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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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i love how people defend the warzone leavers... and none of you realize there is a problem. and all of you saying i'll just go afk for 15 minutes should be a warning to BW what will need help next.


IMO go ahead with this update and also add that if you don't participate and you afk you will be banned. you think this is harsh? then don't Qeue up and don't do warzones unless you plan on participating! Simple..


you can try and make any of your points sound rational as to why you leave, but the facts remain that people that leave warzones hurt the team by creating a disadvantage to the team they were added to and the people that come in and get stuck with your baggage.


You dont wanna be group with people that suck?... create a premade.

You dont wanna deal with people you dont like?... create a premade.

You feel like you are the only one trying to win?... create a premade group.


and stop using these as excuses as to why you leave the warzone!

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Awesome BW! thanks for giving incentive to afk and badge farm in WZ's, you can guarantee that's exactly what I'll be doing!


prime example of an ****** disrupting others gameplay.


How about participating in the warzone you Qeue'd up on? and play it like it was intended! How about that instead huhh?

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Awesome BW! thanks for giving incentive to afk and badge farm in WZ's, you can guarantee that's exactly what I'll be doing!


Why are you even PvPing?


At the end of the game, where you vote for MVP, there should be an option to vote for worst player. If you get 3 or more, you're locked out for the rest of the day.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


i suggested this in an earlier post. All though i hate the fact getting rid of bags for wins is the fix. I do understand it. I was one of the people that would leave WZ the second the other team got ahead. i simply didnt have 15 min to wait for another game that could also be a loosing one. with changing the reward system it is now worth it to stay in the game win or lose

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also this will make AFKing in WZ much worse. the way WOW fixed it was making it that if you went afk you leave the BG and had a 30 min de-buff timer. a lot of the problem lays in class design as well. some classes just get murdered over and over and over again the second they step on the battle field. plus loosing, playing the WZ actually isn't fun, afking it out is more fun. This is clearly a future fix, but, balancing certain classes and bringing others in line in the future and you will see even less WZ afkers.


right now my Jugg is Rage spec, i love smashing people. i love the set up to one big hit. but if i dont play smart i die a lot. it can turn into a big slow grind. OR i can get on my operative and kill someone in a few hits, go back into stealth, then do it all over again. Its more fun to play my operative in WZs than it is my Jugg. sadly my Jugg is my main. THE REAL FIX is class balance. but like i said people will understand that more the older this game gets.

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It's truly sad to come into this thread and see all the reasons why people quit the warzones and think its Ok.


I think that every one of you that quit......are worthless and suck at pvp.


The people that are defending the habit are the true sissies.


you have a lack of understand reward vs time spent. all though it does suck for the people who stick it out. it simply makes more sense to leave a losing WZ right away and get into a winning one so you can get your daily/weekly done as soon as possible. the rewards offer bags with marks and possibly some gear in them. losses offer 30-60 wz points, not worth it. people who leave are actually showing their understanding of the game, thus most likely know their class meaning they know how to pvp. i leave losing games, i know my class. i kill most people 1 on 1 in world pvp. your post just shows you dont understand.

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Am I the only one who just has fun PVPing, even if my team is losing?


Sure, it's more fun to win, but it's not UNFUN to lose. I'd rather play a losing game than not pvp at all.


ye sure , but sometimes i dont find it funny to have like 5 kills and 15 deaths and the other team is standing outside our spawn :p

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This situation is getting way out of control. Today, I'm getting into warzones with only 5 people left in them which then fill up and gradually empty again. More and more people are just leaving a warzone at the first sight of a loss. I don't usually leave. Today after getting into that 5 man warzone and watching repeat people joining afterwards and leaving I finally thought wth should I be the one to stay in this if noone can be arsed to take their turn when a loss comes, so I bailed. It's got to the point where the system is now just broken.


We need a fix. I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


Whatever happens, it can't stay as it is.


A deserter debuff wont stop people leaving, they are still going to leave and do something else during the debuff time.


Can you realy blame people for leaving in the middle of a WZ with the rampant map hacks, speed hacks, teleport hacks, and infinite health, energy, force, rage, ammo, heat hacks circulating?


Why should I be punished for leaving a WZ where the entire other team is hacking thier butts off and just farming my team for valor and medals?

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A deserter debuff wont stop people leaving, they are still going to leave and do something else during the debuff time.


*sigh* I keep repeating myself.


We do not need to stop people leaving. We just have to stop them from doing it over and over again.


Hell, I have been leaving games every day. But when I leave, I am not going to queue for 30 mins anyway, cause obviously I have something else to do.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Mr. Zoeller *** should I be punished for leaving a wz when you guys do nothing about the hackers.


Instead of punishing us for leaving, punish the people cheating that makes most of us leave in the first place. when the enemy team can do stuff like this

and heres a even better example the ball carrier is speed hacking, dies to the fire instant revives dies to the fire a second time instant revives again then scores. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=JEw8RvyZVPA&NR=1


and one more speedhack in huttball video for good measure, no denying this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfJ8lB2AoHk&feature=related


Dont penalize WZ quiters, fix your code and get better antihacking protocols and start not just banning accounts but filing criminal and civil lawsuits agaionst these hackers, hacking is illegal.

Edited by Celticprince
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I just left a Warzone. I queued up for my daily win it popped and I got tossed into a Alderran already in progress that couldn't be won. *** do I want to be put into a loss? I realize the system is just filling the team but leave me out of it. I want an option to select fresh Warzones only or I will keep leaving these already in progress Warzones that the player who left didn't even want to be part of.
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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Hopefully, by then Bioware will have realized that forcing people to play warzones they hate is bad for business, and will allow people not to queue for warzones they don't like without the nonsensical attachment to cross-server queuing.


Yes, we realize that by not queuing for a certain warzone, we will face longer queue times. We are fine with that and it should be our choice to make that decision. As it stands now (not allowing us to choose which wz's we queue for, not telling us what the wz is before we enter), you're going to penalize me for leaving a warzone that I'm not having fun in for whatever reason without giving me the choice to avoid the warzones I don't like. Sound like a good business practice?


I'm never going to like huttball. It has nothing to do with my skill level and everything to do with the warzone itself. I don't like it. I shouldn't have to play it. If you think you should have the right to force me to play it... well, I guess there are other games for me to spend money on.


I might also add that, as long as you continue to match a lvl 46 player with 5 lvl 11-13 players and the start the match against a full team of lvl 45+ opponents, you should not penalize me for leaving. Your matchmaking system needs a MAJOR REDESIGN before you start penalizing people for leaving.


Frankly, I'm getting sick of having to queue and leave 13 huttballs (interrupting what I'm doing) to get a single fun warzone. Just let me spend that time uninterrupted until a warzone I like pops... I hate to say it, but you guys clearly do not know what is best for me and should stop thinking you do.

Edited by Kjetl
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i have mixed feelings about this... on one hand I dont generally like leaving a WZ prematurely... I dont mind taking the loss if we were bested with skill, the WZ's i tend to leave are the ones where one side has the seriously outgeared players vs the new 50's on the other side. Usually its due to the serious amount of smack talk the overgeared players begin spouting out their pie holes that sends me running to that quit button... If they could some way make this match more even and not such a slaughter fest when the teams go a little unbalanced, i think you would see more people staying across the board. As it stands now... when the teams are seriously unbalanced... I will not stick around to be someones medal padding dummy.... Especially after 15 mins of playing where we end up with 20-30 comms...
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I rarely leave matches. Some of my most memorable wins were coming back from what looked like an impossible situation, rallying team mates, or giving advice to those who didn't fully understand a warzone or pvp mechanics. I've even had some losses that were a lot of fun. I bet that is an impossible concept for some people to grasp.


Most of my matches are huttball and I often see guildies and friends on the other team. I'd rather have a challenging fight against them than quit real fast in hopes to complete a quest.


The few times I did leave were when lots of people went afk or openly exploited. I've been PvPing since early release day one and have left less than 10 matches, if that. In those rare circumstances, I would still leave with a penalty, if I saw those things going on. There are legitimate times to quit a match, but they are few and far between and it certainly has nothing to do with completing a daily quest, fear of losing, or not feeling like a special snowflake in shiny gear.


Even though Bioware/EA has made mistakes, the player-base is just as bad when it comes to bringing negativity into the game.

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i love how people defend the warzone leavers... and none of you realize there is a problem. and all of you saying i'll just go afk for 15 minutes should be a warning to BW what will need help next.


IMO go ahead with this update and also add that if you don't participate and you afk you will be banned. you think this is harsh? then don't Qeue up and don't do warzones unless you plan on participating! Simple..


you can try and make any of your points sound rational as to why you leave, but the facts remain that people that leave warzones hurt the team by creating a disadvantage to the team they were added to and the people that come in and get stuck with your baggage.


You dont wanna be group with people that suck?... create a premade.

You dont wanna deal with people you dont like?... create a premade.

You feel like you are the only one trying to win?... create a premade group.


and stop using these as excuses as to why you leave the warzone!


Agreed 1000000%

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They can put whatever penalty in place they want. Until they give me the option to NOT have to play huttball, i'll keep leaving. People probably wouldn't leave as much if they had an option to actually play what they want to play, instead of being forced to play wzs they absolutely hate.


One of the biggest mistakes in this game, is that no real options are provided. They have tried their best to funnel everyone into all games, and not every enjoys all games.


The change to bags was also a piss poor idea. Now people are getting pvp eq so easily its just armor to use to go get raid armor. Pvp sucks. So far any attempts to improve it have been failures. Any exploits to valor or anything else, have been ignored.


This game isn't getting better, its getting worse. They plan on "a major patch in March"...who cares? GW2 will be in open beta or released by the time they make any attempt to fix anything. I have no intention on continuing my sub in the face of the release of a better game, with no sub.


SWTOR is slowly dropping from being any form of mmo, to being a single player game that you can invite friends into. I guess they only plan on surviving off the single player base. I'll run out my time, and then i'm gone. There really isn't anything that can be done to improve this mess enough for me to continue subbing.


I laugh at everyone who thinks GW2 will be perfect at launch, every single new MMO including WoW and others were buggy and such, the smae types of people were there as well, so all this being said GW2 will be very similar to how this was released the only thing it will have is the No Sub deal which jsut means ill be playing both:P and you will still be mad about things you have no real idea on how to do yourself

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i love how people defend the warzone leavers... and none of you realize there is a problem. and all of you saying i'll just go afk for 15 minutes should be a warning to BW what will need help next.


IMO go ahead with this update and also add that if you don't participate and you afk you will be banned. you think this is harsh? then don't Qeue up and don't do warzones unless you plan on participating! Simple..


you can try and make any of your points sound rational as to why you leave, but the facts remain that people that leave warzones hurt the team by creating a disadvantage to the team they were added to and the people that come in and get stuck with your baggage.


You dont wanna be group with people that suck?... create a premade.

You dont wanna deal with people you dont like?... create a premade.

You feel like you are the only one trying to win?... create a premade group.


and stop using these as excuses as to why you leave the warzone!



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Seriously why does it matter to anyone if I choose to leave a WZ?


I should be able to freely leave a wz without penalty. If my team doesn't know how to fight on a node, pass the ball or guard a door let me leave if I choose. If I am going to receive a penalty for leaving I'll just afk or not try otherwise.


If I leave a group of bad players in a wz does not create any additional disadvantage for that game play that they didn't already create with their own lack of play.


You dont wanna be group with people that suck?... leave without penalty.

You dont wanna deal with people you dont like?... leave without penalty.

You feel like you are the only one trying to win?... leave without penalty.




Seriously its the few complainers that want to put this game on rails ... on more rails

Edited by chop-encore
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I have fun a lot in PvP, win or lose. I don't mind losing when I know it's because the other team is obviously better. Better tactics, et cetera. However, if they game is one of those where bashing my head against a brick wall will be more productive than staying, I'll leave. Too many afkers, people running around who obviously don't care about objectives, or half of the team a guild group sitting somewhere having a dance party (yes, I have seen it several times, same guild) is absurd. Granted, I don't leave often, but I have left. There is a point where you just cut your losses and step away.


Yes, it can be an issue at times, when there is a constant dropping. It's detrimental. The only thing I think would help it, though, would be after they've implemented rankings. An early leave counts as a loss and a reduction of ranking (on top of losing out on the free valor/exp/comms you get for a loss). That way, you don't get those exploiting it by leaving early to prevent a loss. AFKers are (sort of) taken care of. I haven't tested out the removal system enough to see how it works, but it ought to be if you are making no significant actions to help the team out for so long, you are automatically removed. Just slapping a debuff would just increase the AFK abuse, and make things even worse. There has to be a balance in the things implemented so that you aren't opening another avenue of abuse/exploitation and still maintain a level of enjoyment.

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