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The End of the Game


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Flashpoint finder should have been put into the game cross-server. If you were worried about people being rude to each other I would have suggested making a player rating system that everyone can check. If you get a lower player rating then you will be stuck with other players with that nature. Not having this in the game makes the flashpoints seem like a lot more work than they should be; mainly because most of them do not have a special location so they don't feel like an adventure like going to deadmines or shadowfang keep.




Or, instead of adding the cross server ruin community system...you could just...you know, make friends? I have 7 people atleast on my friends list constantly, most of them willing or even excited to do FPs.


Talking to people: It goes a long way.

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So let me get this right...


Comparing SWTOR to Launch WoW = Good when talking about Ops vs Raids


Comparing SWTOR to Launch WoW = Bad when talking about tools like the LFG and such since its not 2005 any more.


I just cant keep up with this shifting logic.


Personally I think the LFG tool in WOW is great. Rarely get in a bad group. I've found the only people that think there are bad groups are the bad players. People think WOW's LFG tool has killed the community? Not in my opinion. The LFG tool is just one more great way to play the game.


How about stop bringing up WOW. Why people insist on bringing up WOW--I don't know why. It would be like a car magazine writing about a Ford Focus and comparing everything to the Ferrari Enzo. Just like the Focus and Enzo are only comparable because both are cars with 4 wheels, WOW and TOR can only be compared on the basis of both being computer games that multiple people can play at once. IF TOR had come out in 2004 or 2005, sure things might be different. But it is 2012.


The cool thing about 2012--it is "in" to invent your own reality. TOR is the best MMO of 2011 hands down! (Did any other MMOs get released besides DCUO?) WOW has sucked since the beginning. All hail the new king!

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The truth is not going stay behind the cloud just like the moon will always come out for all to see eventually. The game is heading down a slippery slope...that is a reality guys. If you care about the game like I do you will start being honest about the issues that people are bringing to light and stop being so blind in your fanaticism that you are not looking at things objectively. If we all start talking about these things as mature adults maybe BioWare will address them and make the changes needed to keep the game going strong. Let's keep hope alive for SWTOR and that starts with being Real like the OP was.
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The LFG made it so that people with jobs could fit instances into their lives.


No, it made it so people who are too lazy to actually socialize in an MMO (you know, the whole damn point of playing one) could just hop into groups and act like 'tards.

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the stwor of 2012 vs WoW of 2004 argument kills me. so many advances in mmo's have been made in that time, why shouldnt we expect a lot of those to already be incorporated into swtor? must we really wait for these to "develop"? i know bioware has done alot, and have excelled in some areas, but there are a lot of things that are lacking. many have been argued in this thread. should we expect anything less than a 2012 mmo? im sure as hell not waiting 5-7 years.

i think they spent way too much time in a voice over recording studio, and watching strippers dance around with one of those kinetic body tracking suits on. i would like to have seen that one actually.

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In regards to ticket number 3188109 ( I opened a ticket asking if I could get my items restored. The support took longer than 24 hours so I was unable to get them back because the policy is that if the action was taken 24 hours ago they will not do it. ) that I was not able to respond back to due to the Game Master closing the ticket . It did not deliever what was promised in the hearts and minds of gamers and star wars fans a like. No words can sum up the disapointment I have recieved with playing this game but I will try.


The Customer Support is awful for a video game that had the most amount of money backing them we should have one day live response from Game Masters at least, like World of Warcraft. I don't know how BioWare expected the game to launch without a good customer support; the service was not adequate. I am mainly disappointed that they did not hire more for their support team after realizing they were going over 1.5 million players.


End game for Swtor is worse than World of Warcrafts ever was. When you can't even assign loot or pass on loot you don't want to go to you over another person it just seems like you guys are not trying. Bosses that you only wipe on because they are bugged makes everyone annoyed with the game. None of this would be a problem if you guys had premades in the test servers so that end game would get tested along side the early stage of the game.


Friends system should have been taken right from wow because people are use to it and it works very well. Real ID is very useful for friends to group up together and talk even if they are on an alt.


Flashpoint finder should have been put into the game cross-server. If you were worried about people being rude to each other I would have suggested making a player rating system that everyone can check. If you get a lower player rating then you will be stuck with other players with that nature. Not having this in the game makes the flashpoints seem like a lot more work than they should be; mainly because most of them do not have a special location so they don't feel like an adventure like going to deadmines or shadowfang keep.


Ilum has to be the worst world pvp area I have ever seen in the history of MMOs. From the guys who made Warhammer Online and Dark Age of Camelot, I was thinking we would atleast have some kind of amazing world PvP zone.


Add-ons are one of the main things that makes World of Warcraft so much fun. To redesign your User Interface after 6 years into a game is a lot of fun and invigoration game play. They can pick and choose what add-ons to approve if they are worried about making the game to easy such as Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs.


In closing the defenders of Swtor may say that the game is still early and give it time, but Swtor is not competing in a vacuum. So I won't give them any breaks when it comes to things that other games have already come up with. The things we didn't get from Swtor almost seems like the game developers were banking on this being a Star Wars MMO rather than caring about the game and putting in the things that matter.


I guess this proves that money thrown at a game can't create success. Its the same for movies and now it is shown the same for video games.


less QQ moar pew pew

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the stwor of 2012 vs WoW of 2004 argument kills me. so many advances in mmo's have been made in that time, why shouldnt we expect a lot of those to already be incorporated into swtor? must we really wait for these to "develop"? i know bioware has done alot, and have excelled in some areas, but there are a lot of things that are lacking. many have been argued in this thread. should we expect anything less than a 2012 mmo? im sure as hell not waiting 5-7 years.

i think they spent way too much time in a voice over recording studio, and watching strippers dance around with one of those kinetic body tracking suits on. i would like to have seen that one actually.


I agree with you for sure. Swtor is not competing in a vacuum and should be developed like that.

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We have cleared everything that is why they quit the game nobody said anything about them leaving the guild nice try.


This is the stupidest thing i have ever heard, you cleared everything? SO DO IT AGAIN, that is the entire point of any MMO, do you really think they are going to put out enough content to keep you constantly playing something new? they would need to release new stuff every week then and that would be impossible. The problem with this community is not the WoW players, it's the people that have never played an MMO before, they have no idea what an MMO is all about and they come here and whine and make themselves look like idiots.

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The LFG tool in SWtor is garbage that is why nobody uses it. Also I own a guild with 80 different players in it. More than 50% of us have quit the game now.


Then why are you whinning and throwing our your dummy about LFG... or dont the 80 guildmates wanna play with ya... is that the real reson your guild is half its size now, so you think the best course of action is to come to the forum and blame everyone and everything for your shortcomings.... meeehh its a game, if you come with the attitude that your GOD .. then expect to be disapointed.


SWTOR has flaws, it has bugs and it has some catching up to do for sure.. but take alook at yourself and what you really want out of it.. there was a Beta period in which you could of seen much of the game before you went out and bought it/subbed.... not much is really differnt now its gone live.. stll the same bugs, content, shortcomings... do you actually know what it is you really want or are you just one of them.. you know, friendless, whinners who thinks everything should be a gimme and require no effort to earn. :eek:

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In regards to ticket number 3188109 ( I opened a ticket asking if I could get my items restored. The support took longer than 24 hours so I was unable to get them back because the policy is that if the action was taken 24 hours ago they will not do it. ) that I was not able to respond back to due to the Game Master closing the ticket . It did not deliever what was promised in the hearts and minds of gamers and star wars fans a like. No words can sum up the disapointment I have recieved with playing this game but I will try.


The Customer Support is awful for a video game that had the most amount of money backing them we should have one day live response from Game Masters at least, like World of Warcraft. I don't know how BioWare expected the game to launch without a good customer support; the service was not adequate. I am mainly disappointed that they did not hire more for their support team after realizing they were going over 1.5 million players.


End game for Swtor is worse than World of Warcrafts ever was. When you can't even assign loot or pass on loot you don't want to go to you over another person it just seems like you guys are not trying. Bosses that you only wipe on because they are bugged makes everyone annoyed with the game. None of this would be a problem if you guys had premades in the test servers so that end game would get tested along side the early stage of the game.


Friends system should have been taken right from wow because people are use to it and it works very well. Real ID is very useful for friends to group up together and talk even if they are on an alt.


Flashpoint finder should have been put into the game cross-server. If you were worried about people being rude to each other I would have suggested making a player rating system that everyone can check. If you get a lower player rating then you will be stuck with other players with that nature. Not having this in the game makes the flashpoints seem like a lot more work than they should be; mainly because most of them do not have a special location so they don't feel like an adventure like going to deadmines or shadowfang keep.


Ilum has to be the worst world pvp area I have ever seen in the history of MMOs. From the guys who made Warhammer Online and Dark Age of Camelot, I was thinking we would atleast have some kind of amazing world PvP zone.


Add-ons are one of the main things that makes World of Warcraft so much fun. To redesign your User Interface after 6 years into a game is a lot of fun and invigoration game play. They can pick and choose what add-ons to approve if they are worried about making the game to easy such as Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs.


In closing the defenders of Swtor may say that the game is still early and give it time, but Swtor is not competing in a vacuum. So I won't give them any breaks when it comes to things that other games have already come up with. The things we didn't get from Swtor almost seems like the game developers were banking on this being a Star Wars MMO rather than caring about the game and putting in the things that matter.


I guess this proves that money thrown at a game can't create success. Its the same for movies and now it is shown the same for video games.


A thoughtful well-organized post. Kudos to you.


Customer service is horrible I agree. It's been 3 days now and my ticket is still open, even after I rewrote the original ticket exactly like they told me to and included every single tidbit of info they said I should. So all together I've probably been trying to get this one ticket answered going on a week now.


Other MMORPGs I've played were much better in this regard. No doubt about it.


I agree the endgame on this game is pretty bad. It's boring.


While I'm not fan of WoW's endgame either, I do think their cross-server LFG tool was an excellent feature and I deffinitely agree with you that one should have been included on this game.


Considering there is absolutely nothing to do on this game after 50 except group-content (unless you wanna do those boring dailies for the zillionth time) it's very important to let players have easy access to groups else they are going to be bored of their minds when-ever not enough of their friends are online to get a group together.


It's a real issue, and it was pretty stupid them copying WoW's endgame yet leaving off the best part. Didn't make much sense. But least they see the error of their ways and plan on adding one now. That will help this game a lot.

Edited by JeremyDale
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In regards to ticket number 3188109 ( I opened a ticket asking if I could get my items restored. The support took longer than 24 hours so I was unable to get them back because the policy is that if the action was taken 24 hours ago they will not do it. ) that I was not able to respond back to due to the Game Master closing the ticket . It did not deliever what was promised in the hearts and minds of gamers and star wars fans a like. No words can sum up the disapointment I have recieved with playing this game but I will try.


The Customer Support is awful for a video game that had the most amount of money backing them we should have one day live response from Game Masters at least, like World of Warcraft. I don't know how BioWare expected the game to launch without a good customer support; the service was not adequate. I am mainly disappointed that they did not hire more for their support team after realizing they were going over 1.5 million players.


End game for Swtor is worse than World of Warcrafts ever was. When you can't even assign loot or pass on loot you don't want to go to you over another person it just seems like you guys are not trying. Bosses that you only wipe on because they are bugged makes everyone annoyed with the game. None of this would be a problem if you guys had premades in the test servers so that end game would get tested along side the early stage of the game.


Friends system should have been taken right from wow because people are use to it and it works very well. Real ID is very useful for friends to group up together and talk even if they are on an alt.


Flashpoint finder should have been put into the game cross-server. If you were worried about people being rude to each other I would have suggested making a player rating system that everyone can check. If you get a lower player rating then you will be stuck with other players with that nature. Not having this in the game makes the flashpoints seem like a lot more work than they should be; mainly because most of them do not have a special location so they don't feel like an adventure like going to deadmines or shadowfang keep.


Ilum has to be the worst world pvp area I have ever seen in the history of MMOs. From the guys who made Warhammer Online and Dark Age of Camelot, I was thinking we would atleast have some kind of amazing world PvP zone.


Add-ons are one of the main things that makes World of Warcraft so much fun. To redesign your User Interface after 6 years into a game is a lot of fun and invigoration game play. They can pick and choose what add-ons to approve if they are worried about making the game to easy such as Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs.


In closing the defenders of Swtor may say that the game is still early and give it time, but Swtor is not competing in a vacuum. So I won't give them any breaks when it comes to things that other games have already come up with. The things we didn't get from Swtor almost seems like the game developers were banking on this being a Star Wars MMO rather than caring about the game and putting in the things that matter.


I guess this proves that money thrown at a game can't create success. Its the same for movies and now it is shown the same for video games.


To sum up......I want WOW.


Game's been out 2 months and your making comparisons to a game that's run for 7+ years....!!! Ow wait you want 7 years worth of development and patch's at launch....Sorry my mistake....:rolleyes:

Edited by Nippon
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LFG destroyed WoW's Community and I do not want to see that happen here. Lets all learn from that mistake.


While a LFG same server would not only help it would booster the community if on the same server. It makes you accountable for your actions.


I have yet to really experience the end game nor have I had to use the CS as of yet so I can not comment on the rest.

i dont care what happen to WoW,

but if not cross-server, there is no point of LFG in my server,


and AGAIN just LFG wont make ppl more accountable,

there is too much noob here,

dont have group sense science EQ construct.

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I love how people compare this to wow... wow had 6 years after the game was released to add those things...you know when wow came out there wasn't even a single raid? **** it took MONTHS before ONxyia CAME! Its so funny! They are clearly adding tons of content...


And I love how people try to compare this game to a game released almost a decade ago at launch...


It's a poor comparison, because games were different then, and the leveling up process took a lot longer than this and other modern games. So players weren't all max level and bored out of their minds in the span of a single month.


It was a different time back then. Getting capped level in a month was unheard of back in the day...and you would have had to almost murder yourself to do it. So it was fine for for games like Vanilla WoW not to have an extensive "endgame", beccause players spent a lot more time leveling up back then they did on the "endgame" grind.


To put it simply,

It's a bad comparison.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Seriously ? Cross server LFG ruins the happy people dance or some crap ? you guys are kidding right ?


Yea id much rather sit there for an hour or 3 looking for a healer just to have the tank leave when you finally find one because hes sick of waiting for so long, then starting all over again..



Tell you what, give us a cross server LFG tool and those of you that think waiting around and looking for a group manually for a few hours is better can just not use it, hows that ? pretty f^%$&ing simple huh !?


But the rest of us with jobs, families and a life outside of SWTOR would like the time saving and just the simple ease of a cross server LFG tool, because we dont have the time to spend hours just to find a group.

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I love how people compare this to wow... wow had 6 years after the game was released to add those things...you know when wow came out there wasn't even a single raid? **** it took MONTHS before ONxyia CAME! Its so funny! They are clearly adding tons of content...


Why do people always say this ? wow had this much time bla bla


How hard is it for any other company to leanr from WoW's good and bad points.. yet they just make the same mistakes right from the start..


There is just no excuse for such a shoddy game.

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Seriously ? Cross server LFG ruins the happy people dance or some crap ? you guys are kidding right ?


Yea id much rather sit there for an hour or 3 looking for a healer just to have the tank leave when you finally find one because hes sick of waiting for so long, then starting all over again..



Tell you what, give us a cross server LFG tool and those of you that think waiting around and looking for a group manually for a few hours is better can just not use it, hows that ? pretty f^%$&ing simple huh !?


But the rest of us with jobs, families and a life outside of SWTOR would like the time saving and just the simple ease of a cross server LFG tool, because we dont have the time to spend hours just to find a group.


I agree totally.


I'm so sick of this stupid "community" argument also lol


It makes no damn sense.


And if spamming general chat with "LFG" or "3/4 need a Tank!" is what these people consider quality "socializing" or "community building" these days then I feel sorry for them.

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Seriously ? Cross server LFG ruins the happy people dance or some crap ? you guys are kidding right ?


Yea id much rather sit there for an hour or 3 looking for a healer just to have the tank leave when you finally find one because hes sick of waiting for so long, then starting all over again..



Tell you what, give us a cross server LFG tool and those of you that think waiting around and looking for a group manually for a few hours is better can just not use it, hows that ? pretty f^%$&ing simple huh !?


But the rest of us with jobs, families and a life outside of SWTOR would like the time saving and just the simple ease of a cross server LFG tool, because we dont have the time to spend hours just to find a group.


Amen to that brotha.

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