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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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Tbh, i would say there were 5 . Pre-cu, CU, NGE, NGE 2 (armour sets and heroics and imprived pvp) and NGE 2.1 (Assaults on cities for region control and odd stuff like atmos flight)



I wouldn't count content patches more than I would drastic designs changes. A matter of opinions of course.

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Actually it probably is very illegal by using many copyrighted images, music, sounds and intellectual property from Lucasfilm.


But so far it doesnt seem like they care so fair enough



The SWG freeshards can exist because in the original EULA SOE and other companies did not put in anything about connecting to private servers. So if you have bought and own an original copy of SWG there is nothing illegal about connecting to and playing on a freeshard that why there are freeshards of UO, Everquest, Lineage 2 and SWG that cannot be shut down. Afaik EULA's changed around the time of EQ2 & WoW to incorporate this making it illegal to connect to private servers.

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Because it won't sell well and due to the failure of swg. What part of swg failed don't you understand. Game companies want to make money not barely get by or to lose money. You swg fan boys have to realize that when a mmorg has less than 100k subscriptions it's considered a failure, especially with the star wars tag and backing of a major game company. The flip side is eve, which was develop by a small studio and had less resources than what was put into swg and managed to out do swg. Swg has always been garbage even after years. I'm willing to bet most people in swtor and in any other mmorpg here would agree with me that swg was a failure up until they pulled the plug and developing swg 2 would do it no favors and produced less subscription due it's bad rep from swh and the fact that sand box mmorpg aren't very popular.


End game to most mmorpg players are raids and pvp. It's not some thing you make up, but some thing that is provided by the company. If you weren't into rp in swg, what was there to do? Nothing to do in a empty world. That is what I remember of swg. Unfortunate, you swg sand box players are such a minority in mmorpgs that don't expect a major game company making another sand box mmorpg with a popular ip. I pay each month for content patches and not to twiddle my fingers trying to figure out how to make content out of nothing.

Edited by Knockerz
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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


SWG features:


Same bugs/exploits from Beta until they shut the game down.


Zero actual content that required more than a lobotomized kitten to do until well after NGE hit


Broken and horribly imbalanced classes throughout the entire lifespan of the game.


PvP and playing The Sims kept the game afloat until CU... luck kept it up after that.


1 Character slot unless you unlocked your Force Sensitive... then you had two. Two at NGE, or three if you had previously unlocked your now almost useless (except for lot space) Force Sensitive


Flavor of the Month rerolls on a weekly basis thanks to Profession Counselor allowing you to repsec your class ad nauseum, only capped at 25 mil (in NGE). Constant class/faction changes Pre-CU/CU that allowed for unbeatable combinations and yet even more exploits.


Heavily exploitable Player Bounty System that was borked from day one to allow the earning of unlimited credits plus personal protection from ever being hunted.


Shooting through walls, crap collision detection, explosions through walls, one shot kill BH droids going through locked doors, rubber banding speeders, saber switch macros that forced LD status for easy kills, Temporary Enemy Flag exploiting during FRS to make MD Jedi impossible to hunt, Base Busting for easy faction grind, easy credit duping SoE allowed to go on for months until most economies were about as stable as SWG fanbois, broken militia system, entire planets cluttered with player housing/cities with quest mobs stuck in structures, auto attack/loot macros for easy automated farming of mobs, a space game that relied on randomly flying around and hoping you'd find something to kill OR a waypoint system: Fly here, kill this... fly there, kill that, etc... etc... etc....



The only thing that trash example of a game did right was crafting/harvesting. Unless you were a 12 year old girl who enjoyed playing dress up, a bored housewife whose Sims games got old and you liked hanging a lightsaber on the wall, or a trash talking kid who thought words such as "leet" and "pwn" were super duper awesome.... the game had little for anyone.



SWG 2 would be more of the same. The only difference is, a lot of the people who played the first one have actually grown up now and realized the rose-tinted goggles have to come off at some point.

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SWG features:


Same bugs/exploits from Beta until they shut the game down.


Zero actual content that required more than a lobotomized kitten to do until well after NGE hit


Broken and horribly imbalanced classes throughout the entire lifespan of the game.


PvP and playing The Sims kept the game afloat until CU... luck kept it up after that.


1 Character slot unless you unlocked your Force Sensitive... then you had two. Two at NGE, or three if you had previously unlocked your now almost useless (except for lot space) Force Sensitive


Flavor of the Month rerolls on a weekly basis thanks to Profession Counselor allowing you to repsec your class ad nauseum, only capped at 25 mil (in NGE). Constant class/faction changes Pre-CU/CU that allowed for unbeatable combinations and yet even more exploits.


Heavily exploitable Player Bounty System that was borked from day one to allow the earning of unlimited credits plus personal protection from ever being hunted.


Shooting through walls, crap collision detection, explosions through walls, one shot kill BH droids going through locked doors, rubber banding speeders, saber switch macros that forced LD status for easy kills, Temporary Enemy Flag exploiting during FRS to make MD Jedi impossible to hunt, Base Busting for easy faction grind, easy credit duping SoE allowed to go on for months until most economies were about as stable as SWG fanbois, broken militia system, entire planets cluttered with player housing/cities with quest mobs stuck in structures, auto attack/loot macros for easy automated farming of mobs, a space game that relied on randomly flying around and hoping you'd find something to kill OR a waypoint system: Fly here, kill this... fly there, kill that, etc... etc... etc....



Sounds like you're a bitter person who played SWG up until NGE hit, over half the stuff you mention has not been possible in the last 6 years. One of the type of people that spreads such lies about a game they haven't looked back on yet still spout vitriol whenever they can.


SWH improved ten fold from those days, if only you could have seen it.


Btw watch this please :)


Edited by Shuno
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All the hate for SWG huh?


You know the crappy NGE version of the Trader Profession has more diversity than ALL the character classes in this game? True story. You could do EVERYTHING (with varying degrees of success) as a crafter in that game.


To OP, I think the two games represent different ideals. SWG was more a reflection on a Rebel insurgency on Imperial occupied territiory. The war was fought with different tactics. SWTOR represents actual, front lines all-out war between to opposing forces. I do not feel this game would have been done justice without specifying it were the old republic.

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At title question:

Because SWG was bankrupt. And KotOR was one of most successful Star Wars games ever.



o_O woot? It's more of a WoW in SW skin. Or modified KotOR in MMO setting.

Too much ME dude. ;)


SWG wasn't bankrupt. It just had incompetent management behind it. If the devs were allowed to do what they wanted originally, the game could have been great. However, management make the decisions and they made the wrong ones. Over and over and over.

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SWG attracted so many different playstyles, being able to level a character and not have to enter into any sort of combat was very appealing to many. Not least those who had a disability which made rapid finger/hand movements difficult. They too could gain level cap and still have a valuable place within the community.


The crafting and social xp systems opened up MMOs to so many different people that it created a diverse community.


I am still convinced that if SOE had been legally able to continue supporting SWG, even if the number of servers was dranatically reduced, they would have done. I know that I'd still be playing and so would many others.

Edited by Jeia
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Sounds like you're a bitter person who played SWG up until NGE hit, over half the stuff you mention has not been possible in the last 6 years. One of the type of people that spreads such lies about a game they haven't looked back on yet still spout vitriol whenever they can.


SWH improved ten fold from those days, if only you could have seen it.


Btw watch this please :)



Agree, and thanks for posting the link...awesome to watch again, I was actually playing the emu whilst on swg but stopped. I will get it all set up again and see you on there :)

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In SWG i pretty much split my time between entertaining/image designing and hunting down naughty rebels using the player bounty system on my BH as well as being the mayor of the oldest city on FarStar.


Things that i can hardly see TOR ever doing which i miss loads.


The amount of options was almost limitless compared with TOR.


BTW, i dont dislike TOR, just i wish it had more to do

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Because sandbox mmos are only appealing to an increadibly niche market and despite how many people talk about SWG with fondness it wasn't actually that good a game and didn't have many subscribers.


So are pvp mmos but that is what the vast majority of developers expect people to do after they 'level' or too often try to cater to.

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So are pvp mmos but that is what the vast majority of developers expect people to do after they 'level' or too often try to cater to.


and this is not a PVP mmo. We have seen how bad the PVP mmos like WAR and AoC have done.


SWTOR is doing really well and depending on what content they add we will see if SWTOR will be a real long term success.


1.2 will be a real test as it's the first HUGE content patch.

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Because it was Bioware developing it, not SOE. Thank god for that...

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Sounds like you're a bitter person who played SWG up until NGE hit, over half the stuff you mention has not been possible in the last 6 years. One of the type of people that spreads such lies about a game they haven't looked back on yet still spout vitriol whenever they can.


SWH improved ten fold from those days, if only you could have seen it.


Btw watch this please :)



I actually played NGE until November of '09. I took the free xfer from Kauri to Bloodfin. The game didn't change except adding a huge PvE hologrind which wasn't even necessary for the holo-unlocking of the FS slot.


For the record, the only bitterness I have is that I played the game at all. It was something for me to do at work. Since almost 100% of the people I see talking about how great the game was refer to pre NGE, that is what I hit most on.


The Player Bounty System exploits, flavor of the month WEEKLY rerolling, auto kill/loot grinding, automatic macro leveling (entertainer.. which was PvP combat viable with no heal), Base Busting to exploit PvP ranks, boring space game that required you to fight random mobs on your way to a mission objective just to do it over and over again, shooting through walls, Restuss terminal exploits, grenades killing through floors, horrible imbalance in PvP... ESPECIALLY with Spies (for the most part) or CH Medics, etc.. etc..


All in the NGE. Don't take it so personally that you played a sandbox game with themepark elements that then had more themepark layered onto an already crap game.


Anyone who complains of bugs obviously never played SWG's "heroics". The game was an utter failure. Your rose tinted goggles will also clear up some when you grow up and play a few more games.

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In SWG i pretty much split my time between entertaining/image designing and hunting down naughty rebels using the player bounty system on my BH as well as being the mayor of the oldest city on FarStar.


Things that i can hardly see TOR ever doing which i miss loads.


The amount of options was almost limitless compared with TOR.


BTW, i dont dislike TOR, just i wish it had more to do


Sims and PvP. My point was made. Thank you :D

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Because they had the money to make a AAA quality MMO. It wouldn't make any sense to spend the amount of money they did on SW:TOR in order to produce a game that follows a model that has been proven time and again not to attract enough players and therefore not able to generate enough revenue.


If you want a SWG2, at least in terms of game mechanics if not in setting, stop searching in the wrong places and start looking into smaller budget games made by indie game studios. They exist.

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I actually played NGE until November of '09. I took the free xfer from Kauri to Bloodfin. The game didn't change except adding a huge PvE hologrind which wasn't even necessary for the holo-unlocking of the FS slot.


For the record, the only bitterness I have is that I played the game at all. It was something for me to do at work. Since almost 100% of the people I see talking about how great the game was refer to pre NGE, that is what I hit most on.


The Player Bounty System exploits, flavor of the month WEEKLY rerolling, auto kill/loot grinding, automatic macro leveling (entertainer.. which was PvP combat viable with no heal), Base Busting to exploit PvP ranks, boring space game that required you to fight random mobs on your way to a mission objective just to do it over and over again, shooting through walls, Restuss terminal exploits, grenades killing through floors, horrible imbalance in PvP... ESPECIALLY with Spies (for the most part) or CH Medics, etc.. etc..


All in the NGE. Don't take it so personally that you played a sandbox game with themepark elements that then had more themepark layered onto an already crap game.


Anyone who complains of bugs obviously never played SWG's "heroics". The game was an utter failure. Your rose tinted goggles will also clear up some when you grow up and play a few more games.


By hologrind i assume you mean the cloak holo grind, well that was purely optional and i support that as i dislike jedi in every form, so maybe i am biased (although i did do it myself for something to do on an alt)


All the bugs about shooting through walls base busting etc was fixed. I guess you didnt hang around very long.


BM/medics are next to useless in real pvp though but annoying as bounty targets.


P.S i just noticed....


"Your rose tinted goggles will also clear up some when you grow up and play a few more games"


Oh now you have done it, SWG was by no means my first MMO, i played Ultima Online and Phantasy star online before hand.

I also have played LOTRO, EVE, WoW, AOC, Anarchy online, Star trek online, guild wars and planetside (if that counts)


I have been playing MMOs for a very long time and i know what makes a good one.


As i said earlier, i like TOR its a good game. I just think i would like it better if it had half the features SWG had

Edited by Shuno
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I'm not convinced sandbox games would be doomed before they launch. MMOs in general were a niche market before WoW. What WoW did was make the genre more accessible to everyone. Since then, most of what you see are companies trying to copy that. Using SWG as "proof" that sandbox is a fail genre is just false. I love SWG and I wish it developed into what it should have been and not change the way it did. Truth is though, the game had so many flaws that it just couldn't compete with WoW. Also the market wasn't there yet.


Eve is rather successful, not like WoW, but still. The thing is, the learning curve in that game is extremely steep. It's hardcore. There hasn't been any big budget sandbox games that attempt to appeal to more people.


What WoW did was bring in a massive amount of new people to a genre and now those very people are itching for something different. This is the reason you see so many "WoW clones" fail. Not so much because they are bad games, but rather people are done with that type of game.


All it takes is for one company to take a chance and put out a guided sandbox game. Something that appeals to people who want direction, but enough freedom to do whatever they want. If you look at some future games releasing, it's already started to happen. Companies are slowly starting to dip their feet into the sandbox genre while still being heavily themepark. Testing the waters and it will just continue. The hybrid of these two is inevitable and that's what people are wanting to play.

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Because they had the money to make a AAA quality MMO. It wouldn't make any sense to spend the amount of money they did on SW:TOR in order to produce a game that follows a model that has been proven time and again not to attract enough players and therefore not able to generate enough revenue.


If you want a SWG2, at least in terms of game mechanics if not in setting, stop searching in the wrong places and start looking into smaller budget games made by indie game studios. They exist.


You could also say the same of all the recent MMO's that have followed the WoW model. None of them have large susbcriber numbers, and have had to switch to f2p. I know we might not think it possible now but I wouldn't be surprised if TOR goes the same way in a year or so.


Galaxies gave people freedom,the trouble is most MMO players don't know what to do with it. These are the very same people that need an addon to tell them how to do a quest. They find it mind boggling that someone would want to play a dancer, or a dedicated crafter when you could play Jedi.


Sadly, the time of the sandbox has gone, the perception and it is only a perception, is that no one wants to play one. So now we end up with one soulless clone after another where your hand is held at every turn.


I like TOR, it's fun, but it could have been so much more with even a few sandbox elements.

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