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East/West or Right/Left?


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I personally prefer to call out east/west over right/left. Seems to reduce confusion slightly.


I've seen many instances where players are confusing their left and their right. I'm assuming this results from judging which side to go to based on looking at the screen and not the mini map?


Example from Alderaan yesterday:


Someone announces "Incoming left!" You look at the map and see that nobody on your team is on the left (west side), the person is, in fact, on the right (east) side.


This is also an issue on Voidstar where you can easily get turned around, especially if you're a defender coming out of the spawn area.

Edited by Buckit
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Left/Right in Alderaan.


This doesn't work if you're Empire. I see from your sig that you're republic, and it works fine for Republic. But for Empire, you come out of the top starting area. If you're Empire and someone calls INC RIGHT in the middle of the match, and you've just rezzed, which way do you go?


That's why East/West is always the winner.



I had someone yesterday calling out "INC GT" yesterday. Took me a few seconds to figure out what the heck GT was - never heard anyone call it that before.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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I personally prefer to call out east/west over right/left. Seems to reduce confusion slightly.


why add any element of thought to it? Snow side and grass side. It's that simple. No one needs to check maps or pay attention to direction.


Snow side, grass side. Middle.

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why add any element of thought to it? Snow side and grass side. It's that simple. No one needs to check maps or pay attention to direction.


Snow side, grass side. Middle.


Our guild quickly learned to call Alderan Snow/Mid/Grass.


I don't like this so much, because if you're sitting in the mid guarding the turret, you can't see the snow or the grass until you pick a direction and run that way, so you still have to remember which direction is snow and which is grass. Might as well just call the directions to save time, and make it clearer for anyone else, too.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Which is exactly why east/west is better, because it's more simple and there's less chance for a mistake.


Of course it isn't, when you are Empire and have to reverse them compared to the minimap. Again, not too hard for some (myself included) but too hard for most. And as half your team or so are people you can't communicate with by voice it's best to adjust for the least common denominator.

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This doesn't work if you're Empire. I see from your sig that you're republic, and it works fine for Republic. But for Empire, you come out of the top starting area. If you're Empire and someone calls INC RIGHT in the middle of the match, and you've just rezzed, which way do you go?


That's why East/West is always the winner.


Good point. If I was an imp, I'd also use East/West.

Left/Right works perfectly for reps in Aderaan. In Voidstar, people often get confused.

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Because you don't know if someone means "left on the minimap" or "left as seen from the spawn point" when he says left. And for imperials, left on the spawnpoint is right on the map on Alderaan.


Edit: Snow/Middle/Grass would also be perfectly distinguishable but nobody on my server uses it.

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Of course it isn't, when you are Empire and have to reverse them compared to the minimap. Again, not too hard for some (myself included) but too hard for most. And as half your team or so are people you can't communicate with by voice it's best to adjust for the least common denominator.


Um, what? Left/Right are reversed on the minimap. West/East are ALWAYS map direction, they never are related to where you are looking. Left/right on the other hand could mean where you look from your spawnpoint, or on the minimap.


East/West and Snow/Grass are the only unique identifiers for the turrents. Left/Right are always ambiguous.

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Am I the only one who never has issues with this?

Unless you have three capped and someone is calling for help it's usually from the other side. If you have two nodes you should not be in mid. If you are dead you just peek at left and see if their are enemies there. If you are at left or right and hear incoming and dont see them, it's a good bet its the other side. If you are at mid and hear East, well, you only have one other side so go there.


If you find your self at a node with the enemy insignia and 2 of them and just you, you made a wrong turn.


I know people hate "OTHER SIDE" but in Voidstar if you hear it, you usually know if its your side or not and it usually is the other side.

Edited by richardya
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Um, what? Left/Right are reversed on the minimap. West/East are ALWAYS map direction, they never are related to where you are looking. Left/right on the other hand could mean where you look from your spawnpoint, or on the minimap.


East/West and Snow/Grass are the only unique identifiers for the turrents. Left/Right are always ambiguous.


No I meant that if you call "east" most seem to think "right" as they would be entering from the bottom when you are in fact entering from the top, making east - left visually.


After 100s upon 100s of WZs. I find it easier to communicate spawn direction than map direction with pugs.

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