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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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Just picked up the latest Issue of EGM; huge in depth article about TOR.....they seem to be very happy with the end result; I haven't seen them give this high of a Score for a MMO since WoW...usually EGM is the magazine that rakes games over the coals and it was the review that a lot of people who don't like the game were waiting for.


You can tell the Reviewer spent a long time with it he covers Warzones, Ilum, Operations....the works.


Overall it's a good read and worth the price of the cover.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Just picked up the latest Issue of EGM; huge in depth article about TOR.....they seem to be very happy with the end result; I haven't seen them give this high of a Score for a MMO since WoW...usually EGM is the magazine that rakes games over the coals and it was the review that a lot of people who don't like the game were waiting for.


You can tell the Reviewer spent a long time with it he covers Warzones, Ilum, Operations....the works.


Overall it's a good read and worth the price of the cover.



I think your opening yourself up for Shady's brilliant and not so interesting posts..


but yeah, good article

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PC Gamer gave it a 93/100


That's one of their best reviews of the year. The critics are definitely in love with this game that's for sure. The critics seriously want this game to be the WoW killer, I can just feel it every time I read a critic review. PC Gamer did a huge spread on it in their latest issue and they even gave space combat a glowing review.


So the critics love it. Time will tell if the average paying customer likes it as much.

Edited by ForceCowboy
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GI gave it a shining review as well. They don't generally do 1-10 number reviews on MMO's since they aren't a single experience and can change alot over time.


But again reviews are nothing but a single persons thoughts on a game. Their enjoyment of a game is no more or less valid than anyone elses. It all comes down to individual experience.

I don't like this game at all but some love it and others are on the fence. Citing one review by a gamer, even a game journalist/reviewer, is not a great way to decide if it's a game for you or not.

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Honest reviews lose advertisers in your magazine. SWTOR is a 5 at best.


Dude ECGM is known for giving bad reviews despite advertising dollars...that's why their opinion matters to most hard-core gamers.


It's funny as hell none of the reviews are legit yet Gamepros is because the Two Frat boys and the Soccer Mom that reviewed it didn't like "the Horde team" :rolleyes:

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PC Gamer gave it a 93/100


That's one of their best reviews of the year. The critics are definitely in love with this game that's for sure. The critics seriously want this game to be the WoW killer, I can just feel it every time I read a critic review. PC Gamer did a huge spread on it in their latest issue and they even gave space combat a glowing review.


So the critics love it. Time will tell if the average paying customer likes it as much.


Yes and i wrote a thread on the PC Gamer forums questioning this score. Low 80's yes but classic status? Not a chance.

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Well as basically a review of PVE 1-50.


"I tried each of the different Warzone modes and briefly visited Ilum; though, since I’m not really a PvP fan, I didn’t concentrate on this aspect"


Would be interesting to have them reveiw it by someone who is a fan of PvP.

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You wish. I read PC Gamer's review and I agreed with it. 93%. You donot like the game and it stands to reason you would give it a negative score..:p


Where did I say I did not like the game? 5 is not negative. 5 IS right in the middle.

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Dude ECGM is known for giving bad reviews despite advertising dollars...that's why their opinion matters to most hard-core gamers.


Used to be.. It's only EGM now in name, it's a compeletly different operation than it was before. Just ask Ex senior editors, Jeff Greene, Shawn Elliot, Ryan Scott, or any of the quality reviewers.

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