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Single player game with hints of mmo ?


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Just a little example.


You stated that Blizzard made their own engine when infact they did not. Get your facts straight before posting non-sense.


Now dont go and say "when did I say that" check page 4. INB4 edit, dont go and edit it either.


It is a fact that Blizzard used WC3 engine but modified it, just like TOR did with the Hero engine.

Edited by Notannos
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EQ was not quest based, and no raids at endgame until Kunark and more so in Velious where the "endgame of killing big bad monsters" took a foothold.


Eve online is not a wow clone


GW2, although not released does not seem to be a wow clone.


Shadowbane was not a wow clone, PvP based, no quests, skill/class sytem...


AO was not a wow clone, but wow did not exist back then, lol.


Stand corrected, but I meant like EQ based, not anything like an RTS space game or anything like that.


GW2 has "dynamic quests" or events that give you quests, same formula just different on how you get them from what I understand of it.


Never heard of shadowbane.

Edited by darthdoll
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I don't get how this gets called a single player game and WoW doesn't. The only difference is, WoW has been around for years, all the players are max level so they all hang out in the same area.


Level a character in WoW, and it's a complete ghost town from 1-85.


Not that I'm a huge wow fan (not even close actually), but I remember seeing a LOT of people when leveling up, and as I was on a pvp server I had a lot of open world fights.


In TOR I barely see my own faction, much less the opposite faction.

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Just a little example.


You stated that Blizzard made their own engine when infact they did not. Get your facts straight before posting non-sense.


Now dont go and say "when did I say that" check page 4. INB4 edit, dont go and edit it either.


It is a fact that Blizzard used WC3 engine but modified it, just like TOR did with the Hero engine.




Have a nice read.

Edited by Notannos
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"World of Warcraft was first announced by Blizzard at the ECTS trade show in September 2001.[47] Development of the game took roughly 4–5 years, and included extensive testing. The 3D graphics in World of Warcraft use elements of the proprietary graphics engine originally used in Warcraft III"



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Not that I'm a huge wow fan (not even close actually), but I remember seeing a LOT of people when leveling up, and as I was on a pvp server I had a lot of open world fights.


In TOR I barely see my own faction, much less the opposite faction.


Thats all server and faction based. On my server imperial side, I see people everywhere when I quest, even group up while doing same quests. and yes I have gotten into PvP skirmishes in Tatoine and Belsalvis and Voss. And from what I remember it was the same in WoW for the most part except people would not group up to do quests because it was counter intuitive to do so.

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"World of Warcraft was first announced by Blizzard at the ECTS trade show in September 2001.[47] Development of the game took roughly 4–5 years, and included extensive testing. The 3D graphics in World of Warcraft use elements of the proprietary graphics engine originally used in Warcraft III"




Yeah, but it was still their in house engine they developed, only for WCIII.

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Yeah, but it was still their in house engine they developed, only for WCIII.


Yes, I was not disputing that, I was saying that they modified it much like TOR did to the Hero engine.


Doesnt really matter what engine you use, you modify it you really just gut the thing so to speak.

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TOR is not a "clone"


So your basically saying:


WoW is a clone of EQ


Dominios is a clone of original pizza


Cellphone is a clone of the telephone


Soda is a clone of water


Xbox is a clone of N64


See how stupid that is.


Just stop, TOR is way better than anything WoW can be... pandas? need I say more?


I agree,And to be honest if it were a wow clone I wouldnt be playing it, I wouldnt enjoy it,and I would have UN-Installed it.

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Not read any of the replies in this thread and this has probably been said a few times in one way or another, but yeah, SWTOR is 100% an MMORPG.


If SWTOR is a single player game, then so is World of Warcraft, Rift, etc etc.

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This topic needed brought up again.



Oh wait. No it didn't.


Its an MMO. It has everything every other modern MMO has except you can't be a moisture farmer or a cantina dancer and hand out pointless buffs to other players who have nothing better to do than stare at you and AFK in town.

Edited by Arkerus
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Do got the same feeling as me ? or is it just that i'm playing republic. I became lvl 50 ten days ago and thought it would be interesting but it wasn't. Mainly because it feels so empty, i do play on a heavy server.


This might be just on my server, haven't tried imperial, maybe u have an alive community ?

i played both side,

empire in a heavy server,

but the fleet is just like a ghost town,

republic in a FULL server,

and much more alive,


cause of the TIME ZONE,

we live in GMT+X time zone.


so server loading is not the root cause, but the TIME.

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So not only is it a single player MMO but it is also single faction. There is literally no Republic playing. When you sit in Hutt-Ball after Hutt-Ball battling your own faction its starting to feel like a gosh darn FFA.


There is no Dungeon Finder. The LFG is laughable. The travel is eye-gougingly painful. Don't get me wrong, I like the gameplay and the mechanics somewhat...needs a macro engine of some sort.


It's just much easier and I am sure they run the numbers before they start working on actualy programming logic and game development. Seems to me they bought a game engine...hired some map builders and paid some voice actors and bam you gotta game. Now adding all the pieces that actually make this a MMO and a community like Rift is gonna be difficult and maybe if the subscriptions start rolling in.


BTW the gosh darn 5 SECURITY QUESTIONS...I mean really 5.



Edited by chewbutta
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How on earth can you compare the launch of TORtanic with the launch of WoW?

if you're trying to do the impossible, just give up - there's a reason it's called 'impossible'.


LOL, still using TORtaninc like that really means something.


I assume you were one of the people saying f2p in a month, then BOOM, 1.7 million subs.


Now it's "wait till 3 months then f2p".



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LOL, still using TORtaninc like that really means something.


I assume you were one of the people saying f2p in a month, then BOOM, 1.7 million subs.


Now it's "wait till 3 months then f2p".




Yep. They'll keep pushing the line back so ONE DAY they will be right.


First it was...


This game won't even have 200,000 subs

Then it was F2P after 30 days

Then its 60 days F2P

Then its one year

Then its going to be shut down after one year

Then 2...then 3...





Here, I'll make a prediction...


WoW will be shut down...someday. TAKE THAT!

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Do got the same feeling as me ? or is it just that i'm playing republic. I became lvl 50 ten days ago and thought it would be interesting but it wasn't. Mainly because it feels so empty, i do play on a heavy server.


Example: the last week at what i call prime time 6-9 in the evening, we have about 50 online in rep fleet and of them there's maybe 20 lvl 50's. Ilum same time, there might be one ops group of 20 ppl but that's nothing against the hordes of imps. The planet Corellia( or whatever it's called) where i'm doing q's now, there's about 3-5 online. When u do wz's u pretty much play with the same ppl all the time.


Could go on and on but hopefully u get my drift. Getting groups for flashpoints and hc q's are a real pain in the ***.


Get a guild then ? Ofc i have but i want a community also, playing with the same ppl all the time is not a real mmo for me. U need to have two sides that feels alive, otherwise i can play D2 on a network connection.


This might be just on my server, haven't tried imperial, maybe u have an alive community ?

So this would mean WOW is single player too.


Orgrimmar and Stormwind are just each 1 big chat room then.

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I laugh when I see people say "Wow didn't have xxx at launch either!!".


Hello, morons, this isn't 2004, it's 2012.


World of Warcraft launched about 7-8 years BEFORE SWTOR. Of course they didn't have those things, it was a different market for MMORPGs, precedents were not set, developers had to come up with new ideas, and build on old ones. That's what SWTOR is missing.. progression in features.


SWTOR isn't competing with Vanillia/Launch day WoW. It's competing with newer MMORPGs, WoW in 2012, TERA, GW2 etc.


Unfortunately for us, this game IS stuck in 2004. There is no excuse for that. None.


Then you hear how the devs took things in beta away, only to now start adding them so they could appear to be "working"... That's complete lazyness.


I was dead-set on sticking it out for the 6 months. I doubt I make it past march now.


SWTOR didn't bring enough to the table. It'll fail because of that.

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So this would mean WOW is single player too.


Orgrimmar and Stormwind are just each 1 big chat room then.

I'd kind of expect that of a very mature game (in terms of its product life).


I wouldn't expect to be saying that at all about a brand-new game, not even two months out of release.


SWTOR isn't competing with Vanillia/Launch day WoW. It's competing with newer MMORPGs, WoW in 2012, TERA, GW2 etc.
It has the features of 2004 WoW with the content of 2012 WoW (plus cutscenes).


Developers should be aiming for the content of 2004 WoW with the features of 2012 WoW.


I don't know how BW got it backwards.


I'm not even sure what to make of that. Its so general it could mean anything.
Two teams made WoW; the original development team that was looking at EQ and said "how could we do it better," and the EQ-loving live team that was installed around WoW's 2004 release, which clearly didn't have half the skill of the original development team, except at creating raid content. Edited by Ansultares
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I laugh when I see people say "Wow didn't have xxx at launch either!!".


Hello, morons, this isn't 2004, it's 2012.


World of Warcraft launched about 7-8 years BEFORE SWTOR. Of course they didn't have those things, it was a different market for MMORPGs, precedents were not set, developers had to come up with new ideas, and build on old ones. That's what SWTOR is missing.. progression in features.


SWTOR isn't competing with Vanillia/Launch day WoW. It's competing with newer MMORPGs, WoW in 2012, TERA, GW2 etc.


Unfortunately for us, this game IS stuck in 2004. There is no excuse for that. None.


Then you hear how the devs took things in beta away, only to now start adding them so they could appear to be "working"... That's complete lazyness.


I was dead-set on sticking it out for the 6 months. I doubt I make it past march now.


SWTOR didn't bring enough to the table. It'll fail because of that.


It didnt launch with it, but LFG or whatever you need is not a necessity.


Not for me, im glad this game does not have most of the features that make WoW horrible.


If you knew anything about development you would not make that remark. Things go in, things get taken away its not about laziness.


Dont worry, Tera and GW2 will not be that good or as innovative as some might think.

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