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So how long is 'Give them time...'?


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We're not even at 2 months since the official release so I'd say, I don't know how much longer but definitely more. You can't expect them to introduce new features right away. WoW patches come like every 6 months, and ToR is getting its second content patch in March, I'd say while OVERALL, they don't have as much game content and features present, they are adding them at a much higher rate than their main competitor. That alone deserves more time.


Edit: By the way Emeda, is staying on the forums all you do all day? In the past week every time I get on the forums, you are there in almost every thread in general.


Those six month content patches are huge, and there are plenty of small patches in between. Every one of SWTOR patches have been equivalent to WoW's mini-patches.


The fact of the matter is that this game has had 7 years of development, almost as long as WoW has been out, and yet it's missing so many quality of life features that they should've learned from their competitor. They've 'had enough time' to get things to be acceptable, and they didn't make the deadline.

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I know every story is really the same. You get to a planet to do do something and every one you cant go straight to it you have to do 3 things that takes you to the same places as everyone else then your last quest for that planet is the same place as everyone else and then you just repeat it for about 7 more planets. That gets boring and takes away from any good of having class quests.


and I am not for PvP and Datacrons are more trouble then they are worth (Tatooine Balloon anyone?) so...

Edited by Tuscad
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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




I always said 3 months and we should see some significant improvement. That's how most MMOs go.



BUT here we are closing on 2 and still not much, just some anemic patches that didn't really fix a whole lot and much of what that was said was fixed, wasn't. (i.e. gathering nodes, combat ability stuttering, combat delays, and so on. Granted some have been improved, but they are by no means fixed.)


So I'm at a loss. I guess they need 6 months instead, but then in 6 months are we going to be saying "Oh a year, they'll have it up to speed in a year.. Yeah definitely!" ?


There's just SO MUCH missing from this game that I'm not even sure they can get it up to speed.



This is also the only game on my PC that pushes my temps (at stock speed and I'm water cooled) to near their max. Each patch it gets a little worse.

Edited by HavenAE
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I give SWTOR time until GW2 comes along. Sure, I don't know if GW2 will be the perfect MMO, but at least most of my friends are looking forward to this, while some have been quite disgusted by SWTOR (can't blame them for not liking SWTOR with all the issues and bad decisions, doubt that some problems will ever get fixed).
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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




I'd have waited at least another 6 months before bothering to post this.

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Until GW2 comes out....which is actually plenty of time but i'm not holding my breath for them to actually improve things. Like one poster said it took them 2 months to fix the WZ wins not counting, and some bugs are STILL present despite them supposedly being fixed that the one boss that spawns adds in Directive 7, its STILL BUGGED BIOWARE.
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Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I don't research an MMO then buy it unless I want to play it for at least 3 months. Prime example is Rift. I played Rift from when it released, 2/11, to the middle of June '11, even though I wasn't all that enthused with it. I gave it a chance to patch and update a bit. It had some cool features but overall it simply wasn't for me.


With TOR, I have so far really enjoyed playing it, so ask "how much time to give them" doesn't compute.


How much time? Well... until I'm not enjoying it anymore and all my friends quit, I guess.

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If they want time, unsub and give them time. Return when you are finally satisfied with the game.


Since it took them 2 months to fix the Warzone wins not being counted, I don't see a very bright future for this game.


2 months to fix Warzone wins not being counted! Nevermind so very few people actually had this issue on any meaningful basis.


Let's totally ignore everything else they fixed, though, such as ability delay? Which I rather believe was a much, much more pressing issue.

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It depends on what we're 'giving them time' on. If it's small bugs and updates to end game etc you can be pretty liberal on the time you give them.


Major bugs, performance issues, imbalances, graphical fixes etc this stuff should be fixed in beta.


This game can't even get high res textures right, still has an ability delay, awful performance in warzones, still takes forever to load the game, load between planets and takes at least a minute of my computer zinging after I quit the game to get my Windows to an workable state.


All that should've been priority #1 to fix before releasing. It wasn't so this game will follow the path of Warhammer. You can only excuse and apologize for that for so long before it drives you nuts.

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




My personal opinion is if you aren't having fun now you should just unsub.


If you are having fun but want to see improvements, I would suggest playing until you stop having fun.

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As long as they keep improving the game at a reasonable pace. I doubt a game like this will ever be complete.


See this is exactly why I'm so undecided about the game. After my first month is said to myself "Okay, I'm resubbing if they show me they're working on the game." and they did. So I resubbed, got a second character to 50, did some raids and... Finished the game. There is nothing else there except twinking and I'm burned out on that. Which goes to show that the issues with the game are much more fundamental than simple bugs.


With a certain Game That Shall Not Be Named I had two characters at max level and enjoyed playing them both because I had meaningful things to do and stuff to prepare in order to climb the raid-ladder. Here I know I've seen everything after doing Karaggas and EV, no need to do it again for slightly recolored gear.


Edit: Add to this the overall attitude BW has towards its players and certain questionable support and moderation practices...

Edited by FerrusPA
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To the OP:

Has anyone in this thread even read your original post or replied with a time frame? ***.

To answer your question 6 months total. This is the point alot of peoples subs will come up and if the hackers, fps issues on illum and major game bugs have not been squashed swtor will start that downward spiral.

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Unsubscribing always lights a fire under a MMO developer. Bioware will ask you why you stop subscribing a few days after you cancel. You still can play with the time you already paid for.


If they improve the game you can always come back.


Glad I didn't opt for the multiple month option.

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I agree with 6 months, two more pre-paid cards from me. When I'll log in sometime in June and there won't be hi-res textures, advanced Legacy options, no regular FPS loss and some reasonable end game stuff - it will be over. I think it's reasonable time frame for them and way more than I gave other developers.



Nonetheless I'm pissed that things like hi-res textures or ANY optimization for high-end rigs wasn't there from launch.

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Oh, not this excrement again.


First: I dislike, intently and innately, any post that begins by trying to ask "what does the community think", because it's basically the forum equivalent to building a tower of TNT and napalm and then staging a fireworks show in front of it and being surprised when there's a massive explosion. This community can't agree on anything, including what direction the sun rises in. And it shouldn't matter what "the community thinks". Either YOU like the game, or YOU don't.


People say "I have the right to state my opinion!" and you certainly do. That does not mean asking people their opinions, then getting upset when they disagree and accusing them of being fanboys/trolls/working for Blizzare/working for Bioware/vampires.


Second: If the given wisdom is that "all MMO's are uncompleted at launch because all publishers are greedy and push them out too fast" the way to determine "how long to wait" is figure out how fast it got pushed out. In this case, the first "massive" update is in March with 1.2.


If you like the game, then it's safe to assume 1.2 won't ruin it for you.


If you dislike the game due to minor reasons, bugs, issues with UI , guilds, etc, then wait at least until 1.2 when those things are addressed. AFTER Bioware has had the chance to make a good stab and first pass at fixing up things , then you can make some assessment of the game, see if you enjoy it more.


If you dislike the game because it has

- so-called "static" content

- no mods and add-ons

- no SWG style space combat

- no "sandbox" content


Just go ahead and save yourself some money and time and unsub now, and don't come back until a major expansion hits. These aren't going to be "addressed" or "added", no matter how many suggestions are made.

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