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Marauders are the most powerful pvp class in the game


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I love my Sentinel. Its very interesting to play and very satisfying to kill BHs/Sorcs who do about a 1/16th of what I need to do in order to kill someone.


They have very strong utility through a group wide 15% damage/healing buff for 15 seconds and a raid (but possibly group, cant remember) wide 50% sprint buff which is absolutely broken when used in certain situations.


I wouldn't say we are the best DPS class, but we aren't weak by any means. I play Watchman spec and my burst pales in comparison to other classes but my sustained DPS is very very good. Sustained DPS usually sucks in PvP, but with the immense defensive cooldowns we have I can often kill someone while brushing off their burst (given my CDs are up, otherwise I just fall over).


The sprint though is the most satisfying part about playing the "hardest class in the game". When specced into, 80% sprint for 10 seconds is such a huge advantage in warzones.


In Voidstar, when your team plants go to the other door and ideally have 30 Centering/Fury and pop Transcendence. The other team will be occupied trying to disarm so you should be safe from snares/immobolizes and free to haul *** when the doors blow up. Run and as soon as it falls off, pop instant 30 centering/fury CD and do it again. 90% of the time I do this, I can plant/open forcefield/open bridge while the other team is completely on the other side not expecting me to be where I am. Amazing.


In Alderaan, if you pop transcedence as soon as you land, you will get to the side turrets faster than any other class in the game hands down. Also, if you go from a side turret, you can pop it, get to the underground before it fades and grab the speed buff if its there allowing you to get from side to side in like 20 seconds max.


In Huttball, popping it right away will get you the ball first most of the time although people can leap at you to prevent it. Its best used while holding the ball and used in conjuction with guarded by the force to run ridiculously fast with the ball, taking 99% less damage allowing you to run right through fire traps leaving everybody in the dust.


Sentinels/Marauders are a BLAST if you don't mind needing like 25-30 keybindings a minimum to be viable.

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As a Marauder myself, albeit, not level 50 yet, I'd have to say that in most matches, it's not that I don't know how to deal damage, but there isn't a chance for me to do so. In huttball, it's common for enemies to stand on the platforms. i get pushed off the ledge the moment i get close, and I'll have to walk a full circle just to get around again. Even in a non-platform encounter, it's normal for me to get pushed back or stunned after i use Force Charge. And the thing is, Force Charge is the only skill the Marauder has to close a range gap. Any stun or push back following the Force Charge would leave the Marauder almost helpless.


I could attempt to immediately use Cripple after Force Charge. That would help me chase them after the stun wears off, but time is so scarce, that in most cases, I will absolutely need to use Battering Assault after Force Charge to get my rage. Using cripple first will leave me with 1 or 2 rage and at a distance - a sitting duck. And since I don't normally last very long in big battles, my strategy is always to burst out my damage before I die. I'm playing Carnage, so my sequence is:


Force Charge -> Battering Assault -> Massacre (Ataru hit and Bloodlust activated) -> Ravage -> Force Scream (guaranteed critical due to Bloodlust)


Do note that since I'm playing Carnage, my Force Charge generates 4 rage instead of the normal 3. And I added 2 points to one of the low level skills in Annihilation, so my Massacre refunds 1 rage, and thus, costs only 2 rage. My Force Scream cost 2 rage as well. So, in the event that time short, I can omit Battering Assault, and have enough rage to use Massacre, Ravage and Force Scream. All these take about 4 seconds. That's the window I have in a battle orgy before i finally get disabled and get killed. Now if I use Cripple immediately after Force Charge, I'm putting that whole sequence at risk, because I will then absolutely need to use Battering Assault to get back the Rage i spent on Cripple.


Bottom line. Marauder has very good damage 'potential', but very difficult to use, and more often than not, the Marauder's style of fighting isn't very conducive in orgies. In a 1v1 fight, where your opponent has no backup...that's the Marauder's game. I would appreciate some feedback on my play style.

Edited by Metric_Tensor
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Yes they can. I win.


What repeated roots? You mean if we spec combat and use our saber toss for a root? Yes we can do that but then we give up ALL sorts of goodies one gets from Watchman/Annihilation tree. I for one prefer 0 range leaps on reduced CD and 6 sec force kick CD for interrupts. So yes they CAN root on a fairly short CD, but really you are wasting ALOT of force to do that when you could just be killing. Also you seem to forget that ranged CC is invariably better than Sent/Marauder CC. Intelligent use of CC and heals is the difference between a sorc I cut through - like a hot knife through warm butter - and one that kites me so long we net each other out of the wz.

Edited by Renlotho
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I love my sentinel no doubt. But its hard to say if they are indeed the most powerful class in the game. I mean i beat most people i face, but i consider myself pretty good.


But really good Ops are a tough fight, as are assassins, dps sorcs, and the dps power techs. Good players of those classes have all killed me, and i have killed them but i dont know if my gear is better or theres, or if they had all their CDs available when i fought them.


Overall though a good player of any class can make it seem OP when 90% of the players aren't that good.

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As a Marauder myself, albeit, not level 50 yet, I'd have to say that in most matches, it's not that I don't know how to deal damage, but there isn't a chance for me to do so. In huttball, it's common for enemies to stand on the platforms. i get pushed off the ledge the moment i get close, and I'll have to walk a full circle just to get around again. Even in a non-platform encounter, it's normal for me to get pushed back or stunned after i use Force Charge. And the thing is, Force Charge is the only skill the Marauder has to close a range gap. Any stun or push back following the Force Charge would leave the Marauder almost helpless.


I could attempt to immediately use Cripple after Force Charge. That would help me chase them after the stun wears off, but time is so scarce, that in most cases, I will absolutely need to use Battering Assault after Force Charge to get my rage. Using cripple first will leave me with 1 or 2 rage and at a distance - a sitting duck. And since I don't normally last very long in big battles, my strategy is always to burst out my damage before I die. I'm playing Carnage, so my sequence is:


Force Charge -> Battering Assault -> Massacre (Ataru hit and Bloodlust activated) -> Ravage -> Force Scream (guaranteed critical due to Bloodlust)


Do note that since I'm playing Carnage, my Force Charge generates 4 rage instead of the normal 3. And I added 2 points to one of the low level skills in Annihilation, so my Massacre refunds 1 rage, and thus, costs only 2 rage. My Force Scream cost 2 rage as well. So, in the event that time short, I can omit Battering Assault, and have enough rage to use Massacre, Ravage and Force Scream. All these take about 4 seconds. That's the window I have in a battle orgy before i finally get disabled and get killed. Now if I use Cripple immediately after Force Charge, I'm putting that whole sequence at risk, because I will then absolutely need to use Battering Assault to get back the Rage i spent on Cripple.


Bottom line. Marauder has very good damage 'potential', but very difficult to use, and more often than not, the Marauder's style of fighting isn't very conducive in orgies. In a 1v1 fight, where your opponent has no backup...that's the Marauder's game. I would appreciate some feedback on my play style.


First, I try to save force charge for later in the fight. Use it to "get back" to your target after a knockback or a slow. I know its counter intuitive, but often if you just walk to your target, he won't notice you until you are very close (in a group fight anyway). However if you open with force charge, you can be sure that your target is going to hit that knockback ASAP.


I play anni, and for me cripple is a MUST. Yes, I know, it sucks to spend 2 rage for it and it messes my DPS rotation too, but cripple is what will allow you to stay on target. I dont know about carnage, maybe you can skip it if you feel you can gib someone super quick.


I also feel that its very difficult to do well in huge messy group fights. What I do is prioritize healers, and after that ranged targets that are a bit behind (so that no one else will notice that I am happily tearing them apart). Takes some finesse.

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I love my Sentinel. Its very interesting to play and very satisfying to kill BHs/Sorcs who do about a 1/16th of what I need to do in order to kill someone.


They have very strong utility through a group wide 15% damage/healing buff for 15 seconds and a raid (but possibly group, cant remember) wide 50% sprint buff which is absolutely broken when used in certain situations.


I wouldn't say we are the best DPS class, but we aren't weak by any means. I play Watchman spec and my burst pales in comparison to other classes but my sustained DPS is very very good. Sustained DPS usually sucks in PvP, but with the immense defensive cooldowns we have I can often kill someone while brushing off their burst (given my CDs are up, otherwise I just fall over).


The sprint though is the most satisfying part about playing the "hardest class in the game". When specced into, 80% sprint for 10 seconds is such a huge advantage in warzones.


In Voidstar, when your team plants go to the other door and ideally have 30 Centering/Fury and pop Transcendence. The other team will be occupied trying to disarm so you should be safe from snares/immobolizes and free to haul *** when the doors blow up. Run and as soon as it falls off, pop instant 30 centering/fury CD and do it again. 90% of the time I do this, I can plant/open forcefield/open bridge while the other team is completely on the other side not expecting me to be where I am. Amazing.


In Alderaan, if you pop transcedence as soon as you land, you will get to the side turrets faster than any other class in the game hands down. Also, if you go from a side turret, you can pop it, get to the underground before it fades and grab the speed buff if its there allowing you to get from side to side in like 20 seconds max.


In Huttball, popping it right away will get you the ball first most of the time although people can leap at you to prevent it. Its best used while holding the ball and used in conjuction with guarded by the force to run ridiculously fast with the ball, taking 99% less damage allowing you to run right through fire traps leaving everybody in the dust.


Sentinels/Marauders are a BLAST if you don't mind needing like 25-30 keybindings a minimum to be viable.


Good stuff, the best thing about sents and marauders are their seemingly endless ceiling. Easily the highest skill cap in the game. I feel I would need an extra arm and/or Razer Naga to truly abuse the power of this class. As it is, I've finally gotten gooood in the past week and a half and it's oh so satisfying to kill the two infamous face roll classes.

Edited by Renlotho
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Does anybody have good advice for me? Somehow it seems like everyone is either playing Annihilation or Rage. Almost no one plays Carnage at all. I tried respec-ing to Annihilation once, and I couldn't get used it. It seems that the main strategy for Annihilation is to use Deadly Strike, but that takes 3 rage. and it messes up the whole dps cycle for me. And more importantly, 'Force Charge -> Deadly Strike -> Battering Assault' sequence is almost a must. And that's quite a number of skills to use which almost don't contribute damage at all. Only after that, when Annihilate comes out, does the damage start.


Any tips for me?

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I don't have too many issues with them as a Jugg, maybe its just a bad matchup for a mara.


Or most of the ones you go up against suck. Jugg/Guard should be cake for a Mara/Sent. I personally don't have any trouble against any class except for a WELL PLAYED dps specced powertech (and even then, there's only 1 of those on my server who can consistently beat me)

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Marauders are the most powerful class in the game. Luckily they're incredibly difficult to play so most people suck at them.


Their damage is the highest by a lot when performed properly, and their survivability is also the highest.


They have a 20% dmg reduction for 30 seconds (unless they aren't hit making it a 6 second invincibility) a 4 second invincibility and a vanish, they do the most dmg when played properly and they have an excellent gap closer.



They're also ridiculously hard to play, and most players are terrible.


No I didn't get killed by one in pvp and am now QQing, I'm lvling one up and my brother plays one, they are insanely difficult and easily best dps class in the game.


I'm also levelling one up, they're an incredibly fun class to play, probably my new main once I get it to 50.



I do pretty well on mine despite it being a low lvl (I've heard from a whole bunch of people that they suck at low lvls, but i'm getting top damage 80% of the time at 29) , but I think that's just because nobody knows how to fight a sentinel. They're got some very exploitable weaknesses that I rarely if ever see exploited.


You can counter rebuke easily by tossing an 8 second mezz when you see it popped, but for some reason I've never once had someone do this to me on my sentinel.


I get that it can be hard to see, and most of the time you won't be vigorously watching the opponent's buff bar, but I don't think I've ever lost to a sent 1v1 on my sorcerer with my cooldowns up.

Edited by Aidank
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There's no mythical limitless potential of marauders and sentinels. Good marauders are only as good as you let them play. Don't try to engage them 1v1, it's a waste of time and you'll probably die. The best thing you can do 1v1 is CC and run away to your group. In group PVP CC and burn them down, make them waste their defensive CDs.


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And you call others baddies :D


What utility do Marauders provide that others can't do better?


1. Intimidating Roar - Sorcerers have the option to spec for a half duration version of this on a 20-second CD and it auto activates on bubble pop.


2. Force Joke - The worst stun in the entire game. It's channeled and lasts 3 seconds.


3. Force Charge(ball carrying I suppose) - Juggernauts carry the ball better.


4. Defensive CDs(This isn't utility unless you're carrying a ball) - Juggernauts carry the ball better.


5. Healing Debuff(20%) - This is the only legitimate use and considering the fact that it's far more effective to CC healers for a 100% healing reduction I don't think this will be all that big a deal. I guess you could take ONE marauder for it though.


6. Predation - 50% group speed buff. It's okay I suppose. It's overshadowed by Sorcerer speed buffs and Juggernaut+Sorcerer Intercede/Extricate chains that bring the ball to the goal in less than 5 GCDs though. Why run 50% faster when you can fly directly to the goal?

Edited by Tumri
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I agree with the OP to an extent. As a lvl 50 Marauder myself I know they can do a ton of damage. Sadly when my Sniper was level 15 it was out damaging my Marauder by more than double,getting more badges and was better defensively in a WZ.


That being said, a Marauder in large scale PvP battles is next to worthless. 0 range and all your abilities are done at point blank meaning you have to be in range of your opponent's zerg to do any real damage. Quite sad actually.

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Does anybody have good advice for me? Somehow it seems like everyone is either playing Annihilation or Rage. Almost no one plays Carnage at all. I tried respec-ing to Annihilation once, and I couldn't get used it. It seems that the main strategy for Annihilation is to use Deadly Strike, but that takes 3 rage. and it messes up the whole dps cycle for me. And more importantly, 'Force Charge -> Deadly Strike -> Battering Assault' sequence is almost a must. And that's quite a number of skills to use which almost don't contribute damage at all. Only after that, when Annihilate comes out, does the damage start.


Any tips for me?



The object is to stack DoTs as you build up to Annihilate. Do Force Charge -> Deadly Saber (not Strike) -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Annihilate. After that use Force Choke or Ravage (if you aren't getting pounded by someone) or Assault to start building Rage back up. The reason you want to use Deadly Saber is it makes your next 3 hits apply a DoT Bleed effect. With points in Hungering you'll get 2% health back for every DoT tick, so with 4 DoTs in effect you are getting 8% back every second or so.


Also make sure you use Annihilate every time it's up, each use reduces the cool down of the next one by 1.5 seconds with 3 stacks that's a 7.5s cool down. Much faster than a 9 sec smash cool down. Another skill to always use is Berserk you get 100% Crit chance on Bleed effects while it's going, and lets you heal your entire party for 1% of their health per tick. Always, and I mean Always when using Annihilation use the Juyo form. You lose out on many of the benefits of the spec if you use Shii-Cho.


Rage and Annihilation are good Spec's if you are more comfortable with Rage, stick with it, or learn both, or all three. They all have their uses some are better in PvP others in PvE learning all the possible Spec's will just give you more utility.

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Can't say I agree with the OP. Marauders are more complex then the other classes but that complexity isn't offset by them having a higher damage output or more survivability. They have to press 15 or so buttons and use almost all their abilities to be comparable to other classes who only have to use a quater of their abilities and 8 or so buttons.


Also they don't have a knockback which means they can't make use of the environment to cause damage like the other classes can. On my Shadow I can knock players off ledges, into fire traps or into acid pits but on my Marauder none of that is possible.


I don't think the complexity needs to be lessened but I think they definitely need a few more tools at their disposal. They definitely need some sort of knockback, even if it causes no damage.

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There's no mythical limitless potential of marauders and sentinels. Good marauders are only as good as you let them play. Don't try to engage them 1v1, it's a waste of time and you'll probably die. The best thing you can do 1v1 is CC and run away to your group. In group PVP CC and burn them down, make them waste their defensive CDs.



As a Marauder, that happens to me 90% of the time

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