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Medals are not supposed to be awarded for standing still, doing nothing "guarding" a spot, or for tunnel vision - "I am a healer so I only heal!" or "I am a DD, if I'm not healed I die and that's not my fault!".


I'll give you a single example: my mate is a healer-specced commando, every time we go with him in PuGs for the WZs, he gets on average 8-9 medals.


Learn to play, whiners.


Pay attention.


Some classes CANNOT touch the protection or healing medal ladders.



Good lord, is it that ridiculous to ask that a system be designed where everyone has an equal chance to earn medals. Heck, we don't even have a system that rewards actual team play...The LEAST we can get it a medal system that simulates fairness.

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Then don't think about it - as you've just showed, it's all in *your* head.


People who play WZs to enjoy PvP and win games, who enjoy a good match and even teams fighting for victory don't think about medals, it's just a nice bonus.


Can't you play a WZ to enjoy PvP, win games, enjoy a good match etc. and also enjoy an overarching progression applied to your character and some decent loot for good performance?


They are not mutually exclusive. I play a Maurader and I 100% agree with the OP. I still play warzones. I still enjoy them. But a lot of my buddies have access to medals that I don't. A healer buddy who can DPS can easily get 8 medals if he plays on point with guildies supporting him through a WZ. A tank buddy has the same enjoyment. If both play really well they're up in the 10/11 medals.


If I do everything correct, the most medals I can get is 7 medals! On average, I get 5 since I try to play as a team and thus rarely get the assassin (solo kill) medal. It seems unfair that I try really hard to get the same amount of medals that healers/tanks get with half the effort... and with a little effort they increase their medal yeild by 50%.

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As a fledgling (new) PvP healer, the medal options we get straight up suck.



It's not a matter of not enjoying it.

It's a matter of why should a good DPSer get 6-7 medals when I do my own job and get maybe 4. Every time. It won't stop me from doing it, but that doesn't change the fact it's straight up unfair.


edit: Actually, with the surge nerf, that takes away another medal from me. I was barely hitting the 5k heals to begin with. Now? Impossible.

Edited by islander
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Can't you play a WZ to enjoy PvP, win games, enjoy a good match etc. and also enjoy an overarching progression applied to your character and some decent loot for good performance?


They are not mutually exclusive. I play a Maurader and I 100% agree with the OP. I still play warzones. I still enjoy them. But a lot of my buddies have access to medals that I don't. A healer buddy who can DPS can easily get 8 medals if he plays on point with guildies supporting him through a WZ. A tank buddy has the same enjoyment. If both play really well they're up in the 10/11 medals.


If I do everything correct, the most medals I can get is 7 medals! On average, I get 5 since I try to play as a team and thus rarely get the assassin (solo kill) medal. It seems unfair that I try really hard to get the same amount of medals that healers/tanks get with half the effort... and with a little effort they increase their medal yeild by 50%.


Exactly this. And medals translate into valor/comms, and that translates into gear. How is it remotely fair that someone gets more for doing exactly the same thing? People have been fighting to stop this nonsense for who knows how long, based on gender, race, etc. But it looks like the idiot mentality that it's somehow OK is still alive and well in gaming.

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You get much more valor and commendations for winning with 10 medals than winning with 4 though. And that's the problem. Snipers and Marauders cannot get more than 5-6 medals usually, while tanks get 3 medals pretty much instantly when they AOE taunt in a group, and another 1-2 over time. Healers don't have it much better they only get 1-2 more than dps do.


wow, I have a tankassin and a sniper. I have to say there is ease at obtaining medals with both classes, they are just different medals. On my sniper, I consistently get 6 - 8 medals a game, win or lose. I have reached 9 medals several times as well. A horrible game on my sniper yields me 5 medals. So i really dont see what all the QQ is about. As a pure dps class you have much easier access to the 2.5k dmg, 5K dmg, solo kill, 75K dmg done Etc, etc medals then the healers and tanks. Also, in all WZ there is medals for defending objectives (including hutball) which are easily accessible to dps classes if they actually contribute to the objectives of the match instead of blindly chase kills like a headless chicken. I think the real problem here, if people want to obssess on the distribution of medals, is the fact that most dps players in warzones dont contribute to the actual warzone and are out for straight up epeen stroking which is why threads such as this get generated. Blah Blah so and so class got more medals then me..... that is not right..... i spent the whole match on my own dpsing ppl down 1v1 and only got 3 or 4 medals? blah blah. I hear so many complaints about snipers but honestly i am topping or coming second on medals in every WZ match I have entered on my sniper (10-49 bracket). So there is absolutely no issue with dps getting medals in this bracket. People just need to L2P and contribute to the actual objective of the WZ.

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I REPEAT AGAIN: I DONT CARE FOR amount of MEDALS. I just want to play for DPS assassin with out thinking "ohhh if i switch stance to tank i could get a lot more medals per match and grind 60+ rank way faster..."


Don't need to switch stances. Simply AOE taunt and you'll get lots of protection medals.

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On my tank i don't get any healing medals ... and only the 75k damage medal ... so ... *** are you talking about?


Btw, the 50k guard medal is not so easy to get, you have to concentrate on the medal and not on the game ... which is not so good.

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I aimed for getting as much medals as i can since i want to farm mine 60 rank. And because of that i must to play in tanky stance. Which i really disslike...


how about stop being fail...im a pure dps spec on both of my chars and i have no problems whatsoever getting 8-10 medals per game...i tank class can rarely do that no matter how hard they try...sure they get 4 easy medals from defending but they cant ever get the 300k dmg medal or any of the healing medals...it all balances out as long as your not too fail to know how to play your class to its fullest.

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On my tank i don't get any healing medals ... and only the 75k damage medal ... so ... *** are you talking about?


Btw, the 50k guard medal is not so easy to get, you have to concentrate on the medal and not on the game ... which is not so good.


well maybe your'e just bad...my friend is a 38 jugg and gets 8-9 medals per game which is much higher than average most people are so bad at this game they are lucky to get 2-3.

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I REPEAT AGAIN: I DONT CARE FOR amount of MEDALS. I just want to play for DPS assassin with out thinking "ohhh if i switch stance to tank i could get a lot more medals per match and grind 60+ rank way faster..."


That sounds like a personal problem..not sure why the devs should change something just to repair your mental issue.


I rarely get more than 5 - 6 medals because quite frankly im playing a warzone to win and Im sick and tired of playing with people who put medal farming over winning. If people keep QQing maybe they should just drop the medal system completely.


With out the medal system if you loose the war zone you get next to nothign if you win you get a ton atleast then people will actually fight harder to win instead sitting off by themselves and soloing stragglers while the rest of their team could use their help. That would then just make POOR team players QQ and it'd be their own fault.

Edited by Kindara
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I see its really imbalance that some classes can get additional bonus medals while others cant. For example: Assassin in tanky stance can get 4 ( 2k absorb, 5k absorb, 10k absorb and 50k absorb) FREE medals? While some classes like Snipers\Smugglers - cant.


7 or 10 medals for damage dealing only with 2 buttons is not easy as a sniper? cmon...

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Don't need to switch stances. Simply AOE taunt and you'll get lots of protection medals.


In fact, shadows / assassins get 4 medals by default by joining a WZ. By clicking another player they got another one so shadows / assassins finish with at least 15 medals per round. They constantly lol about people who actually have to do something like standing at the corner of a battle and doing like 250k damage to get medals :rolleyes:

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how about stop being fail...im a pure dps spec on both of my chars and i have no problems whatsoever getting 8-10 medals per game...i tank class can rarely do that no matter how hard they try...sure they get 4 easy medals from defending but they cant ever get the 300k dmg medal or any of the healing medals...it all balances out as long as your not too fail to know how to play your class to its fullest.


Dont teach me how to play. I am better than you. I am gladiator S5 and S6 seasons(wow) and got expirience of mmorpg 7 years.

Edited by Rozari
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Dont teach me how to play. I am better than you. I am gladiator S5 and S6 seasons(wow) and got expirience of mmorpg 7 years.



uuum ok...lul any wow reference automatically makes you fail....wow pvp was not pvp i played wow since beta and had a 2800 2's team...so what, it doesn't mean sh!@ here it's a whole different kind of pvp playstyle but nice try making yourself look good at pvp and all...lol at you.

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I'm so sick of these threads. Just deal with it. You sound like a whiny little brat crying to his mommy.


"Johnny's mom gets him 10 medals a game! Why can't I have 10 medals a game too? It's not fair! Wah!"


Deal with it! If it bother you so much, reroll your class. Then you can have all the medals you want.


This kind of post seems a lot more babyish to me than the OP. What's invalid about wanting fair opportunity for the same rewards as other classes? This isn't like "I'm a healer and want to tank", it's a valid point that different roles should have approximately the same rewards from doing what they do in a warzone. Your post is way more of a whine.

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I see its really imbalance that some classes can get additional bonus medals while others cant. For example: Assassin in tanky stance can get 4 ( 2k absorb, 5k absorb, 10k absorb and 50k absorb) FREE medals? While some classes like Snipers\Smugglers - cant.


I asking for nerf, while my main class is assassin. I really like to play in Surge Charge to do most Damage(Deception spec) but i must play in tank for grabbing as much medals as i can... because of those 4 free tanky medals...

So i want that Damage dealers classes could only get DD medals. Healers only healing Medals and Tanks only defence medals. And these medals should be very balanced. No more 15 medals per match for assassin\Warrior!


If u use ur aoe taunt ability u can get absorb medals without being tanky specc

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