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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I don't like the idea of long quitter debuffs. What usually ends up happening is someone ends up with the quitter debuff if the game crashes or if they go LD and there's really no way for the game to distinguish between those unless people actually afk'ed out or they ported out. But, then people would just exploit and crash the game to quit.


So, my idea is to have 2 quitter buffs.

BuffA=5 min quitter buff that we all expect.

BuffB=2 hour buff (can't be dispelled) that will do +10 min to the quitter debuff if you quit again.



You leave the warzone: you get 5 min quitter buff BuffA but the 2 hour BuffB.

10 min later you join and leave warzone. you now get 15 min quitter buff and BuffB duration is refreshed.


Perhaps someone posted this idea. Apologize if so but I wasn't about to read 34 pages to find out. With that said I don't expect my idea to get noticed either lol

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Actually I hate feeding kills to a team that won't hurry up and win instead of farming the full timer so much that I will sit in stealth and stare at my screen for 12 minutes, sometimes picking off a straggler here and there.


Admittedly, most people don't find feeding the meat grinder quite so distasteful so I could be an exception.


But I also pride myself on knowing a lost cause when I see one.


I can tell you within a few minutes which team will win the match and unless the other team is being cute and letting our side win or playing canny and convincing us that we have a chance when we don't, I'm virtually never wrong.

Again, this is what quitters always say. You guys should write a book together.


"I always quit a match within a few minutes, because I know if it's going to win or lose."


How do you know if you don't stay?


I also couldn't tell you how many matches have been turned around from clearly losing to winning in the last few minutes, even after quitters left, but it does happen. But of course, quitters never see this.


I do, however, love how you tried to say you hate standing around watching a team kill farm with 12 minutes on the clock. Really? A team is kill farming within the first 30 seconds to 1 minute of a match start? Funny, that's usually when a team is first trying to get the ball in Huttball, control points are being grabbed in Civil War, and the first "Braveheart" scene starts in Voidstar.


Over indulge a bit more, please.

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Again, this is what quitters always say. You guys should write a book together.


"I always quit a match within a few minutes, because I know if it's going to win or lose."


How do you know if you don't stay?


I also couldn't tell you how many matches have been turned around from clearly losing to winning in the last few minutes, even after quitters left, but it does happen. But of course, quitters never see this.


I do, however, love how you tried to say you hate standing around watching a team kill farm with 12 minutes on the clock. Really? A team is kill farming within the first 30 seconds to 1 minute of a match start? Funny, that's usually when a team is first trying to get the ball in Huttball, control points are being grabbed in Civil War, and the first "Braveheart" scene starts in Voidstar.


Over indulge a bit more, please.


called playing the odds to maximize happiness

Edited by LanceUpercutt
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Uhm, the majority of paying customers aren't quitters. If you think so, maybe you should stop quitting out of warzones and see for yourself; you've deranged yourself into thinking quitters are the only people who play this game.


But that's usually what happens when, you know, birds of a feather...and all that jazz.


And if you think BW wants sociopathic, dissocial, narcissistic griefers in their game by any number, you're sadly mistaken on any level.


Sorry, you are stringing two separate points and making a correlation where there was none, perhaps that was my fault. I will be more clear so you are not tempted to exaggerate my points to useless hyperbole.


All I was saying is that BW doesn't want ANYBODY to unsub, so wishing people would just unsub because you don't like them leaving warzones (because of a broken reward system) is probably not going to be included in BW's next development brainstorming session.

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There is no better system cause you cannot fix leaver and afker by rewarding, you can only fix it by penalizing.


The reason is simple... at some point in time you simply run out of rewards you can give.


Penalizing ALWAYS works, wether you have full T3 or T1.


You obviously haven't read my previous posts.


My system rewards people for doing things relevant to the Warzone they are in.


My system doesn't reward people for leaving, nor does it penalize them.


My system also does not reward nor penalize AFKers.


A negative system is unnecessary.


Instead of Wins or losses to complete the daily or weekly you have a large number of actions which count toward your daily.


Actions such as planting the bomb in Voidstar. Such as preventing the enemy from capping a Turret in Alderaan. Such as passing the ball to someone in Huttball who then proceeds to score.


Complete 50 of these actions and your daily is done, win or lose. Also: Increase the amount of WZ tokens by 50% that the winning team gets to encourage people to win.


There will need to be some restrictions so people don't cap trade like they were doing on Ilum but if I can come up a system that is better than Bioware's system for free then theoretically they should be able to do better as they are being paid.


This system solves all the problems that are currently being discussed in this thread.


What if all the world were to fall into doom tomorrow, and you don't have your full set of battlemaster gear? Would your time on earth been wasted?


You're digging so deep a hole here in trying to find excuses for selfish behavior, you didn't stop and realize that the tale of doom you are weaving is just more of the same defeatist, quitter mentality.


What if I already have all the BM tokens I want for my character.


None of the BM gear is worth it for me as I want Power and I have all the BM gear that has +crit on it when I already stand at the 30% cap.


I have the BM implants, the BM LS, the BM belt, the BM focus, which all has surge and power.


What do I need the other gear for? Just for my companions at this point.


Your argument is invalid, at least for me.




You failed to even critique my proposed system, so why are you posting here except to troll people that disagree with you.

Edited by AidenPryde
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I can guarantee that the amount of leaving would go significantly down if queuing solo didn't put you against a premade to get stomped repeatedly.


When I am with my premade, we win 9/10 games. Why? Because it NEVER pits us against other premades. When I queue solo, I am almost exclusively put against premades. The only times that I am not are when the premade is put on my team and we crush the soloers.


When I solo queue and my team gets crushed horribly at the start of the game by a premade, the leaving begins and there is nothing to do to stop it.


Should there be a deserter debuff? Maybe

Should there be separate queues? Definitely


This is the main reason people leave warzones. Until premades are seperated into their own queues, you can't punish people for refusing to be valor pinatas.

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Again, this is what quitters always say. You guys should write a book together.


"I always quit a match within a few minutes, because I know if it's going to win or lose."


How do you know if you don't stay?


I also couldn't tell you how many matches have been turned around from clearly losing to winning in the last few minutes, even after quitters left, but it does happen. But of course, quitters never see this.


I do, however, love how you tried to say you hate standing around watching a team kill farm with 12 minutes on the clock. Really? A team is kill farming within the first 30 seconds to 1 minute of a match start? Funny, that's usually when a team is first trying to get the ball in Huttball, control points are being grabbed in Civil War, and the first "Braveheart" scene starts in Voidstar.


Over indulge a bit more, please.


Make a few more entertainingly condescending posts for me to laugh at, please, I'm afk in a warzone right now. We can't win, my team is MIA somewhere (probably chasing down a laughing healer/tank combo nowhere near any objectives) and the other side is mostly level 45+.

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The answer is not to punish people who leave however, one they do that im canceling ...the premade situation is so out of control it sucks and im not staying in those horrible warzones getting killed effortlessly over and over by organized thugs who might otherwise be outside torturing kittens. To put a penelty in place will not be an answer i promise you it will further ruin already horrible pvp. And btw im quite sure op the only reason your posting is because your premades dont have enough sheep for you to kill, not because your on the losing side as a pug, because with or without the afk'ers the pugs still lose, so nice try at trolling.


Good riddance.

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My system rewards people for doing things relevant to the Warzone they are in.


Instead of Wins or losses to complete the daily or weekly you have a large number of actions which are count toward your daily.


Actions such as planting the bomb in Voidstar. Such as preventing the enemy from capping a Turret in Alderaan. Such as passing the ball to someone in Huttball who then proceeds to score.


Why would anyone care about actually WINNING after that change?


You change it to this.... PvP will die.


People will try to plant bombs and cap turrets. All of them. At once. No one will defend the guys doing it.

People will pass the ball. But only to the guy that actually scores.

People will defend turrets... but only AFTER they have been captured... no one will wait and actually DEFEND one, waiting for an enemy to appear.

While you guys are doing whatever, I will wait in the middle of huttball for the ball to appear so I can pass it.


PvP will die. Nuff said.


No incentive for winning -> Nobody will try to win.


It will be a huge objective trading party.


You will never cap anything btw, nor get any ball.. cause I got Force Speed.


Good luck with your healers BTW, I am sure they love your idea.

Edited by skyflash
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Sorry, you are stringing two separate points and making a correlation where there was none, perhaps that was my fault. I will be more clear so you are not tempted to exaggerate my points to useless hyperbole.


All I was saying is that BW doesn't want ANYBODY to unsub, so wishing people would just unsub because you don't like them leaving warzones (because of a broken reward system) is probably not going to be included in BW's next development brainstorming session.

Of course no business wants to lose paying customers.


But if you know anything about Electronic Arts (BW's publisher), they are a major coroporation with a CFO and giant teams of people analyzing market data and financial results of the game, with an acceptable percentage of subscription loss each month. If the losses are greater than expected or acceptable, marketing strategies come in to try and get subs back or push new subs in greater numbers than losing numbers.


Rest assured, the percentage of the playerbase that is known for quitting and causing grief to other players has been calculated in to that acceptable percentage of subscription loss.


Basically put: EA expects quitters to unsub. They expect other people to unsub, too, just like any customer that is unhappy with a product. Quitters are unhappy for a reason, and that reason is something they cannot change, so they will inevitably quit, just like any other customer that is unhappy will eventually unsub.


It's a game. But in the big picture of things, it's only business to EA.

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Make a few more entertainingly condescending posts for me to laugh at, please, I'm afk in a warzone right now. We can't win, my team is MIA somewhere (probably chasing down a laughing healer/tank combo nowhere near any objectives) and the other side is mostly level 45+.
LOL, grats.
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Why would anyone care about actually WINNING after that change?


You change it to this.... PvP will die.


People will try to plant bombs and cap turrets. All of them. At once. No one will defend the guys doing it.

People will pass the ball. But only to the guy that actually scores.

People will defend turrets... but only AFTER they have been captured... no one will wait and actually DEFEND one, waiting for an enemy to appear.

While you guys are doing whatever, I will wait in the middle of huttball for the ball to appear so I can pass it.


PvP will die. Nuff said.


No incentive for winning -> Nobody will try to win.


It will be a huge objective trading party.


You will never cap anything btw, nor get any ball.. cause I got Force Speed.


Good luck with your healers BTW, I am sure they love your idea.


as the other guy said before


have it be win 3 games OR complete 5 games


incentive to win is still there since its faster and have less quitters

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I do, however, love how you tried to say you hate standing around watching a team kill farm with 12 minutes on the clock. Really? A team is kill farming within the first 30 seconds to 1 minute of a match start? Funny, that's usually when a team is first trying to get the ball in Huttball, control points are being grabbed in Civil War, and the first "Braveheart" scene starts in Voidstar.


Over indulge a bit more, please.



Um just an FYI in huttball they are 15 min matches, and I've medal farmed with 12 min left, we were up 3-0 about to be 4-0. So yes you can score that fast in 3 minutes.


VS has 7.5 min timer the first side, depending on if the other team got to datacore and how fast from 3 minutes to 7.5 min on timer for second hafl.


CW has no timer and yes I've kill farmed their spawn point.

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I think this thread completely boils down to this.


A. Stayers are mad because they lost when a leaver left. They want a deserter penalty to prevent it.


B. Leavers left because they knew that the game was lost already.


Then its stayers calling leavers selfish because they want them to participate in a battle they don't want to stay in.

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These selfish people with endless reasons for dropping WZ's kill the game.


The amount of WZ's that are decided by

  • people leaving
  • starting short handed
  • playing with/against 12 people

is growing. Easy fixes need to be implemented. These people who whine about premades, better gear, playing with bads and not liking a WZ are total hypocrites. They don't like losing so instead they force their 7 teammates to lose.






The people who say they will AFK rather than play a WZ they don't like remind me of 3 year old children.

Not sure its losing as much as losing many times that bothers most, i haven't heard anyone complaining about losing a few times every now and then, except maybe a few diehard pvp elithists.


But when i see people drop out its mostly because their team composition is horrible, while other teams have often better geared players or sometimes premade organized teams, who has advantage of talking on vent and still fight effectively, without having to resort to stop fighting to type in operation channel, and hope someone listen to it.


Arguebly it can be said people can just do premade themselves, but you'd have to remember many play on a occasional level aswell, some may even if in guilds and find it hard to find other pvp they can play well with, with a voice channel they swing well with.


Think most problem lies in TOR not using a successful matching system to try balancing the teams out to some level of equal playing field.

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What if I already have all the BM tokens I want for my character.


None of the BM gear is worth it for me as I want Power and I have all the BM gear that has +crit on it when I already stand at the 30% cap.


I have the BM implants, the BM LS, the BM belt, the BM focus, which all has surge and power.


What do I need the other gear for? Just for my companions at this point.


Your argument is invalid, at least for me.




You failed to even critique my proposed system, so why are you posting here except to troll people that disagree with you.


Um right nwo you want BM for the armoring/expertise. It is a 15% gain I believe. What I do is rip out all the accuracy mods in BM and put in the champion Smuggler gloves enhancements (end/power/surge)(i'm BH/PT). Glad they fianlly gave out champ comms, bought like 7 gloves this past week for pvp/pve since accuracy is a wasted stat.

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I just hit 50 a few days ago. I am very close to ending my subscription. I had a blast reaching 50, whether it be PvP or my class story. My class story has ended, I don't find flashpoints all that enjoyable and don't have the time to do operations on a set schedule (Guild raids).


I have played about 12 hours since hitting 50. I have won a single Warzone. One. Out of three for the daily or nine of the weekly, in the last three days. I have tried doing the Illum dailies but during my playtime I rarely see more than a few imperials, and of those few none are equally geared to me. I have two centurion pieces (did the 1000/1000 comms before hitting 50 and bought a bag). I haven't gotten a champ bag since then as I average 3-4 medals a warzone. I used to get 9+ before hitting 50 as a Shadow Tank. Most of my losses are due to a warzone shutdown sequence, a 5v8 match-up in the beginning, or being rolled by a premade/people with full centurion/champion+ gear.


Some will say it's a L2P issue, or I haven't devoted enough time yet. My rebuttal is why would I want to? Do you guys that have been 50 since early access farming gear think its fun to face a 18k hp marauder with 13.5k hp as a tank spec'd class? Do you think it is enjoyable to join a warzone, see three people leave, and get pulverized? Gaining one-two medals while being farmed for a measly 30 comms? Let alone trying to get the wins for the daily.


Further, I wish it was a L2P issue. I have over 30 keybinds for my Shadow. I even bought a Naga mouse for this game per recommendation from a fellow shadow guildie. I was very successful leveling up in the 10-49 bracket, albeit most people were not very good. The skill level doesn't seem to have changed at all. People still back-peddle, keyboard turn, and click. I now get rolled by them as they sport a few thousand more health, do a lot more damage, and take a lot less damage than myself. Before it was an easy win against anyone that clicked, or used keyboard turning (easy to tell who clicks and who uses keybinds in PvP).


This game is a complete drag once hitting 50 at its current stage. It just isn't fun, and when a hobby (video game) becomes the anti-thesis of its sole purpose, its time to look at different avenues. So I can see why people quit when the game is going sour, it's a complete waste of time if you are not going to win and be farmed. 35 Comms for a 15 min game? Woopdyyy-dooo. Twenty games later I can buy ONE champion bag, or 1/3 a piece of Centurion gear or 1/5th a piece of Champion gear.

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We need a fix. I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


It's totally within the power of the code heads at Bioware to tell the difference between a DC and a manual "Leave Warzone".


I think that if you "Leave Warzone", you shouldn't be allowed to re-queue for 2 hours. 15 minutes and 30 minutes isn't enough of a deterrent.


WZing is a team sport, and I see people jump into warzones all the time just to see if the team is winning. If they're not winning, they leave.


The way things are now, it doesn't promote competitive play, and gives all the credit spammers and power levelling service dips out there a better way to farm the game.


I've already gotten offers a few times via game mail and PM to buy credits, and it's just gonna get worse.


This game is a complete drag once hitting 50 at its current stage. It just isn't fun, and when a hobby (video game) becomes the anti-thesis of its sole purpose, its time to look at different avenues. So I can see why people quit when the game is going sour, it's a complete waste of time if you are not going to win and be farmed. 35 Comms for a 15 min game? Woopdyyy-dooo. Twenty games later I can buy ONE champion bag, or 1/3 a piece of Centurion gear or 1/5th a piece of Champion gear.


I hear you, but this is an MMO, all MMOs are hugely time consuming to progress, that's just the genre.


Letting people quit WZs one after another is making the game worse.




I think this thread completely boils down to this.


A. Stayers are mad because they lost when a leaver left. They want a deserter penalty to prevent it.


B. Leavers left because they knew that the game was lost already.


Then its stayers calling leavers selfish because they want them to participate in a battle they don't want to stay in.



So are you saying the game should support game play of "If I'm not winning, I quit" ?

Edited by zanthal
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I think this thread completely boils down to this.


A. Stayers are mad because they lost when a leaver left. They want a deserter penalty to prevent it.


B. Leavers left because they knew that the game was lost already.


Then its stayers calling leavers selfish because they want them to participate in a battle they don't want to stay in.


There is 2 cases


A: The leaver was utter garbage and was a speedbump anyways....getting mad at him leaving is laughable.


B: The leaver was 1 or 2 of the people carrying the team......which means the baddies that are left for sure will lose. Who's fault is it for a 'good' player leaving....the baddies will tell you it is because the 'good' player is a quitter.....instead of because they sucked beyond help.


If the games are even half competitive you rarely see leavers....I don't.

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The simple solution is not to pug but form a premade. I have no idea why people QQ about premades; they are not some special event that you have to be invited to but one certain player. Anyone and everyone can make a premade. If your pugging and find that your loseing that's your fault; don't give me crap about "oh I'm a real PvPer i don't need to form a premade cause i got madz skillz." Face it, anyone who is really serious about PvP rolls in premades; once they make ranked que's this situation will go away. However AFK/Leavers will always be around in non ranked matches because people never want to try as the MMO market has clearly moved to just giving everything away for no effort needed.
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