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SWTOR in a nutshell.


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Basically everywhere I look on any of the forums I find people complaining about lack of endgame content, about people saying how they've received their PVP or HM Operation gear and asking what there is to do now...


Why put so much time into getting that gear, if not to actually do PvP or Operations to use it?


What it comes down to is this; SWTOR is made for people to experience an excellently written and fully dialoged game within the Star Wars universe. It's not made for people to repeatedly smash the space bar through dialoge. SWTOR is more about the path to reach 50, than that of seeing who can reach 50 the fastest.


Relax and enjoy the stories, roll alts, and just have fun with it.




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People that complain about having nothing to do when you hit 50 should be completely ignored, they are obviously new to the MMO genre therefore their complaint is invalid.



Tera Online has no end game raid content at the moment, it has like 5 dungeons or something, SWTOR has like 8 plus raid content, 99 percent of people complaining about lack of content are incredibly misinformed, they have either never played an MMO before this one or they were fooled into believing that this game will suddenly change the way MMO's and their endgame works.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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People that complain about having nothing to do when you hit 50 should be completely ignored, they are obviously new to the MMO genre therefore their complaint is invalid.


Lol, ya sure. If that helps you sleep at night then have fun in fairy tale land.

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Players complain cus they are not playing the game. If they were playing the game they wouldn't come here to complain. PS I'm not here to complain, I'm just waiting for the micro to ping... And there we go. Ding.


The game is brilliant by the way and I do hope they don't change the way its structured. Great idea and the birth of the MSORPG... er and thats not a spolling mystake. Work it out.

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Basically everywhere I look on any of the forums I find people complaining about lack of endgame content, about people saying how they've received their PVP or HM Operation gear and asking what there is to do now...


Why put so much time into getting that gear, if not to actually do PvP or Operations to use it?


What it comes down to is this; SWTOR is made for people to experience an excellently written and fully dialoged game within the Star Wars universe. It's not made for people to repeatedly smash the space bar through dialoge. SWTOR is more about the path to reach 50, than that of seeing who can reach 50 the fastest.


Relax and enjoy the stories, roll alts, and just have fun with it.


Then it should have been a single player release not an mmo with a 15/month tag..

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The same thing you do in WoW when you've cleared the current raid content, nothing.


People seem to forget that part of WoW.


Well, it's part of every MMO. It's just that in SWTOR it was hit so much faster. In WoW it took a while to clear current content, even at launch (ignoring Ragnaros, who was virtually impossible until the changes). Even in current WoW content, short of the top end guilds, plenty of people still have heroic progression left. In this game, even the casual guild can have finished gearing full Rakata by now (partially because operations seem to be trying to drown you in drops, and partially because HM is ridiculously easy for raid content).

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The same thing you do in WoW when you've cleared the current raid content, nothing.


People seem to forget that part of WoW.


This. I'm not going to condemn anyone's playstyle but I will say this; MMOs have learned long ago that content zergs will chew through every piece of new content in a relatively short period of time. MMOs also realized that *some* of these hardcore players will scream bloody murder for new content right afterwards. Realistically speaking, there is just no way MMOs can keep up with these 6-8 hours a day, instant gratification folks, short of having their staff work around the clock. This is why MMOs will always release new content at their own pace, usually via releasing small updates every 3-4 months or a major expansion once per year.


Just to put things into perspective, SWTOR has been out for all of 2 months and thus far at level 50, players have access to:

-2 operations.

-More than a dozen hard mode FPs.

-2 to 3 hours worth of dailys. More if you include space dailys.

-PvP that can actually improve your characters, as opposed to the type of pointless diversion in some other games.

-Worst case scenario, level alts. There are 8 different storylines and 8 character slots for a reason.


That's heck of a lot more level 50 content than what some other MMOs have offered at launch. Now if we were a year down the road and this is all the end game content SWTOR has available then I could see some validity to the "need more things to do at 50" complaints. Right now, not so much.

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This. I'm not going to condemn anyone's playstyle but I will say this; MMOs have learned long ago that content zergs will chew through every piece of new content in a relatively short period of time. MMOs also realized that *some* of these hardcore players will scream bloody murder for new content right afterwards. Realistically speaking, there is just no way MMOs can keep up with these 6-8 hours a day, instant gratification folks, short of having their staff work around the clock. This is why MMOs will always release new content at their own pace, usually via releasing small updates every 3-4 months or a major expansion once per year.


Just to put things into perspective, SWTOR has been out for all of 2 months and thus far at level 50, players have access to:

-2 operations.

-More than a dozen hard mode FPs.

-2 to 3 hours worth of dailys. More if you include space dailys.

-PvP that can actually improve your characters, as opposed to the type of pointless diversion in some other games.

-Worst case scenario, level alts. There are 8 different storylines and 8 character slots for a reason.


That's heck of a lot more level 50 content than what some other MMOs have offered at launch. Now if we were a year down the road and this is all the end game content SWTOR has available then I could see some validity to the "need more things to do at 50" complaints. Right now, not so much.


This....people that say there is nothing to do will never be satisfied.


You also can gear up your companions...with pvp gear....which is cool.

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Basically everywhere I look on any of the forums I find people complaining about lack of endgame content, about people saying how they've received their PVP or HM Operation gear and asking what there is to do now...


Why put so much time into getting that gear, if not to actually do PvP or Operations to use it?


What it comes down to is this; SWTOR is made for people to experience an excellently written and fully dialoged game within the Star Wars universe. It's not made for people to repeatedly smash the space bar through dialoge. SWTOR is more about the path to reach 50, than that of seeing who can reach 50 the fastest.


Relax and enjoy the stories, roll alts, and just have fun with it.


The dialogue is not excellently written, it's incredibly generic, predictable and lazy writing. It's also got little really to do with the Star Wars universe, it's just a tacked-on breadcrumb storyline that has a Star Wars coating.


If this dialogue is so amazing, try replaying the game and redoing all those boring quests again....see if you don't hit the spacebar through it.


I watched every cut scene, have completed every quest, heroic, flashpoint, gathered every datacron, unlocked almost the entire galaxy of Codex unlocks along the way and WZ pvp'd my *** off and finally hit 50 today. PLEASE don't tell me i have rushed through the game, i also have several alts from 11-30 range and i can't be arsed to carry on with any of them because the only thing i'd like to see is the main storyline, but to watch that i have to grind pvp, wz's or the boring quests that i have already done once.


Face facts, this game is fun to play through once, but it has zero replay value and nothing worthwhile to do at 50 except grind for equipment through repetitive flashpoints or the huge array of warzone maps (all 3 of them) or you can go farm or be farmed in ilum.

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A bad game is a bad game, it's as simple as that. BW/EA/Investors knew from the start that they would end up with a rough estimate of around 1 million subs after all the intelligent or experienced MMO people left.


Almost pissed myself laughing at this.


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-2 operations.


Which are both trivially easy. We're not talking about 8 hours a day here, we're talking clearing most hard modes for the first time in a single night. Really, I feel like they dropped the ball on operations. Most fights barely change between normal and hard besides the numbers changing a little bit, and neither is tuned to be particularly challenging. On top of that, Rakata is already available in HM, you don't even need to do NMM.


-More than a dozen hard mode FPs.


Really? I can't think of a dozen, I'm pretty sure there's a lot less than that actually.


BP, Foundry, False Emp, Battle for Illum, BT, Kaon and D7 (and D7 has been bugged for like the last month now, I don't know if they've fixed it with the latest patch). Did I miss any?


-2 to 3 hours worth of dailys. More if you include space dailys.


Sadly trivialized by how easy operations gear is to get. I guess it's nice for companions.


-PvP that can actually improve your characters, as opposed to the type of pointless diversion in some other games.


A quick glance at the PvP forums will tell you just how much people enjoy playing against those that already improved themselves.


I think their biggest failing was simply making the best current gear entirely too easy to get. There's no sense of gear progression because you can go from being 50 one day and before the week is over you're already completely done with HM flashpoints (for personal gear) while also wearing several pieces of rakata gear. There was no gearing process at all, it was just hit 50 and collect all your free epics.

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Which are both trivially easy. We're not talking about 8 hours a day here, we're talking clearing most hard modes for the first time in a single night.


I see your point but what other MMO in recent memory has been incredibly challenging? We're not reverting back to the EQ days where raids can require up to 50-100 people. You weren't an individual. You were just another worker ant in the collective. Even then it is debatable if that was "challenging" considering the formula for success was; "A monk puller. One warrior main tank and a warrior secondary tank spamming taunt to hold aggro. Multiple clerics rotating between complete heal and rezzing. Enchanters keeping clarity up. Rogues and wizards spamming nukes/backstab as fast as they could. Have one shaman, druid and bard for more buffs. Maybe a Magician or two to hand out mod sticks to OOM healers/nukers. Other classes? Pffffft". Back then, it was more tedium than challenging for me personally.


As for other the other MMOs I've played.

FFXI - Everquest clone. Nothing more needs to be said.

DAoC - Didn't play very long. It was so heavily focused on realm vs realm PvP that I quickly lost interest after a few months.

CoH - No *true* end game content up until a year ago. Even then the trials only took 15-20 minutes per run and you'd have to try *very* hard to fail.

DDO - The raids were so absurdly easy, one Sorcerer with high UMD or ranger can literally solo some raid bosses. Everyone else just stands around insulting eachother's mom.

WoW - Only spent 4 months in this game after RL friends told me to try it and basically rushed me to level 70. Participated in about half a dozen raids. Fell asleep during a raid and unsubbed.


There's a fine line between challenging and frustrating. MMOs these days have evolved from the days when they were actively trying to frustrate subscribers. This "easing" trend isn't going to change anytime soon. Well, unless it's a MMO with a heavy South Korean presence.


Really? I can't think of a dozen, I'm pretty sure there's a lot less than that actually.


My mistake, meant to type "more than half a dozen".


Sadly trivialized by how easy operations gear is to get. I guess it's nice for companions.


Daily's were never meant to be difficult. They are time sinks, like every other daily mission in every other MMO. The reward they give out is in my opinion, in scale with the amount of time you put in.


A quick glance at the PvP forums will tell you just how much people enjoy playing against those that already improved themselves.


This is a fact of life when it comes to MMO PvP. Unlike multiplayer RTS or FPS, success in MMO PvP have always been heavily dependent on the quality of individual gear. You can't single out SWTOR when this is basically an genre-wide phenomenon.


Now I'm not saying that the points you raised about SWTOR are invalid or wrong. Instead I'm saying that my perspective is quite different, perhaps due to the fact that I have played a plethora of MMOs of varying style over the years. After all, this game is only 2 months old and a year down the road, I'd place good wager that it will look quite different from now. That has been the case with every other MMO in my experience so I don't think SWTOR will be an exception to the rule.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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No I'm serious, but you've missed my point.


The game isn't about griding, at least if you're actually enjoying and doing your story it won't feel that way.


Ignore him....he always makes Shady comments like that.


Bioware told people for years what this game was about; they refused to believe them now they are butthurt. And honestly unless you live on the game twenty four seven for weeks there is no way you can do everything; with two 50's I am insanely busy...so much so that I haven't been able to Raid in WoW in weeks and no longer have time to beta TSW (which sucks anyway)


Those who are bored are bored because they want to do one specific thing and Bioware doesn't have seven years of content that no one does anymore to appease them. :rolleyes:

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Until you have all 8 classes at level 50 without spacebarring through conversations, 1 lightside and 1 darkside for each, have done every quest in the game, have done every FP and HM FP with each, and have gotten all of them battlemaster gear, you have not completed the game.
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Until you have all 8 classes at level 50 without spacebarring through conversations, 1 lightside and 1 darkside for each, have done every quest in the game, have done every FP and HM FP with each, and have gotten all of them battlemaster gear, you have not completed the game.


"Bring the whole family." truly gets a whole new meaning.

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Until you have all 8 classes at level 50 without spacebarring through conversations, 1 lightside and 1 darkside for each, have done every quest in the game, have done every FP and HM FP with each, and have gotten all of them battlemaster gear, you have not completed the game.




Just like that one poster a couple weeks back; he claimed to have all the best gear and have done everything in game all story arcs all classes the works.


Well Bioware doesn't like it when folks lie on this forum and they called him on it...come to find out he had one level 10 character.






A lot of this I'm bored crying is something similar I think.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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To OP what you seem to have missed in just the first few page's of your thread is simply this. WE DON'T WANT TO PLAY A SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


I agree 100% BW has put together an amazing game from 1-50 the story lines are awesome the crafting system is unique and a lot of fun and how they tied in space missions is great. But the bulkd of MMO gamers like to play END GAME content. We like to compete against each other and have bragging rights for our accomplishments. It amazes me still to this day how many Designers just seem to miss that concept.


Community / trophies / accomplishments / competition. These are the things I feel most MMO gamers want.


PvPer's - Ranked pvp / arena settings high lvl of competition. A large scale world to take over OBJECTIVES (real Objectives) not just node flipping. Battle lines that can be pushed back and held. Good Old RVR days.


PvEer's - Most likely the same things the ability to hang a trophy in a guild ship/hall of the latest scripted fight downed. Again its community and bragging rights. We did this or reaching out to other guilds communication.


Sadly BW seems to have missed the boat like so many before them. And I love BW's single and small scale games. But I'm an MMO gamer, we should of seen this coming when they couldnt even put together SERVER FORUMS. :( gl next time BW.




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So what's the point after your story ends? When you've achieved your goal and played out your part what should you be doing?


I sit in Orgrimmar and wait for my Dungeon Finder to pop.


Except replace Orgrimmar with Imperial Fleet and replace Dungeon Finder with random Warzone.

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