ignores team objectives and just tries to get kills? This is just not a good player but he probably doesnt hurt the team that badly.


"someone who joins and just goes AFK the whole match" This is beyond selfish, it's disgusting behavior deserving a ban.


The amount of people leaving is out of control in every match (up or down) that goes 2-0 (or likewise scenario in other games) we believe that people who just blame others have no idea what they are talking about and just cant deal with losing. I have had bad players on teams when I was winning and no one quits. People quit because they are losing.


No one believes you, when you say that, within 5 minutes of a match you have determined what all seven of your teammates objectives and skill levels are. I think you need to be honest with yourself when you quit.


Have you ever quit a game you were up in the score even though your team was medal farming, oryou were up in score when the opposition was medal farming and that caused them to lose? No, that would be silly. So why do you leave when people medal farm and you are losing? Because..........it's selfish and you want wins and not loses.

Completely and utterly wrong. A player just farming for medals does not help the team at all. It's worse than a player leaving and getting replaced by someone else. It is also just as selfish, if not moreso.


If we're up and just farming medals, why not? Usually it's because we've already had it won because people weren't selfish and actually tried to help the team. You're saying I should "take one for the team" and stick it out, even if the rest of the team is completely selfish by not caring about team objectives? Complete BS. If a team is that selfish, then I get the right to be selfish as well by leaving. Enough of this double standard crap.


I've been on each side of the spectrum, btw, and I don't care one way or another so quit your presumptions. I don't care if I join a losing team, it means I only have to play half a match for commendations and valor. I don't care if someone leaves a losing match, because 9 times out of ten they will be replaced within the next 30 seconds. What I DO mind is pretty much playing a whole match down multiple people because of AFKers or people that do nothing to help the team and just try to duel the other team.

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I don't like hutball one bit. I normally stay in it with people if the game has already started or bail out at the very start before the doors are open. I think its the dumbest warzone in swtor. I dont wanna chase a ball, I just wanna kill stuff. Now if its civil war or voidstar I am in it till the end reguardless of winning or losing. Thats just me though. I will do all I can do to help my team with its objective. Edited by RenegadePlayer
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Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.





Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.

Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.

Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available.

Valor gained from Warzones has been increased.

Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match.

Increased the Warzone AFK timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.







Ill just leave this here

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If we're up and just farming medals, why not? Usually it's because we've already had it won because people weren't selfish and actually tried to help the team. You're saying I should "take one for the team" and stick it out, even if the rest of the team is completely selfish by not caring about team objectives?


#1 Your behavior is a reason other quitters quit, they say they quit because they don't like being farmed. It's hard to keep track of the hundreds of reasons you quitters quit. But you are convinced your reasons are acceptable reasons to quit and there reasons are not.


#2 You missed my point that you quit because you are losing not because people on your team are not focusing on objectives.


A) Scenario 1 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is winning and hulkweazel stays

B) Scenario 2 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is losing and hulkweazel leaves


If the above two scenarios and reactions are accurate then you are quitting because you are losing and not because people don't focus on objectives.

Edited by richardya
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#1 Your behavior is a reason other quitters quit, they say they quit because they don't like being farmed. It's hard to keep track of the hundreds of reasons you quitters quit. But you are convinced your reasons are acceptable reasons to quit and there reasons are not.


#2 You missed my point that you quit because you are losing not because people on your team are not focusing on objectives.


A) Scenario 1 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is winning and hulkweazel stays

B) Scenario 2 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is losing and hulkweazel leaves


If the above two scenarios and reactions are accurate then you are quitting because you are losing and not because people don't focus on objectives.

That's funny. I've stayed in many games in which my team had no chance of winning. Just today I stayed a full match in which we started 6 against 8 with one of them being afk (Essentially playing 5 against 8). So much for your presumptions.


The object is to win. If we're winning and have the match in the bag already, who gives a crap if we're farming for medals? What else are we supposed to do? Run up the score? Apparently that's what you think we should be doing.


Stop holding double standards. If you want to call people leaving early as selfish, then you also need to call out people that don't even try to win and/or go afk. Because I'd say more than half the time, they ARE the reason people leave early.

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Not going to lie, if I join a WZ and see people with 11-12k hp I leave...


There is no sense getting frustrated losing in a huge way, and since I've done so much pvp I know that if you're rolling in level 40ish greens and no cent/champ gear you won't do jack **** to help. My server has low enough population that I start to remember names, seeing a pure dps class with under 11 total kills, 15+ deaths and less than 150k dmg is absolutely worthless.


I'm not a charity, getting my *** kicked for 10 minutes with no chance to advance my long dailies are a waste of time.


Solo queuing WZ daily for 3 wins can take a long time and if my time is limited then i'm not bothering sitting through pain knowing I won't win.

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That's funny. I've stayed in many games in which my team had no chance of winning. Just today I stayed a full match in which we started 6 against 8 with one of them being afk (Essentially playing 5 against 8). So much for your presumptions.


The object is to win. If we're winning and have the match in the bag already, who gives a crap if we're farming for medals? What else are we supposed to do? Run up the score? Apparently that's what you think we should be doing.


Stop holding double standards. If you want to call people leaving early as selfish, then you also need to call out people that don't even try to win and/or go afk. Because I'd say more than half the time, they ARE the reason people leave early.


People leave warzones because they are going to lose. Whatever reason they decided warranted them leaving, it involves them losing.


The objective is to win, but the way that is done is through teamwork. Lil snowflakes can't be bothered with that. when they do nothing to draw the team together, they are very happy to point out how bad everyone is, so they can vindicate themselves in their own minds. They throw out insults, throw tantrums, blame everyone else, and then click the leave button.


There is validity in continuing to play even though you lose. Of course, the game gives you credits, valor, and commendations if you win or lose, so there is that. If you are working on building your gear and valor, it shouldn't matter to you. And you may even learn something. For every winner there has to be a loser. It's the dynamic of duality.


... so it's not that, is it. It's because the general MMO public does not have the fortitude to play as a losing team, because they only want to win win win win win win win. Sigh. It is certainly a sad commentary.

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Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.





Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.

Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.

Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available.

Valor gained from Warzones has been increased.

Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match.

Increased the Warzone AFK timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.







Ill just leave this here



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People leave warzones because they are going to lose. Whatever reason they decided warranted them leaving, it involves them losing.


The objective is to win, but the way that is done is through teamwork. Lil snowflakes can't be bothered with that. when they do nothing to draw the team together, they are very happy to point out how bad everyone is, so they can vindicate themselves in their own minds. They throw out insults, throw tantrums, blame everyone else, and then click the leave button.


There is validity in continuing to play even though you lose. Of course, the game gives you credits, valor, and commendations if you win or lose, so there is that. If you are working on building your gear and valor, it shouldn't matter to you. And you may even learn something. For every winner there has to be a loser. It's the dynamic of duality.


... so it's not that, is it. It's because the general MMO public does not have the fortitude to play as a losing team, because they only want to win win win win win win win. Sigh. It is certainly a sad commentary.

...you do realize that until the new PvP changes take place, Bioware only enforced people leaving because of the huge difference of awards from winning and losing, right?


If you win, you complete daily and get more commendations and valor. If you lose, you don't complete daily and get less commendations and valor. So why in the world would anyone stay especially if the team sucks?


In one Alderaan match I played, we agreed to take sides. I went snow. All. Seven. Other. Players. Went. grass. Opponents promply took mid and snow. This is just one example, there are many more of people completely ignoring instructions that the ops leader or someone else gives about attacking one side or whatever.


This is selfish behavior. I have yet to see anyone answer me this - if these players are being selfish by completely ignoring any semblance of tactics and/or going afk why the heck should I take one for the team and stick around? Because clearly there is no team there in the first place.


And if you guys are presuming stuff about me, then let me presume stuff about you guys whining about quitters - you guys are probably the selfish guys that ignore team objectives just looking to farm medals and are just mad that you can't do so efficiently when people leave.

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That's funny. I've stayed in many games in which my team had no chance of winning. Just today I stayed a full match in which we started 6 against 8 with one of them being afk (Essentially playing 5 against 8). So much for your presumptions.
Welcome to the world that I and my fellow emotionally mature people live in. Thanks for visiting. We do that every match we are down in, can you imagine? Did you feel a feeling inside, dignity? respect? pride? Sometimes I even /say GG to the opposition.


The object is to win. If we're winning and have the match in the bag already, who gives a crap if we're farming for medals? What else are we supposed to do? Run up the score? Apparently that's what you think we should be doing.

Your fellow quitters, take it up with them. They think you should play for the objective and not farm them. I am just telling you that your fellow quitters use that as an excuse for them to quit. I lump all of you in the same boat because I have never quit a match and you all sound the same to me. One guy quits because he cant pick a WZ, another because his teammates are bad, another because there are bugs, another because of Biowares quest system, another hates premades, another hates BM gear etc etc etc


Stop holding double standards. If you want to call people leaving early as selfish, then you also need to call out people that don't even try to win and/or go afk. Because I'd say more than half the time, they ARE the reason people leave early.


If they were the reason you quit then.....


Scenario 1 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is winning and hulkweazel stays

Scenario 2 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is losing and hulkweazel leaves


......in scenario A you would quit, you dont quit scenario A because you are winning, you need to look athese two scenarios and your reactions to each. I think you are starting to grasp the error of your ways.


People who dont go after objectives are bad players, selfish? possibly, I don't know. If they are capable and knowledgable about the correct way to play and choose to farm medals then yes that is selfish. I dont quit on the rest of my team because I have a selfish player in my group, that is idiotic. Since player 1 and 2 is selfish I will be selfish and screw over the honest guys on my team and the guy stuck filling in for me. I mean, if Joe and John steal my lunch I don't steal Larry's lunch.


People who intentionally AFK are worse then quitters in my book, I report them when I see it which is not often at all.

Edited by richardya
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Fix the match maker so it matches teams up better.




Pug vs. pug

Premade vs. premade

BM geared vs. BM geared

newer 50s against newer 50s



Whoa people stopped leaving without needing A debuff that punishes disconnects and pug players, well done!

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Fix the match maker so it matches teams up better.




Pug vs. pug

Premade vs. premade

BM geared vs. BM geared

newer 50s against newer 50s



Whoa people stopped leaving without needing A debuff that punishes disconnects and pug players, well done!


Especially since the wait will go up to 2 hours to get these perfect matches people require. Not to mention you need to then multiply it by three because some quitters quit based on specific WZ's and won't play one of the maps.

Edited by richardya
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