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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are there any plans to add more options to the flytext? I'm asking mainly about the damage done to enemies where its shows up on the top of them and you can only see it on really tall enemies (like bosses) if you position your camera a certain way. Any plans to add an option for it to show on the left and right of your character like many great scrolling combat text addons in other games have done?
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Much was said about Ilum, and yes for me it's poor map and it could be much more cool as i posted once about how i think ilum should be.


But everybody's attention on Ilum and Outlaw's den has been forgotten.

Are you working in some change to make people play there?


Outlaw den

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Hello I would like to ask bioware pvp developers if they are planning to revamp medals system for healers in warzones? I play sorcerer and with dps spec I can easily obtain 9-11 medals per warzone while when I play healer (which I prefer for my playstyle I like to keep people alive) I can obtain only 5 medals and if I am lucky 6-7 medals. As a healer I cant dps in hard pvp fights because my team could die really fast so its not my role to do dps for more medals.
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Do you plan to implement (armor) dyes and wardrobe slots at some point?


And yes, I do realize that

a) you've got a system in the works that somehow matches the colors of your different armor parts to each other, and

b) that with moddable orange armor, and with medium and heavy armor versions of social outfits already announced, the necessity for wardrobe slots isn't as great as in most other MMOs.


However, choice is always good, and I'm sure most RPers would like a quick and convenient way to switch between outfits without having their inventory full of various armor bits.

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The major question relates to Ilum itself, with multiple sub questions.


1) Will we see game performance improvements on Ilum in the near future to help the fps drop from 50+ players on the screen casting aoe's, and will we see performance increases server side to eliminate latency caused by capturing a control point while 50+ enemies are on the screen? If so, what ballpark update do you estimate to start seeing improvements roll out?


2) Will we see a general improvement in ilum at all such that one faction is not punished to hole up in their base while the other faction with greater numbers sits outside the walls? I'm fully aware we can speeder away and move to another location (usually center to kill off the arms collectors), but sooner or later that catches the eye of the other factions zerg and doesn't end up accomplishing much. What plans do you have to better balance this entire zone, and when will we see improvements (which update roughly)?


3) Will we see any further benefit to capturing and holding control points, rather than a slight valor buff increase? Currently I'd argue that there's almost no reason to capture control points and defend / keep them other than to attempt to bring the other faction's zerg somewhere else. Time invested into dragging a zerg away is not made up in the amount of kills you would get for capturing and holding a control point.

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I also am curious about the plans to help healers out in warzones, I hate how unless we can afford it or I shirk my healer duties I can't get as many medals as a DPS. Nothing like seeing a DPS doing 100k dmg and getting the same amount of medals as you healing almost 600k.


Maybe every DPS/Tank healed will copy 5% of their damage/protection to the healer's total?


PS: Thank you for making another AoE healer besides Sorcs/Sages with the change to Kolto Missile!

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I would like to know some upcoming stuff about companions / romance stories ... .

As I'm married to Jaessa and have her on full affection, nothing just really happens. Even the marriage thing was just : oké were married, thx!

A bit more conversations, options to connect with your companion would be nice, for example : asking their opinion on something, or asking them some questions, or just telling how much you love them :D

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Have Bioware considered lowering the Global Cool Down time (GCD) on abilities from the current 1.5seconds?. 1.5 seconds is too slow for the faster paced PvP and removes the fluidity of combat. Reducing the GCD down to 1 second would make the User Interface feel much snappier and more responsive.
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Are you going to fix (remove or make toggleable) camera movement smoothing and auto-cetner-behind? A lot of dedicated players hate any mouse movement smoothing and auto-center-back simply disables us from looking freely around while traveling. Those both features alsodisencourage players to have eyes around their heads cause its huge discomfort. Those 2 features also removes the full controll over camera and its uncomfortable and might be very frustrating.
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Could you (the Bioware developers) offer further comment about the future addition of same-sex relationships? I don't expect a firm timeline, but perhaps just a few rough ideas about how you might implement those relationships? Thanks for your time.
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Will Podracing will be introduced somewhere in the future? As in future I don't necessarily mean the upcoming big patch but somewhere at the end of this year/beginning of next year.


Spacebattles are pretty fun and it has opened the way for SWTOR to be more then 'just an mmorpg' and maybe focus on other aspects of gaming, making it more then an mmorpg.


Podracing would be cool to have on planet's like Tatooine and Hutta (and Malastre if that one is ever comming). The Hutt's have a pretty big role in a few Class Quests and have always been associated with podracing. It would open ways to have tournaments and have people bet on the outcome of races, making a second 'underground' market and even introduce cart games like Pazaak next to the Galactic Market!


Since we're talking about podracing, you could also discuss the oppurtunity of having swoop-races on planets like Nar Shaddaa! Swoops have been introduced already in a few quests that hover around swoop-gangs and on my empire character I even got to ride one. Swoop-racing is already an official sport in the Star Wars galaxy and has been here for thousands of years.


Summing it all up you could have tournaments in swoop-racing ánd podracing, people betting on both, underground market and a diversity of gameplay in SWTOR. It would also make planets like Nar Shaddaa, Hutta and Tatooine more attractive for high level players to come back to!

Edited by gEddeh
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You mentioned that you will have events in the game which will offer special rewards for us players. I wonder if those rewards will only be for the character we gain them with or if it will be linked to all Legacy characters? And can any character at any level gain the rewards?
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