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East/West or Right/Left?


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Common sense would be to use the system put in place many years ago. The orientation of the map is North up. Anyone with common sense knows that. Refer to patch notes if you don't believe BW had the common sense to orient the map correctly.


I would agree with that in rl, but why waste the time opening my map so I know which way east is in the game. It's intuitive irl because there are any number of references, not in the game though, in the game the only E/W reference is looking at the map, which is a waste of time.


L/R just is, not outside stimuli needed.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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I stated spawn as a reference....it is constant




driving threw the desert tour guide say "look to your left you can see more sand" yup it still works


My first clue as to why you can't grasp this is your use of the word threw in place of through.


So here we are on our desert guide per your example. You are sitting in the front passenger seat and I am sitting in the bed with my back to the cab. The driver says "look to your left and you can see more sand." You look to your left and see more sand. I look to my left and see an oasis.


Had the driver said "look to the East and you will see more sand" we both would have been on the same page.


Point was, roads are rails for cars to drive on. Left right works fine in that structured environment. If we are in the desert and I tell you to head right, which way are you going to go? If I say head East, there is no question.



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I would agree with that in rl, but why waste the time opening my map so I know which way east is in the game. It's intuitive irl because there are any number of references, not in the game though, in the game the only E/W reference is looking at the map, which is a waste of time.


L/R just is, not outside stimuli needed.



You don't need to open your map. Someone with common sense added a minimap oriented correctly.

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I use East/West, because left/right can be looked at from two different angles so they can wind up being opposite. Someone calls right in Voidstar and you are in the spawn, you are gonna go to your right when they might actually mean left from that perspective. If that makes any sense.
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Left/right is pure instinct, problem is not everyone understands its based on spawn point, which should be common sense.


I guess it's amazing to me that after all this time and all these posts, you still have some people saying it's "obvious" that Right/Left means from the spawn, and others saying it's "obvious" that Right/Left means on the map.


Somehow it eludes them that it's this very inconsistancy that makes East/West much simpler. Instead we keep seeing posts with people saying "lol u don't know ur rite from ur left".

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That's what I'm puzzled over. If snow = east, why would you bother using "snow"? We learned cardinal directions years, if not decades, before we started playing warzones in TOR. You're adding a superfluous level of information.


People new to the warzones can be reasonably expected to know east and west but may not know what snow or grass means.


Because there are imperials that are confused with the fact that they're facing south not north.


I've seen this mostly amongst players who have a Rep main but are playing IMp side on an alt. East being to the left is not an intuitive direction for some people.


Another solution would be for BW to flip the minimap depending on which side you played on. So north was always forward. This would make e/w = r/l always.


Directions are ALL relative anyhow. For all we know the orientation of Aldaraan is NOT East and West....it could be that the top of the minimap is really NNW, which would make what some people call east ENE. Or maybe the top of the map is really East and the turrets are North and South.


And MID...think about Mid for a second....Mid is really North for Imp and South for Rep.


It's all just a matter of perspective.

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You're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. There is only one frame of reference that even logically makes any kind of sense when someone says left right and that is in relation to the starting position. Saying East/West is any easier than left/right and that people that prefer left right are stupid is all true for people that cant figure out left/right instead of east/west or snow/grass.


They all take memorization and thought process, wether its looking down at my mini map and saying oh, the other side, or remembering which way i face when i spawn i still have to think about it.


I personally dont care although i find the best results with left/right in voidstar on offense, and east/west on defense. And snow/mid/grass on CW


People that use Right/Left don't use logic as they don't frame the subjective directions into context and people that call those often call them based on different context. I had a voidstar map where 2 people were calling incs one said right the other said left. They both were making a call to the exact same door but from different context. That CANNOT happen with cardinal directions.


I've also been a ******** and when someone called "left" in voidstar I decided to take them quite literally and turn left and run in that direction. I ended up at the republic spawn because that was "left" from where I was currently at.

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Directions are ALL relative anyhow. For all we know the orientation of Aldaraan is NOT East and West....it could be that the top of the minimap is really NNW, which would make what some people call east ENE. Or maybe the top of the map is really East and the turrets are North and South.


And MID...think about Mid for a second....Mid is really North for Imp and South for Rep.


It's all just a matter of perspective.


Absolutely wrong. The map is oriented with North up. If you don't believe me, look at the patch notes. Watch the red text in Void, it says east bomb etc.


Mid?! I don't even....it's just....HUH? :confused:

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my first clue as to why you can't grasp this is your use of the word threw in place of through.


So here we are on our desert guide per your example. You are sitting in the front passenger seat and i am sitting in the bed with my back to the cab. The driver says "look to your left and you can see more sand." you look to your left and see more sand. I look to my left and see an oasis.


Had the driver said "look to the east and you will see more sand" we both would have been on the same page.


Point was, roads are rails for cars to drive on. Left right works fine in that structured environment. If we are in the desert and i tell you to head right, which way are you going to go? If i say head east, there is no question.






you took out the constant......how dumb are you that you dont get the spawn never moves........just like the example of the road......everyone spawns in the same direction every time>>>>point of reference

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you took out the constant......how dumb are you that you dont get the spawn never moves........just like the example of the road......everyone spawns in the same direction every time>>>>point of reference



It was your example, you said look to your right. I only pointed out the mistake in thinking that left right has a constant point of reference. Look in all these threads and you can see there is not. Some say spawn some say map. North is always North.


If everyone starts from spawn you can say go right or left. As soon as people are scattered, that idea goes out the window. A constant was set in place many years ago to prevent this. I am certainly not the dumb one for using it.

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Just gonna say one thing and I'm not touching this again.


While I use right/left because it just comes out that way, to hear that others use right left with the map as the reference point... Well I'm sorry but that's just flat idiotic. If you are going to use the map then you should be using east/west.


I use left/right because I don't look at maps a lot, I learn the maps layout and just work from memory, in all games. So while swtor is set with the mini map fixed (didn't know that), not all the games are the same so left/rigt based on spawn has always been easiest.


I can see why some people think its bad or wrong when you have others using it is stupid fashions though. But bad players are bad players, a system that does work isn't wrong just because they are bad.

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We had a guy scream and insult everyone because they said "okay, we'll guard east"


The guy insisted that "east" does not exist in this game and you MUST say "right" or you're terrible and he has no tolerance for terrible players.


I was so confused. The argument went on for over 7 minutes and the warzone group was too distracted to fight decently.

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We had a guy scream and insult everyone because they said "okay, we'll guard east"


The guy insisted that "east" does not exist in this game and you MUST say "right" or you're terrible and he has no tolerance for terrible players.


I was so confused. The argument went on for over 7 minutes and the warzone group was too distracted to fight decently.



This is what happens when people try to reinvent a constant.

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tbqh in Wz maps are 90% useless

so left right form ur team spam point of view is more than rational, universal and requires less attention and decoding (not EVERYONE KNOWS IT)

i still sad that ppl need to talk about this....

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tbqh in Wz maps are 90% useless

so left right form ur team spam point of view is more than rational, universal and requires less attention and decoding (not EVERYONE KNOWS IT)

i still sad that ppl need to talk about this....



The very fact that you have to make a new reference point to base left right off of is irrational at best, in no way universal and requires 100 times more attention than using a navigation system that has been working for ages.

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The very fact that you have to make a new reference point to base left right off of is irrational at best, in no way universal and requires 100 times more attention than using a navigation system that has been working for ages.


turrets and doors are reference points

u head towards them from ur spawn point


ye its hard

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