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Everyone Looks the Same -- Appearance Tab!


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SWG had a great late game addition (when it was in it's death throes) called the appearance tab. Possibly one of the best things it ever did. You can look however you want to look without sacrificing your armor protections. The appearance tab was that that, clothes you wore for the appearance.


This game needs that BADLY. Every class has like 3 different variations and many of them are TERRIBLE. The robot sith, the insect bounty, the chambermaid sorcerer. Come on, these were bad ideas for armor from the get go -- but to be forced to wear them because they are the best is just cruel. I mean while your at it, why not come out with a a pink tuu-tuu that gives 2,000 extra health? /Rant off.


Anyways.... The appearance tab would bring some variety into what everyone looks like. No more cookie cutter appearances for every class walking around. Everyone can be unique.


I honestly can't see how any one can possibly disagree or have problems with this idea -- but I know that some people will. That said, let me hear your thoughts, be they good or bad.

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This game is going to be entirely different a year or two from now.


The sheer amount of things they left out is mind-boggling.


I doubt they have even 70% of the population they have right now though. They really dropped the ball.


SWTOR has to be one of the biggest muck ups in EA/Biowares history. Atleast Top 5.


Watch how fast the numbers drop.

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And I agree completely. It's like they forgot that level 50 is the most important part. I enjoyed the ride to 50 like no other MMO before. However, the ride stopped dead a week after 50 after I got my PVP gear.....dead.


Its like they forgot about the endgame content; silly raids are not the only endgame content that should be added. They should be there, sure, but not the only part.

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This game is going to be entirely different a year or two from now.


The sheer amount of things they left out is mind-boggling.


I doubt they have even 70% of the population they have right now though. They really dropped the ball.


SWTOR has to be one of the biggest muck ups in EA/Biowares history. Atleast Top 5.


Watch how fast the numbers drop.


Ignore the troll.

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I'd say that they should expand the moddalbe items--which they will, according to an old dev post. I loved levelling with moddable items. It was much more fun than enchanting/reforging and it allowed you to use the gear you wanted to use.


I don't understand why MMOs wants to cripple your freedom of choice. Not everyone will like the end-game armors that they present and this will always be an issue unless they allow us to wear the gear we want. If I was a Sith inquisitor, I'd never want to wear my pvp gear! However, I do genuinely think that agents have a really good-looking set so that I would use, personally. And opinions, they vary!!


Also, would be nice to see more mix of colours in our lightsabers. At endgame we either see purple/torquoise or black/red black/blue. It's extremely boring. One of the most icon things of star wars is lightsaber combat, and what we remember from the movies were not these ugly black/red black/blue lightsabers, but the classic red and blue. Variety and personal choice is always fun. Why doesn't MMO-makers ever get that?

Edited by Majspuffen
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SWG had a great late game addition (when it was in it's death throes) called the appearance tab. Possibly one of the best things it ever did. You can look however you want to look without sacrificing your armor protections. The appearance tab was that that, clothes you wore for the appearance.


This game needs that BADLY. Every class has like 3 different variations and many of them are TERRIBLE. The robot sith, the insect bounty, the chambermaid sorcerer. Come on, these were bad ideas for armor from the get go -- but to be forced to wear them because they are the best is just cruel. I mean while your at it, why not come out with a a pink tuu-tuu that gives 2,000 extra health? /Rant off.


Anyways.... The appearance tab would bring some variety into what everyone looks like. No more cookie cutter appearances for every class walking around. Everyone can be unique.


I honestly can't see how any one can possibly disagree or have problems with this idea -- but I know that some people will. That said, let me hear your thoughts, be they good or bad.

I do disagree with the idea, and for a VERY simple reason.


There's ORANGE moddable gear for just that purpose. End-game mods are currently being worked on, and should be removable from raid gear next month, and insertable into orange gear you aquired elsewhere, just with the added limitation that a mod taken from a helmet can then only be placed into a helmet.

Effectively, you'll be combining helmet A for stats with helmet B for looks, which is exactly what an appearance tab would be doing as well.


I'd just like to see a much bigger selection of orange moddable gear.

I'd even suggest allowing Synthweavers and Armormechs to RE all non-orange dropped and quest-rewarded armors and get a chance to learn a blueprint for the BOE orange version. Maintain any requirements on the item, like it being class- or companion-specific, or its level requirement (maybe even add a few levels to the requirement).


So basically, the framework for a system that's superior to appearance tabs is already in place. It just needs to be expanded upon.

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I do disagree with the idea, and for a VERY simple reason.


There's ORANGE moddable gear for just that purpose. End-game mods are currently being worked on, and should be removable from raid gear next month, and insertable into orange gear you aquired elsewhere, just with the added limitation that a mod taken from a helmet can then only be placed into a helmet.

Effectively, you'll be combining helmet A for stats with helmet B for looks, which is exactly what an appearance tab would be doing as well.


I'd just like to see a much bigger selection of orange moddable gear.

I'd even suggest allowing Synthweavers and Armormechs to RE all non-orange dropped and quest-rewarded armors and get a chance to learn a blueprint for the BOE orange version. Maintain any requirements on the item, like it being class- or companion-specific, or its level requirement (maybe even add a few levels to the requirement).


So basically, the framework for a system that's superior to appearance tabs is already in place. It just needs to be expanded upon.


All This^.


We don't need an appearance tab. We need more orange/moddable gear and we need to to be viable at end-game.

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They wanted to have their orange gear system, but somehow they wanted to also have a more WoWish everyone gets the same tier gear system as well, and they don't seem to work together at all. It's like they went all out to make sure there was a more exciting system for customization and then decided no one should use it, very strange. Anyway I doubt you will get your appearance tabs but have faith, they will probably improve the orange thing so you can do quite a bit of customization and be able to wear appropriate stats at the same time. Edited by areto
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Don't add an Appearance tab, there is a system in place that already DOES THIS so just fix it because it broken atm.


AKA CUSTOMS are an amazing in depth appearance system, they just need to make it better (adding more customs, making Obs\pvp Gear Custom and allow the armor\mod\echancement\etc. to be removed from Gear WITHOUT a price at a work bench or making the good armoring\mods\enhancements\etc purchasable\craftable )


The system is already there, it just needs some TLC



TLDR: Fix the Customs System and BAM awesome appearance for everyone.

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They wanted to have their orange gear system, but somehow they wanted to also have a more WoWish everyone gets the same tier gear system as well, and they don't seem to work together at all.


As others have said they should be working fine together once patch 1.2 hits.


In fact transferring all your epic gear into orange gear will not only be a cosmetic choice it will be necessary to remain competitive. Crafted orange gear will be able to crit and gain an augment slot. That's an additional 28 stats on every single piece of armor. Well over 200 extra points to you primary stat or whatever stat you choose to increase in total.

Edited by Darth_Pernisc
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Anyways.... The appearance tab would bring some variety into what everyone looks like. No more cookie cutter appearances for every class walking around. Everyone can be unique.


This is an excellent idea, which should have been included in SWTOR from launch. Rift does this amazingly well, with approximately 4 appearance tabs which you can choose to use...or not. If you like the way your armor looks, fine, then ignore the function. Otherwise, you can have one appearance tab with your veteran armor set, one with a holiday set, one with an RP set of your choosing, etc., without changing your underlying armor "real" armor stats. Rift also lets you buy dye to change the color of every piece of your armor, with both primary and secondary attributes. For example, during the Yule celebration, I changed my toons to either green or red...then changed back afterward for only the cheap price of dye. I am sure Bioware's brilliant devs could implement both features today with very little coding (transparent sycophantic ploy #7).


My Sith Inquisitor Sorc loves her "Kallig's Countenance" helmet so much, she has passed on several substantive upgrades just to keep her chthonically evil look. Similarly, she has worn the purple chest armor that looks like Lord Zash's set for more than 10 levels now...sadly, it is not orange, and thus not moddable. If she had an appearance tab, she could both look mahhhvelous and upgrade her stats with new gear at the same time.


Remember, if you hate the concept of appearance tabs or dyes, just don't use them on your own characters...but, please, don't advocate limiting the options of your fellow players. Otherwise, you will see everyone at max level standing around looking exactly the same...and, as at parties in real life, that's just embarrassing.




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As others have said they should be working fine together once patch 1.2 hits.


In fact transferring all your epic gear into orange gear will not only be a cosmetic choice it will be necessary to remain competitive. Crafted orange gear will be able to crit and gain an augment slot. That's an additional 28 stats on every single piece of armor. Well over 200 extra points to you primary stat or whatever stat you choose to increase in total.


This change infuriates me, because it only breaks what they are trying to fix, instead of everyone looking the same in TIER gear they will now all look the same in CRAFTED gear. they are only shifting one cookiecutter to another. It should all be equal to promote choice!

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This game is going to be entirely different a year or two from now.


The sheer amount of things they left out is mind-boggling.


I doubt they have even 70% of the population they have right now though. They really dropped the ball.


SWTOR has to be one of the biggest muck ups in EA/Biowares history. Atleast Top 5.


Watch how fast the numbers drop.


I'll take that bet. I bet it will be even more popular a year from now then it is now due to teh fact of all the stuff they will add.

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This change infuriates me, because it only breaks what they are trying to fix, instead of everyone looking the same in TIER gear they will now all look the same in CRAFTED gear


That won't be the case if (and I know this is a big if) they simply make every skin available as an orange schematic to the appropriate crafters.

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That won't be the case if (and I know this is a big if) they simply make every skin available as an orange schematic to the appropriate crafters.


Then the whole game revolves around crafting, it should be balanced to all three aspects, crafting, Ops, and PVP. All should have a spot and none should be superior.


This is my opinion-point: making customs critable crafting has far more cons and breaks far more game play that requires more fixes and more time than just leaving them non critable. Do you agree with this statement?

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