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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just ban mounts from the fleet already..


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It's the same with every Mmo players dont think about packing there mount neatly or getting of them to help other players and i dout bw will do anything about this like every other mmo out.


Plus there not doing nothing wrong so bw shouldn need to step in if you cant get in to click it then have you tried /w Excuse me but please can you move a little so i can click it please. It works wonders. You would be shocked how many people will actully move to the side for you and if there dont move round to the side's or back to click it.

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While I would not be in favor of banning mounts from fleet, and actually think they need to be allowed in many places that they are currently not allowed, I do think something can be done about this issue. They could make the immediate area where the kiosks are located as mount-free areas or, simply have clicking on the kiosk dismount you. I would actually prefer the second option, and I think it would be easier for them to do (but that's just a guess).
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While I would not be in favor of banning mounts from fleet, and actually think they need to be allowed in many places that they are currently not allowed, I do think something can be done about this issue. They could make the immediate area where the kiosks are located as mount-free areas or, simply have clicking on the kiosk dismount you. I would actually prefer the second option, and I think it would be easier for them to do (but that's just a guess).


Those people were not actually using the kiosk.


I should have frap'ed it. They are actually bouncing up and down and doing circles around it.


Their only intention was to be annoying.

Edited by Jnaathra
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Dont you love how immersion breaking seeing a bunch of speeders bouncing around on kiosks, cantina counters, and mailboxes on fleet station is? Not to mention all the buzz and droning of multiple engines on your head as you try to browse the GTN or read your mail.


... all the while knowing those players are doing it deliberately to be annoying to everyone else in the game, thus ruining the enjoyment of the game for others (something BioWare has mentioned often they want to eliminate).


So yes its stupid, and extremely hypocritical of bioware to have allowed it. Also any decent level architecture would have fixed the need for speeders at all on fleet station. People movers anyone? Outer ring fast moving transport to each pylon section? No needless walls in way of proper foot paths?


Since when is it proper for speeders to race up and down STAIRS, and on thin WALKways. Who in their right mind lets a car drive into a cantina? And those Bouncers for the VIP area are just idiots for letting the bikers go up the ELEVATOR on one.


  • I fully support not allowing speeders/mounts on fleet station, stations, starships, and any indoor structure that has stairs, carpeting, or elevators.
  • I fully support dismounting people when they interact with anything like a vender, terminal, or kiosk.
  • I fully support eliminating the horrible 'mount up' 'mount off' noise from other players.



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Ban them from the fleet. It is not a huge area to run around, I know I have done it on more than one occasion. The bigger the mounts get .. the more lag you are hit with. There is no need to put on a level 3 mount just to navigate the fleet. I bet majority of lag is caused by mounts.


Also its damn rude to ignorantly stand by the mailboxes and GTN's on these huge mounts with no consideration for other players.. it takes a second to dismount. On more than one occasion I find myself altering camera angles etc just to be able to click the vendor.. It just gets frustrating.


I do agree with allowing mounts on say Coruscant where the space port is a huge structure. Orbital stations and such like. But the fleet is a small area with a large concentration of people.


If you cannot ban them completely ban level 2 and 3 speeders, which are the larger versions from the fleet and only allow the small ones at least or some sort of small speeder for people to use like BW supply to imperial players on Nah Shaddah before you hit 25.

Edited by Seraphynn
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Yeah, I don't have one of the speeders capable of blocking access to services such as NPCs or Kiosks but I still say no.


I agree with another poster we should be able to mount anywhere, or increase our sprint speed to that of our mounted speed in areas we can't mount.


The issue with blocking services (ala mammoths on mailboxes) is an issue with the enviornment being built in such a way that this can happen. Mailboxes, the trade network these things should be build on objects with collission that prevent this from happening.


Raise the mailboxes another several meters to stand above the speeders.


The galactic trade network interaction should be more like you see on wallstreet with screens that are large and you look up to.

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The bigger question is, how the hell did they not forsee (relatively minor) trolling coming with these gigantic mounts? Its mind-boggling. They shouldn't even be in the game in the first place.


They just need an auto dismount when using or around the GTN.
Possibly mailboxes also? Seems like all the vendors at the fleet are in recessed areas off to the side of the main thoroughfare, I wonder how feasible it would be to make those auto-dismount areas?


That said, I almost never dismount while Im at the fleet (aratech 110%, forget what its called) and it would make me sad to auto-dismount all the time. Maybe shrink those godawful gigantic mounts? Replace them with smaller ones? Why have such oversized vehicles in the game in the first place?

Edited by Gerrard_Ennui
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The galactic trade network interaction should be more like you see on wallstreet with screens that are large and you look up to.


this is a pretty good idea.. just make sure the range is pretty far.. do away with the kiosk, put up 4 screens in the same rooms




the easier, and quick way for them to fix this.. as soon as you enter the "kiosk room" you auto dismount like when you enter many other areas in the game.


but i like the big screens, above our heads, hung on the walls..

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Just ban mounts from the fleet already.....but let us mount in orbital stations and spaceports.


I was just aboutr to post exactly this!


All those huge, empty spaceports and the annoying orbital stations that there's absolutely no reason not to use mounts in...

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The large vehicles shouldn't be able to be used at fleet. The smaller vehicles have never been a problem.


Sadly, since the humungous/ugly/stupid/eyesore vehicles either cost a fortune or are rare rewards, so telling people they can't use their rewards won't go over so well.


Regardless, I'm sick of having the large vehicles all but blot out the sun while at fleet.


And yeah, we should be able to use vehicles in orbital stations and spaceports, which are often huge, dead, and empty space.

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I don't mind the mounts that were made from segway and lawnmower parts, but the freakishly huge jetcars really have to go. How did Bioware not see that those massive things wouldn't be a problem?


I say just give everyone a 110% speed boost in the fleet and ban all the mounts. That way you get the speed boost without the mount annoyance.

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