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How do "casual" players enjoy the game?


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I'm curious what different type of activities "casual" players enjoy pursuing in game. Crafting? Story lines? Space combat?


I would never use the word "hardcore" to describe any gaming endeavor, but I suppose I am more of a min/max type player and I only pursue those activities that I believe provide the greatest benefit/time ratio to enhancing my characters.


For those who don't really care about levels or valor amounts, what sort of in game activities do you pursue?

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I'm curious what different type of activities "casual" players enjoy pursuing in game. Crafting? Story lines? Space combat? (Snip)

All of the above. I have no interest in PvP right now but I'm very much enjoying learning the different classes/skills and interecting with others doing the same. The story lines are engaging for me as is seeing your different companions' reactions to conversation choices.

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Concepts. I wouldn't say I'm casual any more than I'm a hardcore player, but:


I play many hours a day,

I don't min-max,

I don't like being useless,

Concept is important to me.



That said, my main is still level 40 and has yet to start Act 2 - he's chilling on Tatooine until I get back to him to finish the bonus series there and on Nar Shadda. My Trooper's also on Tatooine, but I'm going to do the bonus there before moving to Alderaan with her. Currently, I'm playing my Sage a lot to get Fleet commendations and social points so she can wear the Republic Pilot's outfit, and leveling another consular up to that point when not able to get on a good PC.


I'm still enjoying the game, but can see how people do get burnt out - I'm slowly creeping up to that point myself. Luckily, I have Kingdoms of Amalur to still play, along with Saint's Row 3, and the Vita next week when it comes out, and Mass Effect 3 a bit after that. I figure after all that, I'll be ready to blow through TOR some more.


It's all about moderation.

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I would consider myself a long time casual player. I love the story arc in this game and for the first time ever, I will actually play this game through multiple times. Usually I play one character and may have a few lower level alts but never do they get even half way through to level cap. In SWTOR, I have four characters and at least three of them will reach the cap as I want to know how the story ends.


My one and only complaint is that it will only take me 6-8 months to complete all the story arcs I have already begun. It took my WOW character well over a year to hit 60 in Vanilla, so 6-8 months for 4 characters at the level cap in less time disappoints me.

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I have 2 characters, a 47 and a 37. I play casually by having ZERO social points on either character because there is no way on my isolated server to get a group easily. Seriously, ZERO points on both. I did Black Talon alone once to see if it was fun, and it was. Unfortunately, without the time to spend spamming for group, or a functional LFD system, I don't qualify to get any of the things social points buy, like the sand people costume, etc. Oh well, that's for hardcore players. After all, they're spending $15 a month to play. Hey, so am I...
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To be honest, I think "casual" gamers are the only ones who actually "enjoy" the game. the peopel who like to pretend they are "hardcore"...not so much. They turn it into a chore and a job and a pantwetting whiners fest about this or that being wrong or not in the game or whatever.


This is setting aside the nonense about "hardcore" being a completely ridiculous misnomer. The word we're looking for is "obsessive" or perhaps "delusional."

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I uh...do whatever I feel like?


Pre-mades? Nah, too much work.

Guild? Too much commitment.

I do FP and Warzones when I feel like taking a break from questing.

I really enjoy PvP, win or lose.

Dailies don't matter to me.

Roll an alt if I feel like it.

Change my craft if the mood strikes me.

Gear my ship droid and bring him to fights just because.


I really enjoy MMO PvP and this one has been the most fun for me. Idk why. I really, really hated WoWs...once again, don't ask my why. I just kind of did.

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Seems a funny questions, I bet casual players enjoy the game more that hardcore players, no pressure to raid, or have the best gear. We plod along enjoying the story line with no worries if we don't hit max level in two weeks. My highest is 31 merc and I am enjoying pvp and questing. I do some space combat for some quick exp and credits when I get close to level. Do flash points when I can. But for me it is about relaxing and playing.


When the game ceases to be fun it will be time to move on.

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I have 2 characters, a 47 and a 37. I play casually by having ZERO social points on either character because there is no way on my isolated server to get a group easily. Seriously, ZERO points on both. I did Black Talon alone once to see if it was fun, and it was. Unfortunately, without the time to spend spamming for group, or a functional LFD system, I don't qualify to get any of the things social points buy, like the sand people costume, etc. Oh well, that's for hardcore players. After all, they're spending $15 a month to play. Hey, so am I...


Get a guild, get some friends, then you'll be able to clear content.


That's how folks did it back in vanilla WoW. :cool:

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Casually :cool:




That means a lot of different things to different people. For me, it means I'm not addicted to the game. I play it when I feel like it. I do it for fun. I don't spend more than 10ish hours a week most weeks. etc.


I also played WoW casually, but it was much more addictive, I played more hours, I raided, I topped Healing/DPS charts, but I never *****ed someone out for not playing well, or put the game above real life.

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Get a guild, get some friends, then you'll be able to clear content.


That's how folks did it back in vanilla WoW. :cool:



My friends won't play this game. I love it, but they do not. They came from WoW and went back. 70% of the people I see while playing are not guilded.


People constantly talk about the "community" yet there actually isn't one at all. The only thing dumber than spending time spamming for a group would be desperately spamming for a guild.


If people want to see this game become F2P which is horrible, they will keep pushing their views based on an 'active community'.

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I'm curious what different type of activities "casual" players enjoy pursuing in game. Crafting? Story lines? Space combat?


I would never use the word "hardcore" to describe any gaming endeavor, but I suppose I am more of a min/max type player and I only pursue those activities that I believe provide the greatest benefit/time ratio to enhancing my characters.


For those who don't really care about levels or valor amounts, what sort of in game activities do you pursue?


As a casual player I simply dip in and dip out ,,, its lovely

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I have lots of characters, and the max is level 41 so far. I play my highest right now and will get her to 50 eventually. I enjoy leveling crafting and doing as many missions as possible without out-leveling the planet I'm on. Then I go back and do the bonus series. I also dabble in Space missions from time to time.


Playing a Jedi Knight Sentinel Watchman right now and loving it.



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Casual people can all but forget about 50. Basically the way it is right now, getting any decent 50 gear is a grind, and no one will really help or want to group with you until you do.



Game is easily Casual up to 50, after that however unless your willing to take a month to get any gear you may as well call it finishing that toon and roll another.


Was probably different when people first started hitting 50 but this is the general sentiment now.

Edited by WutsInAName
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i consider myself a casual at least compared to some other players i have seen.


i dont really care for raiding or hardcore progression. im not a minmaxer, but i like to get new gear, new mods, more stats etc. i like to optimize my build so i can kick extra ***. i don't PVP really, ill sometimes tag along with some guildies if they need an extra (same with flashpoints)


i guess this is casual. i just dont want my game to become unfun so thats how i play it; like a game made for entertainment.

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I was hardcore the first two weeks, rushing through to hit 50...and now I'm 50 and that's when the games little minor bugs and stuff show. At 50 there isn't much for casual to do. I have 2 alt's around their 20's which I don't do much but pvp with them to power lvl them.


With my main I just do pvp, my "dailies" usually take a week and my weekly usually takes 10 days or so, PVP is easy and doesn't require a lot of thought, however when you lose 70% of the time it kinda makes u feel like ur wasting your time. However, my grind has paid off in 2 weeks, I have a couple battlemaster purps and a couple centurion weapons so I am pretty happy with that, I don't see me going for Valor lvl 60 or doing hard mode FP's or anything else at this moment.

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I consider myself a casual player, I rarely have more than 2 hours or so a day to play, usually right after work before my fiance gets home. This is my first MMO since quitting WOW about 8 months after it launched. Prior to that I played SWG(about 10 months) and Anarchy Online(14 months).


A big reason I quit WoW is that I'm not into raiding and consider PVP to be a gear competition for twinks with little skill involved. Neither activity brings me much joy, especially raiding and having to listen to "MMO Pros" berate people for not playing the way they feel they should be playing, generally taking the whole thing too damn seriously, and being ******es. I just don't want to deal with that in my leisure time.


Right now I have a 45 Mercenary, a 21 Sentinel, and a 14 Assassin and I'm still enjoying the questing and the stories. I spent a fair amount of time crafting and trying to pump up my companion scores to unlock their back stories. Ideally, I'd like to get enough crafting alts to be completely self-sufficient as well as to experience the best of the character stories. To me, this is by far the strongest element of SWTOR, the stories.


Grouping has been hit or miss, there have been a few times where I've gotten into groups with some good folks who are competent players and want to have a good time. But as I progress with my Merc, increasingly I'm running into the other types, who are in hardcore raiding guilds, aren't playing to have any fun, and have serious attitude problems. So I'm increasingly getting the feeling that I'm just going to not enjoy the endgame. Especially when I see posts on these boards along the lines of "XX is a good player but the guys I raid with think Assassins(or insert class here) are gimps and don't want to handicap the group, so he's out in the cold."


I know that type of stuff is probably in the extreme minority, but this is a game and should be played as such and I do not buy for one minute that a decent player cannot overcome not-so-great gear or perhaps a somewhat nerfed class. I get that the "hardcore" players want this game to be all about their gear grind, their DPS, and their "server firsts!" but to me that stuff at the bottom of the totem poll. I just want to kick some *** and have a good time doing it.

Edited by Ayabe
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