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Everything posted by Reginlief

  1. from what I understand print screen hacking is still alive and well. I try my best to catch it when possible and report it ASAP
  2. I'm on your side m8, agreeing with u that pot5 teams suck and bastion is #1
  3. I don't understand how this is a troll thread... I'm 20-4 in solo ranked with this spec
  4. Donna #1 merc/commando healer world better than skillx and evillroy <3 <3 <3
  5. best way to balance pvp in this game nerf rage, buff focus nerf lethality, buff dirty fighting nerf madness, buff balance ETC
  6. Reginlief

    Scripts in PVP?

    are u sure? ok I will make sure I report anyone who seems to be abusing this. like those people who teleport in huttball while I lag
  7. Reginlief

    Scripts in PVP?

    I remember at one point a bunch of ****** players were accusing others of use "print screen hacks", not sure if they thought it was a script or something else but I think it was just a bunch if crap.
  8. This is not world of warcraft sir, they are warzones not "battle grounds"
  9. tl;dr stack dps or go home noobs
  10. Vigilance has always been bad and will always be bad, just play tank or reroll to a real DPS class
  11. Sith is just way cooler, plus over time you find out that the Jedi suck at PvP so play Sith so you can farm them all dayyyy
  12. I don't make excuses claiming that DPS doesn't matter if u out-dps me, instead I enter a mode of self loathing and cut myself and uninstall the game
  13. There is no real way to save the TORtanic. Even if they make a change to the PvP system as you suggest it will only be a matter of time before it goes through the same process of weeding out the bad teams and drying up until it's a dead game.
  14. Just don't get yourself into a situation where you're out in the open and vulnerable to a double stun + gang bang. It's not hard
  15. The only people saying that DPS doesn't matter are the window lickers that click more than half of their abilities and think that capping a node takes skill. Top damage or go the **** home scrubs.
  16. The FEELS! I will never forget running around ****** kids with you, going to grass every civil war and lolrailshotravaging whoever was there. Dueling on Korriban. Much fun, such memories But I still can't understand why you stayed on Shadowlands. It's a **** PvE server with **** players. If you like to PvP in this game you should play on a PvP server.
  17. The bar has been set pretty high here, as are my expectations for what they do with housing in SWTOR. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/248/d/1/runescape_house_party_by_kogafromhell-d2y2snf.png FREE UGLYMRJ!!!
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