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Done With SWTOR PvP: Absolutely Sick Of It.


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Resolve: Honestly, if I were to name the worst mechanic in any PvP game I have played going back to Pong, this has got to be it. So this is the theory: You get hit by 3-4 CCs, then you're immune to them for 18-20 seconds. Here's the thing though: By the time you get hit by this many CCs, the enemies you are currently facing don't have them anymore. So Resolve is useless in small scale PvP. Considering that it also doesn't work on Immobilize effects, it's conceivable for you to STILL be CCed, even while your immune to CC. Lolwut?


Besides, what the hell good does this mechanic do in maps like Huttball where all it takes is one CC to knock you out of the action? By the time you get back into it (assuming you weren't stunned on acid or knocked into fire), not only is the situation you could have helped in probably over, but you've already lost all the Resolve you built up from that knockback. So, guess what, it just happens again! Why they've opted for a PvP system that utilizes this rather than Diminishing Returns, where you get a benefit immediately after the first time you're hit, I'll never know. This is just an example of developers trying to get too clever and one-up tried and true methods that actually promote fun gameplay.


My only point of dissension is this right here. You understand that the resolve system is nothing more than UI right? It's just the visibility of your diminishing returns from CC. That in and of itself is genius, and really the only reason you can criticize it, is because it's so visible. Otherwise, you'd be sitting there like in every other MMO wondering why your stun didn't land, or why it took you so long to break free from that root.


I agree that the dminishing returns system needs tweaking. Force Leap, Sever Force, and other abilities SHOULD NOT work through immunity. But other than that it's working as intended and actually allows players another level of depth due to the visibility of the mechanics. Now you can plan your CC's, or CC break accordingly. Most of your points in this section though are just rehashes of the points you made in the CC section.

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The game has been out less than 60 days. If you are going to ragequit a game that fast, you are the type of player that will never be satisfied with any game you play.


Trust me - I have been playing PvP MMORPGs since 1996 - this game has a good framework. Do bugs need fixing? Yes. Do some of the systems need redesign (Ilum base camping, Ilum control points, Huttball, Premades v. PUGs)? Yes.


Will they get fixed? The odds-on favorite is Yes.


Why do people keep to have to pay/play a game just because it has been out less than 60 days ? What's this ? Marriage ?


If the guy isn't having fun (and to be honest, he is right on many levels) why can't he quit ? Why can't he even post about what he think is wrong with the game when it's good criticism?


Haters gonna hate, right ?

Edited by Keldaur
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The game has been out less than 60 days. If you are going to ragequit a game that fast, you are the type of player that will never be satisfied with any game you play.


Trust me - I have been playing PvP MMORPGs since 1996 - this game has a good framework. Do bugs need fixing? Yes. Do some of the systems need redesign (Ilum base camping, Ilum control points, Huttball, Premades v. PUGs)? Yes.


Will they get fixed? The odds-on favorite is Yes.


Are some of these bugs driving pvpers away from the game? Yes.

I have personally seen a whole guild of pvpers quit and move on to another game.


Are some of these bugs huge? Yes.


Does BW/EA communicate about fixing said bugs? Barely, if at all.


This game has a great baseline for pvp, but you can easily tell 95% of the effort went into storyline and voiceovers. A good pvp system will keep people coming back, regardless of gear. Sure, gear plays a part but pvp should be inherently fun and not rely mostly on the gear treadmill/dailies to keep people playing.


What reason is there to keep pvping as a BM geared char? Not much.

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My only point of dissension is this right here. You understand that the resolve system is nothing more than UI right? It's just the visibility of your diminishing returns from CC. That in and of itself is genius, and really the only reason you can criticize it, is because it's so visible. Otherwise, you'd be sitting there like in every other MMO wondering why your stun didn't land, or why it took you so long to break free from that root.


I agree that the dminishing returns system needs tweaking. Force Leap, Sever Force, and other abilities SHOULD NOT work through immunity. But other than that it's working as intended and actually allows players another level of depth due to the visibility of the mechanics. Now you can plan your CC's, or CC break accordingly. Most of your points in this section though are just rehashes of the points you made in the CC section.


Do you even understand how resolve works? There is no diminishing returns. You receive full immunity to mez, stun, and knockbacks when resolve is full and while it is white and draining. That's it. It doesn't diminish CCs performed upon you. It doesn't give resolve or immunity for roots.


And again, someone suggesting the "pro" tactic of "planning your CC break." Everyone knows to CC break when resolve is full to avoid the last effect. This isn't skill. This isn't a solution.

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Well written post. The resolve bar issue pisses me off daily. Still having fun though.


Agreed very well written no long QQ fest here.


I agree with almost every single point that was made and what i dont agree with is only stuff i havent myself experienced so i cant agree or disagree.

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My only point of dissension is this right here. You understand that the resolve system is nothing more than UI right? It's just the visibility of your diminishing returns from CC. That in and of itself is genius, and really the only reason you can criticize it, is because it's so visible. Otherwise, you'd be sitting there like in every other MMO wondering why your stun didn't land, or why it took you so long to break free from that root.


I agree that the dminishing returns system needs tweaking. Force Leap, Sever Force, and other abilities SHOULD NOT work through immunity. But other than that it's working as intended and actually allows players another level of depth due to the visibility of the mechanics. Now you can plan your CC's, or CC break accordingly. Most of your points in this section though are just rehashes of the points you made in the CC section.


I'm not 100% sure it's a good thing for other players to be able to see your level of immunity. This is the only MMO that has tried that. It allows most players to save their CCs for the split second you are no longer immune. But I won't argue the point much as I'm not sure I dislike it either.


As another poster said, a big part of Resolve's badness is the issue is the decay rate of resolve. It begins fading pretty darn fast. Now, if Resolve didn't drop until you dropped combat, I think it would be a slightly better mechanic, but it still doesn't help alleviate that ping-pong ball feeling you can very often get as a melee. Stunned and knocked back off the ledge in Huttball: great, you get to enjoy your full bar of resolve while you're running back to the action... and guess what? By the time your back, your off resolve again... and your stunned again and your knocked off the bridge again.

Edited by McVade
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Honest to god I wish GW2 would hurry up and come out so every freaking PVP whiner will GO AWAY, and I'll be laughing when I read some GW2 forums and see the same complaining going on there that goes on here, or every other MMO with PVP.


Yes, because there are no valid reasons to complain about the epic PvP TOR has atm.



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Hey guess what? I have fun with the PVP TOR has, know why? Cuz I do it off and on, didn't come to this game for the PVP, came for the PVE, ya know ,what this game was pretty much designed around? You came here for the PVP you're the idiot and I have no sympathy for you.
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Good read on the problems. Very well written.


I initially came to SWTOR for pve with a side of pvp to spice it up. Eventually, I ended up pvping the majority of the time. Although SWTOR has its pvp problems, I think i'm going to stick with them and support their development team in hopefully addressing the issues and creating a rich experience as Rated WZs and other content unfolds (1.2 and beyond).


Definitely understand the OP's concerns, much luck in your endeavors man.

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Hey guess what? I have fun with the PVP TOR has, know why? Cuz I do it off and on, didn't come to this game for the PVP, came for the PVE, ya know ,what this game was pretty much designed around? You came here for the PVP you're the idiot and I have no sympathy for you.


BW flaunted their pvp team as "best in the world" and talked about pvp quite a bit.


Get off this forum.

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After a month of dealing with all of these mechanics, I've just reached my wits end. Everytime I draw Huttball, I want to stab myself in the eye with a sharp object. Every time I pick up my Ilum daily, I want to strangle puppies. And every time I get force charged/rooted/knocked off the bridge in Voidstar, I want to tear off my shirt, grab my supple manboobs and shriek. When that starts seeming like a good idea, it's time to slowly back away and give Operations a try.


That's exactly how I feel. Despite their best efforts, which amount to making a blind monkey develop and patch the endgame content, I think PvP its current state is so deeply flawed that whoever designed it should be sent to pick potatoes for a living. Not that the endgame PvE part is much better...


They just copied most of WoW and the most retarded parts of Warhammer, so why not spend a bit more money on the game itself rather that the way it looks and sounds? Why do they feel it's necessary to make mistakes that other designers have made and fixed years ago?


Ultimately, the real question is: don't they play their own effing game?

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Hey guess what? I have fun with the PVP TOR has, know why? Cuz I do it off and on, didn't come to this game for the PVP, came for the PVE, ya know ,what this game was pretty much designed around? You came here for the PVP you're the idiot and I have no sympathy for you.


I agree to some extent. I came because these are the same folks who made KOTOR 1 & 2. And I *loved* the story, leveling up. But the story's over now and while I certainly feel I've gotten my money's worth, there's not a whole lot to do in the end game... especially if you are a Pure DPS. Should I then treat this game like KOTOR 1&2 and stop playing after the story? I mean, I had no qualms with KOTOR 1 & 2 having no "end game" other than Game Over, after all - but I also didn't pay more than the price on the box either.


You do Dailies. You do Flashpoints (which I never do because the effort of getting a willing tank/healer to run one on a PvP server is borderline Herculean). Or you do Operations. I tried Dailes. It wasn't that I decided to focus exclusively on PvP - I actually didn't do any of it from 10-49 on my Sentinel, as I didn't want to outlevel the content. I just did PvP because it was the only social activity I could do on my own schedule.


In the meantime, no rule saying people can't yell at Bioware for all the things they've done wrong with one aspect of the game while taking a break to try another.


BW flaunted their pvp team as "best in the world" and talked about pvp quite a bit.


Get off this forum.


And that's actually a very good point too. They did play up PvP as a big drawing point.

Edited by McVade
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The PVP has been a huge disappointment, mostly because of the bugs, exploits, lack of hotfixes, and the unacceptable frozen valor farming hell, aka Illum.


Bioware needs to fix hacks/exploits, specifically stuff like having more than 8 players on the same team in warzone.


This is a Star WARS mmorpg, with WARS in caps for emphasis. Devote more quality management to this vital part of the overall game. PvP should be awesome in SWTOR, and it can be

Edited by Jakain
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CC/resolve is kind of unintuitive. Its been suggested time and again, but diminished returns for all CC works great, so that every successive cc attempt becomes less and less duration, but still does something. After a minute of no cc your resistance to cc resets.


Worked great in daoc. In fact just about any mechanics difficulty they are having could be fixed by referring to daoc for a working model.

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Alright, to the OP: After all that (and there were a lot of good points) your final solution was to keep playing the game, just other parts of it? Haha, whew boy, you sure showed them! "I'm so mad at you I'm going to play... operations in your game." Anti-climactic!


Regardless, as I said you've made some very good points. I'm enjoying myself and having a decent time but I'd say some things that are really grinding on me are the various exploits people are willing to use to get ahead of honest players (Ilum Valor exploits previously, Champion bag exploits, /stuck exploit currently, kill trading, and on and on) and the general lack of usefulness of a melee class in most group PvP. While I do well on my Guardian and average 8-9 medals a game in WZ's, whenever I get against a competent group or at any point on Ilum I get wrecked by ranged classes. That no consideration was given to this is disappointing as a complete newb would have seen it coming.

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Ok, I didnt read much of that over-exaggerated complaints list, but here's a few things I noticed.


You mentioned that you play a Jedi sentinel, and you go on to say that its one of the hardest classes/specs to play, which is simply not true. Try some of the others and you'll see what I mean. You then decided that you needed a paragraph to say that you don't like getting stomped by people who put in more time and effort than you and are willing to take that extra step in communication and use skype or vent. If you haven't heard, which I'm sure you have since you are a pro!, they are introducing rated pvp, meaning you can gear up as slow as you'd like and not have to compete against those people anymore. So I guess that solved your entire problem with premades now didn't it?


As for CC. Deal with it, there will be CC in every MMO you ever play. Without it some classes are glaringly overpowered, and others underpowered. CC is a simple way to balance classes and specs.


You ended your post by first complimenting bioware on changing champions bags to make it so you gear up in 2 days instead of 2 weeks of casual play, which is one of the only bad changes they have made so far.


If you can't enjoy this game, taking into account that its not even 3 months old, then you dont belong in an mmo. Maybe portal 2 is more your speed? No CC or knockbacks there...

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I'm not 100% sure it's a good thing for other players to be able to see your level of immunity. This is the only MMO that has tried that. It allows most players to save their CCs for the split second you are no longer immune. But I won't argue the point much as I'm not sure I dislike it either.


As another poster said, a big part of Resolve's badness is the issue is the decay rate of resolve. It begins fading pretty darn fast. Now, if Resolve didn't drop until you dropped combat, I think it would be a slightly better mechanic, but it still doesn't help alleviate that ping-pong ball feeling you can very often get as a melee. Stunned and knocked back off the ledge in Huttball: great, you get to enjoy your full bar of resolve while you're running back to the action... and guess what? By the time your back, your off resolve again... and your stunned again and your knocked off the bridge again.


Perhaps, but it does work both ways, being visible allows you to plan accordingly too. I mean honestly, in most situations where you're stun locked it didn't matter. It was likely 3-4 on one.


I don't like the idea of a combat break drop because you'd just run around with everyone capped most of the time, especially ball carriers. You can also generally maintain combat status by refreshing your class buff if it hits someone in combat (like melee do in Ilum to get kill credit). It also doesn't solve your issue with CC immunity and runbacks (which I honestly don't find to be an issue).


I'm not saying the system is perfect. Just that I happen to like it's potential, and most of your problems seem to stem from the level of CC itself.

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