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Assassins - WEAK, proff here!


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He killed people with lesser gear..


this is like a catchcry, but it's not really true, the only classes that really see any meaningful drop in spike damage from assassins (as the assassin gears up) are the tanks, armor is their killer, a tank spec powertech might find them an annoyance at worst, a full bm sorcerer (note : the better ones have an armor adrenal specifically for fighting assassins) is still quite capable of eating around 10k damage from dbl shock/discharge spike, and other classes like operatives, marauders etc don't see that much less damage.

Edited by Adzzy
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Pretty cool man, i Run Shadow Infiltration and my numbers are pretty close to yours when they crit but your crit rate seems off the charts in comparison to mine unless im popping both my surge/crit relic and force potency. you just wearing full BM gear or have you modded it out with surge/crit mods/enhancement ?
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im also a deception spec assasin and i can tell you in order to make deception spec viable and worth useing you have to stack crit/surge mods in your pvp gear from other parts in order to be doing the damage other class's are doing without them.


the thing is that annoys me the most is deception spec assasins are squishy as hell. as soon as you pop out of stealth your hp just disapears you get like 6 seconds to do as much dps as possible before you get facerolled if you have not got your 4 cooldowns ready to escape.the thing is you lack the damage to show for how squishy you are in that spec.


assasins/shadows deception spes need to be buffed

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meh assassins are fine


lack of passive mitigation or any decent passive bonuses(+25%base shock dmg does not work) is kinda annoying, the entire tree is like -30sec on this and - 15sec on that

but overall sins are good

its sorcs with ~0\20\21 hybrids that are gamebreaking to for melee

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because assasins are gimped.


in order to be doing the numbers other class's get you have to stack crit/surge and pop relics and pots :/



they need a buff badly :(


Their damage is not a problem. It just requires a lot of set-up. Either the set up time needs to be reduced or survivability for while the set up is happening needs to be increased.

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deception and infiltration specs are bad because of survivability. We cant put big numbers up because we are too squishy. This needs to be addressed in a major way. I spend most of my time waiting behind the door instead of fighting lol.
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As deception I usually manage to be on top 3 for damage done, but I'm also contending for the price of the most deaths. In huttball I've given up even thinking about picking up the ball because I'm no use as a carrier if I don't have 100 force ready to change charges (and even then it's not that good). If someone throws the ball to me and I'm in surging charge/low force, I immediately throw it someone else if there's no healer to back me up. Edited by byteresistor
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Hint: Count the number of purple/cyan or blackred/blackblue sabers he fights....


1, maybe 2... and those were with other people on the team attacking them too.


This is a full BM assassin attacking lesser geared people, using a spec that was nerfed in the last patch and also gives him light armor as his only defense (another hint, other than expertise everyone that attacks him will do about 90% damage).


Plus most of the fights were people trying to run away....


Any BM of any class can cherry pick fights and make a video like this.

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Hint: Count the number of purple/cyan or blackred/blackblue sabers he fights....


1, maybe 2... and those were with other people on the team attacking them too.


This is a full BM assassin attacking lesser geared people, using a spec that was nerfed in the last patch and also gives him light armor as his only defense (another hint, other than expertise everyone that attacks him will do about 90% damage).


Plus most of the fights were people trying to run away....


Any BM of any class can cherry pick fights and make a video like this.


I don't think it's meaningful for a BM geared characters to fight someoene without a red/blue-black weapon. I mean no I don't expect to auto win against Champion geared guys, but I obviously have a considerable edge even on them. I'm not even sure why you'd bother wasting your CDS on people not wielding BM weapons because it's usually a waste.

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