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So how long is 'Give them time...'?


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If they want time, unsub and give them time. Return when you are finally satisfied with the game.


Since it took them 2 months to fix the Warzone wins not being counted, I don't see a very bright future for this game.




So much this. THIS.

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?





It's not as easy as allotting them a specific static amount of time, it's more a question of: "are the updates they ARE rolling out indicative of a well designed plan for further development of game system functionality and fun?"


And the answer to that is...Updates at this juncture aren't indicative of that at all, in fact, based on the updates I could say in my opinion I don't think they even know what to address, and what they do address I don't think they quite know how to fix.


Therefore, why spend any more patience on this game?


I just hope the Hero engine is dug a deep grave after this.

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It's not as easy as allotting them a specific static amount of time, it's more a question of: "are the updates they ARE rolling out indicative of a well designed plan for further development of game system functionality and fun?"


And the answer to that is...Updates at this juncture aren't indicative of that at all, in fact, based on the updates I could say in my opinion I don't think they even know what to address, and what they do address I don't think they quite know how to fix.


Therefore, why spend any more patience on this game?


I just hope the Hero engine is dug a deep grave after this.

HUH? They are dealing with bugs, compatibility & responsiveness issues and you say they aren't dealing with game system functionality and fun?

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




Blizzard is the worst of the worst, the most greedy of all the greedys. They will just say "soon" for content released in 2-3 to a year. We are working on it, imply they are at least "working on it" rather then blizzard "soon" imply already done. Boy they sure are trying to back pedal the "soon" ever since TOR came out.

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It's not as easy as allotting them a specific static amount of time, it's more a question of: "are the updates they ARE rolling out indicative of a well designed plan for further development of game system functionality and fun?"


And the answer to that is...Updates at this juncture aren't indicative of that at all, in fact, based on the updates I could say in my opinion I don't think they even know what to address, and what they do address I don't think they quite know how to fix.


Therefore, why spend any more patience on this game?


I just hope the Hero engine is dug a deep grave after this.



its funny , ive seen you complaining about this and that and threatening to leave the game in three threads just today


leave if you hate the game that much already, but then again, you apparently like it so much that it rages you that game wont get changed to fit your needs, so wich is it?


are you seriously gonna tell me you quit over a stupid surge nerf? you havent been playing MMOS long have you? EVERYTHING eventually gets nerfed / changed at some point stop being a baby

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




I think the game is going great.


I'm having fun questing and going through the storylines. The combat is fun and keeps me interested with new abilities i use as I level up. I think it is great fighting groups of targets on a regular basis as oppossed to 1v1 or 1v2 like in other mmos.


The severe issue with the launcher that was happening in Jan has been addressed - the forums no longer flooded on patcg/mantinence days with ppl having issues updating.


Many of the bugs have been addressed - for instance I rarely see enemies still standing in place after they die. In my crafting menu the +/- is no longer inverted when i scroll over items for comparisons to current eq.


Are there other issues? Sure - all mmo's are going to have issues at launch - you can't name one that hasn't. There are still bugs they are working on quashing that have a dramatic effect on gameplay but nothing massive that everyone is getting effected by.


A lot of the "issues" the vocal group on the forums have are personal opinions that may or may not be "fixed"(no matter how much content a mmo develpor releases there are going to be that group of players who's goal is to get to 50 asap and get through as much content asap...they will ALWAYS "run out" of content no matter how much is released..there could be 5 more ops and they would have completed them by now)


I'm overall happy with my experience. The content I enjoy doing and the things I care about are in place and the issues I've experienced interrupting my gameplay(launcher issues) have been addressed. There is plenty of end-game content, there is lots of exploring to do, the quests are interesting and I don't rush through them like I would in other mmo's because I care about whats going on.


kudos BW. Love the game.

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its funny , ive seen you complaining about this and that and threatening to leave the game in three threads just today


leave if you hate the game that much already, but then again, you apparently like it so much that it rages you that game wont get changed to fit your needs, so wich is it?


are you seriously gonna tell me you quit over a stupid surge nerf? you havent been playing MMOS long have you? EVERYTHING eventually gets nerfed / changed at some point stop being a baby


A lot of people are confused I think by this game. There is a relatively small amount of ppl who say this game is a carbon-copy of WoW - I'll ignore that group for the time being since the similarities with WoW are the similarities in ALL mmo's(end-game dungeon content that progresses and a leveling system).


As for the guy you responded to his problem is he WANTS a game exactly like WoW(or some other mmo he's played before) - he came to this game not realizing it was going to be different.


When it comes to MMO there seems to be a group of people who think they should all be the same, just tweaked for their enjoyment. This guy isn't buying Just Dance:Revolution and then going to forums and complaining they need to change it so he can enjoy it.


If this was a single player game he would have bought it - and STOPPED PLAYING IT(which is what he should do here).


I have much more sympathy for people(like myself at one time) who were incredibly frustrated with the launcher issue and could not even log on half the time but who enjoyed the game. I have no sympathy for people who feel that because they don't like the game it should be drastically changed to fit their needs.


This game is different than WoW and Warhammer etc,. If you don't like something you go play something else. It's simple. Not sure what guys who hate the game dont get about it.


Not everyone is going to like this game or any game.

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




Well lets see....WoW has been in development now for 11 years and look how slow their progress is so far so....your post is completely invalid

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Given the typical production time for stuff in MMOs. I'd say this on the following items:


New ops and flashpoints - every 3-4 months

New gear - every 3-4 months (since it will no doubt be linked to the new ops and flashpoints)

New PvP zones - every 3-4 months (also linked to gear)

Guild ships - late 2012

Space combat revamp - early 2013

Improved galactic trade market - mid 2012

Faction imbalance incentives - mid 2012

New classes / skills - early 2013

Player housing / colonies / space stations - mid 2013


In short, anything which is totally new and needs to be made from scratch will take over a year to finally be released. No doubt we'll hear about things in the works for that time around late summer of this year.


When do I expect to see the first true expansion? Late 2013 in all honesty.

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I think the game is going great.


I'm having fun questing and going through the storylines. The combat is fun and keeps me interested with new abilities i use as I level up. I think it is great fighting groups of targets on a regular basis as oppossed to 1v1 or 1v2 like in other mmos.


The severe issue with the launcher that was happening in Jan has been addressed - the forums no longer flooded on patcg/mantinence days with ppl having issues updating.


Many of the bugs have been addressed - for instance I rarely see enemies still standing in place after they die. In my crafting menu the +/- is no longer inverted when i scroll over items for comparisons to current eq.


Are there other issues? Sure - all mmo's are going to have issues at launch - you can't name one that hasn't. There are still bugs they are working on quashing that have a dramatic effect on gameplay but nothing massive that everyone is getting effected by.


A lot of the "issues" the vocal group on the forums have are personal opinions that may or may not be "fixed"(no matter how much content a mmo develpor releases there are going to be that group of players who's goal is to get to 50 asap and get through as much content asap...they will ALWAYS "run out" of content no matter how much is released..there could be 5 more ops and they would have completed them by now)


I'm overall happy with my experience. The content I enjoy doing and the things I care about are in place and the issues I've experienced interrupting my gameplay(launcher issues) have been addressed. There is plenty of end-game content, there is lots of exploring to do, the quests are interesting and I don't rush through them like I would in other mmo's because I care about whats going on.


kudos BW. Love the game.


Just remember to stand by your dump when this game goes to hell sitting on the first class seat of a ghost train.

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Given the typical production time for stuff in MMOs. I'd say this on the following items:


New ops and flashpoints - every 3-4 months

New gear - every 3-4 months (since it will no doubt be linked to the new ops and flashpoints)

New PvP zones - every 3-4 months (also linked to gear)

Guild ships - late 2012

Space combat revamp - early 2013

Improved galactic trade market - mid 2012

Faction imbalance incentives - mid 2012

New classes / skills - early 2013

Player housing / colonies / space stations - mid 2013


In short, anything which is totally new and needs to be made from scratch will take over a year to finally be released. No doubt we'll hear about things in the works for that time around late summer of this year.


When do I expect to see the first true expansion? Late 2013 in all honesty.


If they are smart they wont wait until end of 13 for an expansion.


Back in the ole days EQ was gouging us with expansions every 6 months, but the one thing that can be said about that is the players were on a very steady diet of new content being introduced.


Granted between any bugs, and unfinished content being artificially blocked from the high end guilds, it was obvious every 6 months was too much. Thus IMO a game should be kicking out a major expansion about every 10 or 11 months. For this game, that would probably need to be more like 15 months.


Two yrs is simply way too long between major updates, and quite frankly nothing stirs interest in a game like a fresh expansion.

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If they are smart they wont wait until end of 13 for an expansion.


Back in the ole days EQ was gouging us with expansions every 6 months, but the one thing that can be said about that is the players were on a very steady diet of new content being introduced.


Granted between any bugs, and unfinished content being artificially blocked from the high end guilds, it was obvious every 6 months was too much. Thus IMO a game should be kicking out a major expansion about every 10 or 11 months. For this game, that would probably need to be more like 15 months.


Two yrs is simply way too long between major updates, and quite frankly nothing stirs interest in a game like a fresh expansion.


I bet an expansion comes out just in time for christmas and is half baked just like the game.

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I would be interested in seeing the Q&A and other communications from BW that speak directly to the number of issues the masses are having. Mainly the terrible performance; frame rate issues, load times, etc. Problems with the game engine they chose, HeroEngine. None of these have been addressed in detail or in a clear and concise manner.


I would also love to know your definition of flawless. I personally define it as a game not dropping below 60FPS, typical display refresh rate, for any reason or at any time. If I walk into fleet or into a 20 v 20 PvP situation, dropping below 60 fps is not flawless. But at this point I would be happy with a solid 45 FPS.


As long as these functions are in play it is impossible for this game to run at a "flawless" level.


First of all, do you like your tv images? They are shown at a whopping 30 fps. It is not really possible for a human being to see more than that. Also, some of us don't have hitching, or even problems at fleet. On my old puter yes, it was bad, but the vidcard was low end. With a new computer, I have NO issues in fleet. And that computer is 2 yrs old with a 540 vidcard. I play with everything on high. If you have problems in fleet, your computer has to have something wrong. If not drivers, or hardware, look at what ya have running in background. I cannot speak for pvp, but I understand the problem. LOTRO has the problem when too many players are in one place. You can fix that with a slider in lotro, and SWTOR could use that. I guess what I am trying to say, some folks dont have your problems, so plz dot generalze and speak for everyone. The game is flawless for me during gameplay. What few bugs i see are meh.


To answer OP, I plan on being here until i get bored, or my friends leave, neither looks like its gonna happen soon. I have two accts and thouroughly love the game.

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So - no need for folks leaving to tell anyone why, but OK for you to tell the wotrld you will be staying?


Double standard much?


More like the same people posting over and over that they don't like this game, it's crap bioware are idiots. Etc. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but say it once and be done with it.


What's the point in sprouting the same thing over and over and over and...?


Sounds like some people are mad that their own expectations didn't get fulfilled and thought "Well then, they dissapointed me, I'll sure to give them as much flag as I can now"


Like me going up to MC D's everyday shouting at them because of a burger I once bought which didn't taste very well.


I just found a better place instead of doing that and moved on.

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More like the same people posting over and over that they don't like this game, it's crap bioware are idiots. Etc. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but say it once and be done with it.


So 1 post each? That's it?


That's no fun. :mad:

Edited by Gohlar
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