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Increase Characters to 16 Please Per Server


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When you allow character transfers, please increase the character limit on a server to 16. Here is why:


1. No AC switching, thus 16 possible character types

2. Help balance servers by having players able to play both sides for PvP Events.

3. Keep community close together when we roll alts


Thoughts Bioware, anyone?

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Yeah, I'd like to see it increased. I'm not anywhere near the cap yet mind you, but I see it as an eventuality and I don't want to get to the point where I have to delete a char to make another one I want to play.


If they don't want people creating 16 level-1's for some reason, they could always unlock additional slots as you hit 50 on each char. Or they could unlock slots once you reach a certain legacy level.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, more slots please.


I will even pay for it--Bioware, you are leaving money on the table. (Seriously, I stayed with vastly inferior Cryptic games solely because I could feed my altaholism.)


Yes, this play style is not for everyone. But I think the demand is significant. Yes, it can impact storage and database resources. That's why folks will be more open to paying for it.


It should definitely be an option.


And additional slots are IDEAL for Bioware games--SWTOR is very replayable with different choices for each class and various side missions. Additional slots are even more appropriate here with new races and a legacy system.


It seems like alts are actually part of the game system--capitalize (maybe literally) on it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Especially with the legacy system urging people to roll new characters... for those of us who already have their max amount... I'll sign ^^;


I made all eight characters on 12/13 @ like 9 AM in the morning to reserve their names... Now I can't do any cool species/class combos :(

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Or just buy another account. If you have that much time to waste you probably have another 15 bucks a month to throw at it.


Most games don't allow this many toons. Many just allow 5.


Most games don't strongly encourage alts in a manner such as the Legacy system, so that comparison is moot. Sure, they allow it, but when you're making it a selling point to expand your family tree yet so many players have already filled their 8 slots, it's tough to basically say they can't utilize the species unlocks without creating (and deleting an old character) a new character.


Some people have 20+ characters in Champions Online because the game pushes you to create more and utilize their customization. I see similar demand here with people wanting to expand their Legacy, and I'm sure many of us would be fine paying a fee for the option.

Edited by Prismatico
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More slots please...don't care how...unlocks in legacy system...micro-transactions...doesn't matter.


I've filled my slots on my primary server...and I have 4 republics on another server where my guild isn't nearly as active..so I'd much rather reroll my republics on my primary server where I play all my imps.


I see no reason for me to buy a second account to do this...I don't want to play multiple characters at the same time in this game since I have my companions.


I have 2 accounts in Guild Wars that each started at 4 character slots each...through various campaigns/expansions and the option to buy additional character slots both of those accounts are up to at least 15 characters each. I do, however, find it useful to have two accounts running at one time in that game.


In City of Heroes I have like 30 characters across 3 servers...again because I added character slots. Only have 1 account there.


I can easily see myself using up 16 slots eventually...and probably more than that for various reasons.

Edited by Thunder-God
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Or just buy another account. If you have that much time to waste you probably have another 15 bucks a month to throw at it.


Most games don't allow this many toons. Many just allow 5.


Er... Dude... I think getting another account would completely defeat the purpose of the legacy system... The legacy systems works for characters on the same account and server... That was a pretty bad idea you posted there...

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I want 16 character slots on a server. I would love to have 8 characters on each side and build a huge legacy. I like my server and I like the people on it. My suggestion:


Legacy level 20: 10 Slots.

Legacy level 30: 12 Slots.

Legacy level 40: 14 Slots.

Legacy level 50: 16 Slots.

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I want 16 character slots on a server. I would love to have 8 characters on each side and build a huge legacy. I like my server and I like the people on it. My suggestion:


Legacy level 20: 10 Slots.

Legacy level 30: 12 Slots.

Legacy level 40: 14 Slots.

Legacy level 50: 16 Slots.


This^ Very very good idea.

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Totally agree on 16 slots. I am now faced with having to choose who to delete and start over due to the legacy system. I play both factions and easily maxed out my 8 slots. Did bioware really think we would stick to one faction? Legacy is SERVER and ACCOUNT bound. 8 is not enough.
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