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Worst message ever posted to general chat by mistake.


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At a base bust once on Starsider a fellow guild mate did a mistell about what her and her girlfriend like to do with each other. She immediately logged off and it was months later before anyone saw her back in game. This was before the name change stuff started so she couldn't hide that way...lol
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Day 4 or 5 into retail on Beregrin > Nar Shadaa someone logged in and didn't have their /g and instead in General wrote, "Hello ladies and little boys."


Yeah, he got ran off General chat almost instantly. There's just something wrong with wording your greeting that.

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Day 4 or 5 into retail on Beregrin > Nar Shadaa someone logged in and didn't have their /g and instead in General wrote, "Hello ladies and little boys."


Yeah, he got ran off General chat almost instantly. There's just something wrong with wording your greeting that.


He could get run off just about every state in the union with that greeting as well... ^_^

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I feel like i need to explain the conversation that led up to it.


My friend and i were chatting and she was saying how much she is afraid of needles and hated going to the doctor for shots and all. then she talked about how going to the dentist didn't bother her and instead of group chat, she posts in general:


"I don't mind taking shots in the mouth."


I fell out of my chair, and chat was at a halt for about 10 mintues. After i told her that she posted in general, she logged off and didn't return for about a week and now only communicates with the rest of us on STEAM.

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Okay, so this isn't exactly what you asked for, but similar and I think worth posting.


I was leading a raid and trying to get my guildies to control some adds while we finished off the boss. In a moment of panic, as adds were starting to get past them and the boss was down to about 3%, I went to say "HOLD EM!!" in raid warning.


Instead, "HOLD ME!!" appeared in the center of all 25 of their monitors. Everyone was so hysterical and distracted, we promptly wiped. Worth it.

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This was in CoH but the best two cases I've seen.


First was a SG mate of mine must of meant to type this in /party but instead sent it to the SuperGroup chat...


"So when you lampshaded me, it had sexual contentions."


My personal best was we were talking in SG chat about geek points, and how many people had. Being able to quote Monty Python being worth X points, Buckaroo Bonzi Y points ect...


Friend of mine wanted to know if I could send his alt some cash (influence in that game), and I meant to respond to him...


"Sure I have 5 million so that's not a problem."


But instead I sent it to SG chat, to which the SG leader said "Wow that's a lot of geek points."

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Not general chat, but back when I was playing WoW, there was a guildie that I used to flirt with quite a bit, and we'd send each other tells between pulls on raids. His favorite was XOXOPXOPXOXOP (the "P" indicating that I was being slipped the tongue- it was all in good fun).


One night, we were between pulls, and the other hunter types into raid chat "What the H*** is with all that licky kissy sh***. Dude, is this what you do when you're supposed to be healing? Save that sh*** for El."


I imagine there was a mistell involved- I thought it was hysterical.

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On Tython, passing through the Jedi Temple, I saw in General Chat, I don't remember the specifics, but something along the lines of "Oh yeah, I love it, f*** me in the a**, just like that, OH F***!"


Strangely, I was the only one who seemed to notice.

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Well, this wasn't exactly a blunder per sey, but I did have an interesting experiance during early access on my Jedi Guardian.


I notice someone with the name Inigo'Montoya (all one word, hadn't gotten the legacy surname memo apparantly).


I promptly whisper to him: "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


About three seconds later he whispers back: "Mwuahahahahaha..."

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Well, this wasn't exactly a blunder per sey, but I did have an interesting experiance during early access on my Jedi Guardian.


I notice someone with the name Inigo'Montoya (all one word, hadn't gotten the legacy surname memo apparantly).


I promptly whisper to him: "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


About three seconds later he whispers back: "Mwuahahahahaha..."


The Princess Bride is one of my all time favorite movies. That guy who named his character Inigo Montoya is a genius and has the best character name ever. Just sayin'.

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Wasn't general chat, but I was driving through one of the Tatooine quest hubs and I see someone say "And now I'm jerking off your Lekku" or something like that, I was like okay.. whatever. Everytime I came back to the hub I kept seeing this kind of stuff coming from two different players, and it was getting far more serious than some Lekku jerking. So after about the third time I looked around, and sure enough I found two Jedi in their underwear in one of the empty hovels that didn't seem to realize that their roleplay wasn't quite as private they thought it to be. So yeah, whisper it guys and girls.
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M, a few years ago in WoW, we had to kick a group of raiders because they were a bad personality fit for the rest of us.


After we explained it to them and kicked them, they'd come and poke fun at us.


So about an hour later, right before the raid, the GM calls a quick meeting and decides to change the vent password.


One of our core raiders then logged on, and when I meant to pst him the new vent info, I accidentally linked vent info and password in trade chat... right as those ex members were dissing us there.


My GM was not very happy about that.

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