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After playing SWTOR will you still be purchasing ME3 at launch?


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I had not intended on getting it to begin with so I suppose no I won't be but not because of SWTOR.


As for the the conversation pieces I rarely esc out and redo conversations for companion effects. Much more often I'll back out to pick different ones just to see what the responses are - especially with the 2 classes I played most - smuggler/sith sorcerer. Some of the options are just so very different and interesting.

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I'm just saying I'm burned out on multiple choice conversations, so I will wait a lil bit to get ME3. I've played thru both ME1 and ME2 multiple times, the series rocks.


I was just asking if SWTOR will delay anyone from getting ME3 in a few weeks when it launches.

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I'l give ME3 at least one playthrough. I enjoyed the other 2.


Considering the crap game SWTOR is... I should get it for free.


That's what I intend to do.... I know, shouldnt be saying this but. I payed 55 euros for SWTOR and 1 month sub just to find out I wouldnt be paying for it if I knew in advance they would be so sloppy and only make a voice over game, mediocre in every other aspect.


Playing EVE... a real game.

Preach it brother.
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Absolutely not.


Although I love much about swtor it is so broken in so many ways that I have no faith in BW as a company and indeed would not buy one of their products at launch again.


This is my first exposure in a long time to EA/BW games and it has not left me with a warm and fuzzy feeling about the company's abilities to provide a non flawed product and their response to customers.

Edited by asbalana
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I had every intention of buying and playing it upon release, but I am burned out on multiple choice conversations atm. Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed at continually cycling through conversations trying to get companion affection points, over and over and over.


If I have the money, then I'll get it at launch, if not, then I'll wait until I have money, I still love/like the story (and the choices) on all classes even if I sometimes (when the choice description doesn't fit with the actual response) wish they'd gone with labels instead, ie joke, flirt, sarcasm, mean, threaten, helpful, caucious etc in different combinations.

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I will be getting it.


After that, I will never purchase another product from Bioware again until I read a bunch of reviews first and confirm quality is excellent. And if they screw up ME3 I will weep bitter tears of sadness, disappointment, and wrath.


DA2 was dog crap.

SWTOR was rushed, but still fun for a while

Customer service is ABSOLUTE TRASH.

EA makes me furious and I don't want to even touch them with a 10ft poll after SWTOR.


ME3? We will have to see.

SWTOR in the future? I hope they pull it out of the fire. :(


You get me, you really do!

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What's the current status on the Origin spysoftware? This is the only thing that is holding me back, to be honest. Otherwise, I totally want to see the conclusion of the arc!


EA still wants to keyolog you so they can hack your photobucket account and go through all of your emails and read all of the poetry you have saved in your totally inconspicuous "Econ 101" folder because you're just that interesting of a person.

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I will be getting it.


After that, I will never purchase another product from Bioware again until I read a bunch of reviews first and confirm quality is excellent. And if they screw up ME3 I will weep bitter tears of sadness, disappointment, and wrath.


DA2 was dog crap.

SWTOR was rushed, but still fun for a while

Customer service is ABSOLUTE TRASH.

EA makes me furious and I don't want to even touch them with a 10ft poll after SWTOR.


ME3? We will have to see.

SWTOR in the future? I hope they pull it out of the fire. :(


Everyone hates EA, UbiSoft is to be thrown in to hell... and Activision is uncreative and recycles content... has anyone considered the fact that the big publishers don't give a flying crap about your opinion is that everyone jumps on the hate them band wagon? Seriously... Sony, Honda, Bestbuy, Wal-Mart, etc... all have policies which are truly disgusting, horrible, inhumane, and dehumanizing... yet... I bet all of you buy your Sony products at Bestbuy and Wal-Mart without ever going, "Man Bestfail is the wrost, or Fail-Mart likes to underpay, undershift, dismiss people if they get a second job, circumvent OSHA, and then provide sub-par goods...


First world problems I guess... after all a game company that does not serve you breakfast in bed is a problem.

Edited by NemoSD
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Ive been with Bioware since Baldurs Gate 1 and yea Ill get it at launch, just like every other of their games.


But Dragon Age 2 turned out to be a total pile of crap, ME2 was kinda luckluster and swtor didnt meet my expectations. If they dont deliver this time it will be my last Bioware game.

Unfortunately I dont think thers enough Bioware left in Bioware :(

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They lost me with Mass Effect 2. I don't know, I'm not so bothered about the DLC now, but at the time, the Cerebus Network stuff really irrationally bugged me. And I was really put off by how poorly it performed on the 360, and of course, my Mass Effect 1 saves were on 360... I didn't really want to restart both Mass Effects on PC, and I didn't want to continue trying to play Mass Effect 2 on 360, so my interest in the franchise just kind of petered out.
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I have ME1 & 2, you'd think I would get ME3. Not right away if ever.


First I was ticked it was not on Steam ok fine, I'll deal with it, I'll be very angry, but deal with it. Then after more recent reading, even with a Hard copy, I am forced to have/use that POS Origins on my computer!


I'll wait, maybe someday it will show up on Steam.




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unlike the majority of playe video games are just another medium for experiencing a story. BW has improved their delivery significantly over the course of the ME/DA series(DA2 was an achievement in VG storytelling, even if you weren't a fan of the gameplay), and i'm extremely interested in how ME's story is going to turn out.


on top of that, i've always found the ME/GoW style of fps to be much more engaging than the halo/cod style. I'd probably play it just for that.


SWTOR has no bearing on my views of ME because the development teams are not the same. So while SWTOR is sort of... a storytelling flop, to be entirely honest (stories overall are just NOT compelling enough, and they're way too shallow)... and the gameplay is too buggy to properly judge, I will still get ME3.

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