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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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1# A LFD tool will ruin/destroy the community.


2# It will all be about loot acquisition if the LFD tool is implemented.


3# We will see more 'thiefs' and people will be bad mannered.


4# "I don't want to play with random bad/clueless players".


5# Only lazy people wants a LFD tool.


I seriously couldn't have put together a better list. Thanks for that.


The one you forgot is the one about ... Another game you played like for years introduced this and the creators regret the monster they created... Add to that 'Gear Score' and 'Achieve' and I guess you got a recipe for filling a city full of gear swilling shiny mounted groupers waiting for mates to abuse whilst spouting anal jokes. Am I right.. or am I right.. right. right.


This game is a MSORPG, the way of the future... And thankfully in a galaxy far from Stormwind.

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Dont relate that to being social though, because its not lol.


What are you talking about?? Does somehow me mentioning social points make you misuderstand that somehow I am implying that look for a group is a social thing?? It can be but wasn't my point..


My point that you obviously missed.. There are some times when filtering a group is less important than others.. So whether or not someone does it depends largly on what they are looking for a group for..


What does that have to do with calling anything social?? Do you not know what social points are or what they are for?? Did you miss that somehow?? :rolleyes:

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YesYes there are; they're called Ops I think





No... why does raid experience matter for doing group content?


Try that again.. Next time do not edit my words.. Read the entire post.. Especially the part how my statement was in reference to WOW..


The one sentence you deleted.. Did you do it on purpose or what??

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What are you talking about?? Does somehow me mentioning social points make you misuderstand that somehow I am implying that look for a group is a social thing?? It can be but wasn't my point..


My point that you obviously missed.. There are some times when filtering a group is less important than others.. So whether or not someone does it depends largly on what they are looking for a group for..


What does that have to do with calling anything social?? Do you not know what social points are or what they are for?? Did you miss that somehow?? :rolleyes:


You likely dont need to filter a group at all from 10 to 50 for any FP other then hardmodes.


You also dont pug ops, well you might but I dont.


All I need to know is the person's level and what they are DPS/HEALS/TANK, other then that its all relative.


Gear does not mean anything until level 50 and you start doing hardmodes....

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We are not talking about an ops tool we are talking about FP's that you pretty much face roll through while watching tv.


Be realistic please.


This is the kind of self entitled mentality the LFD tool spawns.


“Face roll FPs for ‘epics’…. Who cares who I’m grouped with”…. “Faster noob….Faster!” etc….. etc….


That playstyle comes through in game and is probably why you’re having a hard time grouping.


I have a suggestion for you....... next time you group with people..... before saying 'Bi' at the end of the run, ask to add them as 'friends' to run group content next time.


You’d be surprised how fast your pool of contacts becomes and a community forms on your server.


I’ve no shortage of people to group with because I’ve proven myself to be a reliable group member.


…… and who knows…. you might even form a guild doing so. Something you can’t do x-server.

Edited by stem
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That you would accept as legitimate..
No, I haven't seen any that are actually objective and based on fact rather than subjective.


All you care is about what you want and other people feelings and opinions don't matter..
No, feelings and opinions aren't objective reasons.
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1# A LFD tool will ruin/destroy the community.
Unsupported supposition, not objective fact.


2# It will all be about loot acquisition if the LFD tool is implemented.
Same, unsupported supposition, not objective fact.


3# We will see more 'thiefs' and people will be bad mannered.
same, unsupported supposition, not objective fact.


4# "I don't want to play with random bad/clueless players".


5# Only lazy people wants a LFD tool.
Ad hominem attack, not a valid reason.
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This is the kind of self entitled mentality the LFD tool spawns.


“Face roll FPs for ‘epics’…. Who cares who I’m grouped with”…. “Faster noob….Faster!” etc….. etc….


That playstyle comes through in game and is probably why you’re having a hard time grouping.


I have a suggestion for you....... next time you group with people..... before saying 'Bi' at the end of the run, ask to add them as 'friends' to run group content next time.


You’d be surprised how fast your pool of contacts becomes and a community forms.


I’ve no shortage of people to group with because I’ve proven myself to be a reliable group member.


…… and who knows…. you might even form a guild doing so. Something you can’t do x-server.


Are you saying FP's from 10 to 50 are hard?


I have yet to run into a group that had trouble in any of them with the exception of hardmodes. I am not talking about hardmodes or ops I am talking about FP's that are available as you level.


How is that self entitlement? how is me saying FP's are easy bad? Where is the logic there? I tank I have never let my groups down, I have never once bad mouthed a healer or dps.


I am a perfect player in the sense that I try to create a friendly fun atmosphere with my groups. How is my view of a FP's difficulty make me a bad person? Please let me know how you came to that statement.


Also I have plenty of friends thats not we are discussing. I have had several people join my guild just from watching me play and wanting to be apart of "our" community.


You missed my other post a few pages back in which I said, I have tried to be social in groups but alot of people dont want to talk or chit chat alot just want to run the content and get loot then move on. Sometimes you get a person that likes to chat with you but most of my runs no theres no chat, it actually makes me feel like I am running it by myself with companions when I try to strike up convo about whatever and theres no response at all lol.

Edited by Barracudastr
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And your different how?


I said there are legitimate reasons for both sides and this will end up as player choice..


Who else has said that?? Not very many people.. Certianly not you..


I will accept any logical reason.. But ranting about others, making generalizations, failing to read what others post, and so on and so on, doesn't help the debate or their position..


Asking about raid experience?? Seriously?? My comment was about WOW.. This game doesn't have raids.. Even still, when doing a heroic operation.. Asking them about their experience.. Using whatever word you want, raid or operations, is entirely relevent..


If you want to look for a group just inviting them.. Then that is your choice and you will have to deal with all the consequences there of.. For end game content, many people like to get the best people they.. That is gear checks and maybe a brief interview.. The LFG system doesn't allow that..


That is simply a fact.. It doesn't allow that.. That is a legitimate reason against an LFG system..

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This is the kind of self entitled mentality the LFD tool spawns.


So having the expectation that one should be able to participate in content designed for groups is "self entitlement" now?


Personally, I'd say that trying to dictate that everyone play the way that you do, and find groups the way that you do, is "self entitlement".


Project much?


In the end there is no valid argument against a cross-server LFG tool. No one will be forced to use it. People will still be able to form groups using their friends lists and que as a group.


This is really just about it being a common feature with one game in particular, and that game being one that most that are against the tool have never even played.

Edited by Umbral
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No, I haven't seen any that are actually objective and based on fact rather than subjective.


No, feelings and opinions aren't objective reasons.


I'm on the side of supporting it because at its core, the LFD tool is an option. Players have a choice whether to use it or not. To me this nullifies any legit/objective reason against it.

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Try that again..
Next time do not edit my words..
I didn't, other than to insert responses

Read the entire post..
I did

Especially the part how my statement was in reference to WOW..
I still don't get your point.


The one sentence you deleted.. Did you do it on purpose or what??
Below in the spoiler tag is my post and your post. I color coded your statements from one to the other. I'm not clear what sentence are you talking about?





Ever play WOW??
It would be obvious that since there are no raids in this game
Yes there are; they're called Ops I think

that my comment was in reference to WOW..


Does that answer your question??


Flash points have boss fights and operations have boss fights.. Understand now??
No... why does raid experience matter for doing group content?


Ever play WOW?? It would be obvious that since there are no raids in this game that my comment was in reference to WOW..


Does that answer your question??


Flash points have boss fights and operations have boss fights.. Understand now??




again, I'm not sure what you're talking about here...

Edited by ferroz
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That is simply a fact.. It doesn't allow that.. That is a legitimate reason against an LFG system..
Actually, that's not a fact. You can still interview people exactly like that, even if an lfd system is added to the game.


you'd have a point if that was the only way of forming groups... but no one is proposing that.

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No, I haven't seen any that are actually objective and based on fact rather than subjective..


Then all I can say is.. Try reading the thread.. There are countless reasons in here that you have yet to address.. I have stated a number of them, but you felt it was needed to question me on the difference between a raid and an operation.. Even though my comment was about WOW, which had raids and not operations.. Reguardless of terms, the point was clear.. When doing end game content, it is a valid question to ask them what end game content they have already done..


You may not agree with that and that is fine.. But dismissing it is simply wrong and rude.. Which is exactly what comments like yours do.. They dismiss what everyone else has said.. Why should we even listen to you or care about what say when you clearly have no interest in what others say.. Just saying.. :cool:

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I said there are legitimate reasons for both sides and this will end up as player choice..


Who else has said that?? Not very many people.. Certianly not you..


I will accept any logical reason.. But ranting about others, making generalizations, failing to read what others post, and so on and so on, doesn't help the debate or their position..


Asking about raid experience?? Seriously?? My comment was about WOW.. This game doesn't have raids.. Even still, when doing a heroic operation.. Asking them about their experience.. Using whatever word you want, raid or operations, is entirely relevent..


If you want to look for a group just inviting them.. Then that is your choice and you will have to deal with all the consequences there of.. For end game content, many people like to get the best people they.. That is gear checks and maybe a brief interview.. The LFG system doesn't allow that..


That is simply a fact.. It doesn't allow that.. That is a legitimate reason against an LFG system..


Your not reading what I said then.


I said with the exception of ops and hardmodes. Other then that experience/gear does not matter it is a nonfactor.


You also didnt' read the part where I said you know nothing of what swtor's LFG tool would be and what features it would have. You have no idea how it will function so you cannot base your argument off of wow's. Because this is not wow it is swtor and it will have a tool for us. it will not be wow's tool.


That is what I am saying.


And the way your talking about gear checks and stuff is how gear scores were bred into existance in wow. Just goes to show things that actually did alienate other players are already in place in swtor.


But according to you, you sit there for however long finding groups... then when someone whispers you, you ask to meet them somewhere and inspect them? just lol.


I run hardmodes and ops with friends and guildmates that I know are meeting the content requirments, I rarely see LFG chatter in fleet for hardmodes.... I have never once seen it for ops. So the argument that it wouldn't allow you to do checks for those two things is pretty insignificant as most dont pug those anyways.

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Are you saying FP's from 10 to 50 are hard?


I have yet to run into a group that had trouble in any of them with the exception of hardmodes. I am not talking about hardmodes or ops I am talking about FP's that are available as you level.


How is that self entitlement? how is me saying FP's are easy bad? Where is the logic there? I tank I have never let my groups down, I have never once bad mouthed a healer or dps.


I am a perfect player in the sense that I try to create a friendly fun atmosphere with my groups. How is my view of a FP's difficulty make me a bad person? Please let me know how you came to that statement.


You demand group content but are unwilling to acknowledge ways to group outside a tool which pools faceless players you’ll never see again.


It's your expectation of grouping and how it should work based off your experience in WoW.


It’s so unapparent to you to add friends on your server you group with because there was no point in WoWs LFD tool as the likelihood of seeing the same people again was slim to none.


This isn’t WoW. If you want to run group content, become a group player and start adding other group players in your server as ‘friends’.


Stop being another faceless player spamming chat and start standing around the entrance to the place you want to run and see if anyone needs an extra.


People are running FPs all the time undermanned. If you’re an easy pick up standing at the gate, off you go. ;)

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I said there are legitimate reasons for both sides and this will end up as player choice..


Who else has said that?? Not very many people.. Certianly not you..


I will accept any logical reason.. But ranting about others, making generalizations, failing to read what others post, and so on and so on, doesn't help the debate or their position..


Asking about raid experience?? Seriously?? My comment was about WOW.. This game doesn't have raids.. Even still, when doing a heroic operation.. Asking them about their experience.. Using whatever word you want, raid or operations, is entirely relevent..


If you want to look for a group just inviting them.. Then that is your choice and you will have to deal with all the consequences there of.. For end game content, many people like to get the best people they.. That is gear checks and maybe a brief interview.. The LFG system doesn't allow that..


That is simply a fact.. It doesn't allow that.. That is a legitimate reason against an LFG system..


That is nice.....

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You likely dont need to filter a group at all from 10 to 50 for any FP other then hardmodes.


You also dont pug ops, well you might but I dont.


All I need to know is the person's level and what they are DPS/HEALS/TANK, other then that its all relative.


Gear does not mean anything until level 50 and you start doing hardmodes....


It is clear that you are either incapable of reading my posts, or willfully choosing not to do so..


Have a good day.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Then all I can say is.. Try reading the thread..
The fact that you fall back on this rather than actually list them.


Really, if they were actually covered and you can't sum them up, that's pretty sad.


There are countless reasons in here that you have yet to address..
Such as?


I have stated a number of them, but you felt it was needed to question me on the difference between a raid and an operation..
I'm pretty sure I pointed out how they weren't actually factual objective reasons.


Even though my comment was about WOW, which had raids and not operations..
Potato potahto.


Reguardless of terms, the point was clear.. When doing end game content, it is a valid question to ask them what end game content they have already done..
We're talking an lfg tool, not an lfr tool.


You may not agree with that and that is fine.. But dismissing it is simply wrong and rude..
No, it's not relevant to the topic.


It's the same as if you started arguing the price of tea in China.


Which is exactly what comments like yours do.. They dismiss what everyone else has said..
I dismiss the irrelevant. If you add something relevant we can discuss it.
Why should we even listen to you or care about what say when you clearly have no interest in what others say.. Just saying.. :cool:
Projecting much?


I do care what people have to say... but since the topic is "legitimate reasons to not have a LFD tool" opinions, and subjective reasons aren't relevant, and I'm going to dismiss them.

Edited by ferroz
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You demand group content but are unwilling to acknowledge ways to group outside a tool which pools faceless players you’ll never see again.


It's your expectation of grouping and how it should work based off your experience in WoW.


It’s so unapparent to you to add friends on your server you group with because there was no point in WoWs LFD tool as the likelihood of seeing the same people again was slim to none.


This isn’t WoW. If you want to run group content, become a group player and start adding other group players in your server as ‘friends’.


Stop being another faceless player spamming chat and start standing around the entrance to the place you want to run and see if anyone needs an extra.


People are running FPs all the time undermanned. If you’re an easy pick up standing at the gate, off you go. ;)




Okay m8 where did you get this whole I played wow and based my opinion off that?!


I dont demand content I demand tools that enable us to do other things then waste time in fleet looking for other people.


I demand that we have some way of getting groups together while we do other things. Be it LFD or anything else.


Your wow comment.... lol I played wow for a whopping 2 months I think.... my experience comes from a game with out LFD, Aion.


Where you actually had to travel to the dungeon you wanted to run, all we had was a global chat. I loved it, I got groups in under 10 minutes even on low level ones.


You are branding me as somthing I am not based on your opinion.

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cross-server lfd breeds idiots who can get away with anything


intra-server lfd is fine, people are still accountable




A LFD tool on your specific server would be fantastic. It builds socialization. The people you play randomly with today may be added to your friends list so you may choose to group with them tomorrow. You can easily meet people and guilds. Overall a win win situation for everyone involved.


Whereas a cross server LFD tool is just a steaming cesspit of evil that destroys comunities and any semblance of civility within the game. The annonymity granted by the simple fact of knowing that chances are you will never ever see or play with any of your groupmates again is a breeding ground for narcisitic sociopathic behavior. At the end of the day it just becomes unfun for many people and players. The upside of shorter queue times is completely crushed by the downside of institutionalized griefing as a core element of gameplay. In short right now SWTOR is doing so well, in spite of its technical flaws, in large part BECAUSE WoW has a cross server LFD tool and a huge amount of WoW players are just burnt out from grinding dungeons with narcisitic rectal cranial inversion sufferers.

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Are you reading my posts at all?? Seriously?? Go read my posts and get back to me when you are done.. Because you aren't responding at all to what I am saying..


While your at it.. Please show me where I said you had to filter or flash points 10-50??


When you find that quote, I want you to paste it!! I will check my original post in case you edit.. Thanks.. :rolleyes:


Perhaps you should read mine I said time and time again I am talking about 10-50 flashpoints and you keep replying with hardmodes and ops.



Perhaps you should take your own advice lol.

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I just thought of something. Some people seem to think that by spamming the general chat with "LFG x FP" they're able to find better groups than with a LFD tool.


Others are under the impression that you'll end up playing with clueless people (when using the LFD tool) or under-geared people.


I'm thinking, wouldn't a LFD that worked like this eliminate the potential of a 'bad group': your group is automatically being formed while you're playing around somewhere, doing dailies or whatever, when the group is ready you're allowed to "teleport" an instanced version of the entrance of the FP on The Fleet. Here it's entirely up to the individual person to ask whether or not people have tried the respective FP and if they're geared for it.


I'm not sure if a x-server group-only instanced part of the fleet is possible, but it should eliminate *some* of the concerns I've read in this thread.


Additionally, as someone else has already mentioned the x-server LFD tool should first and foremost try and group people on the same server + there should be an "server-side only" option for the more community focused. Honestly I'd choose that option myself if possible.


Wouldn't that more or less eliminate a lot of the complains?

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There isn't? you can't ask your friends or guild members? Heck I just hold my push to talk button and say "hey who wants to run something?" and within seconds I have a group. Just because there are more efficient methods you are not willing to try doesn't mean they don't exist.


You act like I don't ask my friends or guild members. If my friends were always online I wouldn't need to look for members would I?


Doesn't change the fact that there are no good reasons NOT to have a LFD tool outside of Anti WoW Fanboys.

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