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why guild ships?


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So I'm just going to play devil's advocate a little bit here, because I've been hearing for a long time about how players are clambering for guild ships. And while I'm not going to say that the idea doesn't sound sort of neat, I also see problems with it if it means that fewer and fewer people are going to populate the Fleet, which is a location I love for seeing players from all guilds at all levels, etc.


Basically, what's so great about guild ships? Why is this a priority feature for people if we can get the quality of life benefits (like guild bank) without it?

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I think it opens the door for lots of fun stuff: guild vs guild ship raids (like "Boarding Party" but with some PvP sprinkled in), guild/mutiplayer space combat, moving the guild ship to different regions for a bonus (ie. all guild members get +5% exp on planets in Hutt Space when the guild ship is present), faster planet to planet travel, emergency guild ship passes, etc.


Plus, decorating a shared space is fun!



I see what you mean though: it could create a more empty fleet. But maybe the guild ship is part of the fleet, maybe the chat channels are connected.


We just have to wait and see what is in store.

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As much as I'm inclined to agree that a guild ship would be a cool concept/place, I've always wondered too..... what there would be to do there.


Not sure how often I'd think to myself, 'Guild chat is good and all, but think I'll stop by the ship and say hi in person.'

Edited by Monotoli
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Like DragonSentry said, there's a lot of potential for new gameplay formats and features with Guild Ships.


There can also be things like Crafting Stations with Crew Skill bonuses, "Cantina Games" like Pazzak, Repair Droids with discounts, etc.


Considering how easily we're contacted for Flashpoint Missions by Droids and Holos, it makes sense to me for them to completely revamp the LFG System (not necessarily saying cross-server or insta-teleport) so that we can form groups wherever we are and whatever we happen to be doing (except other FPs/Ops/Warzones).


In the meantime, having a physical "Guild Location" can really help build Guild Communities, and I think that's also a good thing for the game.

Edited by DaxRendar
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So I'm just going to play devil's advocate a little bit here, because I've been hearing for a long time about how players are clambering for guild ships. And while I'm not going to say that the idea doesn't sound sort of neat, I also see problems with it if it means that fewer and fewer people are going to populate the Fleet, which is a location I love for seeing players from all guilds at all levels, etc.


Basically, what's so great about guild ships? Why is this a priority feature for people if we can get the quality of life benefits (like guild bank) without it?


Guild ships should be part of fleet, then you would still be in the general chat for fleet as well as the fleet count. You would still have to go to fleet for vendors, crew skills, GTN.


Guild ships could be a great way of building up a guild. Objectives reached by a guild could yield perks or customization. It can also open up guild vs guild engagements. Whether it be space missions or boarding actions. Could be quite epic if done right.

Edited by Varnoc
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So I'm just going to play devil's advocate a little bit here, because I've been hearing for a long time about how players are clambering for guild ships. And while I'm not going to say that the idea doesn't sound sort of neat, I also see problems with it if it means that fewer and fewer people are going to populate the Fleet, which is a location I love for seeing players from all guilds at all levels, etc.


Basically, what's so great about guild ships? Why is this a priority feature for people if we can get the quality of life benefits (like guild bank) without it?


I really don't share your love for fleet. For me it's a failed biowares attempt at creating social spot, it's just a place with loads of player who ignore each other. There is nothing social about fleet and if i were to never see it again i definatelly wouldn't miss it.

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Remember when everyone thought the Collectors Edition Lounge was going to be a place people "hung out".


That was funny.


People actually thought that? I guess it could be true for all I know, since I didn't shell out for anything more than the digital standard edition.


I guess expanded gameplay options would be pretty neat. I'd have to wait and see. Thanks for the responses.

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I really don't share your love for fleet. For me it's a failed biowares attempt at creating social spot, it's just a place with loads of player who ignore each other. There is nothing social about fleet and if i were to never see it again i definatelly wouldn't miss it.


Well, I don't know about that. I do see people roleplaying there, and I think that if people ignore each other, it's almost more an indictment of the lack of chat bubbles and how difficult it is to communication locally in this game. But maybe not.

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I really don't share your love for fleet. For me it's a failed biowares attempt at creating social spot, it's just a place with loads of player who ignore each other. There is nothing social about fleet and if i were to never see it again i definatelly wouldn't miss it.


I agree with you, but I feel it's worth adding that this is the case in the vast majority of "social hubs" in MMOs.


That said, I think it would be easy to fix with mini-games there. Add a card table and a sparring arena, for example. Somewhere in-zone, that players can fight, for no rewards or xp or penalty for losing, but have the ability to bet credits on the fight. It would have participants and spectators, which could be fun.


Something like that. Or not.


Heck, I don't know.

Edited by Vecke
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So I'm just going to play devil's advocate a little bit here, because I've been hearing for a long time about how players are clambering for guild ships. And while I'm not going to say that the idea doesn't sound sort of neat, I also see problems with it if it means that fewer and fewer people are going to populate the Fleet, which is a location I love for seeing players from all guilds at all levels, etc.


Basically, what's so great about guild ships? Why is this a priority feature for people if we can get the quality of life benefits (like guild bank) without it?


Yea I dont really get the guild ship thing myself. Space combat isnt that great that Id do it alone let alone with other people. Furthermore, it does sorta seem like (when people are complaining about empty servers and cities) that people would want to further alienate large numbers of people so that the cities are that much more empty. Go figure.


Id just assume say add player and guild housing, on planets before I asked to put people numbers out in space, away from everyone but thats just me. whatever works I guess.

Edited by MarcosAguila
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Well, I don't know about that. I do see people roleplaying there, and I think that if people ignore each other, it's almost more an indictment of the lack of chat bubbles and how difficult it is to communication locally in this game. But maybe not.



Yeah, chat bubbles would be a useful pre-requisite for guild ships.

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So I'm just going to play devil's advocate a little bit here, because I've been hearing for a long time about how players are clambering for guild ships. And while I'm not going to say that the idea doesn't sound sort of neat, I also see problems with it if it means that fewer and fewer people are going to populate the Fleet, which is a location I love for seeing players from all guilds at all levels, etc.


Basically, what's so great about guild ships? Why is this a priority feature for people if we can get the quality of life benefits (like guild bank) without it?


Guld ships cannot be just a thrown together thing. they should be unlockable with guild lvls and quests it needs to have perks attached and story line involved. they should be no easy feet to obtain. it should be a no brainer for Bioware they cant get more then 30 people on the fleet anyhow whit out causing massive FPS issues i would imagine they woould be hot to instance this part of game play too. just give us lvl channels that are world wide so we can get groups together. the fleet is a massive lag fest anyhow at prime time. and no its not my computer.

CPU 990x OC 4.2 mhz

Gforce 590 gtx

8 gigs ram.

They are a great idea and need to be implemented correctly . Hopefully they will add them and do it right.

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