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What Defines A "Casual" Player To You?


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In SWTOR's case, a casual is somebody who tells everybody complaining about PvP/lack-of-endgame-content to "stop complaining" or "just don't play if you don't like it."
That probably more describes someone who doesn't play well with others, casual or otherwise. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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CASUAL [kazh-oo-uhl] adjective: seeming or tending to be indifferent to what is happening. Not serious.



Might I ask why you chose this definition? Merriam-Webster lists 3 definitions for casual as an adjective. The first two being ...


1: subject to, resulting from, or occurring by chance <a casual meeting>

2: occurring without regularity : occasional <casual employment>


Myself, I feel #2 is more appropriate.

Like others here I consider myself a 'casual' gamer. I can, at best, usually get in the 8 - 10hrs a week of gaming simply due to RL commitments. I have known players on both sides, casual and hardcore, who make be go "wow, you're and idiot" as well as "dang, you are kicking arse!".

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In SWTOR's case, a casual is somebody who tells everybody complaining about PvP/lack-of-endgame-content to "stop complaining" or "just don't play if you don't like it."



So, if one were to utilize your logic, casual players are the fanboys who care nothing for improving the game and have absolutely ZERO complaints about pvp/lack of endgame content?


Conversely, those of you who actually know how to play and know what you are doing always have constructive comments for the forums that everyone should always listen to?


Just following your logic.

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Casual to me means playing 1 to 4 hours a day. Not rushing to max level. Having fun with alts as well. And just enjoying themselves at their own pace.


Most people that say they're casuals are imo not casual at all, but 'free play' gamers instead. As in, people that are very busy with real life, and only play an hour or less a day. They just play whenever they have a little free time for it.


There's also a group of people that say they're casuals, but are on the other side of the spectrum. I'm talking about the people that for instance in swtor, got to 50 in 2 weeks or less, and then said that 'as a casual' the levelling was too fast. People that play more than 4 hours a day, often 6+, yet still think that spending 1/4 or more of a day playing a game is casual.

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To me casual just means less time played and has no bearing on skill, intelligence, or anything else.


Example: I know many "casual" WoW players who are former top 20 raiders. They simply don't have the time to play like they used to anymore.


This is my interpretation.


Casual isn't a skill level, it's more of an indication of time available to play.

A casual player is one who plays under 12 hours a week.


The semi-casual (of which I'd classify myself) is one who can commit 12-24 hours a week.

A person who consistently plays 25+ hours a week is a hardcore player in my view.



As far as skill level we have 'bads', which is completely independent of casual or hardcore.

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So, if one were to utilize your logic, casual players are the fanboys who care nothing for improving the game and have absolutely ZERO complaints about pvp/lack of endgame content?


Conversely, those of you who actually know how to play and know what you are doing always have constructive comments for the forums that everyone should always listen to?


Just following your logic.

Yeah, pretty much that's the vibe I get from these forums spot on. Non-casuals say "this is broke, fix it please" about broken things, and the casuals say "I haven't experienced those problems yet but regardless, I disagree and you should not voice your opinion and preferably stop playing."


Glad to see you can follow my logic so easily. Because it's really not that hard to see.

Edited by Mhak
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Someone that uses it as an excuse for lack of player skill.


I wouldn't say necessarily a lack of player skill for many, but more a lack of care.


Let's say we're in a warzone together and we're both solo queuing.


Now, I am fully aware that I personally can do very little to win a match by myself. I'm going to need the other 7 players to at least be somewhat competent. If they're not, no matter how good I am I can't win it for them.


What does that mean to me? Well, it means that when I'm solo queuing, winning is no longer a concern for me.


I just don't care that much. I do my best to get the most medals I can, because it will increase my valor and commendations, but victory is nothing for me. This means I will occasionally do something really boneheaded, like break CC on a guy while someone is trying to cap the door in Voidstar... but it's not because I suck, it's because I have completely given up on winning while solo queuing.


On my Sniper, I COULD focus on their healers, OR I could pad my damage stats using frag grenade on large groups, even if the damage is just getting healed off them.


So again, sometimes we're not sucking, we just don't care.

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Yeah, pretty much that's the vibe I get from these forums spot on. Non-casuals say "this is broke, fix it please" about broken things, and the casuals say "I haven't experienced those problems yet but regardless, I disagree and you should not voice your opinion and preferably stop playing."


Glad to see you can follow my logic so easily. Because it's really not that hard to see.




The sarcasm is strong in this one.


I've seen the "oh shut up" behaviour from both sides of the "fence". It is certainly not restricted to one group or another.

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what defines a casual player to me?




play the game and have fun, when you start obsessing about DPS done by certain players or refusing ppl into your group or guild because they are playing a sub par healer or tank because that is the character they want to play and not picking the character that elites have deemed best for the job, then you have crossed that line into hardcore


its not about the amount of time you play, or how many years you have been playing. its about having fun over treating like a job

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A casual player is a person who usually has a job, active hobbies, social life and boyfriend/girlfriend. To be hardcore, you need to put 8 hours a day into an MMO. I think these forums prove that too many people have 8 hours + a day to play MMO's...


Also it's easier when you're in college to have a social life and still have the time to play. Unless you work and go to school.


I don't have time to play Hardcore. Wish I did, but then all of the other finer things in Real Life would have to be left out.

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"A casual player" = someone spending more time on forum instead of leveling, telling 50levels to find another game for wanting more content when themselves have only gotten to level 25 since release. And thinking people must be cheating for having achieved it... because they spend so little time actually playing the game they might as well not have been playing at all.


IF someone is that busy doing real life things like taking care of kids, working 24/7, washing your car whatnot. Maybe they should not be playing MMORPG at all. Perhaps a multiplayer board-game like Scrabble is more suited for their schedule.

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Casual is someone who hardcore players call casual cus they are not as mad and as nutty as they are, about 'just' a game. Its 'just' a game.


Me I'm solo hardcore. I have 10 at cap in WoW and 10 others at 60 that I froze at Cata. I have 11 at cap in Rift and a very nice Science Vessel with a full compliment of crew in STO. I play games all the time on computer when not at work. Thing is I don't group, don't raid, never used an LFG tool and never been in a guild. I play with nobody. And trust me.. I've been called casual by the hardcore nutters with their shiny shiny stuff. So amusing.


I think you should rephrase the question as a definition between normal and er someone who is er well 'not normal'. Gaming is fun and not a way of life. I like my hobby but others treat it more like a job. Seriously abnormal that. I work to play. And that always means having fun. Grinding the crap out of the game for 0.2% uplift on crit is a serious mental condition that the player needs to seek help about.

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I had to think about this for a while before I posted - I also read this entire thread.


IMHO I don't think that "casual" or "hardcore" can be defined by the number of hours in-game per week, nor can they be defined by the number of max'd toons. I agree with everyone who indicated that the definition is related to attitude.


Hardcore can be defined as those who "require" that they themselves:


1. always have the best and latest gear and

2. play the end-game content as soon as possible.


There is a third portion to this, which is that if the player does not achieve those goals, it affects their self-esteem, as their self-esteem is linked to whether or not those two goals have been completed.


Therefor, whoever does not have these goals can be defined as a casual player. I know people who play several hours every day and more on the weekends who are "casual" - which is becuase they are not driven to achieve these specific goals.


BTW, there are nice people in both groups and there are idiots in both groups also. Unfortunately, the idiots are prevalent whether IRL or virtual. ;)

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...IF someone is that busy doing real life things like taking care of kids, working 24/7, washing your car whatnot. Maybe they should not be playing MMORPG at all. Perhaps a multiplayer board-game like Scrabble is more suited for their schedule.


And why not? Why should those with life responsibilities be restricted from playing an MMO? Is it your contention that one has to devote all their free time to an MMO in order to be allowed to play it?


Why would you even think such a thing?



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A lot of silly outlooks here on what a casual gamer is.


Maybe we should define the hardcore gamer, a person who plays this game 5+ hours a day, whose life is concentrated on this game and has a very small social life with few real life friends. A hardcore gamer likely has two 50s or more at this point, one in full battlemaster gear.


Then we have the other side of the coin, the casual gamer.


I consider myself a casual gamer. I play about 2 hours a night when i get a chance. I grind for gear in PvP (Complete the Dailies, recently just got into full cent. w/ 500 expertise which im proud of) and complete normal mode Ops in PvE with my guild when I'm available. Don't bother with hard modes just yet, if ever because my gear just isn't up to par.


What most people forget is the middle ground, those who are not hardcore and cannot be deemed casual either. They are just players, and I believe the majority of people fit into that. Hell maybe even I do. These labels are pretty stupid to begin with.


i find it interesting how non casual player for casual players just = no life no job etc etc etc....


i thought this was to be a non offensive conversation am I the only one recieving ammunitions from the mods for telling of casuals who define all non casuals as .. trash?

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"A casual player" = someone spending more time on forum instead of leveling, telling 50levels to find another game for wanting more content when themselves have only gotten to level 25 since release. And thinking people must be cheating for having achieved it... because they spend so little time actually playing the game they might as well not have been playing at all.


IF someone is that busy doing real life things like taking care of kids, working 24/7, washing your car whatnot. Maybe they should not be playing MMORPG at all. Perhaps a multiplayer board-game like Scrabble is more suited for their schedule.


Made me lol


The great thing about these games is you can do things at your own pace.

Sure things may change nerfs buffs etc, but all the things that were available in the first month will still be there in 3


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Generally these characteristics apply to casual players:


1) They play the game for entertainment purposes. They might enjoy success and want to progress, but if it isn't fun, they won't play.


2) They put Real Life ahead of Gaming. They might call themselves gamers, but when they have a big Exam the next day, or their kid is crying, or their wife winks at them in a special way...the raid boss can wait for another day.


3) They have less time to play. Typically, they just have less free time because of their school, jobs, wives and children. Sometimes they have the free time, but this game is only a small part of the fun things they like to do.


The misnomer is that Casual players are automatically "bads". Which is utterly false. I've played with great casual players and terribad "Hardcore" players that just have a lot of time on their hands and like to act like they know what their doing, but can't actually press buttons in a timely manner...

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i find it interesting how non casual player for casual players just = no life no job etc etc etc....


i thought this was to be a non offensive conversation am I the only one recieving ammunitions from the mods for telling of casuals who define all non casuals as .. trash?


What have you got against people with no lives, no jobs, etc. etc. Are you so much better than them because your are alive and have a job?


Learn to be more inclusive and less judgmental.

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And why not? Why should those with life responsibilities be restricted from playing an MMO? Is it your contention that one has to devote all their free time to an MMO in order to be allowed to play it?


Why would you even think such a thing?




BECAUSE the TRADITIONAL audience of mmorpgs is one that .. doesn't have a life as u people just want to genrealize...


im not saying not to cater to "casuals" however why cater predominantly for these clients when the product was originally meant for another audience? a less casual one.


a game that puts together both of these ways of playing is good, one that does only one of the two.. well at this point of mmorpgs, just isnt.. this goes both ways. its nice to provide lots of solo content for casuals, but not providing sufficient content in end game is just not catering for those who always loved the genre and always were there...


but sure play by yourself and all other players who can just play couple hours a week, you'll find servers would be empty all the time and goodbye to your "ongoing world" sensation.


if you want to play mmorpgs your gonna have to deal with its "old comunity" and possibly learn to interact with them...

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And why not? Why should those with life responsibilities be restricted from playing an MMO? Is it your contention that one has to devote all their free time to an MMO in order to be allowed to play it?


Why would you even think such a thing?




And why should level 50s not be able to ask for more content? Of course casual players can play, nothing is preventing them from doing so. But instead of complaining about more content for "Hardcore players" on forum, why not just focus on playing it instead of spending time telling others how this game is intended for casual players.


Casual players have their content and will probably have so for years to come because they are casual and don`t have time for anything else.. they got all they could ever want at the moment. Good for them.. However with the limited time available to them, they should surly spend less time on forum telling other people to find another game because they got what they want from the game.

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What have you got against people with no lives, no jobs, etc. etc. Are you so much better than them because your are alive and have a job?


Learn to be more inclusive and less judgmental.


you should reread my comment.. you didnt understand it.. we agree to the same point...


actually read before you are so judgemental? ....

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What have you got against people with no lives, no jobs, etc. etc. Are you so much better than them because your are alive and have a job?


Learn to be more inclusive and less judgmental.


Yea that would take a whole new topic. Something to the effect of 'what constitutes a life'. Is the guy with more to do outside the one with a better life than say, the guy who stays indoors more with his life? Like, say the carpenter has MORE of a life than the guy who works in an office? Is the guy who is tied down by a wife, kids and a 60 hour a week job to make the ends meet better than the guy who is a bachelor shagging tons of women, has no kids and makes twice as much money only working 30 hrs a week?


It is quite a question and one I am sure most of these guys that fling around such terms couldn't answer themselves. It would need a whole new thread and then, I doubt if we could ever figure it out.

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you should reread my comment.. you didnt understand it.. we agree to the same point...


actually read before you are so judgemental? ....


Now you're saying I don't understand when clearly I understand everything, I have the overview and I can see the whole game, from the microbits up. And then you ask me to read, again you make all kinds of assumptions, you assume I am reading these forums but actually I am receiving and transmitting via special astrological charts.

Edited by Sireene
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