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  1. I think what is happening here is BW fault. They made Ops/Scoundrels too strong for too long. Now these Ops/Scoundrels feel that their original DPS output is where it should have stayed and anything less is class breaking. I do agree with what BW is doing now. As it stands, Ops/Scoundrels are still putting out a bit too much damage in a relatively low amount of time. A little tweaking should put them right at par with where they should be and that is just what BW did. And for you Ops/Scoundrels who are relying that heavily on your openers where if you don't kill someone after you open on them then its a lost cause... well then you do deserve to be killed. You aren't playing an Ops/Scoundrel, you are playing with a quarter of the class. Of course you are going to die.
  2. Eyevan

    Poor vanguard...

    Your view seems to be skewed just like the majority of the players in this game do to current state of classes being played at the moment. I think in the near future you will see a change in the current specs.
  3. Maybe they don't want to make it easy for people to guestimate the population of factions and servers. At least that's what I think they are trying to do.
  4. Not sure what a "realm" is but if you mean servers then I think it should be implemented. The best way to implement it is by having an option for players to enable or disable the cross-server filter.
  5. I think they want people to actually play the game. I know it's silly.
  6. This is ridiculous. A while back a majority of the player base suggested that we needed to have BM's in their own brackets for WZs. Most of the people with BM gear cried and cried and cried... they gave hilarious explanations why they should be allowed to face-stomp any low geared level 50 in WZs. Now these same players don't think that low geared players should be in the same bracket (ranked WZs) as them because those players are not "elite" enough... they don't deserve it. No wonder Bioware can't get it right because most of you don't even know what you want.
  7. I kind of agree but you are over exaggerating the actual facts. There is no way that a cent gear group will ever beat a full bm group. I don't care how good the cent geared group is or how bad the BM group is. It makes that big of a difference.
  8. Yes, I have played games (plural) where this was implemented and it worked GREAT. I believe it will work even better in SWTOR becuase the WZ's are so much smaller. AND believe me, anyone would rather have someone who isn't FOTM or someone who is under-geared than someone who will be AFK after 4 medals. Not to mention that they are making PvP gear so easily accessible more and more that being under-geared for PvP wont be a concern.
  9. I thought I read that legacy buffs were PvE only
  10. Vote kick and a harsh penalty for being vote kicked FTW! Harsh penalty being something like 1 hour of not being able to queue for anything.
  11. No one told you to grind to valor 80+... You crying about this is equivalent to someone crying about doing quests passed the level 50 cap to gain experience and not being able to save experience gained for when the level cap is increased. No one told you this is how it would work, so why would you think that? Grant it, I do realize that there was no cap on the valor levels but there was no true incentive(s) to go so high. So why do it? If anything, like others stated, it should have been because you enjoyed PvP'ing and nothing more. shocking, I know. Playing games for enjoyment.
  12. No macros! There is no need. Just go to stop being lazy.
  13. When it starts to get that bad I suggest you find players who play at your level and group up with them and queue. This will increase your chances to win a WZ.
  14. I'm not an "elitist" but I am concerned that there being no PvP armor progression or a cap on progression would inevitably lead to PvE armor being the decisive factor on who wins PvP matches which in my mind is completely wrong. If they are going to cap PvP armor stats they need to cap PvE armor as well (on the same level). Make PvE skill based and not armor based just like PvP so that PvE armor has no affect on the outcome of a PvP match. I don't see why their should be a difference.
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