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ILUM 1 day of fun 6 days of pure frustration(imperial pov)


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Why can't they implement DYNAMIC EVENT BATTLES/INVASIONS on Ilum?

This would solve quite a bit and make it fun for either side.



Then they have like REAL boss droids and boss AT-ATs coming at the Imperial base, etc that need to be defeated. Along with tons of smaller elite troops.


For me that would be a blast.


Because they would have to design better.

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In agreement with the OP, plus many other comments already made. There is simply no good resolution that can be implemented by the players. However it is also hard to imagine a programing solution either.


Imbalance is the biggest issue with too few Rep/Sith to really make an impact.


This is certainly not the end game content I had in mind for SWTOR PvP. It is broken by design no matter how you cut it. Close Illum until something better comes along. In the meantime, extend daily/weekly kills to open world PvP. Setting up large scale faction warfare in the Dune Sea or the Frozen wastelands of Hoth would be cool.

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Let me start out by saying, yes im imperial and yes there is a faction imbalance on my server. I love pvp, but it seems that the only enjoyable time i have on ilum is Tuesday when the weeklies reset. Every Tuesday there are always good fights on both sides. However, the 6 days that follow are ZOMG zergfest outside the republic base. I can only imagine how much this blows for pub players. Usually their are a few players with some intelligence in whatever ops group i am in begging everyone else to stop ganking the base to allow the chance to come out and give it the ole collage try.


For the most part i just stand behind the hill sitting down waiting for everyone to back up in the hopes of some action(pulling a character and getting one kill every 10 minutes doesnt do it for me). Sometimes they listen and will start to back up, when this happens everyone gets an instant chub and chases them back in the base at the first sight of them coming out. I am not sure why this is so hard to understand, and i realize im probably gonna take it from republic players in this thread but this is just my opinion of a broken system and i refuse to join in on base zerging.


Sucks to be you then.

On my server imps outnumber us on Ilum like everywhere else.

But then come 20.00 hour. And until 21.00 imps tend to bail out of the zone with tails between their legs. Why? A single organized repub ops(my guild herp derp) farms them without mercy with the assistance of randoms who listen to us quite often.

Imps literally have no chance at all, regardless of their number and are lured out, then farmed all the way back to their spawn point for an hour. Basilisc droid EU server.

Edited by Lerdoc
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I really hope that on most servers Imperials get shafted big time on Illum.

All I can say is Reps should stay far away from Illum.

No point getting farmed by terribads who just enjoy much bigger numbers.


i am getting shafted now i want equality as bad as pubs but with the imbalance means more players, more players mean more idiots which=base zerging.

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Let me get this straight, your faction farms the other faction in which you greatly outnumber at their starting point, they only come for the daily/weekly, they get stomped finish what they need to do, and leave. The dont come back for the rest of the week, because as you admit, it just must not be fun for them at all. And you want us to feel bad for you that they dont want to get farmed by your overpopulated side the rest of the week?


I understand what you're saying in your post, but come on man, you jumped on the overpopulated bandwagon like so many others. And trying to affect change isnt going to do anything. I'm having a real hard time giving a crap at the poor plight you seem to be suffering.

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I managed to form a seperate group today and get them to run around taking assult points and picking off small groups of imps. Was fun for about an hour, then the group got too big and planted itself somewhere near a spawn point again.


Again, when you can simply trade kills, theres no point to ilum.

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Let me get this straight, your faction farms the other faction in which you greatly outnumber at their starting point, they only come for the daily/weekly, they get stomped finish what they need to do, and leave. The dont come back for the rest of the week, because as you admit, it just must not be fun for them at all. And you want us to feel bad for you that they dont want to get farmed by your overpopulated side the rest of the week?


I understand what you're saying in your post, but come on man, you jumped on the overpopulated bandwagon like so many others. And trying to affect change isnt going to do anything. I'm having a real hard time giving a crap at the poor plight you seem to be suffering.


well for starters i had no idea how imbalanced the imperial side was going to be as beta never worked on my computer, also i was imperial in swg and wanted to be in this game. I dont want you to feel bad at all, im just frustrated that the imperials dont even give you guys a chance to do anything most of the time by sitting at your base. How hard is this to understand, i know every republic is bitter towards this. Im saying this one more time this is one persons perspective of ilum, everyone has different experiences on this subject and this is mine. Soon i hope to be 50 on my republic character so i can join in on the fun.

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The problem with Illum is the Republic. They are cowards. And they're lazy. Instead of coming out to PVP, they sit in their base and pull people in and let the turret do all the killing for them. They rolled on a PVP server just to say "I rolled on a PVP server" and yet don't bother to come out to PVP.


I'm sure they'll complain about how unbalanced the population is and how if they come out of their base, they'll be overrun but it's just an excuse. Two days ago, they outnumbered imperials 3:1 and they still would not come more than 20 ft from their base. They don't even have to walk out of their base. There is a speeder with travel routes directly out of their base and yet most of them never use it. If half of them even bothered to come out to PVP, they would have enough people to form a group with and fight back. So why do they choose not to come out? There's no penalty for dying. They don't come out because it's easier to sit in their base next to the respawn.


Too many people at your front door? Group up, use the speeder, find and gank smaller groups but keep mobile. Don't gank a group and sit there until every imperial makes a bee-line to your location. Use the speeder again and hit another point. Rinse/repeat.


And to BW: I know it'll be heartbreaking to you and will require you to break out of your "story-based" rpg mentality but the solution to any population imbalance is quite simple. In fact, you already have it implemented in-game on another world: Tatooine. Make all OWPVP areas FFA. Remove the faction requirement and open it up to allow guild vs guild same faction PVP. You can make it even more interesting by allowing alliances between guilds and/or implementing war declarations.


Take out the turrets at the bases. They're not needed. Put up a simple invisible wall just like class-instanced areas that only one faction can pass through. Make sure players are out of combat before being allowed to pass through it and into their base.


Stop the valor kill-timer tweaks. Every kill should count every single time. Even if it's the same person being killed over and over. Give valor for PVP in all OWPVP areas. If you want to divvy up the valor to everyone who had a hand in the kill, then that's fine. Divvy it up to the whole party or ops group but scale it accordingly.


And strip Illum bare to help with performance. We don't need a 30 ft tall walker animation to add to the poor performance of the area. Take all the walkers out, they're not needed. We don't need the fancy bombardment animation when a faction controls all of Illum, remove it. We don't need the slow updating quest tracker about point switching either. Set up simple capture points where the requirements to "capture" them are simply to stand in close proximity to it for a certain amount of time. If you want to call it CTF then fine, add a flag to show control. And add more of them. Give valor for capturing, defending, and attacking said points. The only notice of a capture change should be "such and such point is now [faction] controlled" and then update the player's map accordingly.


Then add more respawn areas. Put one-shot turrets around them. Make sure getting one-shot by turrets gives zero valor to either side even if said victim had only 1 health left. Give the one-shot turrets in the respawn areas a 40m range and put a speeder point in them. That way players can move to another location instead of walking right back into another gank. You want to make it more interesting? Give capture points their own respawn area close by once captured. That way if players die defending it, they can come back to reinforce it sooner.


Remove the "name" spotted at this point notice. It's the players' job to scout PVP areas; we don't need you giving away our position to the opposite side.


If you want to get even more creative. Set up a "base" objective. Allow FFA PVP for control of this objective. Give valor and/or some other incentive for controlling this objective.


Feel free to get angry about any of the above. It's just my own personal opinion about what I've found to be fun in PVP aspects of other games. Perhaps you'll be upset enough to come out and PVP some of that frustration out. If that's the case then all the better.

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The problem with Illum is the Republic. They are cowards. And they're lazy. Instead of coming out to PVP, they sit in their base and pull people in and let the turret do all the killing for them. They rolled on a PVP server just to say "I rolled on a PVP server" and yet don't bother to come out to PVP.


I'm sure they'll complain about how unbalanced the population is and how if they come out of their base, they'll be overrun but it's just an excuse. Two days ago, they outnumbered imperials 3:1 and they still would not come more than 20 ft from their base. They don't even have to walk out of their base. There is a speeder with travel routes directly out of their base and yet most of them never use it. If half of them even bothered to come out to PVP, they would have enough people to form a group with and fight back. So why do they choose not to come out? There's no penalty for dying. They don't come out because it's easier to sit in their base next to the respawn.


Too many people at your front door? Group up, use the speeder, find and gank smaller groups but keep mobile. Don't gank a group and sit there until every imperial makes a bee-line to your location. Use the speeder again and hit another point. Rinse/repeat.


And to BW: I know it'll be heartbreaking to you and will require you to break out of your "story-based" rpg mentality but the solution to any population imbalance is quite simple. In fact, you already have it implemented in-game on another world: Tatooine. Make all OWPVP areas FFA. Remove the faction requirement and open it up to allow guild vs guild same faction PVP. You can make it even more interesting by allowing alliances between guilds and/or implementing war declarations.


Take out the turrets at the bases. They're not needed. Put up a simple invisible wall just like class-instanced areas that only one faction can pass through. Make sure players are out of combat before being allowed to pass through it and into their base.


Stop the valor kill-timer tweaks. Every kill should count every single time. Even if it's the same person being killed over and over. Give valor for PVP in all OWPVP areas. If you want to divvy up the valor to everyone who had a hand in the kill, then that's fine. Divvy it up to the whole party or ops group but scale it accordingly.


And strip Illum bare to help with performance. We don't need a 30 ft tall walker animation to add to the poor performance of the area. Take all the walkers out, they're not needed. We don't need the fancy bombardment animation when a faction controls all of Illum, remove it. We don't need the slow updating quest tracker about point switching either. Set up simple capture points where the requirements to "capture" them are simply to stand in close proximity to it for a certain amount of time. If you want to call it CTF then fine, add a flag to show control. And add more of them. Give valor for capturing, defending, and attacking said points. The only notice of a capture change should be "such and such point is now [faction] controlled" and then update the player's map accordingly.


Then add more respawn areas. Put one-shot turrets around them. Make sure getting one-shot by turrets gives zero valor to either side even if said victim had only 1 health left. Give the one-shot turrets in the respawn areas a 40m range and put a speeder point in them. That way players can move to another location instead of walking right back into another gank. You want to make it more interesting? Give capture points their own respawn area close by once captured. That way if players die defending it, they can come back to reinforce it sooner.


Remove the "name" spotted at this point notice. It's the players' job to scout PVP areas; we don't need you giving away our position to the opposite side.


If you want to get even more creative. Set up a "base" objective. Allow FFA PVP for control of this objective. Give valor and/or some other incentive for controlling this objective.


Feel free to get angry about any of the above. It's just my own personal opinion about what I've found to be fun in PVP aspects of other games. Perhaps you'll be upset enough to come out and PVP some of that frustration out. If that's the case then all the better.




The problem is : it isn't FACTION CAPPED so you wouldn't outnumber reps 3:1 at least.


Anything else about cowards, rats, or whatever, is just being delusional.


The moment you decided to roll into the overpopulated faction, you became part of the problem. And i would add also a moron, because while you are getting free 180+20 valor kills by farming at the base, we are stucked on 50+20 or 110+20 when we manage to get enough people (which means a 1rep per 2 imps on ToFN) to kick you out of our base.

Edited by Keldaur
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As a republic player that makes no qualms about using the rebpubic base, all I have to say is


Too freaking bad.


I for one am not going to "give it the college try" whne it is 3 or 4 imp to every republic. Anyone that thinks that is a productive endeavor is a moron.


You want kills and you want to have those odds, then you can come take your chances at the republic base.


Otherwise have fun waiting for crates to spawn.


Don't like it, then re-roll Republic if you want a real PVP challenge.


Agreed. We're camped without mercy. At one point, when we got a small push today, when we fell for their trap, the Imps instantly pushed back with at least 5:1 odds. They just couldn't wait for their kills :rolleyes:


So the smartest tactic, until the odds even up at bit sometimes, is to fight from the base.:(

Edited by Calista_ZK
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I had some fun all weekend running Ilum on Republic. We simply form small groups and stay mobile, annoyings imps by taking their base unattended assault points, and picking off solos and small groups.


Eventually, the sheep return to 'stand in one place and zerg vs zerg' but its fun for a while and easy to finish dailys. Unfortunatley, its still the same fight every day, no real excitement.

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I'd take anything over the KillTrading going on in our server. Search forums for kill trading....I put up a post about it. I won't bore you with the details, but bottom line, they should shut it down entirely until all the issues are addressed.
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I'd take anything over the KillTrading going on in our server. Search forums for kill trading....I put up a post about it. I won't bore you with the details, but bottom line, they should shut it down entirely until all the issues are addressed.


yeah im glad i have yet to see kill trading on my server thank god. Thats rock bottom, and if they shut down ilum completely i would not shed a tear over it.

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yeah im glad i have yet to see kill trading on my server thank god. Thats rock bottom, and if they shut down ilum completely i would not shed a tear over it.


This is an actual guild web page that states its opinion on the front page of their website!


"It seems in every game there are those who like to tell others how to play and what you need to do. On the friendly level it might be something helpful like tweaking a spec or modifying rotation to help a player become more effective. On the heavy handed negative side there are players who try to enforce the rules as they interpret them without due regard to the fact that we all pay our own subscription fees, and no one player's fifteen dollars is worth more than anothers. Lately there have been instances where players have taken it upon themselves to try to police Illum and prevent kill-trading. Personally, I don't have a problem with trading. If a player wants to spend their time trading deaths with another player go for it. It is not currently listed as an exploit by Bioware and does not seem to violate the EULA in any way. In fact, it could be ruled in the same way Bioware answered a question about dancing and running around warzones without actually trying to accomplish objectives, the player is at their keyboard playing, just not the same as everyone else. Even though the player is chosing not to engage in passing the huttball, or killing enemy players, they are still playing in the match. Now, it does suck when this happens, but technically they are not doing anything wrong. Illum as a PVP zone is FUBAR, Bioware admits that the current design is flawed and continues to address the problem. The funny thing about kill trading is that the players are in fact still engaged in PVP, though more along the lines of a turn based game. Are players fighting players? yes. Are players being killed? Yes. Sounds like PVP, they are just taking turns playing vice acting simultaneously. All of that being said, I encourage our AT members to play as you like. If you enjoy it, then do it. I would ask though that we do not join the players who have decided to be the no-fun police and answer with anything which would bring discredit to the guild. Tools will be tools, and the server knows where the tools are currently kept."


This quoted from Aeternis Tenebris' website. The front page! Mind blowing they even bother playing an MMO with this type of mentality! No team or community feeling, just do what is best for you. I left this guild for several issues, but their lack of team atmosphere was the main. That being said, the general attitude on the server is starting to turn. If BioWare shuts things down, fixes it, we may be rocking! This kill trading is actually weeding out some of the selfish players, or at least that's my hope at the end of the day!

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Ilum is the best example of "Defective by Design". The map design is wrong, how the rewards are giving is wrong... I don't think they did anything correct in Ilum. It is just... wrong.


I think the devs expect Ilum to act like a Team Fortress 2 without a clear objective like TF2.


We just end our daily/week and get out as fast as we can. It will bore the hell out of anyone and soon a lot of people will start unsub due to lack of what to do.


There is already a discussion about it and the solution some players are doing is to start an alt char. Not a REAL solution because you are giving up doing any real PvP to rolling into a PvE content.

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This is an actual guild web page that states its opinion on the front page of their website!


"It seems in every game there are those who like to tell others how to play and what you need to do. On the friendly level it might be something helpful like tweaking a spec or modifying rotation to help a player become more effective. On the heavy handed negative side there are players who try to enforce the rules as they interpret them without due regard to the fact that we all pay our own subscription fees, and no one player's fifteen dollars is worth more than anothers. Lately there have been instances where players have taken it upon themselves to try to police Illum and prevent kill-trading. Personally, I don't have a problem with trading. If a player wants to spend their time trading deaths with another player go for it. It is not currently listed as an exploit by Bioware and does not seem to violate the EULA in any way. In fact, it could be ruled in the same way Bioware answered a question about dancing and running around warzones without actually trying to accomplish objectives, the player is at their keyboard playing, just not the same as everyone else. Even though the player is chosing not to engage in passing the huttball, or killing enemy players, they are still playing in the match. Now, it does suck when this happens, but technically they are not doing anything wrong. Illum as a PVP zone is FUBAR, Bioware admits that the current design is flawed and continues to address the problem. The funny thing about kill trading is that the players are in fact still engaged in PVP, though more along the lines of a turn based game. Are players fighting players? yes. Are players being killed? Yes. Sounds like PVP, they are just taking turns playing vice acting simultaneously. All of that being said, I encourage our AT members to play as you like. If you enjoy it, then do it. I would ask though that we do not join the players who have decided to be the no-fun police and answer with anything which would bring discredit to the guild. Tools will be tools, and the server knows where the tools are currently kept."


This quoted from Aeternis Tenebris' website. The front page! Mind blowing they even bother playing an MMO with this type of mentality! No team or community feeling, just do what is best for you. I left this guild for several issues, but their lack of team atmosphere was the main. That being said, the general attitude on the server is starting to turn. If BioWare shuts things down, fixes it, we may be rocking! This kill trading is actually weeding out some of the selfish players, or at least that's my hope at the end of the day!


wow thats nuts. Kill trading doesnt make you a better player thankfully.

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We have good fights as the Republic every day in the evenings on my server, until it reaches a certain breaking point where they outnumber our forces SO badly, that we can no longer hold the turrents and leave Ilum.


I will say one thing that fustrates me about Ilum, I spent a good 5 hours with back and fourth fights last night, chasing them away, re-forming, getting 110valor+20, I went from valor 56 to valor 58, in 5 hours. FIVE HOURS. That`s like, 40 games average if I get 8 medals and lose every WZ, per level, so I just played 80 WZ games and won, in 5 hours.


I understand now why I see so many people with BM gear, and a problem with this game... this game is a grindfest, however there are so many undeserving Empire players with BM gear and oh my god, when you get valor like that it`s SO easy to level it. Unfortunately for the Republic, unless you`re controlling your base and you`re on your turrents which, for servers unlike mine that are not heavy populated... the republic have to hard grind WZs.


Very very sad, but I guess we know why everyone is empire and everyone goes to Ilum and everyone that Pvps still plays this game that isn`t the Republic, even through your bias WZ bugs and letting us get Ilum GY camped so we couldn`t even leave.

Edited by babiegirlla
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I rerolled rep after the daily needs kills change, and i must say i feel bad for imps now. They just stand outside the rep base and wait for us to show up and when we do my group gets about 6 kills to their 1 by double pulling them into our turret. I cant imagine how long it takes them to get 30 kills a day.


This weekend the reps were able to field a full op and we pushed them back to their base but they were dumb and stood on the catwalks up top and we just kept pulling them out. We also had a good standoff on one of the ice bridges by a rep spawn point for awhile before that.


My daily takes no more then an hour each day and i got my weekly(and 25k valor) done in an hour as well last Tuesday because the imps had about 60 people to our 30 and the mountable turret outside the rep base was working so we would just push to there and get about 15 kills at a time with the cannon lol.


TL;DR Sorry but its your choice to stay imp, i will continue to pull you into our base so the turret can oneshot you and i will continue to get my dailies and weeklies done in about an hour each.

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