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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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No, it's not nonsense.


Right now, tons of people are getting familiar with the game, many people who have never played an MMO before SWTOR. Eventually people will put up PvP movies, boss kill movies etc. THAT is when a community begins to form. People start to hear about this awesome player/guild X on the X server, so they make their own videos. More people PvP and want to raid high-end content because of other players that they see, more players become well known on their servers and it keeps expanding.


Servers will get "THE server troll" that always talks in general and trade, servers will get "the seller guy" who floods the GTN with auctions, servers will get "the best PvE guild" that always gets the first boss kills, servers will get "the best PvP" guild that dominates Warzones, servers will get "the PUG guy" that, for some unexplained reason, always has successful PUG raid groups, servers will get "the show off guy" who always stands in the middle of a popular area to flash his full tier XX gear, servers will get the joker, the casino guy, the achievement guy and the list goes on and on and on.


Dooming a server's future community before it has even started is stupid and reckless. All of the "The X Guy" people I have posted existed on most of WoW's servers in Vanilla and TBC. They even lived a few months after LFD, but eventually died out because no one could care less, simply due to the horrible side-effects of an LFD/LFR cross-server tool.


You can ask anyone who played during those WoW expansions, and they would tell you they had many of "The X Guy", unless you were completely anti-social back then too.

Server, general chat community has nothing to do with there being or not being an lfd tool. Every server I play on in WoW has had a server "community" that has continued to flourish and progress after the introduction of the lfd tool. It had absolutely zero impact on community. It's simply a false argument. End of story.

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Since the dawn of time, LFG tools have been destroying the very fabric of society.


This image was taken in 1755 by Sir Robert "l337" Stunningham III of the first documented exposure to LFG tools.


Since those early days of yore, LFG tools have been identified to be at the root of every single hardship and tribulation experienced by mankind, including (but not limited to) terrible casting jobs in unrelated movie franchises.



In fact, leading Expertologists predict that LFG tools will imminently collide with planet earth to devastating and irrecoverable consequence.



Lastly, but certainly not least amongst the legitimate reasons not to have LFG tools, is that they may, in some cases, lead to the having of fun on the parts of potentially many, who might find their gaming experiences enriched by the availability of things to do on their own time.


And that, my friends...could lead to dancing.

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As a DPS, I honestly don't care if I have to wait 30 minutes in queue. The point here is, I would have to wait 30 minutes no matter what - but guess what I can concentrate on leveling or other tasks and not watching the stupid chat window and typing in LFG every couple minutes


I'm stuck on Tatooine wth only 25 other people (peak hours, friday night) and I can't get any of the heroics done...... LFD tool now please


Oh and don't yell get in a guild - I am, and they have all left. Only 2 or 3 other people on at any time

Edited by MackSevenThree
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Here's a legitimate reason: I'm a fanboi with my head in the sand and I'm terrified of change because I came from SWG. Also, I hate WoW (although I've never played it), and someone on Reddit said that every idea WoW has ever had is stupid and that the LFD specifically killed the WoW. That's why they lost 100k subs. Seriously, within a few years, WoW will have less than 5 million subs because of this.




Honestly the vast majority of people that start with how it kills the community are nothing more then parrots. Seems the "I read it on the internet so it must be true" is rampant with them. Shame really since all they are in the end are just plain ignorant and selfish.

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Worried it will dissocialize people, the more easy things become to engage in without any iniative or involvement on ones own part, the bigger chances are people much like with Warzones will sit on their back sides by themselves waiting for queue to farm item X.


There's nothing wrong with worrying about that at all.


However, you have to realize that there's nothing social about the process now. It's really quite mechanical, except you have to do the mindless work yourself.


Writing LFM messages on general chat is annoying and only serves to waste time, and it only works in one zone. Do you think at any point someone starts chatting with you based on your LFM spam? It doesn't even mean people talk when you get the group together either.


People treat groups exactly the same as they did with the dungeon finder in WoW. The only difference is, in WoW it does the LFM spam for you without disturbing general chat.


Even ninjas are rampant as it is, so I doubt that's an argument against LFD (and certainly never an argument against single-server LFD). I've seen more ninjas here than in WoW after the dungeon finder was implemented. It's not even close.

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There's nothing wrong with worrying about that at all.


However, you have to realize that there's nothing social about the process now. It's really quite mechanical, except you have to do the mindless work yourself.


Writing LFM messages on general chat is annoying and only serves to waste time, and it only works in one zone. Do you think at any point someone starts chatting with you based on your LFM spam? It doesn't even mean people talk when you get the group together either.


People treat groups exactly the same as they did with the dungeon finder in WoW. The only difference is, in WoW it does the LFM spam for you without disturbing general chat.


Even ninjas are rampant as it is, so I doubt that's an argument against LFD (and certainly never an argument against single-server LFD). I've seen more ninjas here than in WoW after the dungeon finder was implemented. It's not even close.


I don't thinks anyone thinks Spamming LFG is social. But what is social is talking with people on your server until you find a guild of like-minded people or friends that you can pull from to form groups. Is it easy? sort of, is it for everyone? no, does it work? most of the time (given good social skills). Is it social? most defiantly yes.

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I agree with OP, and both the ******* who don't want this option and Bioware will pay dearly. It's called "the domino effect." An MMO's success lies squarely on casual players who have RL friends and jobs. They're main reason for playing swtor isn't to login and say hello to a bunch of people. They want to button mash and kill things, the hello's and goodbye's are just bonuses. Why would a casual player login into swtor only to wait around 30mins-1 hour+ to find a group when he can come home from work, log right into xbox live and instantly start button mashing with their friends??


That is the real reason why WoW became the super massive mmo it is. Because it brought that "xbox live" casual atmosphere to the MMO market. No waiting around for groups, raids, pvp, etc. When it comes to MMO"s options are king. Options for customization, options for gameplay, and my personal favorite option dating all the way back to Mortal Kombat a "BLOOD&GORE" option hehehe.

Edited by Trineda
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I found the OP puzzling. Are people really making those claims?


If so, I suspect they're confusing LFD and cross-server queues. X-server definitely leads to loss of community and an increase in poor behavior (including ninja looting, abusive treatment of other players, and general slacking.)


If people don't have to stand around a city spamming it means they might be out doing daily quests, farming crafting mats, or engaging in world pvp.


Normally I would be opposed to teleportation to dungeons once a group is made, except in SWTOR you get to dungeons via your fleet anyway.

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I don't thinks anyone thinks Spamming LFG is social. But what is social is talking with people on your server until you find a guild of like-minded people or friends that you can pull from to form groups. Is it easy? sort of, is it for everyone? no, does it work? most of the time (given good social skills). Is it social? most defiantly yes.


Ah the old "you just need social skills you nerd" argument.


I have a guild. I don't expect them to pull me through low-level heroics and flashpoints. For max-level content, you don't always have enough of your friends online at the same time. There should still be ways of forming a group.


To everyone who has 200 friends online at any given time (particularly in this game with all the low pop servers): congratulations, and I don't actually believe you. But should the game really not have proper tools for grouping just because you are King Social?

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The supposed "Hardcore" need to realize that "Casuals" are the bread and butter of any MMO to come. That's why they cater to casuals as much as they can and then sprinkle in stuff like "Leader-boards" and "Dungeon Difficulties" for the more "Hardcorish".

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I found the OP puzzling. Are people really making those claims?


If so, I suspect they're confusing LFD and cross-server queues. X-server definitely leads to loss of community and an increase in poor behavior (including ninja looting, abusive treatment of other players, and general slacking.)


If people don't have to stand around a city spamming it means they might be out doing daily quests, farming crafting mats, or engaging in world pvp.


Normally I would be opposed to teleportation to dungeons once a group is made, except in SWTOR you get to dungeons via your fleet anyway.


It doesn't lead to more of anything. That behavior is already there to begin with. All it may do is expose you to more of it.

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Ah the old "you just need social skills you nerd" argument.


I have a guild. I don't expect them to pull me through low-level heroics and flashpoints. For max-level content, you don't always have enough of your friends online at the same time. There should still be ways of forming a group.


To everyone who has 200 friends online at any given time (particularly in this game with all the low pop servers): congratulations, and I don't actually believe you. But should the game really not have proper tools for grouping just because you are King Social?


I was just correcting someone who assumed that when someone says a LFG is not social it automatically means that spamming LFG is social. I was just showing that there are social ways to finding a group. I was not saying they are better or worse, just that they exist. Please read and comprehend what people are talking about before you respond, thank you.

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The problem with the X-server LFD tool is that it allows the D-bags to get away with being D-bags. If you play on a server and are a complete tool to people, they will place you on ignore and eventually you will not be able to get groups. You would either have to quit or improve your attitude and reroll. The X-server lfd bypasses the community self-policing and allows said D-bags to continue to play and have a negative impact on the server communities.
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I found the OP puzzling. Are people really making those claims?


If so, I suspect they're confusing LFD and cross-server queues. X-server definitely leads to loss of community and an increase in poor behavior (including ninja looting, abusive treatment of other players, and general slacking.)


If people don't have to stand around a city spamming it means they might be out doing daily quests, farming crafting mats, or engaging in world pvp.


Normally I would be opposed to teleportation to dungeons once a group is made, except in SWTOR you get to dungeons via your fleet anyway.


I've seen people make all of those claims. I don't believe that we'll see an increase in poor behaviour. Do you have any statistics to back up your claim?

If anything I believe what you assume is an "increase in poor behaviour" is simply just an increase in actually playing the game since you won't be spending most of your time spamming the chat with "LFG".


More play time is obviously = a bigger chance of meeting someone who doesn't give a crap about you.

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The problem with the X-server LFD tool is that it allows the D-bags to get away with being D-bags. If you play on a server and are a complete tool to people, they will place you on ignore and eventually you will not be able to get groups. You would either have to quit or improve your attitude and reroll. The X-server lfd bypasses the community self-policing and allows said D-bags to continue to play and have a negative impact on the server communities.


They are already in your server in the form of 'companion needers'.

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LDF tools don't "destroy" the community, that's a huge exaggeration. Though I won't lie in saying that I've added quite a few new people to my friends list becauase we run FP's often together.


Yet, this game needs an X-server tool.


I got an idea for this.


If you're still wanting to make friends with an x-server LFG tool, you can easily spam fleet general and say something along the lines of "I'm gonna queue for x dungeon, anyone want to join?", and BW should throw in incentives like a bonus 5% XP gain for each individual group member that you invited from your own server, or if you're level 50, a credit, or extra Tionese crystal bonus per boss.


That way, you will still favor picking people from your own server to find a group for an FP, and eliminate the problem of the never-ending quest of finding a tank or healer.


I enjoy making friends and building communities, yet I feel like I've missed a WHOLE bunch of content (Mandalorian Raiders, Cademimu, CWG, Red Reaper, etc.) Because I could never find groups for them.

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