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So poweretech dps in pvp....


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if your speccing into tank and useing tank gear do not expect to do high damage.


you are tanks that take ages to take down the balance is tanks are not suppose to have high dps.


to have good defense is to have low damage

to have good damage is to have low defense




you cant have both or the class will become OP and will need fixing.



its realy a learn to play issue tanks are amazing in warzones.


LOL - you know you are having issues when JediDuckling the nerfcryer tells you to L2P.

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Sounds like a gear issue. My flame burst hits for ~1000 AND procs combustable which hits for like 600 and puts a dot on them that ticks twice (or 3 times, I forget) for ~450.


My only issue is that, at least with my spec, all of pyrotech's damage comes through with combos of moves.


Meaning that, I have high burst but it's because of lots of little things happening at once and not one move that hits hard. So even though I can do 5k of burst to someone in 1 GCD with crits, I don't get the medal for it because my hardest hitting move crits for 3k.


The nice benefit of this is there are very few "Nerf PT" threads because we don't really have one move that hits exceptionally hard. Still, I'm a big numbers guy and I miss them.


Le sad :(

Edited by Scoobings
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I'm not even going to read this entire thread, all i want to say is powertech dps, especially pyro is insane damage, and you definately need to lrn2play.


In fact the two people i've played with at 50, who can consistently out damage me ( when 90% of the time i'm #1 in damage ) have been powertechs. And they can out dps by a good 100k on average.

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l2p plz before saying to others l2p


Labradoraki, you have to show your stats if you want that someone of the higher lvl players help you. They assume its a gear issue, they assume this or the stupid ones say l2p...but at the end you need to show tell about your character more. Maybe it is better to discuss this in the class forum where you get serious answers to your questions.

Edited by BobaFurz
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i think the damage for all tank ac's would be fine if it was matched by equal survivability. As it stands now you seem to have either one or the other dps or survivability. Under ideal circumstances a tanks survivability should compensate for the reduced damage, so they survive long enough for their damage to actually be able to kill someone (competitively). right now you die slightly slower then other classes and kill other classes far slower then the time it takes you to die.


As far as survivability goes, i would say most tanks do a better job increasing others survivability then their own. Shield procs are minimal due to the damage types, physical damage is reduced with armor penetration, and then there are the damage types that go right through defense, and using defensive cooldowns is the only time you really feel tough.


Now for other players, i can reduce their damage by 50 percent and take that 50 percent damage, but prior to them taking damage i can taunt further reducing their damage and then intercede for another 20 percent reduction, and you can do all of this with a max cd of 15 seconds. All self tank buffs are 2.5 minute cds, not counting your health increase. Not that this is a simple cd reduction fix.

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Sounds like a gear issue. My flame burst hits for ~1000 AND procs combustable which hits for like 600 and puts a dot on them that ticks twice (or 3 times, I forget) for ~450.


My only issue is that, at least with my spec, all of pyrotech's damage comes through with combos of moves.


Meaning that, I have high burst but it's because of lots of little things happening at once and not one move that hits hard. So even though I can do 5k of burst to someone in 1 GCD with crits, I don't get the medal for it because my hardest hitting move crits for 3k.


The nice benefit of this is there are very few "Nerf PT" threads because we don't really have one move that hits exceptionally hard. Still, I'm a big numbers guy and I miss them.


Le sad :(

in 1 gcd???? with hat, all cooldowns and adrenals up as so dots can crit for a lot and just have railshot crit?

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we are talking about 50... i have never seen anyone doing 6k railshot... its usually 3 plus its on COOLDOWN!! you cant use it continuesly to have an effective dps... also dont confuse 15 second full cooldown/adrenal/trinket dps to the real dps


heavy armor is useless without talents, it doesnt decrease the damage so much, plus the moment oyu are focused fire your dead



Sorry bud, but not 100% sure you are doing stuff right. Yes, railshot is on cooldown, but you have a talent that refreshes the cooldown. Coupled with the heat reduction that railshot gives on dotted targets you can pump out some masive damage on a single target.


You're OP is also confusing. As a pyrotech or CP, you will rarely use Unload. That ability should typically only be used at range. Your priority is to get the target burning and start rotating Rocket Punch and Flame burst fishing for Railshot procs. You are wasting time and effort with Unload.



Powertech is a great PVP class and Pyrotech is great with a touch of OP when the proc's get rolling.

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this feels sad.... powertechs are that bad that people believe knocking someone off with full cooldowns to 50% of health is a good thing.... sorry but this proves the crappiness of PT, the goal is to reach 0% as fast as possible and not 50%....


also being top 3 damage is crap as well.... only top 1 is good... but like i said, pts live in another reality to think they are good instead of thinking logically and seeing how weak their dps are compared to other classes and that their tank is useless if not tank specced or focused fire


No you can't get anyone to 0% when you use all you CDs when you are PT/Vanguard. You are a tank class not DPS. If you want to have good burst DPS you should have rolled a DPS class. We have good consistent damage and great survivability.

Edited by Wekeltes
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Its funny how many people think a vengeance jugg is up while he is one of the strongest classes in game but i guess if most people dont have skill they are just gonna noobsmash


Then pray tell me, why oh why aren't you playing one instead of complaining about PT. Your posts are borderline trolling and you don't even bother to post your stats or even answer to people who're trying to help you. Work your rotation and build. Did you do any better when below 50? This is a l2p issue, take advantage of the advises given to you or go back under your bridge instead please. :(

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You sound like an idiot...


No you can't get anyone to 0% when you use all you CDs when you are PT/Vanguard. You are a tank class not DPS. If you want to have good burst DPS you should have rolled a DPS class. We have good consistent damage and great survivability.


kids these days.


ADULTS these days acting so smart as usual... sorry but every class bioware said that is going to be able to DPS!!! and currently pt CANT DPS CORRECTLY and the only thing it can do well is tank.... sorry but you should be able to hae a good damage as dps pt!

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Then pray tell me, why oh why aren't you playing one instead of complaining about PT. Your posts are borderline trolling and you don't even bother to post your stats or even answer to people who're trying to help you. Work your rotation and build. Did you do any better when below 50? This is a l2p issue, take advantage of the advises given to you or go back under your bridge instead please. :(




sorry not everyone likes to play broken classes to feel better and actually try to play non-broken classes well

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You sound like an idiot...


No you can't get anyone to 0% when you use all you CDs when you are PT/Vanguard. You are a tank class not DPS. If you want to have good burst DPS you should have rolled a DPS class. We have good consistent damage and great survivability.


kids these days.




PT has a tanking tree. PT has two DPS trees that are comperable in DPS to other DPS.


PT is not a tanking class, it is a class that CAN tank. Pyrotech is high dps and squishy like other dps'ers.

Edited by Wekeltes
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1) juggs are far from op oh and im pretty sure their best stun is the force push (the other 2 maybe are 2sec i think would like a jugg to clear this up for this kid)


Requested clarification incoming: Juggs do not have any stuns without talents. We have a 4sec channeled suppress, which can be interrupted. We can aquire three stuns through talents: our leap can be talented to apply a... 2sec? stun, which is trash because it already has a pin; we can talent our suppress so that it doesn't require a channel, making it a stun; or we can talent for another 4sec stun in the defense/immortality tree. Other non-stun skills include an aoe mez - breaks on damage - and our push, which includes a 2sec knockdown.

Edited by Iridor
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Sorry, but its bad to call someone an idiot and then spread bad info.


PT has a tanking tree. PT has two DPS trees that are comperable in DPS to other DPS.


PT is not a tanking class, it is a class that CAN tank. Pyrotech is high dps and squishy like other dps'ers.



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One of the guys in my guild is a dps powertech. He had been in a more sustained damage spec previously and was consistently getting 300k-400k damage in wzs. Then he switched to a burst spec and I have personally witnessed enemy players melt before I could even get to them, with at least one of his abilities lopping off ~50% of the enemy's health right off the bat.


So in other words, powertech is fine, learn to play.

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in 1 gcd???? with hat, all cooldowns and adrenals up as so dots can crit for a lot and just have railshot crit?


I'm not sure I understand what you mean here, but yeah I was implying if I got lucky with my dots, a sticky dart explosion timed with a railshot. They wouldn't ALL have to crit, but since railshot almost always crits it's not really that much of a stretch, and it has about the same windup as any other class that has that kind of crit capability. I just wish I got the medal for it :(


(and yeah this would be while activating a trinket, expertise adrenal, and activating the 25% chance to crit CD that power techs get)

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Damage is fine. I am able to crit over 2.5 in shield spec (with relic and adrenal) and consistently hit for 1.2-1.5k


I've tried Assault (Pyro) a few times (in my Supercommando gear so lots of defense and such) and critted 2.5 consistently. I usually have about 150k overall damage and went to 250+ without even trying and in the wrong gear. Looks like more than enough considering our AC and all the versatility we get (Harpoon, mobility, etc.)


Haven't really tried Tactics as I tank in PVE almost every night but the DOTs look crazy + more mobility.


I say we're fine.

Edited by Eager
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