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Thinking of starting an inquisitor, want to now if the story line is any good.


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I think this largely depends on what you are looking to get from the story. Do you want lots of funny dialog? Go smuggler. Do you want mysteries and powers of the force? Go Inquisitor.


From what I've seen across the forums, every story has someone who really enjoyed it and someone who thought it was pulp writing at its worst, so personal tastes play a big part. Also, don't forget that much of the time you actually spend in game is doing stuff that has nothing to do with your story, so game play mechanics and the generic quests should be considered as well. If you are particularly put off by one faction or another, the class story isn't going to help much. Same goes for game play, 50 levels of painful grinding can weigh done any story.


Also, searching the forums might answer this question for you, the advanced search lets you drill into the specific class boards and there are several threads about the story already. Just Search for the word "story", select search titles only and select the Sith Inquisitor forum(or Smuggler)

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I'm not quite done with it yet (currently on Voss), but thusfar the beginning was great, it sagged around the end of act I, picked itself back up for a bit, and act III has been a colossal disappointment (though with certain indications that there may be an epic ending coming). Overall, I've liked it, despite the disappointing bits, though it's the one only one I've experienced to such a degree at this point.
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If you like hunting for powerful artifacts, you will love the Inq story. I didn't enjoy it as much but I think it is because I played the Inq in beta and having to repeat part of the story didn't seem so enjoyable - oh also the rush to 50 kinda ruined the story for me hehe.
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I quite liked it. And it's quite a bit different from Sith Warrior, for example. As a warrior, you get a "yarr, warrior crush!" vibe and dialogue. As an inquisitor, you kinda feel hunted half the time.


Though in my opinion Bioware really screwed up the story at some points by making it ludicrously predictable. But that really goes for all classes. They all have a twist, and you can always see it coming a mile away. Or maybe it's just me.


Anyway, Inquisitor definitely has a nice story.

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The ending is pretty awesome. You go from slave to awesomely powerful Darth in charge of the future of the Sith. Sith relics and history in your domain. It sounds boring, until the final conversation where you realize that the fate of the Sith is up to you. The Jedi may win but thanks to your actions, the Sith will live on. Forever.


Pretty sweet.



Like every story, it drags in the middle, though.

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Agreed here, i just finished mine.

Thoroughly enjoyed it although it got a little bit repetitive at times.


The running back and forth across planets for 1 conversation got annoying but otherwise quite epic. Much like you'd expect a sith story to be.

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I'm loving it so far!! (Currently on Belsavis)


The biggest lull in the story for me was Balmora/Naar shada, and then after Alderaan, the story just exploded. I couldn't sleep I just had to do the mission




Also, it made me come to truly respect the power of a Darth. :)

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I found the Inquisitor story very lackluster, i was very disapointed in it, dont want to spoil anything, so ill just say this:


You gather power for a very long time, and then in the last few class stories, you totally suck, i mean...you never use anything at all compared to what the enemies you face use. And thats after you have gathered more power than the enemy has, i find it rediculus and i am disapointed.


And also, there was not much happening in the Inquisitor class story, and certainly no intrigues, no scheming etc no nothing.

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Thinking about starting a new char now, I am thinking between sith inquisitor or smuggler on republic side. Inquisitor's story line any good?


First, the class is poorly named. We're not assassins, we're not "inquisitors."


We're glorified Imperial Reclamation Service Workers.


Go to this cave, get something old.

Go to this tomb, get something old.

Go to this planet, get something old.....


That's the class story, with broken (poorly designed) companions.


And the ending is a major letdown.


Roll a BH or a Soldier if you want a good story.

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Act 3 is really quite epic, especially the last planet and climax.


I find your definition of "epic" disturbing.



Epic: Like the part where we don't even get to kill that mouthy brat, Thanaton?

Epic: Like the part where the Galactic War rages and we have zero role or news that it's even happened?

Epic: Like the part where I get my own fleet with super weapons, but I never get to use it...aside from once....once! Why once?

Epic: Like the part where I never get to "turn" my Jedi into a proper Sith? Why not? The other Sith class gets to...



Act III is all fail.

Edited by Petrus
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I have enjoyed the story of the Inquisitor so far. I just got my Legacy name night before last though, so I don't know the whole thing.


I will say this: I've played complete Dark. No light options taken at all. There were points where I thought it might mess up my story, but infact it only enhanced it. Some NPCs think I'm a total lunatic, and most are scared to death of me. Only on my Scorcerer do I go into the frame of mind of "I don't care, kill it".


I play on an RP server just for that reason. I get into my characters and it's like they are an extention of myself. Only with the Scorcerer do I let my "Dark passions" rise...And it is seductive...

Edited by Keilin
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I find your definition of "epic" disturbing.



Epic: Like the part where we don't even get to kill that mouthy brat, Thanaton?

Epic: Like the part where the Galactic War rages and we have zero role or news that it's even happened?

Epic: Like the part where I get my own fleet with super weapons, but I never get to use it...aside from once....once! Why once?

Epic: Like the part where I never get to "turn" my Jedi into a proper Sith? Why not? The other Sith class gets to...



Act III is all fail.


I'll just note about those second couple of points that...


The best super weapons are the ones you only have to fire once.

Being turned does not necessarily entail being a raging psychopath. Ashara is definitely turned by the end of her storyline.


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IMO, no. Very little tension.


It was basically an 'Uncharted' story except in uncharted people actually gave a ****. In this game people were like,


"oh, you're looking for this really powerful sith artifact? That's nice, can you go fetch me 10 roasted bunnies?"


Only got to level 31 however.

Edited by TeddyBearSniper
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I'll just note about those second couple of points that...


The best super weapons are the ones you only have to fire once.

Being turned does not necessarily entail being a raging psychopath. Ashara is definitely turned by the end of her storyline.


Raging psychopath...lol...ok, great points.

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