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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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I am still on my first (and last) gamecard and still 32 days to play. which i will never do.


Then why come to the forums? You stop playing the game... You dont see me on GW's forums, WoW's forums, LOTRO forums complaining about how 'bad' this game is...


Go and play something you like, no one wants people like that here.

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Then why come to the forums? You stop playing the game... You dont see me on GW's forums, WoW's forums, LOTRO forums complaining about how 'bad' this game is...


Go and play something you like, no one wants people like that here.


You don't see me on another forum telling how bad this game is to.


If you give my 80 euros back sure.

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Nope. Do research next time? Play the weekend beta? Know what you are buying before you buy it...


I gave it a chance i played beta before weekend betas. And every reviewer tells its so utterly awesome like they have been paid off.

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I gave it a chance i played beta before weekend betas. And every reviewer tells its so utterly awesome like they have been paid off.


Maybe because thats how they feel? At the end of the day its their opinion in the review. I never read reviews, any type of reviews.

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Maybe because thats how they feel? At the end of the day its their opinion in the review. I never read reviews, any type of reviews.

Your right i should have seen it but i was 'deceived' like they say in the trailer :)

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Your right i should have seen it but i was deceived like they say in the trailer.


Everyone has made a bad purchase in their life. I usually watch game play trailers and not theatrical trailers for games, because theatrical is never what it actually is.

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Everyone has made a bad purchase in their life. I usually watch game play trailers and not theatrical trailers for games, because theatrical is never what it actually is.


I know i played beta, telling i wanted my money back isn't fully true i liked it at until lvl 30 but gradually i felt more and more different about the game and at 50 i was lost. I couldend test end game in advance so.

I can't start up the game for about 3+ weeks now and with so many days left. It all went so fast.


i didn't only trust on trailers etc.

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For goodness sake people.


If you like this game: Great

If you hate this game: Great, but why are you still here weeks after you stopped playing?


Here is a clue to everyone: I found WoW to be EXTREMELY boring after I got to level 85. I found that game to be very boring when making alts, and I do not like doing dailies day after day after day. I do not like doing the same dungeons day after day. I honestly cannot see how people can say this game is very repetitive but WoW is not. I never once did anything differently for at least a month. Sometimes I would do dailies in a different area, but I was still doing the same quests daily.


You do not see me on the WoW forums complaining. Find a game you enjoy. I have almost spent as much in-game playtime in this game than in my 1.5 years of WoW.


What gives you the right to make the people that like this game feel bad about it? Have you ever heard of personal taste? Or do you just expect everybody to like the exact same music, movies, tv shows, games, hobbies, ... as you?


Giving this game above an 8 makes it a "paid off review"? I am sorry, but everybody I know agrees with the rating.


People have opinions. Leveling from 1-50 is AMAZING. This is a game where I actually like creating alts. I have 1 main and 4 alts at the moment, and I just made another one at level 1.

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Most people (rational thinking people) realize that this is a great game... Forums aren't to talk about how good a game is, they are to talk about how bad a game is.. Why would anyone go on the game's forum to say they are satisfied with it? Instead those people just play the game and have a blast.. leaving the forums open to the complainers..


Stop judging your opinions based on what people are saying on a game's forum.. If you were to do that WoW would be the worst game in history..

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For goodness sake people.


If you like this game: Great

If you hate this game: Great, but why are you still here weeks after you stopped playing?


Here is a clue to everyone: I found WoW to be EXTREMELY boring after I got to level 85. I found that game to be very boring when making alts, and I do not like doing dailies day after day after day. I do not like doing the same dungeons day after day. I honestly cannot see how people can say this game is very repetitive but WoW is not. I never once did anything differently for at least a month. Sometimes I would do dailies in a different area, but I was still doing the same quests daily.


You do not see me on the WoW forums complaining. Find a game you enjoy. I have almost spent as much in-game playtime in this game than in my 1.5 years of WoW.


What gives you the right to make the people that like this game feel bad about it? Have you ever heard of personal taste? Or do you just expect everybody to like the exact same music, movies, tv shows, games, hobbies, ... as you?


Giving this game above an 8 makes it a "paid off review"? I am sorry, but everybody I know agrees with the rating.


People have opinions. Leveling from 1-50 is AMAZING. This is a game where I actually like creating alts. I have 1 main and 4 alts at the moment, and I just made another one at level 1.


Over time, the people spewing pure hatred will be gone, because they won't be paying (and therefore won't have access to post here.)


But the majority of us don't want the game to fail, so we're still here. We want to make it better, so trying to levy constructive criticism. Hoping that there is some way to hit the critical improvements necessary that we as players always envisioned to be there, but aren't.


You have an opinion on leveling alts in this game... you like it. I, however, am not a player who plays alts, ever, in any game. Does that make my opinion less valid about the game?


Everyone here right now has paid money in some form or another and has the right to post just as you do. Your option isn't to tell them not to, your option is to not read them.

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Funny with these paid off reviewers. It's so obvious.


Yes, because their review doesn't conform to your perception of the game in its current state... That means they're paid off.


I'd say what was obvious about you, but it would get this post deleted and yet another infraction put on my account.

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