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Score one for the casuals


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Thank you for not deleting my witty observation. :D

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Because it's the casuals who tend to ***** on the forums about how this class needs a nerf or that class needs a nerf because their gear can't compete or they aren't good enough to win.


Again, I will interject here and state that anyone who signs up on a forum to participate in discussions related to their hobby, might not exactly belong in the casual generalization.


They might not play as much as people closer to the outliers, but they certainly are not your average user by any means either.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Before the nerf my surge brought me to 91% and it is 72% now. Before the nerf a 450 power adrenal gave me larger crits than a 450 surge adrenal. Now my surge adrenal brings me to 77%... completely worthless. And power helps for the 65-70% (depending if I get a smuggler buff) of the time that I do not crit.


I understand wanting to limit the burst of some classes. But they made the stat whose entire job is to improve crits actually improve crits worse than the standard damage stat. In other words, they made it COMPLETELY worthless. Willpower and power both add more damage and have more burst. Now I am glad that sage BM gear has almost no surge on it. Of course first I'd have to actually get some gear since after a weak of being BM I have gotten 0 BM commendations.

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I fail to see the correlation between casuals and surge.


Exactly. This was done because Surge did not hit diminishing returns as soon as other stats. It was a game balance issue that had nothing to do with casuals vs hardcore. Anybody with half a brain could look at charts like this and clearly see that the scaling of surge was totally FUBAR.

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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


The 50 bracket hype of being unplayable is bunk. I don't have that big a problem with it. BM's stats are stupid though.

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Of course their are exceptions to every rule, but I kinda think on the whole this is wrong.


To be "good" at a game, and stay sharp, you have to be playing what one may define as a lot. If you don't play enough, you will be underexposed to meta games, and a full understanding of how war zones, and classes play out.


What I'm saying is, time spent pvp has a direct correlation with skill, it cannot exist on the whole otherwise.


Anybody who is naturally good, will only get better if he or she plays more. Contrarily, they'll feel rusty and bad if they play less.


To a certain extent you are right. If you want to become a better player you have to invest a lot of time but not nearly the same amount if you only want to maintain whatever skill level you are currently at.


I think the term bads would be more appropriate. Even noobs if you want to go there. I used to play a ton of games but have cut down drastically as I've gotten older with more responsibilities. However it'll take a complete noob at MMOs who has never hotkeyed in his life a astronomical amount of effort to get on my level in terms of grasping the mechanics of a mmo and knowing how to pvp. It's like riding a bike, you don't ever really forget the fundamentals. I'm rambling now but I am just sick of people like the OP lumping everyone into one group. Not everyone has hours each day, especially on weekdays to play.

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Because it's the casuals who tend to ***** on the forums about how this class needs a nerf or that class needs a nerf because their gear can't compete or they aren't good enough to win.


I disagree. I see the "hardcore" people who's life depends on this video game come here and cry the most.


Realistically it's not too far one side or another, but the "casual" will usually make a thread and leave whilst the "hardcore" will troll every thread he can (including making a thread like this) kicking and screaming.

Edited by Tinkar
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Raises hand,,i myself was a hardcore raider in EQ2 off and on for years and frankly it just isnt worth it,yah you get stuff before anyone else and you took down such and such mob before anyone else,but in the end before the next expansion everyone was running around in the same gear.


I have seen many guilds fold and people rage over items,i just dont think that should be happening in games anymore,my current EQ2 guild raids on weekend's for three hours two nights a week and is far and away a much better experience than when i raided 4 to 5 days a week and getting everything fast fast fast.


Hardcore gaming should have its place but limited imo,the worst players are from that group,they ridicule,show off,and feel they own a server or general chat and trust me many of these guys lol yes i have met a few in RL are well dorks,im not trying to rude or anything to anyone posting here or anything its just that i have seen the facebook,met a few like i said earlier and yes the stereotype is there,nothing wrong with it really yah know,but in my late teens early 20's no way in hell would i be spending my time infront of a computer on weekends,you never get those years back and heh as a 41 year old male yah you will kick yourself not enjoying doing other things.

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I disagree. I see the "hardcore" people who's life depends on this video game come here and cry the most.




The QQ in these forums about lv50 PvP was inexhaustible...less that 5 days after the game went live. I doubt that was "casuals" complaining about how their lv50 had issues.


Just with this thread, it usually is the "hardcore" players that complain about the nerfs to their advantages that they need to beat baddies.

Edited by ImURmaster
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The faster you hit 50 and Battlemaster, the more time you get to spend with your family :D



And I still don't get the correlation between Casual gamers and the Surge reduction. Are you telling me casual players cannot stack a stat? That they are not smart enough or not competent enough to do this?


FYI, all casual means is that it will take them longer to get to where you are right now because for whatever reason they cannot frontload the game time like some people. This has nothing to do with them being a carebear.


The analogy for this... You, the hardcore gamer, is the Scoundrel and the casual gamer is the Jedi Knight. You have burst game time, while the casual gamer has consistent gaming in small increments over time, and every now again, burst out with a sweep (usually weekends or a sick day).


The next time you beat by another player, ask yourself "was he a casual player?" because chances are... he or she was.

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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


LOL at this comment...."hardcore" pvp and pve make up relatively small percentage of subscriptions for companies like Bioware and Blizzard.


I am a casual in full champion gear with 1 lvl left from BM....If you truly are as good as you think you are...you would adapt, change, and improve...if not you will continue to do what most people do when they don't like easymode...wins because Gear > Skill.




I think Bioware is moving in the right direction. Trying to offer equal playing ground to new 50s that way gear is somewhat (not fully) taken out of the equation and teamwork, skill and effective communication can now be important in pvp wins.

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By definition, a casual player is casual. If you min/max your secondary stats at all, you probably care too much to be considered a casual player.

There's also folks that only casually min/max :p

I've yet to come across any definition of casual gamers that isn't at least very much debatable. Folks just need a name to call so they can blame someone.

Edited by Holskabard
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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


Coming from someone who is calling for changes because he can't keep melee off of him while he is healing..



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There's also folks that only casually min/max :p

I've yet to come across any definition of casual gamers that isn't at least very much debatable. Folks just need a name to call so they can blame someone.


True. I'd consider doing math stressful in every situation, so I guess that biases my view.


This is the extent of what I want to know for gearing up.






Secondary stats are secondary, all I want to worry about is actually playing (this ability is good in this situation, etc)


Math is not a game. Math is work :<

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I may have missed something here, but uhh...


I heard a lot more 50s complaining about not having their own bracket than the lowbies. Not to say there weren't any dinky little 14s running around nagging about it, but most of the 50s I talked to were anxiously awaiting that patch because they were tired of getting the herpy derpy lowbies on their team.


AKA, that was probably NOT specifically to stop the QQ of the "casuals."

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I just think it's funny that people start right in with the basement virgin shtick. You don't know anything about me. I'm not a kid. I have a job. I have a wife. I have friends. This just happens to be my hobbie of choice atm because it's cheap and I can play with friends who have moved away and/or are married and can't get out of the house as much as they used to. But hey, it's easy to make it personal when you disagree with someone's opinion.


Probably because of the nature in which you made the post. The condescension and elitist attitude are traits of the younger kids that play this game.

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If someone was casual since release and have a 50 now and mainly still PvP'd, they are probably no worse then a "hardcore" PvP'er. As stated before, time does not equal skill. There is also only a finite amount of knowledge to learn in regards to memorizing all skills of classes. This game has been out for about 2 months now, plenty of time to learn everything.


Someone tossed out the word "meta" as if this game really has one and I had to chuckle at myself. The only "meta" in this game is Ranged, specifically teams of nothing but Sorcs/Mercs/Powertech and their Republic counterparts.


Melee get the shaft for the most part, are they bad? No not at all, but right now there's hardly any reason outside of Huttball to bring melee over ranged on your team.


Anyway I digress, nerfing a stat that wasn't functioning like all others(seriously, what other stat did you know of that didn't have DR?) does not help "casuals". I was blowing up freshies in my Champ/Cent gear before I even started getting BM.


I'd also rather take the crappy "casual" player who has a brain and knows how to play the maps to WIN then the BM geared mouth breather who chases kills and generally stands around drooling on his keyboard as someone caps/plants a bomb right next to him.

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Well, I'll admit that I'm a bit of a hardcore player, but I don't see how this caters to the casuals. I'll use WoW arenas as an example. My friends and I got to 2.2K+ in arena rating (pretty hardcore in of itself) and in no way did we ever prioritize RNG dependent statistics.


In all situations, RNG is something to take advantage of WHEN it happens. You cannot rely on it. That is the basics of "hardcore" pvp. So in my opinion, this decision was not based on "casual" whine at all.


Just my 2cents

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Did I say that? My point is that bioware is making decisions based on keeping casual players happy, but that's a bad road to go down.


And this isn't about spamming one spell/move.... nerfing surge affects everything. If it crits, it got nerfed.



Here's the harsh reality for you. Casuals <which there are way more of> are usually casuals because they have real full time jobs. Having this thing called a job means they have money which means Bw and other gaming companies like them better then you. So it seems your leet basement dwelling gamer skillz have been pwned by mass casual real life skills. Now BACK TO THE BRAWL!

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Here's the harsh reality for you. Casuals <which there are way more of> are usually casuals because they have real full time jobs. Having this thing called a job means they have money which means Bw and other gaming companies like them better then you. So it seems your leet basement dwelling gamer skillz have been pwned by mass casual real life skills. Now BACK TO THE BRAWL!


nice, got a lol out of me

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