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Done With SWTOR PvP: Absolutely Sick Of It.


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If you're still sucking at pvp with centurion or champion gear and REALLY REALLY need that battle master gear immediately rather than having it as a nice way to keep the carrot in front of you, then by all means Republic or Imperial players (whichever side you play on) will be better off without you playing in warzones and for that fact, staying away from Pvp all together.
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I agree with a lot of the points but the resolve bar in hutball is too often for my taste working as intended...


Cant tell you howmany times I've run from our spawn point towards the enemy ball carrier with the intent to push him down the pit and prevent him from scoring only to find him resolve full cos some genious thought imobilizing him for 6 sec on the ramp is somehow gonna help. :p

Edited by aeterno
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I agree with almost everything.


The knockbacks aren't so bad. In all honesty, the game would be diabolical without the brief fun they provide. It just totally baffles me how this stuff isn't thought of WAYYYYYYY prior to release and implemented before release.


Its as if these people are just totally oblivious to World of Warcraft and the things it did to make itself successful. This game is basically WOW for people who don't like WOW and don't realise how good WOW is. You cannot play WOW, and then play this game, without realising how horribly deficient this game is in just about every department I can care to think of.


I think the only thing they have on it is Huttball, which I quite like. Who's taking bets on the new battleground that will come with Mop and the extent to which it will resemble huttball?!

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0 is less than 5


Rate of dimishing returns is 5


The dimishing return is on or off.


If you don't understand that it's ok. It is a programming thing. Not meant for use in English texts, even though it fits the dictionary description.


WRONG. The rate is the derivative of the curve. The rate of 5 changing to 0 over no time is the same rate as if it was 10 to 0, 5 to 1, or 10000000 to 0 - it's infinity.


Not 5. Certainly not 5.


And you claimed to know math.

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I didn't say premade v premade was a penalty. I said, making premades WAIT for a similar sized group to queue hurts more than u getting stomped. Also, Bioware has made it actually more difficult to premade than most would like, having to reinv after every game and coordinate queues sux.


I don't disagree that premade stomping pugs sux but how does Bioware know that that vanguard is an S-key hugging clicker. For the record, I do believe Bioware has some system grouping like leveled/geared people together, when I was lvl 10-19, i faced similar w/ the odd 4x in there. As I'm 38, I'm facing a bit more upper lvls w/ a few 10s sprinkled in htere.


I shouldn't be punished cause I made friends and want to play w/ them. Getting stomped by battlemasters sux but making bms sit out until an equal sized bm group would kill wz pops for a lot of people.


I also have a few friends who aren't big PvPers. When we queue together, we're okay... but we'll lose to a team of Battlemasters still. We're not that good.


As fun as it is to be able to roflstomp together, it's a small price to pay for being able to gear up in relative peace, knowing you can expect a roughly 50% win rate if you're average. My win rate last night was about 10%, simply because I ran into 9 (yes 9) premades. The same one 5 times.


Besides, once you and your friends get Champion gear, then you become 96% as good as those premade BMs. At that point, you can win... or get outplayed. Either way, I at least feel competitive.

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Hey all,


As Anakin Skywalker apparently reached his shatterpoint when he gave Samuel L. Jackson an ambitious manicure... I, too, have reached my shatterpoint. Unfortunately, rather than become a Darth, I've decided instead to go into exile and wait for my Last Hope for good PvP in an MMO environment: Guild Wars 2.


I won't go into a huge thing here on why I've come to this point. Let me just say one thing that it wasn't: Class Balance. The class balance in this game is *remarkably* good, and I'm saying this as a Jedi Sentinel, one of the hardest classes to play and very few make a point that it's on the OP end. Class Balance is not SWTORs problem: in fact, it's one of the best balanced MMOs I've ever played.


Here's my Not So Comprehensive list of issues that tempted me on more than one occasion to put my fist through my monitor.


Premade vs. Pugs. Y'know, I feel I've made this argument for years, because I have. From WoW, to WAR, to Rift to here. And guess what? Blizzard figured it out. Trion figured it out. Hell, even EA Mythic figured it out. Of course, EA Mythic was fashionably late to the party, but as they say... better late than never. So why, 4 years later, am I making this argument still in an MMO? Why the heck is my team with 8 people with an average expertise rating of 80, with no healers and a tank who doesn't have Guard bound get thrown up against 4 Champion+ geared players on Skype? These four could take all eight of us out without even needing the other half of their team. Haven't we learned something yet? "Just roll with your own premade." No. Three other battlemasters should not be required to enjoy PvP in this game. As I said, every other company figured it out. So, what's the malfunction here, Bioware?


CC. Have you learned nothing from Warhammer? Here's something I discovered playing my Ironbreaker in your other game: People don't like being knocked into lava with a retardedly overpowered knockback. It's NOT heroic. It's too hard to avoid (never found a shortage of people to knockback in a huge way if the battle's being fought even in the near vicinity of lava/ledge) and most importantly, not everyone can do it. How can you design a map like Huttball and have classes in the game who do not have Pulls/Pushes or fire-and-forget stuns? Hell, some classes (like mine) lack all of those. Moreover, with your credio that: "you're the hero" - let me tell you, the life of a melee ping pong ball isn't as heroic as it sounds.


"Learn to position yourself." Yeah, right. Tell that to the people I stun on my Sith Juggernaut alt. That way, I get to move into whatever position I need to be in order to screw you. Trust me, with a knockback as far as I got, the only place you can position yourself where I won't find a way to screw you is on Azeroth. If there's a trap/ledge/pit/STD anywhere within EYESIGHT, you are getting it.


Or hell, my personal favorite: jump someone on the bridge, immobilize for 3 seconds, and then push to order. I don't care how pro you are - your man parts are going to be slow roasting in the Voidstar reactor and that's all there is to it.


"Learn to use the Resolve system." Heh, so glad you mentioned it.


Resolve: Honestly, if I were to name the worst mechanic in any PvP game I have played going back to Pong, this has got to be it. So this is the theory: You get hit by 3-4 CCs, then you're immune to them for 18-20 seconds. Here's the thing though: By the time you get hit by this many CCs, the enemies you are currently facing don't have them anymore. So Resolve is useless in small scale PvP. Considering that it also doesn't work on Immobilize effects, it's conceivable for you to STILL be CCed, even while your immune to CC. Lolwut?


Besides, what the hell good does this mechanic do in maps like Huttball where all it takes is one CC to knock you out of the action? By the time you get back into it (assuming you weren't stunned on acid or knocked into fire), not only is the situation you could have helped in probably over, but you've already lost all the Resolve you built up from that knockback. So, guess what, it just happens again! Why they've opted for a PvP system that utilizes this rather than Diminishing Returns, where you get a benefit immediately after the first time you're hit, I'll never know. This is just an example of developers trying to get too clever and one-up tried and true methods that actually promote fun gameplay.


Ilum: Won't get into a big thing here, but I honestly can't say I've seen a worse designed World PvP mechanic than this. Whether its game performance slowing to that of a PowerPoint Presentation if more than 50 players are on the screen at the same time, the sheer uselessness of melee classes in large scale PvP warfare, or the absolute ludicrous population imbalance on most servers, or the sheer redundancy of flipping points in a non-linear order, or the numerous bugs (stuck exploits still tons of fun), or the need for me to spam my class buff every cooldown to make sure I get credit for kills my ops does, or the crate spawn rates during downtime, or the... yeah, I can do this all day. Ilum every day is what Wintergrasp was on its worst... and Wintergrasp wasn't very good either.


Bag System/Random Loot. Kudos for finally getting your heads out of your asses last patch for Champion bags. Trust me: what's a good idea for that's also a good idea for Battlemaster bags. Smarten up, Bioware.


After a month of dealing with all of these mechanics, I've just reached my wits end. Everytime I draw Huttball, I want to stab myself in the eye with a sharp object. Every time I pick up my Ilum daily, I want to strangle puppies. And every time I get force charged/rooted/knocked off the bridge in Voidstar, I want to tear off my shirt, grab my supple manboobs and shriek. When that starts seeming like a good idea, it's time to slowly back away and give Operations a try.






The game is fine and it JUST launched. Give them time eh?

Edited by LexiCazam
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The game is fine and it JUST launched. Give them time eh?


A lot of problems with PvP were pointed out in beta and completely ignored. These kinds of problems should be identified (which they were) and solved prior to the game's launch. Not after.

Edited by LexiCazam
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It's a well written post thats for sure. Good luck going forward. Sucks that so many feel the same way as you do.


no ..It do not sucks to be realistic and have open eyes,,,, people pay for certain quality of service..when they do not get it they go to better developer /better company..thats all... and sucks that so many blind fanboys is still here....because if not them maybe Bioware would do something with this game....

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Am i the only one, after getting 2200+ rated weapons and gear in WoW that loved going into BG's and rolling people with my full 10 guildys in WSG? No one dislikes completely destroying their apponent, anyone who says so probably wont ever post again once they get BM gear in this game.


I have been BM for a month and this game's pvp sucks. there's your theory proved wrong


and yes, I've dabbled in arena in wow, 2.4k on my feral druid and 1900 on my frost DK

so you are not some all knowing pvp god with a fresh perspective, the OP has hit the nail on the head with all thaat is wrong with PVP, personally I could add more to it but its essentially perfect

Edited by Lycandresden
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There is no true PVP when it comes to MMO too many variables to deal with, like classes/races/talents/gear/combinations (wow arena)/premades.


All mmo i played had issues with classes being op/ bg's being not balanced/premades vs pug.


You really have to accept the fact that from developer stand point its not possible to balance such huge games.


It is however possible to try to adjust/fix most op/unbalanced things in timely manner.


One thing i don't understand is that this game is barely 2 months old, and so many complains. Give it time, no game was perfect of this size when it launched. Look at wow vanilla, classes imbalances were huge. Mage could have killed warrior with rank 1 frostbolt by just kiting him. Now if things are not getting better once this games reaches 6 months yes then game is in trouble,


P.S. Bio could have made a huge mistake by not making republic side more attractive to players this could be the biggest mistake they ever did.


All in all, Enjoy the game and know this is not true pvp environment and should not be taken as one.

Edited by Cherepk
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Reasons why Resolve is broken:


1. Most if not all roots ignore resolve. Roots should be 100% affected by resolve.

2. Roots and knockbacks give too little resolve. Roots should give 400-700 resolve. Knockbacks should give 600-900. They currently give 100-300.

3. Pulls should give 600-900 resolve.

4. Resolve decays too quickly. It should take 25 seconds to deplete.

5. Resolve does not trigger consistently. It should trigger the instant the player hits 1000, blocking further CCs.



It's a decent system in concept. The numbers are just completely ****ed up because the game is still in beta. Oh, and roots ignore resolve. Really? Dumbest idea ever.

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"What reason is there to keep pvping as a BM geared char? Not much."


I don't know about you, but as a Valor 52 Champion, the reason to pvp PERIOD is to KILL **** BRO. That's why I'm there. Total destruction/objective domination. And once I get to BM, I intend on doing so more often and with greater magnitude! :)


I don't understand the "grind" argument, aren't you guys PVPing anyway? Gear comes with time...

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Hey all,


As Anakin Skywalker apparently reached his shatterpoint when he gave Samuel L. Jackson an ambitious manicure... I, too, have reached my shatterpoint. Unfortunately, rather than become a Darth, I've decided instead to go into exile and wait for my Last Hope for good PvP in an MMO environment: Guild Wars 2.


I won't go into a huge thing here on why I've come to this point. Let me just say one thing that it wasn't: Class Balance. The class balance in this game is *remarkably* good, and I'm saying this as a Jedi Sentinel, one of the hardest classes to play and very few make a point that it's on the OP end. Class Balance is not SWTORs problem: in fact, it's one of the best balanced MMOs I've ever played.


Here's my Not So Comprehensive list of issues that tempted me on more than one occasion to put my fist through my monitor.


Premade vs. Pugs. Y'know, I feel I've made this argument for years, because I have. From WoW, to WAR, to Rift to here. And guess what? Blizzard figured it out. Trion figured it out. Hell, even EA Mythic figured it out. Of course, EA Mythic was fashionably late to the party, but as they say... better late than never. So why, 4 years later, am I making this argument still in an MMO? Why the heck is my team with 8 people with an average expertise rating of 80, with no healers and a tank who doesn't have Guard bound get thrown up against 4 Champion+ geared players on Skype? These four could take all eight of us out without even needing the other half of their team. Haven't we learned something yet? "Just roll with your own premade." No. Three other battlemasters should not be required to enjoy PvP in this game. As I said, every other company figured it out. So, what's the malfunction here, Bioware?


CC. Have you learned nothing from Warhammer? Here's something I discovered playing my Ironbreaker in your other game: People don't like being knocked into lava with a retardedly overpowered knockback. It's NOT heroic. It's too hard to avoid (never found a shortage of people to knockback in a huge way if the battle's being fought even in the near vicinity of lava/ledge) and most importantly, not everyone can do it. How can you design a map like Huttball and have classes in the game who do not have Pulls/Pushes or fire-and-forget stuns? Hell, some classes (like mine) lack all of those. Moreover, with your credio that: "you're the hero" - let me tell you, the life of a melee ping pong ball isn't as heroic as it sounds.


"Learn to position yourself." Yeah, right. Tell that to the people I stun on my Sith Juggernaut alt. That way, I get to move into whatever position I need to be in order to screw you. Trust me, with a knockback as far as I got, the only place you can position yourself where I won't find a way to screw you is on Azeroth. If there's a trap/ledge/pit/STD anywhere within EYESIGHT, you are getting it.


Or hell, my personal favorite: jump someone on the bridge, immobilize for 3 seconds, and then push to order. I don't care how pro you are - your man parts are going to be slow roasting in the Voidstar reactor and that's all there is to it.


"Learn to use the Resolve system." Heh, so glad you mentioned it.


Resolve: Honestly, if I were to name the worst mechanic in any PvP game I have played going back to Pong, this has got to be it. So this is the theory: You get hit by 3-4 CCs, then you're immune to them for 18-20 seconds. Here's the thing though: By the time you get hit by this many CCs, the enemies you are currently facing don't have them anymore. So Resolve is useless in small scale PvP. Considering that it also doesn't work on Immobilize effects, it's conceivable for you to STILL be CCed, even while your immune to CC. Lolwut?


Besides, what the hell good does this mechanic do in maps like Huttball where all it takes is one CC to knock you out of the action? By the time you get back into it (assuming you weren't stunned on acid or knocked into fire), not only is the situation you could have helped in probably over, but you've already lost all the Resolve you built up from that knockback. So, guess what, it just happens again! Why they've opted for a PvP system that utilizes this rather than Diminishing Returns, where you get a benefit immediately after the first time you're hit, I'll never know. This is just an example of developers trying to get too clever and one-up tried and true methods that actually promote fun gameplay.


Ilum: Won't get into a big thing here, but I honestly can't say I've seen a worse designed World PvP mechanic than this. Whether its game performance slowing to that of a PowerPoint Presentation if more than 50 players are on the screen at the same time, the sheer uselessness of melee classes in large scale PvP warfare, or the absolute ludicrous population imbalance on most servers, or the sheer redundancy of flipping points in a non-linear order, or the numerous bugs (stuck exploits still tons of fun), or the need for me to spam my class buff every cooldown to make sure I get credit for kills my ops does, or the crate spawn rates during downtime, or the... yeah, I can do this all day. Ilum every day is what Wintergrasp was on its worst... and Wintergrasp wasn't very good either.


Bag System/Random Loot. Kudos for finally getting your heads out of your asses last patch for Champion bags. Trust me: what's a good idea for that's also a good idea for Battlemaster bags. Smarten up, Bioware.


After a month of dealing with all of these mechanics, I've just reached my wits end. Everytime I draw Huttball, I want to stab myself in the eye with a sharp object. Every time I pick up my Ilum daily, I want to strangle puppies. And every time I get force charged/rooted/knocked off the bridge in Voidstar, I want to tear off my shirt, grab my supple manboobs and shriek. When that starts seeming like a good idea, it's time to slowly back away and give Operations a try.




I actually enjoyed reading this. The BM bags and dailies are on the top of my list as well as dailies not counting when I get a win!

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Hey all,


As Anakin Skywalker apparently reached his shatterpoint when he gave Samuel L. Jackson an ambitious manicure... I, too, have reached my shatterpoint. Unfortunately, rather than become a Darth, I've decided instead to go into exile and wait for my Last Hope for good PvP in an MMO environment: Guild Wars 2.


I won't go into a huge thing here on why I've come to this point. Let me just say one thing that it wasn't: Class Balance. The class balance in this game is *remarkably* good, and I'm saying this as a Jedi Sentinel, one of the hardest classes to play and very few make a point that it's on the OP end. Class Balance is not SWTORs problem: in fact, it's one of the best balanced MMOs I've ever played.


Here's my Not So Comprehensive list of issues that tempted me on more than one occasion to put my fist through my monitor.


Premade vs. Pugs. Y'know, I feel I've made this argument for years, because I have. From WoW, to WAR, to Rift to here. And guess what? Blizzard figured it out. Trion figured it out. Hell, even EA Mythic figured it out. Of course, EA Mythic was fashionably late to the party, but as they say... better late than never. So why, 4 years later, am I making this argument still in an MMO? Why the heck is my team with 8 people with an average expertise rating of 80, with no healers and a tank who doesn't have Guard bound get thrown up against 4 Champion+ geared players on Skype? These four could take all eight of us out without even needing the other half of their team. Haven't we learned something yet? "Just roll with your own premade." No. Three other battlemasters should not be required to enjoy PvP in this game. As I said, every other company figured it out. So, what's the malfunction here, Bioware?


CC. Have you learned nothing from Warhammer? Here's something I discovered playing my Ironbreaker in your other game: People don't like being knocked into lava with a retardedly overpowered knockback. It's NOT heroic. It's too hard to avoid (never found a shortage of people to knockback in a huge way if the battle's being fought even in the near vicinity of lava/ledge) and most importantly, not everyone can do it. How can you design a map like Huttball and have classes in the game who do not have Pulls/Pushes or fire-and-forget stuns? Hell, some classes (like mine) lack all of those. Moreover, with your credio that: "you're the hero" - let me tell you, the life of a melee ping pong ball isn't as heroic as it sounds.


"Learn to position yourself." Yeah, right. Tell that to the people I stun on my Sith Juggernaut alt. That way, I get to move into whatever position I need to be in order to screw you. Trust me, with a knockback as far as I got, the only place you can position yourself where I won't find a way to screw you is on Azeroth. If there's a trap/ledge/pit/STD anywhere within EYESIGHT, you are getting it.


Or hell, my personal favorite: jump someone on the bridge, immobilize for 3 seconds, and then push to order. I don't care how pro you are - your man parts are going to be slow roasting in the Voidstar reactor and that's all there is to it.


"Learn to use the Resolve system." Heh, so glad you mentioned it.]


CC is ok IMO, only issue is with some abilities not setting off resolve, such as force leap and immobilizes, which sucks personally, as a gunslinger. I cannot use cover while rooted. also I am effectively permanently locked down if two marauders chain force leap me, with very little in the way of escaping.


Resolve: Honestly, if I were to name the worst mechanic in any PvP game I have played going back to Pong, this has got to be it. So this is the theory: You get hit by 3-4 CCs, then you're immune to them for 18-20 seconds. Here's the thing though: By the time you get hit by this many CCs, the enemies you are currently facing don't have them anymore. So Resolve is useless in small scale PvP. Considering that it also doesn't work on Immobilize effects, it's conceivable for you to STILL be CCed, even while your immune to CC. Lolwut?


Besides, what the hell good does this mechanic do in maps like Huttball where all it takes is one CC to knock you out of the action? By the time you get back into it (assuming you weren't stunned on acid or knocked into fire), not only is the situation you could have helped in probably over, but you've already lost all the Resolve you built up from that knockback. So, guess what, it just happens again! Why they've opted for a PvP system that utilizes this rather than Diminishing Returns, where you get a benefit immediately after the first time you're hit, I'll never know. This is just an example of developers trying to get too clever and one-up tried and true methods that actually promote fun gameplay. ]


I have come to the conclusion that Resolve is broken, there have been many times when I've had a full resolve bar and people were still force choking me. Hell I've had my CC immunity up and still got force choked. Not sure if it's the ability or what, but yeah, resolve sucks. I've learned to abuse it whenever I can though.



Ilum: Won't get into a big thing here, but I honestly can't say I've seen a worse designed World PvP mechanic than this. Whether its game performance slowing to that of a PowerPoint Presentation if more than 50 players are on the screen at the same time, the sheer uselessness of melee classes in large scale PvP warfare, or the absolute ludicrous population imbalance on most servers, or the sheer redundancy of flipping points in a non-linear order, or the numerous bugs (stuck exploits still tons of fun), or the need for me to spam my class buff every cooldown to make sure I get credit for kills my ops does, or the crate spawn rates during downtime, or the... yeah, I can do this all day. Ilum every day is what Wintergrasp was on its worst... and Wintergrasp wasn't very good either.


This one is pure crap, the biggest issue is that there's really only two places to fight. Center and one of the bases. If they made armaments spawn at ALL the locations, you could spread out the more populated side into smaller groups in which the less populated side has a better chance of fighting against. I even propose and Against All Odds buff that increases valor gains as well as endurance and damage. Right now Valor gain is being abused by both sides via Kill Trading. On my Server, Kinrath Spider, there are BattleMasters that don't even have full champ sets( and I mean like only 2 or 3 pieces of champ) and Warmasters that aren't even skilled enough to get the title without Ilum, and I really mean that these guys are turds and I've personally had to carry their asses with my premade to ensure a win in a wz. I concur with game performance as well. This map either needs to be revamped or killed off.

Bag System/Random Loot. Kudos for finally getting your heads out of your asses last patch for Champion bags. Trust me: what's a good idea for that's also a good idea for Battlemaster bags. Smarten up, Bioware.


After a month of dealing with all of these mechanics, I've just reached my wits end. Everytime I draw Huttball, I want to stab myself in the eye with a sharp object. Every time I pick up my Ilum daily, I want to strangle puppies. And every time I get force charged/rooted/knocked off the bridge in Voidstar, I want to tear off my shirt, grab my supple manboobs and shriek. When that starts seeming like a good idea, it's time to slowly back away and give Operations a try.





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"What reason is there to keep pvping as a BM geared char? Not much."


I don't know about you, but as a Valor 52 Champion, the reason to pvp PERIOD is to KILL **** BRO. That's why I'm there. Total destruction/objective domination. And once I get to BM, I intend on doing so more often and with greater magnitude! :)


I don't understand the "grind" argument, aren't you guys PVPing anyway? Gear comes with time...


I have to agree here as well. The PvP "grind" is not my issue either. If my wall of text wasn't so ponderously long already, I'd have put that in as something they did right. In fact, with how they reward dailies, I actually don't feel its worth my time to "progress" in PvP after they are done each day. I'll still PVP if I WANT to, for fun, either trying a new spec or with my friends... but that's the raw-definition of not grinding.


Having a system in place that gives you great rewards for spending 2-3 hours PvPing a day, and then more or less cutting you off, is honestly the way to do it. It's very much like WoW's Conquest point system. You play an hour a week for progression, and 19 hours for fun/skill/rating.

Edited by McVade
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You're hopeless. The equation? This one: rate = (5-0)/0; rate = ? I uhm.. kinda don't need to go anywhere to tell you the answer to that one. And to think, you said the answer is 5. Sure wish you weren't skipping those math classes don't ya?


Anyway, I'm done derailing this thread and trying to talk some sense into someone who hasn't a clue about maths. This is the internet, sweetie, not your neighborhood. There are people here who know more on the subjects you skimmed over in high school than you do. Live with it.


To the OP: sorry, good luck and I agree on all your points, although premades vs pugs wouldn't really be my main concern.


Your condescion does not make you right. you lack of understanding of the discussion does not make you right. Your repeated insults do not make you right.


You are entitled to your opinion, but it is simply your opinion. This is the internet, and if you don't understand the discussion that's alright too.


But diminishing returns can be expressed as a binary condition. If you can't grasp that.. that's ok too.

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5-Stars love it.


The only thing I don't neccesarily agree on is your bit about resolve, but i don't play a maurader so maybe that's why.


If I were to list things that I considered killing this game for me I don't think resolve would make the list, although I do honestly believe the system could benefit from at the very least tweaking of rules, if not a ground up rework.

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I'm dubious at best. I can't look at that game without thinking Aion... and vomiting just a little in the back of my throat. Korean Grindfests are just so far from my thing it's scary.


I had a chance to get in the beta this weekend and what I saw was very promising. First off the NA version of it is very grind-lite compared to the korean one. They have a completely seperate dev team for the NA release so it's very much westernized.


It reminds me of a custom server for L2 with x100 exp/gold, it was a lot of fun, not very grindy. The open world pvp for control of castles and such is appealing as well. It doesn't come out till May though... which is probably the same time as GW2.

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