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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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A deserter debuff wont stop people leaving, they are still going to leave and do something else during the debuff time.


Can you realy blame people for leaving in the middle of a WZ with the rampant map hacks, speed hacks, teleport hacks, and infinite health, energy, force, rage, ammo, heat hacks circulating?

Why should I be punished for leaving a WZ where the entire other team is hacking thier butts off and just farming my team for valor and medals?


This, emphatically. I don't see it every warzone....but I see it about every 5th warzone. If its not actual movement/speed/health hacks, they are simply exploiting the bug that allows you to load 11 into a warzone.


because 11 >>>>> 8.

Edited by islander
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Fun has nothing to do with it.



PvP on my servr a PvE server is pretty much run by 1 guild Rep side during the same times everyday.



They are always grouped and aways roll the other teams and end up setting up farming Kills for themselves so its basicly pointless. On top of that you are not punished for leaving WZ so why would want to just sit there and repeatedly owned by PvP teams that is all they do in full top line PvP gear.



If there was achance you might win you would stay but lets be honest here with no chance why bother.

Edited by DarthWalt
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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Come on March!



This will only work if there is also an option to CHOOSE which warzones you want to play.

I will never play huttball, so sounds like I will end up getting penalised for not liking that part of your game.


The option to pick your WZ is also coming, don't know if it's in 1.2 or not. I'm pretty sick of Huttball too but I'll play if if that's what pops up.

Edited by Kunari
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This situation is getting way out of control. Today, I'm getting into warzones with only 5 people left in them which then fill up and gradually empty again. More and more people are just leaving a warzone at the first sight of a loss. I don't usually leave. Today after getting into that 5 man warzone and watching repeat people joining afterwards and leaving I finally thought wth should I be the one to stay in this if noone can be arsed to take their turn when a loss comes, so I bailed. It's got to the point where the system is now just broken.


We need a fix. I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


Whatever happens, it can't stay as it is.


FYI, I leave WZs all the time: and winning/losing has nothing to do with it. Because BW doesn't allow me to decide what to queue for, I drop a WZ as soon as I'm able if I'm thrown into one I don't feel like playing.


NO to penalties for dropping.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes ... penalties for quitters.


You're going to penalise players for leaving when you don't give them the choice of which WZs to queue for? Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my sub. Six days and counting.

Edited by Hlicalanthe
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You're going to penalise players for leaving when you don't give them the choice of which WZs to queue for? Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my sub. Six days and counting.


Good deal, quit the game and one less quitter screwing over teammates , everyone wins.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Best patch notes ever.


Your day is coming quitters, just stop queuing if you aren't in it to fight till the end , hoping it will be a long debuff to not allow quitters to queue again anytime soon. Also same for anyone who gets multiple afk warnings in warzone would be nice too.


And for those who say it won't solve it and people will just afk until they can queue again , it will make the problem better at least , it stops you from immediately doing it and jumping from wz to wz.

Edited by Dahkot
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Disagree. Ill give you props on the win, but I am not gonna stay if I have no chance at a win for daily/weekly.


I quess you aint a winner. A winner sticks it out to the bitter end. You dont win if you quit when things look bad. One does not have to always win to be a winner. One who gives 100% and NEVER QUITS is a winner. Habitual quitters are losers and always will be, period.

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nobody is saying anything about the leavers before the warzone starts..


Fine you don't like hutball so u leave before the match starts. THIS ISN'T THE PROBLEM!! the problem is the people that leave when its 1-0... or when the opposing team caps 2 turrets and the score is now 580 - 575 or when the opposing team places a bomb and they get passed the first set of barriers...


when you leave your team is now short handed and you have just caused 7 other players to suffer thanks to your selfishness. not to mention the new players coming in to fill your spot.


Yes! those people need to be punished. Go ahead and make excuses as to how you will just go afk! or you will log on an alt toon while you wait for your timer to reset! At least you will not be doing this every 5 minutes and now you will be wasting your own time instead of others!


Ps. BioWare you should also take actions vs afk'ers. Start giving people 1-3 day bans.


TL;DR - Dont Qeue up unless you intend to participate or face the consequences!

Edited by DasWsup
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when i get put into a warzone that has already started and my team is getting smashed on i will leave. i dont care if people dont like it i didnt start that warzone and im not going to stick around for no reason.


If the other team scores in huttball and half my team leaves then i will also leave. im not going to stick around getting farmed while the game trys to find others to join my team. if only 1 person leaves then i will stay because you still have a chance.


couple things can fix this, first we need a option to turn off backfills. i dont want to be added to matchs that have already started.


2nd if sombody quits then dock them 5 levels of Valor and a 15 min penalty from entering warzones. if they lose enough valor and drop under level 60 then they cant equip their battlemaster gear anymore.

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nobody is saying anything about the leavers before the warzone starts..


Fine you don't like hutball so u leave before the match starts. THIS ISN'T THE PROBLEM!! the problem is the people that leave when its 1-0... or when the opposing team caps 2 turrets and the score is now 580 - 575 or when the opposing team places a bomb and they get passed the first set of barriers...


when you leave your team is now short handed and you have just caused 7 other players to suffer thanks to your selfishness. not to mention the new players coming in to fill your spot.


Yes! those people need to be punished. Go ahead and make excuses as to how you will just go afk! or you will log on an alt toon while you wait for your timer to reset! At least you will not be doing this every 5 minutes and now you will be wasting your own time instead of others!


Ps. BioWare you should also take actions vs afk'ers. Start giving people 1-3 day bans.


TL;DR - Dont Qeue up unless you intend to participate or face the consequences!


Yes, great idea start making it harder for people to play a game that people are already leaving in droves. That would be great incentive to retain those on the fence. Your ideas are as horrible as I'm sure your gameplay is.

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Yes, great idea start making it harder for people to play a game that people are already leaving in droves. That would be great incentive to retain those on the fence. Your ideas are as horrible as I'm sure your gameplay is.


retaining those "on the fence" is better achieved by getting rid of the a**hats rather then keeping them to disrupt others game play!


and before you assume that I'm all for making people leave then ill stop you right there! i want everyone to stay and play the game as intended! and believe me the devs didn't make warzones to be left early/afk. They made them to be played to the fullest Win or lose!

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Wow, they still have not edited the quote? Yellow Posts have been misread before, anyone recall the original Space Combat sticky many thought meant we were getting X-Wing? Not to mention that some have shown their inability to not "add words" that are not there. So, if you actually read what he says then all it is, is "and penalties for quitters." There is no "add" anywhere in that post. In fact the opposite word is there, "remove."


The only remove "penalties for quitters" would be to resolve the extended load times, this isn't Age of Conan guys, since lost time is the only true penalty that players leaving warzones suffer. So... I heartily endorse BioWare cleaning up their code which should hopefully improve load times.


Or is this where Nangasaur claims I'm lying again?

There are no current penalties for quitting a match early, so what could they be "removing"? You need to learn context and reading comprehension.


They're clearly implementing something that penalizes quitters. Stop kidding yourself.

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Bioware you have to implement "AFK'er kick vote" option with quitter penalty feature at the same time..


If don't, people who intend to leave but cant do it cos of penalty will go AFK in warzones...Give us vote option to kick AFK'ers..

Oh they will, do not worry.


We'll be able to single out the folks who are "tantrum threatening" to AFK in retaliation for no longer being able to abuse the lack of quitter enforcement.


I said from the beginning, quitter penalties will be coming. Mr. Z acknowledged it.


I'll say now: there will be a way for players to police up the "tantrum AFK'ers", too.


Mark my words.

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I have experienced this a handful of times. It is really frustrating and I would like to see Bioware do something about it. Other games have this figured out and the reasonable solution is something along these lines:


If you quit the game via the menus, you get a deserter flag and cannot play a warzone for a certain amount of time. However if your game crashes or you alt-f4 out of the game, the server should know you were in a warzone and spawn you immediately back in the game, if it is currently in progress.

Bioware can do absolutely nothing about your ISP dropping you, fiber lines in your area going haywire, your router rebooting, and any number of things.

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How is this even a subject for debate? Dozens of other games have addressed and fixed this issue.
That's the thing.


I believe most of the people arguing against quitter penalties, threatening to AFK, and believing it will cause more problems, are just folks that honestly have not played the dozen or so other MMO's that implemented the exact same types of penalties (quitting early manually, "recalling out", disconnecting, AFK'ing, votekick, etc), and they were all successful.


They just don't know.


These are all tried, tested, proven, and effective measures. They work. Bottom line.

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I dont think BW will implement a penalty system that works on DC's


It ill affect only if you intentional leave warzone (pressing "leave warzone" button, logging out, alt+f4 etc..)

Impossible to differentiate between ALT+F4, Task Manager -> End Process, CTD, someone's ISP dropping connectivity, or someone manually disconnecting their network cable from the wall.


To the game server, they are all "loss of connection to the server."

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They should make it to where if you DC (exit to login screen, game closes, or whatever else they can tell by where you are after you entered the WZ), then your spot is left open to you for the next couple mins, so when you log back into the game in time, you're right back into the WZ.

The only way to leave would be to either Disc and wait 10 mins (which is about the same as a debuff) or Leave the wz, resulting in the wz debuff.

This possible solution opens the door for griefers to quit early out of matches and leave the team undermanned for a period of time.


Coincidentally, quitters are typical griefers anyways, which will most likely result in the same population of folks doing just that.


I would agree with it, however, if that person would be allowed back in their previous match, unless their spot has already been filled by someone else in the queue. If so, quitter penalty. Sorry. Yes, the chances of this happening are probably fairly high, but the chance does exist for them to get back in-game soon enough and get in the match without imposing a quitter penalty.

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I leave pvp at times, because I join wz's looking for a win. But when i look at the players who are in the wz with me and I see, lvl 14, lvl 17, lvl 12...etc, etc. I know that there will be no chance at winning, just a chance at earning medals. If pvp was bracketed, say a 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-49, then i would be less inclined to leave, because i would know then that my team would have a fair chance to win.


This way, I would feel less cheated by those "teammates" who use wz's as their primary source for leveling.

Edited by jfrutchey
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I've had it only a few times. I'm not stressed out over a "deserter" debuff but I'd like it to be similar to the medical droid on a 24hour reset. 2-min the first time you "quit" a WZ, then 5min, then 15min, etc.


A 2-min "ban" is small enough time that it'd be almost over by the time you get zoned back into game. So the legit crashes wouldn't really be effected.



Probably the best suggestion yet, HOWEVER, the folks who manually pull the plug on their network cable would get those couple of free quitter matches a night, before it starts to burn them a little bit.


Perhaps extend it out to 48 hours, instead of resetting every day.

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Once they implement this, people are simply going to afk the WZ out when they see that it's a loss.


Damage has already been done I think.

We will get the ability to votekick these people out...and they will get a deserter debuff.


And for those who think it will be abused: it won't. You forget, only quitters like to grief people like that. People who don't give up on a team and abandon them have much better sportsmanship. It's just human nature.


Require 3 or more votes to kick someone. That means it would take 3 significantly terrible turdfaces with a grudge to be able to abuse it, and the chances of that many many turdfaces all in the same match with the same vendetta against the same person are just very slim to none...unless the target is just a particularly worse turdface than everyone else, in which case they probably deserve it no matter what.

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