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Starting Zones are heavily favoured toward sith.


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I don't really think there's less content. It's just more efficiently placed. The bounty hunter starting planet had 2 or 3 heroic quests compared to tython or ord mandels 1.


While I'm pretty sure Hutta has the most Heroic quests, I found two Heroics on Ord Mantel. I'd also like to add that it only took a few kills to get my trooper to level 2, so I think the problem is Tython, not faction favoritism.


But even if it is less content... do we really care if there's fewer "kill 50 bears and bring me their asses!" types quests? Isn't that a good thing to have less of those?


All the quests are essentially that, they just have VO and a (sometimes) fun little story to go with them.

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Having to run back and forth between quest points over and over again isn't "more content," it's more tedium.


I can tell you, in my anecdotal experience, that isn't the case here. Having played both zones twice (with each respective character), the Jedi side is simply much bigger. There's far more places to go and things to see. There are many more areas than the Sith side.


It's truly more content. The zone is simply much, much bigger. It has mountain top areas, grassy areas, ruins, inside areas, plains. It's simply a much bigger planet. I've seen a lot of complaints about zones being too small, but this is the first one I've seen complaining that it's too big.

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So, wait... I'm confused.


Jedi get MORE content (it took you longer to play through it, even though you spacebarred conversations), and this means Bioware favors Sith?


Doesn't this mean that there's more gameplay per level for Jedi than Sith? Wouldn't that be favoring the Jedi? ("Hey, I just noticed we've got a lot more Republic content than Empire content for the starting worlds." "No problem, just kick up the XP gain per quest so they don't notice it's missing. What are they going to do? TIME how long it takes to show there's more stuff to do as a Jedi? Who'd do THAT?")


What am I missing here? How is lesscontent a goodthing?


Did I misread the times you posted? I've double-checked, but I'm capable of admitting I could still have missed something. Clarify, please?


What people are saying is that Korriban is a much quicker experience so that Sith level quicker so they can reach the endgame quicker and then complain that they have nothing to do. :p


Seriously, this follows up the line. Coruscant is much bigger IMO than Dromund Kass, even the shared planets seem to keep the Empire to a smaller area. While many people see this as a benefit for the Empire, I think it actually is a detriment.


I used to think that people were crazy when they said that re-rolling a character meant you were doing many of the same quests. On the Republic side, you can literally skip whole planets, just doing your class quest. This is without doing any flashpoints either. But on the Imperial side, I'm finding that as you get near the end, you really do have to do many of the sidequests.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I can tell you, in my anecdotal experience, that isn't the case here. Having played both zones twice (with each respective character), the Jedi side is simply much bigger. There's far more places to go and things to see. There are many more areas than the Sith side.


It's truly more content. The zone is simply much, much bigger. It has mountain top areas, grassy areas, ruins, inside areas, plains. It's simply a much bigger planet. I've seen a lot of complaints about zones being too small, but this is the first one I've seen complaining that it's too big.


I wasnt complaining it was too big... at all, Infact im just pointing out if was going to re-roll a sith character it would take a fraction of the time to get it to a milestone level.


and infact in complete comparison there isn't much more content because more xp is gained via killing particular mobs, which isn't exciting.


With sith the most running you do can be done by quick-travel. Its more fluent and more important alot more enjoyable.

Edited by KiaThas
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I can tell you, in my anecdotal experience, that isn't the case here. Having played both zones twice (with each respective character), the Jedi side is simply much bigger. There's far more places to go and things to see. There are many more areas than the Sith side.


The question is simply "are there more things to DO".


(a designer could increase the size of Drommund Kaas by a factor of 4 and then add some mountains - maybe in an afternoon - but that is not "adding content" in a sense that we would understand unless there was a purpose to adding all that space).


I don't know the truth either way, but I wouldn't say that Tython was "content-dense".

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The question is simply "are there more things to DO".


(a designer could increase the size of Drommund Kaas by a factor of 4 and then add some mountains - maybe in an afternoon - but that is not "adding content" in a sense that we would understand unless there was a purpose to adding all that space).


I don't know the truth either way, but I wouldn't say that Tython was "content-dense".


When compared to Korriban, there is much more to do. There are more quests and more places to go to from those quests. I can't imagine that constituting anything other than more legitimate content.


Even in the OPs last reply, he complained that it would take longer to get to a "milestone" level if he decides to re-roll, and that on the Sith side he can quick travel to almost every objective. That reply is purely 100% about speeding to level.

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~2 hour completion time for one starter world = bioware unequivocally favors one faction over the other and possibly even incetivizes players to play on the faction bioware favors.


must be a lot of alex jones fans playing this game or something

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I presume that you are happy with the 50 item Auction Limit per char and that you don't need to roll alts for muling, crafting and crew missions.


Haven't hit 50 on my main yet. I certainly haven't ever had more than 50 items to sell at once, given how few items sell at all. I have a handful of alts I created mostly as placeholders, none over level 8. I'll go work on them when I'm done with my main.


Repeating the same content for umpteenth time would be torturous and masochistic to most casuals.


Which is why there's eight classes, with their own storylines. And since I've been playing since pre-launch and still only level 42, I suppose I'm "casual". My /played on my main is about 6 days now, so, lemme see... that's still 2.5 hours/day, roughly, beginning 12/15/2011 or so. Hmm. I don't think anything you do 2.5 hours a day is "casual" by any definition.


Running longer distances and killing more trash mobs doesn't equate to more and better content


No, actually, I think that's pretty much the definition of "content" in an MMO. Places to go, people to kill.


I haven't even mention about the Empire superiority in numbers of Level 50s on the PvP servers, griefing the Republic lowbies.


And you think this is due to the fact it takes two hours longer to get off the starting world, out of dozens of hours of playtime needed to hit max level? I am afraid that argument isn't very convincing. I think "Sith are, like, TOTALLY METAL! AWESOME!" is a much more likely culprit. (Of course, open world PVP never works well if there's any other option, but game companies keep throwing it in as a sop to the small but vocal PVP community, and then they whine about endlessly. As Yahtzee said: Cows go "moo", pigs go "oink", PVPers go "The PVP is unbalanced!")

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The question is simply "are there more things to DO".


(a designer could increase the size of Drommund Kaas by a factor of 4 and then add some mountains - maybe in an afternoon - but that is not "adding content" in a sense that we would understand unless there was a purpose to adding all that space).


I don't know the truth either way, but I wouldn't say that Tython was "content-dense".


I have to agree with your assessment also. There definitely isn't as much experience available on Tython compared to Korriban. I leveled every single class (sith war, inq, bh, ia, smug, jedi cons, knight, trooper) to at least 10. The repub side definitely needs some help, as you are either barely lvl 10 when you go off planet, or (in the case of the Jedi Consular) you are only half way through lvl 9 when you run out of quests (even group ones).


This is just bad development, no two ways about it. Korriban has enough quests to get someone 1 - 11 (and 3 - 4 bars into lvl 11), all the while it only takes you 2 1/2 hours to get finished. Tython only gets you lvl 9 (J.Cons) or barely lvl 10 (J.Knight), and taking someone over 4 hours to get there. Hutta and Ord Mantelle is about even, but again, Hutta ensures you are at least lvl 10 without group quests before you head off planet (unless you skipped), whereas without the group quests, you won't see lvl 10 on Ord Mantelle.


Every starting zone has to ensure there are enough solo content to get someone from 1 - 10. The smart thing to do would be to put in enough experience on those starting planet to get someone to lvl 12. The flow is interrupted if you aren't lvl 10 when you head off the starter planet, since doing otherwise requires someone to go back to fleet to pick their advance class.


It's been said most SWTOR developers preferred the sith side. I hope their favoritism isn't bleeding out into the way they develop their game.

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I used to think that people were crazy when they said that re-rolling a character meant you were doing many of the same quests. On the Republic side, you can literally skip whole planets, just doing your class quest. This is without doing any flashpoints either. But on the Imperial side, I'm finding that as you get near the end, you really do have to do many of the sidequests.


To offer a counter anecdote ("The plural of anecdote is not data"), my main is a BH, and I'm at level 42 (and about 90%), so I'm almost two levels past the recommended for Hoth with a mountain of quests still to go, and I've had to skip two planets so far, except for my class quests.

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This is just bad development, no two ways about it. Korriban has enough quests to get someone 1 - 11 (and 3 - 4 bars into lvl 11), all the while it only takes you 2 1/2 hours to get finished. Tython only gets you lvl 9 (J.Cons) or barely lvl 10 (J.Knight), and taking someone over 4 hours to get there. Hutta and Ord Mantelle is about even, but again, Hutta ensures you are at least lvl 10 without group quests before you head off planet (unless you skipped), whereas without the group quests, you won't see lvl 10 on Ord Mantelle.


Coming from Hutta to Korriban I noticed how much more efficient Korriban Felt. However, I don't really feel any difference between Hutta and Tython. Granted I ran Tython in beta once so know the circuit now.


Korriban is a rail, focuses you down a narrow path with highly effective bind points to burn your 30 minute shuttle after the long run.


Of course the easy Alt option is to create your alt go to the cantina log out. Go play your main for a few days, run your alt up to level. On that metric operative practically spawns in a cantina.


Korriban gets really fast if you do the early detour to shuttle heroic quest and grab a quick partner to duo the heroics your first trip out the right caves. Korriban feels more like a dungeon crawl (rail) to me and I think that's effectively why it plays faster.


You can do lots of inefficient mistakes on Hutta and Tython.

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Ummm Tython was far more interesting as a world goes than Korriban. Korriban was over way too quickly.


Yeah. I said it.


In fact, I made an Agent and Hutta was over before I realized what was going on. It literally went so fast I thought I'd skipped most of the content. I hadn't. I only skipped 2 Heroics, I believe. I skipped 2 Heroics on Korriban and Tython too...

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You didn't miss anything. Less content = favored to the OP.


I guess what the OP was trying to say went right over your head?


The way the quests are layed out, the proximity of the taxis, abundance of quests right next to each other and how small Korriban is leads to a lot less running around.

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Not sure what you are trying to prove. How is either dis-advantaged. You seem to suggest, unless I am mistaken, that by having more time to play a zone the character is penalised. I play to have fun and the game needs to be as long as possible. Sounds like playing the Sith you get to speed your way though and that sounds tragic for something you pay to play. I did all the quests in the starter area with my Jedi Consular and was 11 if I recall before I left. I was somewhat sad to leave and am making sure I do everything possible in the next two areas.. now being 21 and just about to hit the bonus area.


Hope I didn't misunderstand but it seems you relate a faster route as a disadvantage. So would you prefer half your film, half your meal, half your football game and half your life just to complete faster. Don't get that.


If I could I would freeze the levels so I could stay loads and loads longer. The game just whizzes by. Sad really. I guess the Jedi are quite special though and get way more quests. Thats a good enough reason to play Republic all the time. Thanks for the heads up.

Edited by Dekkau
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For the record, I'm not saying the OPs opinion isn't valid. It is. Each person enjoys different things.


For me, Tython (which I did twice) felt much more like a story playing out. I liked its size, its pacing, and its number of quests. I also like the way it introduced me to the Jedi. It seemed far more focused on story than korriban.


For me, Korriban felt rather rushed and it felt like it's primary goal was to get you off the planet as fast as possible. To be fair, though, considering the environment there, there's not a lot they can do with it.


My only point is that I most definitely don't agree with the premise of the thread. If anything, I felt like Tython was greatly favored over Korriban. It was loaded with side quests and stories that enriched (IMO) the planet's history and environment. Korriban's story didn't feel like that at all to me.

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This post is merely pointing out another factor where the empire side is favoured, heavily unfair to the light side of the war.


How do you know if another planet is not different. Maybe a Jedi planet at level 40 is a faster lvling experience then the level 40 sith planet. I am sure it balanced

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I'm going to call BS on the space baring through the whole area. Rolled a shadow the other day and on the fleet ATM with 4 hours 32 minutes played without any space bar action. It's not like I rushed through it at all with it being the first rebel scum I've rolled. That was with being on and off AFK while I was eating.
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I don't really think there's less content. It's just more efficiently placed. The bounty hunter starting planet had 2 or 3 heroic quests compared to tython or ord mandels 1. It also has 3 champion mobs to find compared to alliance sides one on ord and two on tython.


But even if it is less content... do we really care if there's fewer "kill 50 bears and bring me their asses!" types quests? Isn't that a good thing to have less of those?


Ord Ment actually has 4 that know of: one on that island, a captain hanging out by this crashed shuttle, the one by the datacron, and one you run into during a quest to get parts to fix this reactor.

tython has at least five that i can recall off the top of my head: one after the torch lighting quest, a robot in the heroic area, and, not far from him, a captain like guy, and a bird and a "captain" of some sort in the flesh eater place.


i found two on Korriban (not counting the instances): in the crazed acolytes camp (where you do the quest to get the pristine brain) and the other in the "hub" area for the heroic instances.


hutta had a couple that i remember: 2 robots, big lizard, wookie. cant remember ay others.



as for heroic quests, korriban had theirs contained in two instances; hutta was similar, but not as restrictive as you could still work off silver and gold mobs in the tunnels, factory, etc.


Tython's heroics...i remember one and the area was accessible to everyone (no instance). didnt matter, though, there were a lot of other things to do.

Ord had the ones on the Island, but you could head over tehre and kill off gold and silver mobs without instances.


did i miss anything?



overall, i enjoyed my time on Tython more than i did on Korriban. on the flip side, I enjoyed Hutta more than Ord.

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