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Remove lvl 10s from warzone que


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One of the Best Matches 1v1 I've had to date is my 15 Commando vs a 45 Merc and I wreaked his a $$! (ok not really it was a close fight though and I won)


We were fighting right outside of mid in civil war The hill with the heal pot behind us we both get down to like 5% health he dots me I crit a HIB and kill them. Then I'm running for the heal pot with all my might only to DIE 2 inches from the Heal pot. I die Fall over Land on the heal pot, heal 8k hp and Stand back up It was a epic little fight.


The point I'm making is that 90% of all lev 10 are alts and it's the player not the classes/lev that determines weather or not they are good. I've also seen lev 11-13's rack up over 300k in damage or healing in a single WZ.

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Many of my acquaintances and friends that have rerolled with me do fine in pvp levels only slightly increase damage output, engame gear is what really enhances it, and also new players need somewhere decent to start from so why not put them with people who no what they are doing so they can actually be of worth endgame.
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When i was pvping my way up to 50 on my new vanguard, i could go 1v1 vs level 49s and win 70% of the time (i was what level 18 - 25ish at the time i suppose) it's all about the person behind the character bro, i've seen level 10's do exactly what they are suppose to do, and i've seen the lone hero wannabe 49 getting demolished doing nothing productive in a game.


It's all about the player behind the character.

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Heck why not just make it Level 10-19 & 20-29 & 30-39 & 40-49 and leave the 50's in there own bracket? This way everyone wins and we have less ppl complaining about a level 10 doing nothing good in a Warzone but being Bantha Fodder!
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My only real issue on occassion with low levels in the que is that before L14 where you get sprint, it can be hard for them to actually make it to a fight for an objective in time during the war zone. Bioware does encourage people to get involved in PVP ASAP with they way they set up the tutorials and quest. I don't blame the players wanting to play as much as the current que system lacking solid level brackets.


Yeah not having sprint 10-13 is a big deal and some people should wait. I know if I am a level 10 mixed in with 7 30 plusses I will not likely be the weak link on the team.

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My friend and I (25 Sentinel and 18 Sage) both did over 200k (damgae for him heals for me) and ranked 2nd and 3rd in the WZ. What you actually want removed from WZ's is nubs on your team and although I'm with you on that one its just not doable. Rated WZ's are coming soon enough.
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I personally don't go into a WZ until I'm level 14 (for sprint).


BUT, if people are serious about trying PvP, then they need to get into ASAP.


I'm tired of these "pro" players telling others they shouldn't que until they're high level.


If you want to become good at PvP, you need to start early and take your lickings.


You need to LEARN and gain EXPERIENCE.


Level 10 is an appropriate time to start learning.


Ignore the OP everyone.

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Many of my acquaintances and friends that have rerolled with me do fine in pvp levels only slightly increase damage output, engame gear is what really enhances it, and also new players need somewhere decent to start from so why not put them with people who no what they are doing so they can actually be of worth endgame.


oh ye between a 10 and a 49 its the gear that matters not the insane difference in strenght due to the power of talents, the talents change a class completely and boost it 50 or even 70% more... go play with your friends plz

Edited by Labradoraki
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Remove all under 25 level classes from warzones, they are absolutely useless and cannot do anything agianst a good 40 so it scompletely stupid to waste a slot


You sir, must be a horrible player.


A good level 10 will beat a bad lvl 40 anyday and a great lvl 10 player will still beat a good level 40 player. I frequently outperform all my higher level teammates when I PVP on my sub 25s. I had more valor and wins on my lvl 18s than most of the lvl 30+s I play with. In huttball I play with the team. In voidstar I stick to the objectives and in the Civil War I call the ball (INCOMING TO x TURRET, etc).


You're like a bad parent, blaming everyone but yourself for your horrible children's behaviour.


Take control, learn to work as a team, and make your team work as a team... odds are if you start talking to them instead of thinking "god he sucks cause he's level 10" you might actually win.

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You sir, must be a horrible player.


A good level 10 will beat a bad lvl 40 anyday and a great lvl 10 player will still beat a good level 40 player. I frequently outperform all my higher level teammates when I PVP on my sub 25s. I had more valor and wins on my lvl 18s than most of the lvl 30+s I play with. In huttball I play with the team. In voidstar I stick to the objectives and in the Civil War I call the ball (INCOMING TO x TURRET, etc).


You're like a bad parent, blaming everyone but yourself for your horrible children's behaviour.


Take control, learn to work as a team, and make your team work as a team... odds are if you start talking to them instead of thinking "god he sucks cause he's level 10" you might actually win.

sorry but if you win a 1v1 against a 40 as a level 10he is nowhere near bad, he is TERRIBAD NOOB
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I personally don't go into a WZ until I'm level 14 (for sprint)


^ This. The only real change needed is to move sprint down to level 10.


Ignoring sprint, I would much rather play a 10-49 match with 7x level 10s than play a level 50 match with 7x fresh 50s :(.

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Remove all under 25 level classes from warzones, they are absolutely useless and cannot do anything agianst a good 40 so it scompletely stupid to waste a slot



Here he goes again w/ more mindless dribble...


If you played 1/2 as much as you QQ here you'd be a GOD at this game...

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I was listening to someone ranting near the end of our losing huttball. "*** we have a level 10 in here. No wonder why we are losing" To which I informed them, "You see that 1 goal point we have? Yeah. That was me" And they shut up. People in the lower brackets are just that bad.



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