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So far I've gotten 16 pvp bags and not 1 piece of gear, how high have you guys gotten before getting a piece of gear? At first I thought I was glitched till I read the notes about it. Its stupid and BW is stupid for coming up with RNG bag system anyways but making it worse was something blizzard would do....soooo disappointed.


I read about someone on my server today going on his 30th bag with only 1 piece of gear. This is rediculous, sure I can get centurion gear but thats barely better than my lvl 49 gear. It wouldnt be so bad if bags didnt cost 200 each, maybe lower it to 100 each since its stupid to cost anything more for extremely low chance at champ gear.


With the rate it drops now Id suggest getting rid of tokens alltogether since ppl will probably be in full champ by the time 2 or more tokens drop which is several weeks of grinding for 4+ hours depending on if you win or not, add that ontop of the valor grind and well...you have a bad game for pvpers.


Anywho Im done iwth my rant, flame on do what ever was just wanting to see how high ppl have gotten with this fail pvp system before getting a piece of gear/unsubbing/or just rerolling and staying in the 1-49 pvp bracket.

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honestly man i wouldnt let it get to you. before the new system i had to open 45 bags before i even got my first token, and thats when you didnt get champion tokens in em also. just think of it this way you wont have to worry about say 2-3 weeks of pure pvp and no upgrades there was a short stint i had where all i got was relic tokens, and not just one or two. have 6 of em in my bank plus the two i use for pvp, so all in all the new system is by far better than the old.


it may not seem it at first because you cant get super lucky and get 5 different tokens at once, but down the road instead of getting repeat tokens you can save up for something that you actually need.


so in short, early pvp gearing may be a bit slower but trust me the end portion will be alot faster and you will get your champion set quicker than most of the people who used the old system


going on valor 59 and just now finishing my champion set :s

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You get commendations now. Saying you opened 16 bags and got no gear is a lie. You should be getting a piece of gear every ~6-7 bags.


That's better than I averaged during the pure RNG days. AND you can fill in all your gaps with centurion gear in no time at all.

Edited by EternalFinality
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So far I've gotten 16 pvp bags and not 1 piece of gear, how high have you guys gotten before getting a piece of gear? At first I thought I was glitched till I read the notes about it. Its stupid and BW is stupid for coming up with RNG bag system anyways but making it worse was something blizzard would do....soooo disappointed.


I read about someone on my server today going on his 30th bag with only 1 piece of gear. This is rediculous, sure I can get centurion gear but thats barely better than my lvl 49 gear. It wouldnt be so bad if bags didnt cost 200 each, maybe lower it to 100 each since its stupid to cost anything more for extremely low chance at champ gear.


With the rate it drops now Id suggest getting rid of tokens alltogether since ppl will probably be in full champ by the time 2 or more tokens drop which is several weeks of grinding for 4+ hours depending on if you win or not, add that ontop of the valor grind and well...you have a bad game for pvpers.


Anywho Im done iwth my rant, flame on do what ever was just wanting to see how high ppl have gotten with this fail pvp system before getting a piece of gear/unsubbing/or just rerolling and staying in the 1-49 pvp bracket.


Do you realize they changed the RNG system? You primary way to get items is not based on tokens anymore, you get the comms to buy them yourself.

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The issue is that new 50's are now getting centurion gear from champion bags, whereas older 50's were getting champion gear from champion bags. Thus the gearing up process is much longer compared to the old system, with the players that had the time to gear up using the older system having a clear advantage over new players.


They should have simply acknowledged that it's a broken system and fixed it properly for the next tier (assuming there is a next tier) so that everyone starts on the same ground.

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The issue is that new 50's are now getting centurion gear from champion bags, whereas older 50's were getting champion gear from champion bags. Thus the gearing up process is much longer compared to the old system, with the players that had the time to gear up using the older system having a clear advantage over new players.


Uh. what?


Previously Champion bags gave:

3 centurion Tokens

Small chance at random unassembled gear bit.


Now Champion bags give:

15 centurion tokens

7 champion tokens

Very Small chance of random unassembled gear bit.


Only an idiot would think it was better before. It's SO MUCH BETTER NOW. You get more champion AND centurion gear faster now, unless you were extremely lucky before. For the vast majority gear comes faster now. And you get centurion stuff by the truckload - FIVE TIMES AS FAST.


Fresh 50s will get full champion gear before they even hit valor rank 40. Before fresh Battlemasters would STILL BE MISSING CHAMPION PIECES.

Edited by EternalFinality
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The issue is that new 50's are now getting centurion gear from champion bags, whereas older 50's were getting champion gear from champion bags. Thus the gearing up process is much longer compared to the old system, with the players that had the time to gear up using the older system having a clear advantage over new players.


They should have simply acknowledged that it's a broken system and fixed it properly for the next tier (assuming there is a next tier) so that everyone starts on the same ground.


So much fail in this post.

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I had a 1 to 15 ratio going when I was trying to get my gear. A few levels away from BM and they changed to this system.


I love it. Sure it isn't the best, but it is FAR better than fully equipping your companions with cent gear because your champ tokens won't drop.


Infact, I only need 3 more pieces of champ gear to fill out my full suit. Better system overall for EVERYONE, not just the lucky few.

Have fun, it's here to stay until they find a better system.

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I actually wish BW used the 15:7 comms ratio on BM bags as well. I would much rather prefer getting 15 champ and 7 BM comms from a BM bag then suffer the finnicking mistress that is RNG on BM tokens dropping. Obviously, BW would need to change pricing on BM gear but that shouldn't be hard at all.
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They should have simply acknowledged that it's a broken system and fixed it properly for the next tier (assuming there is a next tier) so that everyone starts on the same ground.


How is it broken that someone got to 50 faster then you did? Obviously you're not starting on the same ground if someone got to 50 before you.


Nothing broken about the fact that some got to 50 faster then others.

Edited by deltaminus
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Why doesnt BW just scrap centurion and make it champ and BM only? Cent gear is **** plain and simple. and getting rank 60 valor for BM gear is a bit high also imo, grind wise. I think it should be lowered to 50.


Maybe Bioware should just hand out BM gear to all the fresh 50s, ROFL.

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Why doesnt BW just scrap centurion and make it champ and BM only? Cent gear is **** plain and simple. and getting rank 60 valor for BM gear is a bit high also imo, grind wise. I think it should be lowered to 50.


Cent is great gear for fresh 50s. And you can get a whole set so easily. It's a starter set, and does not need to be removed.

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Uh. what?


Previously Champion bags gave:

3 centurion Tokens

Small chance at random unassembled gear bit.


Now Champion bags give:

15 centurion tokens

7 champion tokens

Very Small chance of random unassembled gear bit.


Only an idiot would think it was better before. It's SO MUCH BETTER NOW. You get more champion AND centurion gear faster now, unless you were extremely lucky before. For the vast majority gear comes faster now. And you get centurion stuff by the truckload - FIVE TIMES AS FAST.


Fresh 50s will get full champion gear before they even hit valor rank 40. Before fresh Battlemasters would STILL BE MISSING CHAMPION PIECES.


yes yes yes


Now instead of opening 20 25 bags and geting nothing now u have comms and with every 7 comms u can see urself geting closer to the gear. You have a light at the end of the gear grind tunnel that makes it alot easier to deal with. If u liked it better before u need to get hit in the head with a hammer.

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16 Bags are nothing. You didnt even scrap the surface of PvP gear progression and still you are already QQing its not fast enough. And that after the Patch that massively boosted your progression Speed. Also you show you dont even understand the purpose of the pvp gear at all by saying centurion gear isnt better than your crap lvl 49 gear. Every piece has Expertise on it which is a huge advantage for pvp if stacked. Any Full Cent player would roll over you in your lvl 49 Gear. They really should add a Rank 50 Requirement for Champion Gear so ppl like you would finally realize Champ Gear isnt there for you to get in one day.
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Old system was by far harder than the new one.


Im valor 57, and today got my complete Champ set.


New system I purchased 2 pieces (my last 2) of champ in 3 days using Champ bags.


Old system over a month and a half with 3 - 5 bags a day (not including weekly bags!) never missing a daily or weekly and I never got my full set.



This new system is ridiculously easy. Yay for noobs and their easy modes

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the new system is so much better, i can't believe people are complaining about it. i didn't get my champion head until i hit battlemaster, and that's because i bought it with champ comms. i never got a champion earpiece (bought the BM ear and 2 implants with wz/merc comms) RNG decided i needed 4 sets of pants, 4 MH's, 4 gloves (didn't mind this one), 6 relics, 6 implants, 3 bracers, 2 boots, 2 OH's. luckily i got 1 robe and 1 belt. i've even seen BM's on my server using orange weps (even before they changed ilum) because they couldn't get their tokens to drop.


all the while, i had bought my cent ear, both implants, belt, robe, helm, bracers and boots. whoever says cent gear is useless, is clueless. expertise might not seem like its giving you any sort of advantage, but get around 550, and then hit someone with around 100. see how fast they go down. i love fighting people in tionese/columni/rakata gear, they think their high hp and dps stats will serve them well. then they get shred.

Edited by Soull
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