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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Um just an FYI in huttball they are 15 min matches, and I've medal farmed with 12 min left, we were up 3-0 about to be 4-0. So yes you can score that fast in 3 minutes.


VS has 7.5 min timer the first side, depending on if the other team got to datacore and how fast from 3 minutes to 7.5 min on timer for second hafl.


CW has no timer and yes I've kill farmed their spawn point.


Because I see this so often, I think Huttball should be shortened to eight minutes max.

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I think this thread completely boils down to this.


A. Stayers are mad because they lost when a leaver left. They want a deserter penalty to prevent it.


B. Leavers left because they knew that the game was lost already.


Then its stayers calling leavers selfish because they want them to participate in a battle they don't want to stay in.


The thread boils down to this:


PvP is slowly dieing because in a PUG you lose with a chance of like 95% due to someone leaving your group, because leavers will leave any group that they think will lose the game, which in most cases means any group that does not contain a premade.


So you enter random -> you lose.


Funny enough, leavers are pissed because of the problem they create themselves.. which is, random groups usually lose. So they leave random groups. The circle closes.


As a leaver will cause like 5 other people to leave, the problem multiplies fast.


If Bioware does not fix this ASAP, PvP will die.


In my guild (I know, personal problem) about 50% of the players stopped doing PvP, because they never win and got frustrated.

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The thread boils down to this:


PvP is slowly dieing because in a PUG you lose with a chance of like 95% due to someone leaving your group, because leavers will leave any group that they think will lose the game, which in most cases means any group that does not contain a premade.


So you enter random -> you lose.


Funny enough, leavers are pissed because of the problem they create themselves.. which is, random groups usually lose. So they leave random groups. The circle closes.


As a leaver will cause like 5 other people to leave, the problem multiplies fast.


If Bioware does not fix this ASAP, PvP will die.


In my guild (I know, personal problem) about 50% of the players stopped doing PvP, because they never win and got frustrated.



You've deliberately reversed cause and effect and you know it.

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They need to fix all the bugs and adjust the game before they add any penalties. Right now when I leave warzones it is because the timer kicks me before I can even load in the game. This only happens with games in progress.


The other times are major bugs such as the force walls not lowering or speeders on alderran bugging out. Also making a reward system that is based on rewarding how well you play. If gear is just tied to wins and doing dailies at the highest level no one will care.


Gear should have just been based on commendations from the beginning instead of based on bags. You should be able to buy champ/battlemaster comms instead of just from bags that would keep people more invested in actually playing and trying to get better instead of joining until they get lucky and win.

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Not sure its losing as much as losing many times that bothers most, i haven't heard anyone complaining about losing a few times every now and then, except maybe a few diehard pvp elithists.


But when i see people drop out its mostly because their team composition is horrible, while other teams have often better geared players or sometimes premade organized teams, who has advantage of talking on vent and still fight effectively, without having to resort to stop fighting to type in operation channel, and hope someone listen to it.


Arguebly it can be said people can just do premade themselves, but you'd have to remember many play on a occasional level aswell, some may even if in guilds and find it hard to find other pvp they can play well with, with a voice channel they swing well with.


Think most problem lies in TOR not using a successful matching system to try balancing the teams out to some level of equal playing field.


Pretty much... I sometimes leave a warzone if its terribly obvious that the match is lost. If the other team is full of the six hundred club and yours doesn't even reach two? Yeah, why am I wasting my time here again? I can hop out and get some more armaments on Ilum, or have a chance to get fairer fights, for ten or so minutes instead of wasting them in an almost ludicrously one-sided match.


If the servers are anywhere near as well populated as some believe, then there shouldn't be any issue with using a matchmaking system that looks at level and expertise.

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If the pvp in this game was fun, you think:


A: More people would leave

B: Less people would leave


Adding a punitive measure won't make it any more fun.


10-49 pvp is for fun, 50 is all about grind sadly.


I got to 50 three days ago, and im finding lvl 50 warzones less and less fun. People aren't there to have fun, they are there to get their dailys done then move on to illum to farm valor.

Edited by -Hubris-
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Um.... huh?


I dare you try to go afk on my server, that little trick don't work long before your dead.


Your excuses are really making me laugh though, it's like your threatening Bioware that you will go afk if you can't abuse the fact you want to leave Warzones when you want.


Or better yet your threatening anyone that makes the point that your selfish and that you will go afk if Bioware puts a deserter buff in.


LAWL on you son, the LAWL is on you.


I have stelth little boy, so AFK I will go. Just saying. Hard to kill me when you can't find me.

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The thread boils down to this:


PvP is slowly dieing because in a PUG you lose with a chance of like 95% due to someone leaving your group, because leavers will leave any group that they think will lose the game, which in most cases means any group that does not contain a premade.


So you enter random -> you lose.

Must be a server only related problem, because it has never taken me 100 matches to get 5 wins in a day, or 60 matches to complete my daily (by your math), and I pretty much only do random PUG WZ's. Very small guild, and we're rarely more than 2 or 3 people on during prime time.


More over indulgence from above poster.


But I do agree that quitters created the problem on their own, and that revolving door just got bigger and bigger and bigger as the game has progressed.

Edited by Nangasaur
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There is 2 cases


A: The leaver was utter garbage and was a speedbump anyways....getting mad at him leaving is laughable.


B: The leaver was 1 or 2 of the people carrying the team......which means the baddies that are left for sure will lose. Who's fault is it for a 'good' player leaving....the baddies will tell you it is because the 'good' player is a quitter.....instead of because they sucked beyond help.


If the games are even half competitive you rarely see leavers....I don't.


I never leave good matches either. That's where the fun is. However...


5-0 Huttball, 8-10 minutes to go. Its time to leave or watch as the entire enemy team sits on your goal.




Defender stops the Attacker at the first door. Defender becomes attacker, gets first door and then farms defender(formerly attacker).




3 Cap in Alderaan and after 100 or so points you spend the match getting camped.


Its ok guys, you can blame me after I leave. I'm sure you'll turn it around!

Edited by Kyrandis
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I'll be reporting the whole team then. Muahaahahaah!

You're only one vote, so don't let that narcissism make you believe that your 1 little vote will kick everyone out.


Just like every other MMO that did it, it will require a few votes to AFK kick someone out.

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They need to fix all the bugs and adjust the game before they add any penalties. Right now when I leave warzones it is because the timer kicks me before I can even load in the game. This only happens with games in progress.


The other times are major bugs such as the force walls not lowering or speeders on alderran bugging out. Also making a reward system that is based on rewarding how well you play. If gear is just tied to wins and doing dailies at the highest level no one will care.


Gear should have just been based on commendations from the beginning instead of based on bags. You should be able to buy champ/battlemaster comms instead of just from bags that would keep people more invested in actually playing and trying to get better instead of joining until they get lucky and win.


I think the Centurion gear should be bought with normal Warzone comms, while Champion keeps its bag system, and Battlemaster follows the champion's system idea. Right now, there is no way to bridge the expertise gap created without going through extreme measures (pulling mods out of level 46 weapons). No idea why there isn't a blue PvP start set or crafted PvP gear. Newly hit 50s get totally shafted.

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I think the Centurion gear should be bought with normal Warzone comms, while Champion keeps its bag system, and Battlemaster follows the champion's system idea. Right now, there is no way to bridge the expertise gap created without going through extreme measures (pulling mods out of level 46 weapons). No idea why there isn't a blue PvP start set or crafted PvP gear. Newly hit 50s get totally shafted.


That's a nice idea for a PvP starter set.

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Pretty much... I sometimes leave a warzone if its terribly obvious that the match is lost. If the other team is full of the six hundred club and yours doesn't even reach two? Yeah, why am I wasting my time here again? I can hop out and get some more armaments on Ilum, or have a chance to get fairer fights, for ten or so minutes instead of wasting them in an almost ludicrously one-sided match.


If the servers are anywhere near as well populated as some believe, then there shouldn't be any issue with using a matchmaking system that looks at level and expertise.


Except farmers who rolfstomp low pvp geared players for easy wins and commendations, will just take everything off while they in queue, and put in on when they enter.

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And then they get kicked out of the game, Leaving you a man short...Again.


Which is fine, he wasnt helping anyway, and now he cannot leave another game for 30 minutes. Which means he cannot ruin another 30 games. Also, he will learn that he just wasted 30 minutes, which means he will probably stop doing it very soon.

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Except farmers who rolfstomp low pvp geared players for easy wins and commendations, will just take everything off while they in queue, and put in on when they enter.


Then have the matchmaking peak in your bags too. Don't know of many players running around with a lot of expertise gear sitting in their bags.

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Then have the matchmaking peak in your bags too. Don't know of many players running around with a lot of expertise gear sitting in their bags.


I do... got my PvE equipment on, and the rest in my bag.


Doesnt matter though, as bag slots are the same as equipped slots and the same as bank slots... its all a form of storage on your character, so if the logic scans you it will find everything you own anyway.

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Which is fine, he wasnt helping anyway, and now he cannot leave another game for 30 minutes. Which means he cannot ruin another 30 games. Also, he will learn that he just wasted 30 minutes, which means he will probably stop doing it very soon.


Why punish those who want to accomplish something instead of fixing the lack of any real matchmaking system? Make the matches a little more even and you'll see less players leaving them. I don't leave warzones I'm having fun in, whether my team is winning or losing.

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I do... got my PvE equipment on, and the rest in my bag.


Doesnt matter though, as bag slots are the same as equipped slots and the same as bank slots... its all a form of storage on your character, so if the logic scans you it will find everything you own anyway.


So you have PvE gear with a lot of expertise on it?

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Which is fine, he wasnt helping anyway, and now he cannot leave another game for 30 minutes. Which means he cannot ruin another 30 games. Also, he will learn that he just wasted 30 minutes, which means he will probably stop doing it very soon.


You're internet died for 30 seconds, you've been DC'd from the server or Your game crashed in the warzone


Cya in 30 minutes.


Oh Bioware made it so that you can't leave, but if your game crashes or you D/C no penalty.


Lets see, Hopeless game, check, no need to stay, check. Disconnect internet, next warzone.


Oh they made so if the game crashes no penalty!


Task Manager->Right Click swtor.exe->End Process. Counts as a crash and always will. next warzone.

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