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Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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But a more interesting question is why are you wasting time on a game's forum when you should be playing?


I have a conference call that starts in 10 mins and have been sending out sales proposals in between posts this morning. Gotta pay the bills, life is not all fun and games.


Now answer my question - if you think the game is crap, why are you still here?

Edited by Drewser
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They obviously didn't level to 50. :)


Actually he could not have done any of the things he reviewed in detail unless he did and the review is Huge and very in depth.


But regardless what about all those people who did level to 50 and still love the game; why is you opinion more valid than theirs??

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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TS you mean this review?




POSTED ON February 8, 2012 AT 12:01pm By Marc Camron, Content Edito




SUMMARY: One of the most ambitious and expensive game projects comes to fruition with Star Wars: The Old Republic. A fully realized MMORPG, The Old Republic proves that World of Warcraft doesn’t stand alone online. Best of all, the game is undeniably a BioWare production. The story progression for each class—eight in all—would make a respectable standalone game. Put together in this massive shell, it’s a revelation. Whether you’re an experienced MMORPG player looking for a new experience, a Star Wars fan wanting some solid role-playing action, or a newbie just looking for a great game, Star Wars: The Old Republic is worth your attention.


  • THE GOOD: Some of the best RPG storytelling in recent memory—eight times over.
  • THE BAD: The occasional bugs. Something to be expected in a game of this size, but difficult to deal with when a mission won’t complete.
  • THE UGLY: The amount of time this game will suck from your life. Let’s hope you have an understanding family.


SCORE: 9.0

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TS you mean this review?




POSTED ON February 8, 2012 AT 12:01pm By Marc Camron, Content Edito




SUMMARY: One of the most ambitious and expensive game projects comes to fruition with Star Wars: The Old Republic. A fully realized MMORPG, The Old Republic proves that World of Warcraft doesn’t stand alone online. Best of all, the game is undeniably a BioWare production. The story progression for each class—eight in all—would make a respectable standalone game. Put together in this massive shell, it’s a revelation. Whether you’re an experienced MMORPG player looking for a new experience, a Star Wars fan wanting some solid role-playing action, or a newbie just looking for a great game, Star Wars: The Old Republic is worth your attention.


  • THE GOOD: Some of the best RPG storytelling in recent memory—eight times over.
  • THE BAD: The occasional bugs. Something to be expected in a game of this size, but difficult to deal with when a mission won’t complete.
  • THE UGLY: The amount of time this game will suck from your life. Let’s hope you have an understanding family.


SCORE: 9.0


I like "THE BAD" lol. The occasional bugs. Understatement of the year.

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I like "THE BAD" lol. The occasional bugs. Understatement of the year.


Funny, but I rarely run into bugs. They're pretty "occasional" for me, too. Not that they don't exist, but for the most part they haven't effected me very significantly at all.


As far as I'm concerned, the forumgoers here are much more guilty of overstating the bugs than EGM is of understating them.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Just picked up the latest Issue of EGM; huge in depth article about TOR.....they seem to be very happy with the end result; I haven't seen them give this high of a Score for a MMO since WoW...usually EGM is the magazine that rakes games over the coals and it was the review that a lot of people who don't like the game were waiting for.


You can tell the Reviewer spent a long time with it he covers Warzones, Ilum, Operations....the works.


Overall it's a good read and worth the price of the cover.


LMFAO. Whose getting paid now I wonder.

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Warhammer online got a 9/10 also.




4/5 stars for Warhammer online:






Look at all those high scores and awards!!




Where is the game now? In the toilet and oh how the reviewers are singing a different tune once it flopped.


Reviews by so called professional journalists are utter trash and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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I wonder if you will be singing the same tune, should it come to pass that 1-1.5 million of TOR's initial subscribers don't remain past the 6 month mark.


What will you say when they do?


Wait nevermind, I know the answer to this already.


"Wait until you see how many people leave after the first year..."


Keep moving those goal posts, maybe you'll win one day.

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I already did quit the game. Haven't logged in in over a week. There's nothing stopping you from logging in, playing, and enjoying TOR, so why are you here?


Its called work. I get an hour for lunch so I browse the forums. My question for you is this, if you hate the game so much and are no longer playing, why do you continue to troll the forums? You honestly come off sounding like an old girlfriend that just can't let go and move on (aka the crazy chick still leaving a dozen voicemails a day on my cell phone and breaking into my house to steal my shoes so she has something to remember me by).

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Wait wait, SWTOR have good reviews and subs are going up??


Does it mean the bunch of hardcore players know all, that we have on these forums who were saying that SWTOR will close their server next month are in reality a bunch of pre-teen know-nothing hardcore whiners?




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Its called work. I get an hour for lunch so I browse the forums. My question for you is this, if you hate the game so much and are no longer playing, why do you continue to troll the forums? You honestly come off sounding like an old girlfriend that just can't let go and move on (aka the crazy chick still leaving a dozen voicemails a day on my cell phone and breaking into my house to steal my shoes so she has something to remember me by).



Oh. I see we know someone in common... (name starts with "S", right?)

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Its called work. I get an hour for lunch so I browse the forums. My question for you is this, if you hate the game so much and are no longer playing, why do you continue to troll the forums? You honestly come off sounding like an old girlfriend that just can't let go and move on (aka the crazy chick still leaving a dozen voicemails a day on my cell phone and breaking into my house to steal my shoes so she has something to remember me by).


Wait, you dated that girl, too?

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Cause he paid? ;)


True story: I was on vacation a couple months ago and came by a boiled peanut stand. "That's cool," I said to my wife. "I haven't had boiled peanuts in years."


"Me either," my wife said.


We bought a bag of peanuts and walked on. We opened the peanuts and took our first bite.


They were awful.


And I don't mean they didn't live up to my expectations. They were awful. I managed to swallow the first one, but my wife couldn't. She actually had to spit it in a nearby trash can.


Now, I don't know if my memory of boiled peanuts was just wrong or if that particular vendor made horrible boiled peanuts. All I know is those peanuts are now on my 5 Worst Things I've Ever Eaten list.


Yeah. They were that bad.


You know what we did next?


We threw the peanuts in the trash and got something else to eat.


Even though we paid for them.

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Its called work. I get an hour for lunch so I browse the forums. My question for you is this, if you hate the game so much and are no longer playing, why do you continue to troll the forums? You honestly come off sounding like an old girlfriend that just can't let go and move on (aka the crazy chick still leaving a dozen voicemails a day on my cell phone and breaking into my house to steal my shoes so she has something to remember me by).


You just had to bring up that painful memory. :p

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True story: I was on vacation a couple months ago and came by a boiled peanut stand. "That's cool," I said to my wife. "I haven't had boiled peanuts in years."


"Me either," my wife said.


We bought a bag of peanuts and walked on. We opened the peanuts and took our first bite.


They were awful.


And I don't mean they didn't live up to my expectations. They were awful. I managed to swallow the first one, but my wife couldn't. She actually had to spit it in a nearby trash can.


Now, I don't know if my memory of boiled peanuts was just wrong or if that particular vendor made horrible boiled peanuts. All I know is those peanuts are now on my 5 Worst Things I've Ever Eaten list.


Yeah. They were that bad.


You know what we did next?


We threw the peanuts in the trash and got something else to eat.


Even though we paid for them.

You know you were entitled to go to that guys stand and picket him, right? Why didn't you?

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