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If all you do is PvP why are you on a PvE server??


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Well as for me I did questing on my sage. Started my trooper and there is no need for me to do all the quests again its boring leveling thru pvp a lot more fun once you did all the quests. I only do class guests now. But I do plan to make my next character on a pvp server. Just to see the difference.
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Most people I know on my RP-PVE server went there because they typically have a nicer and more mature community. That's been the case for my server. I get along well with most players of both factions.


This tbh ^


Been considering rerolling to an RP-PVE server just for the community, however I don't RP that much, don't really have the time to invest into a background story and so on so not so sure on how I would be recived.


The state on the PvE and PvP servers I play on is horrible... No respect for other players at all. If my RL buds wasn't on them I wouldn't be either.

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Because they are scurred of playing real pvp players.


It has been an extremely long time since I played on a pvp server where ganking while leveling is a serious problem. Plus if these guys only warzone to level why would they not choose a pvp server? It is weird.


Scared? No. Don't really see the point in pvp servers. Most of the pvp I enjoy is on war zones. World pvp in this game is not good.

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


I don't understand your reasoning. The issue is not that they did choose a pve server. It's the lack of a separation in Warzone queues between premades and randoms.

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I'm on a PvP server, but kinda wish I went PvE instead.


World PvP sucks in this game, and people who partake in it suck even more. Not once was I attacked without overwhelming odds. Ever. Never had a player my level roll up, politely wait until I finished killing the mobs, and duke it out with me. Which is a civilized thing to do. It's always some spineless twit jumping you when you already have your hands full with a hard pull.


Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner :)


This is exactly why i pvp on a pve server. Who wants to get ganked all the time trying to get to 50 to pvp? You think that because i pvp i should only play on pvp servers? Newsflash, people PVE aswell on pvp servers, it is not a crime to pvp on pve and vice versa.

And to your "if they love pvp so much why are they not on pvp servers" well i can only speak for my self, but id rather prefer getting into warzones and get money and valor than to go sit on some bush in a quest zone and gank ppl randomly.

Edited by Steele_dk
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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


So they can roll roll empire and not have long queue times, and make videos of pwning raiders 3 on 1.


Only reason I can think of. Then they come here and talk about pvp balance and say all classes are equally represented in warzones when they are 3 on 1'ing total scrubs.


LOL at the 10-49 bracket on fatman pvp server right now. Sorc/Merc and the occasional assassin and their mirrors is all you will ever see. Same goes for any high pop pvp server where people have figured out the resolve system sucks and ranged stunlocking and sorc/sage healers ftw.


The 10-49 bracket is STUNTASTIC.

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I must echo the point that has been brought up and yeah it's that as a person who is on a PvP server, the most "world PvP" that I've ran into was on Tatooine where on a regular basis you can count on at least 2-3 lv.50's being bored and having nothing better to do than 1-2 shot people 20 levels below them. The other place I saw a lot of open world PvP was on Voss on the map that had the shared rez point with no NPC guardians so 6 sith were just camping the rez point killing people as they came back.

On the up side retribution kills make it all worth while at times. The best was when I was finishing leveling my character to 50. I was doing the Hoth bonus series just keeping to myself doing quests when some Jug jumps out to attack me, I pop resilience and force cloak out of there. 5 minutes later he jumps me again and kills me. So when I come back I'm just walking in stealth and come across him fighting the elite you need to kill for the datacron on Hoth, so I waited for about half a minute until he had the boss at about 25% life and he was at 30% life then jumped up from behind and killed him; and it wasn't even the killing him that made me happy, it was the fact that the person was so close to finishing something, could practically see the finish line and then have all that hard effort and work be in vain. After that I didn't see him again.

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I know from first hand knowledge, a player who was once in the guild quit and rolled Imp. He said that around 30% or so found the PvE part boring as all heck and love to PvP. He wanted to PvE and do class quests and they said that they have become a PvP only guild and the storylines suck and they want nothing to do with them.


I know not everyone will agree with me but this is my opinion and my husband's as well. To the person who called me a Troll, nice way to resort to name calling.


facepalm if i was your husband i would lock you in a kitchen.

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


Just let me be clear on this…. You are essentially complaining that a guild on the other faction on your server enjoys pvp so much that’s all they do. Consequentially they got good at it. Instead of getting good yourself, you honestly thought the best recourse was to come to the forums and whine about them?!


You are either a really good troll, or a really bad player.

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I consider myself a PvP player. Leveled up my first character on a PvP server (+ a few alts) only to realise that on republic side the server was quite dead (~50 players on fleet).

Therefore, I rerolled on a busy PvE server where I have RL friends. I still prefer to PvP but on PvE servers I don't have to face the severe faction disbalance which leaves the Republic side so barren.

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


You do have a valid concern (pugs vs premades) but your solution is quite stupid (sorry but it is). The problem is that the matchmaking algorithm is either badly made or simply does not have enough people available on a single server (even with high load) to provide even teams.


What should be added is cross server pvp, yes i know a lot of people dislike it but it would help the matchmaking system to make more even matches.

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I don't understand your reasoning. The issue is not that they did choose a pve server. It's the lack of a separation in Warzone queues between premades and randoms.

Why has nobody else made this connection?


I have exactly the same issue on my server, not as often mind you, but as a 'new 50' with no PvP gear it is very disheatening to meet a good pre-made team and be 4-0 down in Huttball before you have come out of your starting zone after your first death while it was still 0-0.


The sooner ratings and team v team are implemented the better.

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How are you getting ganked if your on a PVE server?


Also find more friends to PVP with and get better at PVP to beat them. No one can help you but yourself. Goodluck. You are going to really hate this game when you get to 50 and want to PVP

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


I play my mains on a PVE server and I enter Wz's with a premade group 95% of the time.

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How the hell are you being ganked on a PvE server?


Ultimately, why do you care so much about what other people do? So let me get this straight, they're cowards because they don't want to engage in unfair, mismatched pvp? I can't believe you are so close minded.


If you and your husband are so awful that you need other people to be dumbed down and handicapped to your level, that is you guys being bad. Don't put the onus on them for doing content that they enjoy that is available on ALL servers.


What a pathetic thread, I don't even know why I bothered posting.

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I play my mains on a PVE server and I enter Wz's with a premade group 95% of the time.


This. Me too.


Why do people always want to change other people's lifes based on pure ideological reasons?


"PvP-Server" and "PvE-Server" and "RP-Server" are meaningless labels, purely for social reasons. I like PvP and don't like being ganked or one-hitted by ppl 10 levels above me.


So I PvP with premades.


We have a PvP guild on our PvE Server. So what?

If I am in a crafting guild, on a non-crafting server, am i not allowed to play?

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i do a lot of PvP and still rolled PvE


for one thing, guild rolled PvE so i just went with it.

second, i see no benefit from PvP servers cause if warhammer taught me anything that this just amounts to the high-level, pimped-out with endgame gear players preying on the lower levels.


besides, the only world pvp worth mentioning is happening on Ilum and I dont need a PvP server to do that. Also PvE crowd isnt as narcissistic as the PvP bunch.

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


Question arise in couter to Yours.

Why are YOU playing PvP then ?

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First thing is, if you don't like the balance/guild setup on your server then move. Its not that hard to level other characters. Pick one you haven't already played and get to work.


Heck, roll a toon on the OTHER SIDE of the server you are on. Then you can have the uberguild on your side.


As far as open world ganking.. it happens a lot on busy servers. I was getting ganked by groups on Alderaan all day last weekend trying to do my questline. It was always by full groups. I would be minding my own business, get stunned at long range and then jumped by a full group. (there are a lot of H4s in that area) that was on my EMPIRE character, which is the overpop side on The Fatman.


Another guild that I play with went Republic on a PVE server. I prefer not having to deal with gankers, and all. But after I made 50 there the lack of players made the market and WZs sorta blah. If my PVE server had the population of the PVP server then I would proabably play there more. Find a heavy populated RP or RP-PVP or even a different PVE server and GO there.


I also rolled up a rebublic character on The Fatman, and the ganking does go both ways. Tat and Alderaan in particular.


I have never seen a H4 group pass up a gank. Ever. (I still almost killed one in return the last time on Alderaan because they were ignoring my DPS pet on the Sorc -- but they realized it and CCed the pet before finishing me off) I was a touch overleveled for the area, which helped a lot.



there are always a lot of new folks moving to the more full servers. It sounds like your current server may be underpopulated too.

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What does ganking have to do with anything? If it happened in a warzone - well this is what happens in warzones. If it happened in Open world - unflag.


As per why would they roll there - the majority of my guild voted for PVE as they didn't think they enjoy PVP. Things changed since then but we happen to be on a PVE server now.


I am always flagged since day 1 - even though I didn't see any Imps until Shaddaa, of course - and I do enjoy the occasional skirmish while questing but I must say that it happens very rarely as the vast majority are not flagged.

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