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Allow us to play without companions.


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No one said get rid of companions, the suggestion was simply to make gameplay a bit more viable if one chooses not to use them, if you like them fine, keep using them, it affects you in no shape or form if such a thing were done. Also mmos are an ever changing entity. I've played them long enough to know that when it's required, a game will change, perhaps not for the better, sometimes for the better but they do change. You already got people complaining about the cross server dungeon finder that some players swore up and down would never happen here.


Please tell us how to implement such a thing when the entire game and the difficulty of all fights are designed around having companions.


What would be even cooler, would be if my companion was like a real person... like in a real MMO.


Yeah, what exactly stops you from grouping up with someone else? I can even show you the button in the game if you wish.

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No one said get rid of companions, the suggestion was simply to make gameplay a bit more viable if one chooses not to use them, if you like them fine, keep using them, it affects you in no shape or form if such a thing were done. Also mmos are an ever changing entity. I've played them long enough to know that when it's required, a game will change, perhaps not for the better, sometimes for the better but they do change. You already got people complaining about the cross server dungeon finder that some players swore up and down would never happen here.


Are you serious, I would love to have what you guys are smoking. It's not enough we have companion's that speak to us interact on a personal level and even have their own personal side mission which is optional. It's not enough they fill different roles "Ranged Tank, Healer, DPS" now you want to change the game play.


I played MMO's for a long time too, everquest. Then Warcraft that doesn't exactly make you an expert. All warcraft did to "change' was slap the xbox360 "achievements" and used an add on to make in "quest finder" nothing really to cheer about.


You people will complain about anything. In Fail-Craft we had NO compainon's the closest thing we got to that was a PET and this pet sure didn't heal me during a fight or take threat. It was stated a billion times in detail about the compainin system, and what they could do. You are speaking for maybe about 10 people out of a million.

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The only AI change I see needed is to give companions enough common sense to stop standing in AE damage abilities. I get annoyed when I have to toggle them to passive and back to get them to stop standing in fire. Changing the game to be played without them is just a foolish request as companions go to the core of what this game is. You can't sit there and say they are useless and then in the same post say without them you can't complete content. If they were useless you wouldn't even need to request that they change the system as it is since you would see no change in difficulty with or without a companion.
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Do you have to 'babysit' your own character? I mean it has less ai than a turnip...


I have almost no issues with companions. Sure doc doesn't move around corners so mt healing stops occasionally, but that's about it. You have full control over which abilities they use by turning the little squares on and off, you have 2 stances for them to use.


Frankly this is just ridiculous, they arent dumb, they are micro manageable if you want and are 'half' of your character. Don't think of them as another characters, rather as your second playable character.


I don't want to micromanage them, especially when they often don't respond to said micromanagement in the first place. Speaking of doc, want to know how many times he's died to AOE from elites because I told him to move and he stood there like a brick ( and yes, I put him on passive to get him to come to me)? I've lost count. That is the kind of aggravating nonsense I am talking about. With the bugginess of the crtl-number commands ( locking your character in autorun etc etc), using those is hit and miss. Not to mention, I have 4 bars full of hotkeys I already use on a regular basis, I'd need another set of arms and hands to throw a 5th bar in ( thanks to the lack of macros).

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So, because I don't mindlessly say " GJ BIOWARE, EVERYTHING IS GREAT!" I'm a troll? Okay then.


Hardly. But your posts all have the same common factor that defines the very worst elements of this board:


1) badly thought out and pointless demands that are either completely unworkable or outright make no sense


2) a sense that because it's a problem for you it must be a problem for everyone, even if the problem is so trivial that literally you are the only person who says it's a problem


3) A ready willingness to dip to complaining that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.



As to your "suggestion",


There is nothing - wrong - with - the - AI. Khem Val tanks better than the majority of the so-called tanks who inevitably manage to aggro the entire damned planet that are controlled by people, as long as you have the common sense to turn off his AoE effects which are not that good anyway. Revel and Vette DPS better and more evenly than most of the pew-pew-pew BH and I don't have to watch them float up in the air all the time spamming DFA and TM. Doc and Talos are better healers than the people who usually end up letting me get killed in FP because instead of healing the tank they are off loldpsing or , worse , trying to keep the DPS up who refuses to let me build threat.


If you can't figure out how to use them, that's your failing. Not the game's. Not the AI's. Yours. I'm no big fan of SWTOR so far, given all of it's myriad of failings, but that very simply isn't one of them.

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I know for a fact you can lvl all the way from lvl 10-50 by only running warzones. Perhaps if you don't want to run with companions you can just lvl all the way up to 50 and then do all of your class quests......


Cool alternative, lame arena for 40 levels. i can barely wait to play huttball for 40 levels and get squashed by everyone higher level than me for the next umm... i think it takes 4 hours to level from 10-50?

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Cool alternative, lame arena for 40 levels. i can barely wait to play huttball for 40 levels and get squashed by everyone higher level than me for the next umm... i think it takes 4 hours to level from 10-50?


You will get owned, but generally not because of your level since everyone is temporarily brought up to lvl 49 for the warzone.

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Are you serious, I would love to have what you guys are smoking. It's not enough we have companion's that speak to us interact on a personal level and even have their own personal side mission which is optional. It's not enough they fill different roles "Ranged Tank, Healer, DPS" now you want to change the game play.


I played MMO's for a long time too, everquest. Then Warcraft that doesn't exactly make you an expert. All warcraft did to "change' was slap the xbox360 "achievements" and used an add on to make in "quest finder" nothing really to cheer about.


You people will complain about anything. In Fail-Craft we had NO compainon's the closest thing we got to that was a PET and this pet sure didn't heal me during a fight or take threat. It was stated a billion times in detail about the compainin system, and what they could do. You are speaking for maybe about 10 people out of a million.


Good post and I agree. However, the Hunter's pet in WoW can do a decent job of getting threat, but I know of none which can heal you, craft items or gather resources for you. Overall the companion system in TOR is far superior to WoW's pet system for chars.

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No, no they don't. That is the main problem. They are unresponsive oftentimes, and do what they're told too late for it matter.


Na...sounds like you are not using them correctly. I am not saying they ALLWAYS do what they should, but your char does not ether at times. The game AI is not perfect 100% of the time you know.

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I don't want to micromanage them, especially when they often don't respond to said micromanagement in the first place. Speaking of doc, want to know how many times he's died to AOE from elites because I told him to move and he stood there like a brick ( and yes, I put him on passive to get him to come to me)? I've lost count. That is the kind of aggravating nonsense I am talking about. With the bugginess of the crtl-number commands ( locking your character in autorun etc etc), using those is hit and miss. Not to mention, I have 4 bars full of hotkeys I already use on a regular basis, I'd need another set of arms and hands to throw a 5th bar in ( thanks to the lack of macros).


Well doc has only died once for me (at least before me, we have both died a few times.)


The only time he died was when a patrolling guy came up behind us and I wasn't paying attention.


Seriously if you have doc that close to you that he dies to aoe attacks then frankly it's your own fault, not the ai's

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Sounds like this isn't the game you are looking for. You are either going to have to deal with it or just cancel because the entire game is built around having companions.




About the OP: Obviously this is the wrong game for you!

You know....when we don't like a game..we move on!...instead to stay and try they change the game as we like!!:p

Edited by Vespertilius
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Title says it all. Before the fanboys jump in and say " You can, it'll just be more difficult", realistically, if you want to level, you need a companion. That is the problem in a nutshell. I am sick to death of babysitting and gearing these mouthbreathers. 9 times out of 10, they do something stupid that makes an already difficult encounter more difficult. They are a liability. I don't want to know their story lines, or hear their lame quips every other minute, if I wanted banter I'd group.


Not to mention, some of them, such as Qyzen Fess, have equipment that is very difficult to find an upgrade for ( Techblade...no moddable ones either). Oh, and good luck keeping them current on gear as well, since on my server gear ( on the GTN anyways) at your current level is hard to come by. On top of that, some of them are completely useless altogether and stay on the ship the entire time anyways, since certain comps don't gel with your AC. Having a ship full of comps and only realistically being able to use one is lame.


Long story short, I don't want to have to drag them around with me. They're dead weight, annoying, poorly coded AI that I have to constantly micromanage to get even the smallest utility out of. PVE/leveling in this game should not be balanced around it, allow people that want to fly solo, to truly fly solo.


You realize this will never happen as Biofail designed the game to be 75% single player right? You can't just remove their bad designs and systems because they stink.

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No the AI is not perfect, but it is so much better than in other games. I played a demo lock and frost mage in WOW (and a unholy DK) and think that the AI in swtor is world above anything that I saw in WOW.


Matter of opinion, and barring healing, at best SWTOR pet AI is on par with the other game...and the other game's pet options are more refined. I played the other real pet class a Hunter since vanilla. ;)


I will say the lack of bugs and glitches in SWTOR has made companion use much smoother so far. I just hope they increase our options for stay and placement.

Edited by Veluthurk
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Matter of opinion, and barring healing, at best SWTOR pet AI is on par with the other game...and the other game's pet options are more refined. I played the other real pet class a Hunter since vanilla. ;)


I will say the lack of bugs and glitches in SWTOR has made companion use much smoother so far. I just hope they increase our options for stay and placement.


Fair point, however, there are two pet classes in that other game ( I don't really count CD related pets), SWTOR, all classes are pet classes.

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I'd agree with the OP.


There should be talent builds you can go into that make up for the effectiveness of not having a companion.


Playing a pet class is a very specific choice and it wasn't a good design decision to force them on everyone, especially when it's not even a fully-integrated pet class.

Edited by Lethality
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Title says it all. Before the fanboys jump in and say " You can, it'll just be more difficult", realistically, if you want to level, you need a companion. That is the problem in a nutshell. I am sick to death of babysitting and gearing these mouthbreathers. 9 times out of 10, they do something stupid that makes an already difficult encounter more difficult. They are a liability. I don't want to know their story lines, or hear their lame quips every other minute, if I wanted banter I'd group.


Not to mention, some of them, such as Qyzen Fess, have equipment that is very difficult to find an upgrade for ( Techblade...no moddable ones either). Oh, and good luck keeping them current on gear as well, since on my server gear ( on the GTN anyways) at your current level is hard to come by. On top of that, some of them are completely useless altogether and stay on the ship the entire time anyways, since certain comps don't gel with your AC. Having a ship full of comps and only realistically being able to use one is lame.


Long story short, I don't want to have to drag them around with me. They're dead weight, annoying, poorly coded AI that I have to constantly micromanage to get even the smallest utility out of. PVE/leveling in this game should not be balanced around it, allow people that want to fly solo, to truly fly solo.


Use the droid butler your ship gives you. ALL it can do is heal you. That means it won't engage in combat. So even if you never upgrade it's gear once, all it will do is toss heals your way from time to time. Problem solved.

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This game is hard as hell without a companion and even then you can still get your *** kicked in a lot of situations especially as you level.


My sentinel is having a hell of a time handling 4 weak mobs or 2 strong mobs. Nearly died to 1 elite mob. Used a medpac and all my cds too. I really feel I should only need to use all my cooldowns if I pull more then 1 group or elite not vs random 1 elite.

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Title says it all. Before the fanboys jump in and say " You can, it'll just be more difficult", realistically, if you want to level, you need a companion. That is the problem in a nutshell. I am sick to death of babysitting and gearing these mouthbreathers. 9 times out of 10, they do something stupid that makes an already difficult encounter more difficult. They are a liability. I don't want to know their story lines, or hear their lame quips every other minute, if I wanted banter I'd group.


Not to mention, some of them, such as Qyzen Fess, have equipment that is very difficult to find an upgrade for ( Techblade...no moddable ones either). Oh, and good luck keeping them current on gear as well, since on my server gear ( on the GTN anyways) at your current level is hard to come by. On top of that, some of them are completely useless altogether and stay on the ship the entire time anyways, since certain comps don't gel with your AC. Having a ship full of comps and only realistically being able to use one is lame.


Long story short, I don't want to have to drag them around with me. They're dead weight, annoying, poorly coded AI that I have to constantly micromanage to get even the smallest utility out of. PVE/leveling in this game should not be balanced around it, allow people that want to fly solo, to truly fly solo.


Sooo, in one sentance you say that companions make encounters more difficult than they need to be... and in another you say that the you want the game "Balanced/easier" because companions are needed to survive them.... HUH????


Maybe this is not the game you are looking for.

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