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SWTOR in a nutshell.


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Basically everywhere I look on any of the forums I find people complaining about lack of endgame content, about people saying how they've received their PVP or HM Operation gear and asking what there is to do now...


Why put so much time into getting that gear, if not to actually do PvP or Operations to use it?


What it comes down to is this; SWTOR is made for people to experience an excellently written and fully dialoged game within the Star Wars universe. It's not made for people to repeatedly smash the space bar through dialoge. SWTOR is more about the path to reach 50, than that of seeing who can reach 50 the fastest.


Relax and enjoy the stories, roll alts, and just have fun with it.

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Are you trolling?


If your not your point is just keep re grinding toon to 50 over and over and over and over?


Not sure if your serious.


No I'm serious, but you've missed my point.


The game isn't about griding, at least if you're actually enjoying and doing your story it won't feel that way.

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So what's the point after your story ends? When you've achieved your goal and played out your part what should you be doing?


The same thing you do in WoW when you've cleared the current raid content, nothing.


People seem to forget that part of WoW.

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I agree with your post, it's nice to take it easy and enjoy the game at a slower pace.


I disagree with the title of your post, I don't really feel like you've described TOR 'in a nutshell'. Rather, you've pointed out that there are some players who consume content more quickly than others. There's a lot more to the game than that.

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What it comes down to is this; SWTOR is made for people to experience an excellently written and fully dialoged game within the Star Wars universe



meh. most of the dialogue isn't sw at all, its just generic mmo quest dialog.


the problem isnt SWtoR, the problem is that its an MMO and as such, content and story will be weak because of the contraints of working in an MMO.


however much you like the story in SWtoR, you would have liked it even more if it was SW:kotor 3

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So what's the point after your story ends? When you've achieved your goal and played out your part what should you be doing?


I think the planned idea was to also have illum be a pretty big part of end game between gear, mods and valor points etc. Sadly though that just isn't the case. With pop imbalances and just the way illum is designed in it's current state no one goes there and in all honesty with good reason not too.

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No I'm serious, but you've missed my point.


The game isn't about griding, at least if you're actually enjoying and doing your story it won't feel that way.


Dont worry about us. Just go ahead and log in and play instead of coming into the forums.

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So what's the point after your story ends? When you've achieved your goal and played out your part what should you be doing?


...well you do your dailies and flashpoints to gear up if thats what you want to do. If not then go experience the other stories there are.

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Basically everywhere I look on any of the forums I find people complaining about lack of endgame content, about people saying how they've received their PVP or HM Operation gear and asking what there is to do now...


Why put so much time into getting that gear, if not to actually do PvP or Operations to use it?


What it comes down to is this; SWTOR is made for people to experience an excellently written and fully dialoged game within the Star Wars universe. It's not made for people to repeatedly smash the space bar through dialoge. SWTOR is more about the path to reach 50, than that of seeing who can reach 50 the fastest.


Relax and enjoy the stories, roll alts, and just have fun with it.


Different classes share the same stories, which is the problem you seem to have decided not to address. Not only are the planets and environments the same (which are lifeless and badly done) but the quests are shared as well (the only quests that are unique to each class are the class quests). 75% of all quests in this game are shared and repeated by at least one other class. Since there are only 8 classes in the game, if you can do basic math, you can see the problem here.


A bad game is a bad game, it's as simple as that. BW/EA/Investors knew from the start that they would end up with a rough estimate of around 1 million subs after all the intelligent or experienced MMO people left.

Edited by Aisar
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...well you do your dailies and flashpoints to gear up if thats what you want to do. If not then go experience the other stories there are.


The thing there is my 'guy' isn't dead, why shouldn't my story continue? If the story is what it is about, and I'd agree to a point about that, why does it seem that when it 'ends' you are supposed to this other stuff not related to your story?


Where all you did amounts to nothing cause now you are some kind of intergalactic gladiator with a legion of other intergalactic gladiators battling through space in the same arenas over and over.


I don't get that, story focused, then there is no story do MMO group stuff like raiding/ops/fp. Wasn't story supposed to make this game 'different' along with that jazz about our decisions mattering?

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Different classes share the same stories, which is the problem you seem to have decided not to address. Not only are the planets and environments the same (which are lifeless and badly done) but the quests are shared as well (the only quests that are unique to each class are the class quests). 75% of all quests in this game are shared and repeated by at least one other class. Since there are only 8 classes in the game, if you can do basic math, you can see the problem here.


Bad game is bad game. BW/EA/Investors knew from the start that they would end up with a rough estimate of around 1 million subs after all the intelligent or experienced MMO people left.


I was under the assumption that each class had unique story quests that weren't available to others. I know that world quests are the same, but story classes aren't 100% unique? Beings that I've just recently hit my first 50, I haven't had a chance to play through other stories.

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Basically everywhere I look on any of the forums I find people complaining about lack of endgame content, about people saying how they've received their PVP or HM Operation gear and asking what there is to do now...


Why put so much time into getting that gear, if not to actually do PvP or Operations to use it?


What it comes down to is this; SWTOR is made for people to experience an excellently written and fully dialoged game within the Star Wars universe. It's not made for people to repeatedly smash the space bar through dialoge. SWTOR is more about the path to reach 50, than that of seeing who can reach 50 the fastest.


Relax and enjoy the stories, roll alts, and just have fun with it.


Nope its been pretty clear as of late bioware wants to WoW kiddie types..


So reap what you sow..

Edited by Razot
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Are you trolling?


If your not your point is just keep re grinding toon to 50 over and over and over and over?


Not sure if your serious.


Name me one game that doesn't require 1 month to make a level (Lineage, other Asian MMOs) that doesn't have this problem. All MMOs you can basically get to max level in a short amount of time. it's up to the player then to decide if he wants to PvP / PvE at max level or try something else by rolling another character.

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Wait so .... the fact that it doesnt matter how many alts i roll and that i will always have to go to the same planet for the same quest is not supposed to bore the hell out of me. The only variance from alt to alt is 1 story arc.


I dont have a choice to lvl somewhere else , much less run some FP since there is noone on the damn planet to spam for invites. I can seat on fleet with the other 23 Imperials and see if I can find someone to run with.


Maybe ill jump into some pvp and fight the republic dogs.... ohhh crap is aonther Huttball , the republic faction already quit 2 weeks ago.

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The thing there is my 'guy' isn't dead, why shouldn't my story continue? If the story is what it is about, and I'd agree to a point about that, why does it seem that when it 'ends' you are supposed to this other stuff not related to your story?


Where all you did amounts to nothing cause now you are some kind of intergalactic gladiator with a legion of other intergalactic gladiators battling through space in the same arenas over and over.


I don't get that, story focused, then there is no story do MMO group stuff like raiding/ops/fp. Wasn't story supposed to make this game 'different' along with that jazz about our decisions mattering?


Fair enough, although instead of considering him to be "dead", I think a better term would have to be "on hold". Your story will continue, but you just have to wait. And if the idea of being an intergalactic gladiator beating other gladiators doesnt appeal to you, then what exactly do you want from an MMO?

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And if the idea of being an intergalactic gladiator beating other gladiators doesnt appeal to you, then what exactly do you want from an MMO?


To build my own space ships. To be an intergalactic baker. To smuggle things to different planets avoiding the Empire blockades. To make and improve designs on lightsabers. To own an armor shop. To have my own apartment on Corusant. To level without using combat. To be a doctor and heal damaged players and never have to leave the town i choose for my home.


-Simple things.


To begin my adventure on Taris before going to any other planet. To be a Sorceror that was NOT a slave first. To Run into another Sorceror that is NOT the 'Blood of Kaliq'.


I can go on for hours, but why?

Edited by Uben
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No I'm serious, but you've missed my point.


The game isn't about griding, at least if you're actually enjoying and doing your story it won't feel that way.


The problem is story is maybe 10 % of the game time the other 90 is exact same conctent . there is no flexibility to say you know i lvld 10 through 16 on Kaas id rather go to x planet and quest there. no its the same linear tunnel from point A to B only difference is you report to your calss story 2 doors down from the last chr.

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