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Worst message ever posted to general chat by mistake.


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Just started this game and hadn't worked out chat yet in this game .. was getting flustered trying to work out what i was doing and whispered to my friend who was already playing ... a bunch of exploitative about being lvl 3 or 4 not not knowing what I was doing and more exploitative etc etc... (any sailor would be proud though in RL I am very conservative )


Didn't realize my whisper was in general chat till it went up and I got congratulated by random peeps loling at me and congratulating me on making it that far followed by explanations about how to do what it was that I was trying to do .. I think blush wouldn't quite cover the way I felt at that moment...

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"10 Inches isnt what I expected to get this morning, or having my boyfriend plowing it at 2 AM either"


The girl who said that has a real sense of humour, and it was said in guild-chat, so perhaps should not count, and I know she was just quoting off the internet.

However, she did have an ****** on Teamspeak while we were working our way down the Deathwatch Bunker. Her Droid Engineer was on /follow with one of our ranged guys at the time, and she got bored, then forgot her TS client was set for voice activation rather than push-to-talk.

I guess you could say the group stopped at a safe point for a few minutes, to give her chance to finish.

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"I like being tickled there when it's wet."


Everyone in the game pretty much ground to a halt. About the only time I can think of seeing a General Discussion chat channel just stop moving.


Hahaha, awkward silences ftw.


I have a couple of friends who I occasionally greet more randomly, I'm sure everyone does this :p (example: http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/2660660_460s.jpg)


So one time I wanted to crack a lame joke instead of say hi, and I typed in general: "A neutron walks to a bar and asks how much for a beer. The bartender says, "There is no charge for you." ;P awkward moment since general chat must've thought I was actually trying to be funny.. Same with accidentally saying 'hello' to general chat and then you feel like you must start a conversation or you're just weird.

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This was an accidental whisper that did not QUITE make it to it's intended target... instead, it made it to everyone on Korriban.


Me: She's pregnant? Just push her down some steps, dude. Either that, or just grab a coathanger and poke around until he falls out.


ITT: getting called a monster in general chat.

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"PIECE OF ****, THIS MOFO WON'T DIE! *flips table*"


I facepalmed for a moment, then when I got several people laughing, I played it down.



"*puts table back*"

"We don't flip tables, young man."

"That's it! Enough is enough! I'm tired of these monkey liking snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!"

"We're all tired of it."


And, in whisper: "Hey, flip me, in General. Nobody will know we planned it. Mwuahahaha."


So, everything turned out better than expected.

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I've got two good ones from another game. The first was during a serious RP promotion ceremony that my guild was running. Some of our friends from another guild were there and one of them suddenly /shouted BEWBIES in our guild hall in the middle of the ceremony. Apparently there was /ooc chatter in their guild and she hit the wrong button. I thought I was going to die I was laughing so hard.


Another, slightly more serious one happened during a player event several guilds were running together when suddenly in the channel we heard "Why'd you promote him? I disagree completely." .... meant for their officer chat obviously. I believe that the person being talked about heard it and drama ensued, but it wasn't my guild. Just embarrassing for everyone.

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I feel like i need to explain the conversation that led up to it.


My friend and i were chatting and she was saying how much she is afraid of needles and hated going to the doctor for shots and all. then she talked about how going to the dentist didn't bother her and instead of group chat, she posts in general:


"I don't mind taking shots in the mouth."


I fell out of my chair, and chat was at a halt for about 10 mintues. After i told her that she posted in general, she logged off and didn't return for about a week and now only communicates with the rest of us on STEAM.


Aww, it's one like this that just make me feel really sorry for the person involved. :\

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I can't remember ever posting anything embarrassing in general chat. But I am terrible at typing and if I have to jot something out really fast it comes out looking like gibberish. Which makes me look like a moron. Even worse if it's in caps, and it almost always is.


/random buff from passing player

me: tHANKS1q



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I can't remember ever posting anything embarrassing in general chat. But I am terrible at typing and if I have to jot something out really fast it comes out looking like gibberish. Which makes me look like a moron. Even worse if it's in caps, and it almost always is.


/random buff from passing player

me: tHANKS1q




hveuyveucvegahblahghgarbarghz! x3

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I know quite a few people including myself included has sent mistells directly to the person I was talking about. For example, /tell Bob "Man, Bob was a horses *** tonight!" I'm sure it happens because that person is on the mind. But very awkward for sure. Edited by Camryyn
Stupid phone autocorrecting
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Had a friend that was new to PvP and was getting torn apart pretty fast. We were chatting via tells about it and all the sudden in general chat I see a post from him "Im tired of taking it in the a**, hope we can change it up tonight."
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At a base bust once on Starsider a fellow guild mate did a mistell about what her and her girlfriend like to do with each other. She immediately logged off and it was months later before anyone saw her back in game. This was before the name change stuff started so she couldn't hide that way...lol


Errrmmm >.>.


I had something rather like this happen some time back, when I was RPing with a friend in a social area. I was a newblet, and didn't realize that while, yes, our conversation was safely in Group, the emotes were going out into the public space...



My reaction was rather similar. Fortunately, I always have a lot of alts on hand, so I could hide my shame behind another face until people forgot the name of the stupid bech who enlivened their evening...

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But I am terrible at typing and if I have to jot something out really fast it comes out looking like gibberish. Which makes me look like a moron. Even worse if it's in caps, and it almost always is.


/random buff from passing player

me: tHANKS1q





This! As the night wears on, my hands tire, and my typing, never that great, starts looking like the proverbial simian Shakespeare impersonators.

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I usually only mistype stuff like



In Startrek Online, I have a keybind that sends a tell to my team, saying somethinglike "Focus Fire on $target". Sometimes I activate it accidentally, as I put in on Shift-A (the old wingman attack command from X-Wing and TIE Fighter still deeply ingrained in my mind).

It got worse as for a while, the keybind/chat system was broken somehow, and the bind didn't work for the team channel. It still worked for the fleet channel...

Now I still occassionally send random "Focus Fire on Admiral Quinn" or "Focus Fire on" or "Focus Fire on Mogai Escort" in fleet chat. I really need to reset that bind.

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