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A little known fact about grav round/tracer missle.


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I have a lvl 50 commando named Jenesisere on Master Zhar Lestin server that I've shelved because my friends wanted to move to an east coast server instead of the west coast server we played on. Now that I won't be playing a commando anymore (I'm going sniper) I'll let you all in on a little secret.


You know how when you look at the tooltip of your moves and it says it does x amount of damage but when you actually do the move it never does that much? For example it says charged bolts does 1452-1695 but whenever I use it, it usually hits for about 12-1300.


Well, this is where grav round is special. It doesn't get affected by armor unlike other attacks in the game. The tooltip says it does 1361-1411 kinetic damage (armor reduces kinetic damage) and non crits literally always do that much damage no matter how much armor the target has. Special isn't it?


Anyway, I just figured I'd let you all know that this skill is bugged because it bypasses all armor. Cheers!



Adding a link to a video I took showing what I'm talking about. The first few seconds are me highlighting the tool tip so you can see the damage range and the rest is me fighting a few enemies.



Edited by genesiser
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Shatter shot is the same way for snipers - it does kinetic damage and is weapon based, but it always does full damage and is not effected by armor, because it reduces armor as a primary effect. Of course, shatter shot does far less damage than grav round or tracer missile - something like 500~ in the 40-50 range.


I figure it's just a game code limitation or something that would require extensive workaround, rather than a random bug.

Edited by Tenacity
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Make no mistake, this bug WILL get fixed some time in the future. Maybe not next patch and maybe not for a few months, but at some point it will get fixed. And when it does, mercs and commandos will be crying they got a huge nerf when it fact it was a bug fix.


Think about it, if fighting something with 20% dmg reduction, instead of doing 1400 dmg, they'll be doing 1166 dmg. If fighting someone with 25% dmg reduction, they'll be doing 1120. And when fighting tank type enemies with 45% dmg reduction, they'll be doing 965. In other words, they'll not only be like every other class where their main move gets reduced by armor, but they'll actually have to used charged bolts because it hits harder and grav round will be for the debuff and buff they get and charged bolts will be their hard hitting move. The day this gets fixed will be a sad day for many mercs/commandos.


P.S. I find it funny how there have been almost 500 views but only 7 replies. I think there are many mercs/coms that see this and hope that if no one replies it'll go away and get swept under the rug because this bug fix will be a huge nerf. If you guys really want to "nerf" grav round/tracer missle, keep this post bumped so they can get fixed and put in line with others.


Edit: I just wanted to throw this out there before a merc or commando comes here and says, "Charged bolts doesn't give us buffs like grav round does." That is false. The talent that gives full auto a 30% chance to proc stronger dmg works with grav round AND charged bolts. The barrier talent gets built with grav round AND charged bolts. The only talent that doesn't give you a benefit using charged bolts like grav round does is the talent to make High Impact Bolt do 6% more dmg. So I just wanted to take apart that argument before they bring it up.

Edited by Ulmius
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Grav round is much better than charged bolts - it bypasses any cover and u cant miss with it.


But, i have another little (or a big one) secret for ya. As u know, grav round has an activation time (1.5 sec), BUT if u press the ability in the right time, its act time is shared with GCD (global cooldown), so u can spam it every 1.5 sec.


Cheers :)

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what is going on in here?


i thought it was known that only snipers and tank classes are effected by armor and defense stats


That is false. Sage/Sorcs have their damage reduced by armor. (their dots however only get reduced by passive stats like talents and the base 10%) Also, the bug isn't that grav round ignores defense like shield and evade, it's that it bypasses all armor and damage reduction. The only other move is flourish shot from a gunslinger, but that move does pitiful damage and is only used for the debuff. It appears this bug has to do with abilities that reduce the armor while doing damage. I'm not sure if it also happens with a jedi guardian with their sunder move though.

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In Fact most of sorcs attacks ignore every type of armor. Ner ... i Mean, fix please!


Not true. Look at the tool tip and look at the damage range. Then use the ability on an enemy and you'll see that the damage it does is never close to what the tool tip says because the damage is reduced by armor and damage reduction. That is not true for grav round. The only trait sage abilities share with grav round is that they cannot be shielded or evaded.

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In Fact most of sorcs attacks ignore every type of armor. Ner ... i Mean, fix please!


Ummm... the person you just quoted mentioned that's a myth, most Sorcerer/Sage abilities are infact energy or kinetic, which means they're affected by armor just like everything else. Only our DoTs and mebbe one other ability (not sure off the top of my head) are internal damage, which is only reduced by passive abilities/resistances.


Hoping you were being sarcastic and not stupid, but just had to re-iterate the very obvious statement you quoted.


More on topic though, does anyone know for sure if this is the same with Tracer Missle? And if it is, and they do fix it, well, bad Mercs/Troopers will be sad and rage and reroll, but those of us that understand grav/tracer is just a minimal use filler to stack buffs/debuffs for our better/stronger abilities won't really care too much since well, we have better/stronger abilities once our gravity/heat is applied a few times.

Edited by Nythain
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One Quesion that proves that OP talks crap:


Why does tracer missle does a lot less damage on People with heavy armor then on people with light armor if it ignores Armor?


One tooltip that proves you know nothing about the game.


Tracer Missile/Gravity spam do tech damage. Tech damage (like force damage) is not mitigated by armor.


The End.

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One tooltip that proves you know nothing about the game.


Tracer Missile/Gravity spam do tech damage. Tech damage (like force damage) is not mitigated by armor.


The End.


And still. Why can i crit on sorcs ( light armor) with 2,6-3 k and on other Mercs (heavy armor) only with 2,2-2,6k if it ignores armor?

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One tooltip that proves you know nothing about the game.


Tracer Missile/Gravity spam do tech damage. Tech damage (like force damage) is not mitigated by armor.


The End.


Quoting for irony.


Tech and Force damage (being typically kinetic and energy, as there actually is no 'tech' and 'force' damage, only debuffs) are mitigated by armor usually.


There are a couple abilities some classes have that ignore armor, those are Internal and Elemental damage. And they are rare.


People confuse this with Tech and Force attacks ignoring shields and ranged defense.

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It does kinetic damage. NORMALLY kinetic damage is mitigated by armor - but because these abilities cause an armor penetration debuff, something in the background code causes them to ignore it.


As I said before, the sniper ability shatter shot, which reduces the target's armor by 20% for 45 seconds, also does kinetic damage and is a weapon-based attack, but it still ignores armor.


This is a code error, or something that they couldnt figure out a workaround for.

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One tooltip that proves you know nothing about the game.


Tracer Missile/Gravity spam do tech damage. Tech damage (like force damage) is not mitigated by armor.


The End.


These forums are *********** hilarious, so many mensa members with all of their "facts" trying to get things nerfed.

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Uhhh, I regularly hit below the amount listed under the skill(especially when going after Battlemasters in PVP). I also notice I do more vs light armored. I don't notice it being broken whatsoever.


Same. Perhaps OP was fighting one person with high expertise and another with low? Hard to say. Anyways without actually providing any real proof this thread is just another thread about tracer missile.


Seriously. You know what will happen if tracer missile gets nerfed or put on a cooldown? Either the class will be completely broken, or it will be fixed by increasing the damage, and/or lowering the heat and cooldowns of other abilities. Then people will complain about rail shots, unload etc.. just as much. At least tracer missile is noticeable, and interuptable, and easy to get out of los of.

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Same. Perhaps OP was fighting one person with high expertise and another with low? Hard to say. Anyways without actually providing any real proof this thread is just another thread about tracer missile.



Good point, I should have done this in the beginning but better late than never. Here is a video I took showing what I'm talking about. The first few seconds are high lighting the tooltip to show the damage and then attacking a few enemies. I'll edit my first post to also include the video.


Here's the link to the video.


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