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Logical fallacy of punishing WZ quitters - It will hurt more than help


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When I am the only person on my team actively trying to win, there is a problem. I am not going to sit around, waste my time, and lose so that a bunch of idiots can farm medals.


The guy who thinks he always gets stuck with 7 people who can't play needs to be more introspective. It reminds me of the expression, "if you look around the poker table and you dont know who the sap is, it's you"


These people who state as fact that their teammates sitnk and they are great are amazing to read. Delusional

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The guy who thinks he always gets stuck with 7 people who can't play needs to be more introspective. It reminds me of the expression, "if you look around the poker table and you dont know who the sap is, it's you"


These people who state as fact that their teammates sitnk and they are great are amazing to read. Delusional


How am I delusional when I can watch my team never attempt to score in huttball, never try to plant a bomb in voidstar, or sit on one turret whole game in alderaan?


I never said they stink, but they aren't trying to win. So what is the point again? To make the other team happy so they have fun?

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to all those who want punishment, best believe if I'm forced to stay in a group that cant work together and do stupid stuff or there own thing, i'm gonna do everything i can to end that thing fast and move on.


Why do just not que for them then,you only wish to have this or that setup group and WZ,sorry but thats not how this game is played,,,please just leave.

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The idea is that the wz leaver scrubs will ragequit, or not queue at all.


That's right, nobody want's to play with you. You're last pick at recess because you're a poor sport.


And this won't happen. You will have afkers or people trying to sabotage you.

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You're absolutely right OP, cause when I enter the game in progress and the other team is on a landslide victory, the first thought in my head is "I'm gonna turn this around! me myself and I!". No people will just chain leave until one person who enters and is like "welp fast free points for me and run around and do nothing or close to nothing until the match is over.


So in the scenario you put that the "leaver" is going ot ether afk or semi afk, I have no problems with, it doesn't make 3-6 more people walk into a losing game. It comes down to the deserters selfish wants, so a 15minute debuff is fine, cause if they are going to waste at least 1 other person's time they might as well be rewarded with the same thing.


Are you really that stubborn? In the current system, if you get into a game that someone else left and it looks like a lost cause, you can just leave too without being unjustly punished for having bad luck of queueing into an already lost game. In the new system, you will have to stay in that crappy game, or suffer the penalty. You gain nothing by the change, you actually get punished by it.


This rage logic of, "I'm mad and want people to be punished" is clouding your ability to think rationally. People are still going to quit, and there are still going to be the large number of people getting kicked out of WZs due to no fault of their own (DC, Crash, etc.) and you are going to get stuck in these games in their spot. The fact that the quitters or just plain unlucky SoBs get punished does absolutely nothing to benefit you.

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to all those who want punishment, best believe if I'm forced to stay in a group that cant work together and do stupid stuff or there own thing, i'm gonna do everything i can to end that thing fast and move on.


A vote/kick option would allow a team to cut out cancerous players unwilling to participate with a team towards a common goal- like this hero^

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See, this is the thing about this idea of giving a punishment to WZ quitters. I'll put aside the whole argument that everyone should have the right to play how they want to play and that if everybody can leave at will, then nobody is punished when people leave because everybody else can leave too. I'll put aside the argument that now you are going to be stuck playing in games where the other team exploits and you have no chance to win. I'll put aside the argument that now when you get UI bugged, crash out, or get forced out of the Warzone some way through no fault or choice of your own, you are going to get punished. Forget all those arguments for now.


Players that want to leave a Warzone, but are forced to stay due to the penalty, they are just going to not try. Worse, they are going to sandbag their own team if it will expedite the end of the game by the other team winning. They are going to throw the ball to the other team. They are going to leave nodes undefended. They are going to friendly yank you into the fire/acid. They are going to watch the other team bomb the door and do nothing. They are going to just try to get kills fighting on the sides or in between nodes if they aren't the type to enjoy griefing their own team (and trust me, lots of people will do this, especially since they are introducing cross-server Warzones that will give people total anonymity). You can't make people do what they don't want to do. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.


There is already a penalty for leaving warzones early, and that is not getting your valor, commendations, XP, or credits. Aligning the Dailies with this is the right thing to do, so that people do not have much to gain by leaving a Warzone and have more to gain by staying in it even if it is a loss. Penalizing people with a deserter debuff or any kind of lockout is only going to cause different, and much greater pains to the players who want to stay in and compete. I would much rather let someone leave and get a new player who might want to help the team, than make that first person stay and be stuck with a wasted spot, or worse, essentially giving the other team a 9th player.



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You can't make these people understand logic. They either get it or they don't. People leaving are not causing them to lose. When some one leaves, you get a replacement. After 1.2, they will be playing a man or more down. That is fact and they will have no choice but to accept it. If these people spent as much energy trying to improve their own lives as they spend trying to force other paying customers to play by their rules in a video game that means nothing in RL, these forums would be literally dead.


Very true.

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Are you really that stubborn? In the current system, if you get into a game that someone else left and it looks like a lost cause, you can just leave too without being unjustly punished for having bad luck of queueing into an already lost game. In the new system, you will have to stay in that crappy game, or suffer the penalty. You gain nothing by the change, you actually get punished by it.


This rage logic of, "I'm mad and want people to be punished" is clouding your ability to think rationally. People are still going to quit, and there are still going to be the large number of people getting kicked out of WZs due to no fault of their own (DC, Crash, etc.) and you are going to get stuck in these games in their spot. The fact that the quitters or just plain unlucky SoBs get punished does absolutely nothing to benefit you.


The problem is that the majority of people who want a punishment are the people who suck and need carried. When the good players don't want to carry them, they rage about it.

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The guy who thinks he always gets stuck with 7 people who can't play needs to be more introspective. It reminds me of the expression, "if you look around the poker table and you dont know who the sap is, it's you"


These people who state as fact that their teammates sitnk and they are great are amazing to read. Delusional


So do you want to get stuck in a WZ with these people, or would you rather they leave? The players like you describe are going to be the biggest problem, because they are going to be the ones purposely hurting their own team for entertainment and to expedite the end of the Warzone. You gotta get past how much you dislike these people and want to see them punished and look at the realities of how, no matter what, you can't force them to do what you want, and are only going to end up hurting yourself by doing so.

Edited by Tierce
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Are you really that stubborn? In the current system, if you get into a game that someone else left and it looks like a lost cause, you can just leave too without being unjustly punished for having bad luck of queueing into an already lost game. In the new system, you will have to stay in that crappy game, or suffer the penalty. You gain nothing by the change, you actually get punished by it.


This rage logic of, "I'm mad and want people to be punished" is clouding your ability to think rationally. People are still going to quit, and there are still going to be the large number of people getting kicked out of WZs due to no fault of their own (DC, Crash, etc.) and you are going to get stuck in these games in their spot. The fact that the quitters or just plain unlucky SoBs get punished does absolutely nothing to benefit you.


Large numbers huh,just HUGE numbers lol cmon quit trying to blow smoke up peoples *** your gonna reach so hard to try and justify leaving its silly,why dont you just not que for WZ's? i mean why do you need PvP gear when you dont even wish to partake?

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The problem is that the majority of people who want a punishment are the people who suck and need carried. When the good players don't want to carry them, they rage about it.


Exactly. As someone else on this forum posted earlier,


"I'll give you 7 reasons why I quit a WZ.

All 7 of them are on my team."


I refuse to carry a bunch of level 10s, or better yet level 40-something bored semi-AFKs.

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The problem is that the majority of people who want a punishment are the people who suck and need carried. When the good players don't want to carry them, they rage about it.


You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome.


You must play that in your headphones all the time don't you? Good players don't quit because the game is hard.

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Large numbers huh,just HUGE numbers lol cmon quit trying to blow smoke up peoples *** your gonna reach so hard to try and justify leaving its silly,why dont you just not que for WZ's? i mean why do you need PvP gear when you dont even wish to partake?

People wish to partake on even footing. Getting stuck with bad players against a premade BM =/= equal footing, or fun, for that matter. I find good competitive WZs fun, and I will stay for a loss. A blowout is not fun, and I won't stay for that.

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Hopefully they'll implement a penalty system with increasing returns. Everyone gets disconnected or has Real Life issues come up now and then, so give them a 1-minute time out the first time they drop group in an hour. If they do it again, make it 10 minutes. A third time? 20 minutes.


More than that in an hour? Port 'em straight to Ilum instead.

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The guy who thinks he always gets stuck with 7 people who can't play needs to be more introspective. It reminds me of the expression, "if you look around the poker table and you dont know who the sap is, it's you"


These people who state as fact that their teammates sitnk and they are great are amazing to read. Delusional

Why are they delusional, you know nothing about the players I have played with, or whether they were going for objectives or not, I never said I leave often or that I always get stuck with bad players but it happens and it's really frustrating when you are doing all you can to win and others are not even trying.


I will say on the whole, most games there are enough interested in winning, but still probably 1 out of 6 games there are those who do not even try. You can call people delusional all you want, but to think that something like this can never happen in a wz is pretty close minded in itself.

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