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Everything posted by movingtarget

  1. well i was i na random group on voss i think and i i was talking to a special friend about an experince with anal and it was a bit graphic and i got something like a *** 0.o response i just typed mt lol in gen chat and kept talking to my special friend again
  2. this email is floated thru every mmorpg on the market i think
  3. see but this has nothing to do with guilds its pug when i'm on a planet and see a world boss i call whoever wants to come and in this case i asked the group if they wanted me to do master looter and i did not knowing there was no /roll /random 100 or anything like that i was trying to be fair since anyone coulda just rolled need on the items but unless bioware puts it in i guess thats how it goes
  4. so today we formed a raid took out a world boss and we did master looter and that only lets you give loot to someone and with no /roll option i was stuck as to how to distribute the loot and that lead to frustration from players only thing i could do is tell them to pick a number between 1-100 or something like that so anyone have any idea on a way to do things that is fair to everyone and works besides just letting them all greed roll on it
  5. pretty sure same sex was an option in mass effect
  6. the game launched a couple months ago
  7. ah dang you sounded like a girl from my old kin on arkentsone chivalry and pride
  8. what was your name / kins name?
  9. i used to play with streve role players are scary
  10. valcyn whats with you and rp servers
  11. trixie trixie i know that name is familiar i'm thinking kiwi? (new zelander) andpossibley dancer/medic (most chicks were)
  12. recognized names on that purge guild i guess they remberd mine or just thought they were to good to let me register for thier forums snooooty or maybe they had a reason hell if i remember
  13. espanola here small town north of santa fe jeez thought i was the only gamer in NM
  14. lookin for some familiar faces out there before i choose a server to stick with was even considering rolling imp to hang with UNK but then i saw it was an RP server ew i can only lower my standards so much but if i cant find those familiar names wouldnt mind some new familiar names i'm looking for mature(ish) players who preferbly use vent or something and like to group even when its not required
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