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Deception - WEAK, proff here!


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why dont u help your teammates with mass mind control?


nice vid, im not close to your damage (highest i had was 4.2k) but thats cause of gear. Not even full champion yet. But i notice this vid doesnt show u getting attacked by multiple enemies. Then u could show the art of surviving which is very hard on dec sin.

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Honestly.... crap video, bad player getting big hits on lowbobs because he outgears them. L2P and use taunts, CC from stealth, rupts,.... then your team sometime will win because you actually contributed something. Stopped watching after 4mins because only thing I've seen is stealth, selfbuff and then standard rotations. Shadows can do so much more than this. Edited by Rhissa
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First ?5? fights were group fights. Only in the first fight mass taunt was greyed out/on cooldown.


oh, not trollin'

first fight on alderan and most teamfights there

check it, 4th skill on the bottom panel :cool:

Edited by Scrilian
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Every attack is a crit because he has recklessness going in pretty much every clip.


Deception is not weak because it doesnt do massive burst dmg. This is its strong point which your strongly emphasize in this video. The weakness of deception is its lack of versatility. AND WHY DONT YOU OPEN WITH SPIKE MAN.


Still fun to see those numbers though.

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guys.. with the meaning of the weakest spec of the 3.. yes.. deception has it's good moments when ur fully buffed like he does.. expertise buff, recklessness etc etc.. THEN u can do good burst. this spec is struggeling with more things then just the lack of burst.


It's a fun video to watch.. but those are the good moments.. there are more bad moments with this tree then good moments, i specced maddness and i know it's doing more damage.


deception is kinda.. dead boring.

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Deception is weak b/c lack of survivalility doesn't justify the damage output. If deception spec meant lack of defense and mitigation, but this spec is mediocre in burst, and even in sustained damage.

And don't slot all your mods with crit / surge. you need power in the mix to see bigger crit.

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Deception can do damage, that's not its problem. Survivability is. If force cloak isn't off CD and you don't have someone protecting you with heals or guard. Anyone who unloads on you is going to decimate you.


Tankasin tends to workout better, you do slightly less damage, but you have way more survivability, mobility, and fight control. They ought to increase Deception's mobility imo. I would think the most fragile spec should be the best at staying on the move.

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Honestly.... crap video, bad player getting big hits on lowbobs because he outgears them. L2P and use taunts, CC from stealth, rupts,.... then your team sometime will win because you actually contributed something. Stopped watching after 4mins because only thing I've seen is stealth, selfbuff and then standard rotations. Shadows can do so much more than this.


Make a video outplaying him then or shut up.

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You are good, but im not gona say anymore than that, u should let players learn on their own, explore the skills or it gets to easy. there are some other good stuff to do with an assassin, just try out diferent skills n c what works best for u.
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this video is pathetic.


show them what happens to you if the enemy actually fights back, cause none of your victims does.


show them an entire fight, so they see the numbers where you dont have recklessness up and/or dont crit at all.


we have enough ******* running around, hoping for big numbers and believing thats what the sin class is all about.

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this video is pathetic.


show them what happens to you if the enemy actually fights back, cause none of your victims does.


show them an entire fight, so they see the numbers where you dont have recklessness up and/or dont crit at all.


we have enough ******* running around, hoping for big numbers and believing thats what the sin class is all about.


As the above poster said. Make a video outplaying him then or shut up.


If you're not using recklessness and havent kitted your gear properly, thats your fault for being bad. you have enough abilities to keep a target locked down to make it seem like they're "not fighting back" but apparently you don't use those abilities either...

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Seriously, where did this "Dec sucks" sentiment come from? It's one of the highest single target burst specs in the game atm.


And the spec isn't even complicated... I just don't get why so many people are apparently struggling with it :confused:


Nice vid. Whiners gonna whine.





This is my first MMO and my only explanation is that I see more ******* on MMO forums than I have ever seen anywhere else.


I have managed my biz exceptionally well in this game and all I do is read tooltips on the skill tree, gear and character sheet; play the game and put thought into which stats/abilities are important for my gameplay and what I am trying to accomplish.

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As the above poster said. Make a video outplaying him then or shut up.


If you're not using recklessness and havent kitted your gear properly, thats your fault for being bad. you have enough abilities to keep a target locked down to make it seem like they're "not fighting back" but apparently you don't use those abilities either...


just **** bro^^ i said the video is pathetic, not the player. as for me being bad, the imps from my server would tell you a different story

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just **** bro^^ i said the video is pathetic, not the player. as for me being bad, the imps from my server would tell you a different story


If you're as good as you claim to be then you would understand why the video looks the way it does. Multiple crits are pretty much common place once you're kitted right. It's not hard.

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Every attack is a crit because he has recklessness going in pretty much every clip.


Deception is not weak because it doesnt do massive burst dmg. This is its strong point which your strongly emphasize in this video. The weakness of deception is its lack of versatility. AND WHY DONT YOU OPEN WITH SPIKE MAN.


Still fun to see those numbers though.


Why can't people figure out that opening with spike is bad. The skill does next to no dmg and the stun only buys you one skill... a skill you wouldve opened with anyway.




Dec sins should use spike just like any other sin uses it... as a low resolve cc/interrupt. Some caster getting a heal/big nuke off and your jolt/low slash/electrocute is on cd? vanish and spike him. Did your opponent pop Uber_cooldown_01 and force you to vanish... then proceed to start casting a heal? Reopen with spike and chances are you've outlasted the majority of his cd without letting him reset the fight.


Spike is a valuable control tool of last resort. Don't waste it at the start of a fight to get a measly 500 dmg head start.


The ONLY reason to ever use spike as an opener is when someone is on a ledge and you want to spike him down off of it for better positional advantage in the fight.

Edited by Ellvaan
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Why can't people figure out that opening with spike is bad. The skill does next to no dmg and the stun only buys you one skill... a skill you wouldve opened with anyway.




Dec sins should use spike just like any other sin uses it... as a low resolve cc/interrupt. Some caster getting a heal/big nuke off and your jolt/low slash/electrocute is on cd? vanish and spike him. Did your opponent pop Uber_cooldown_01 and force you to vanish... then proceed to start casting a heal? Reopen with spike and chances are you've outlasted the majority of his cd without letting him reset the fight.


Spike is a valuable control tool of last resort. Don't waste it at the start of a fight to get a measly 500 dmg head start.


The ONLY reason to ever use spike as an opener is when someone is on a ledge and you want to spike him down off of it for better positional advantage in the fight.


I remember using Spike to get a Maul with proc in, without realizing that Spike uses 20 Force and does next to no damage so it's kind of like using 45 Force to get a Maul in.


Spike literally harms you if you didn't use it to interrupt something since it gives them half a bar of resolve to start for basically nothing.

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spike + crushing darkness, electrocute, vs, vs, deflect, shock or unbreakable will if they stun u followed by a low slash or jolt if they r casting something (basicly its freestyle after your opener)


if you want to cloak and spike u should be able to as the cooldown is not that long, no reason not to open with it.

Edited by warstory
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spike + crushing darkness, electrocute, vs, vs, deflect, shock or unbreakable will if they stun u followed by a low slash or jolt if they r casting something (basicly its freestyle after your opener)


if you want to cloak and spike u should be able to as the cooldown is not that long, no reason not to open with it.


If they CC break on the Electrocute you just lost every CC you have possible because they broke your biggest one and is now immune.


Unless you're hoping the enemy foolishly use their CC breaker on Spike, opening with Spike just gives the enemy half a resolve bar. I guess if they already have a half a bar of resolve you can do it to fill their bar on purpose, but in that case it'd usually be better to just mez them (which fills their bar too) and run away and wait until their resolve bar runs out, as opposed to begin a fight with the enemy completely immune to all CCs.

Edited by Astarica
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Plus the cd on spike is 20 sec unless you're running around with a 2 pc remodded tank set, which is an option I suppose. Generally, a deception rushdown on anyone you're targetting isn't going to last 20 secs and, if they're a serious caster type requires you to expend a lot of lockdown to win handily (deception doesnt have great up front survivability... its survivability lies in avenues for control and escape).


Generally, you're going to want to jolt your opponent's first cast, low slash the second, electrocute the third, and spike a fourth if needed. This WILL fill their resolve bar, and they'll get the fifth cast off. By cast 6 your jolt should be back up. If they're still alive by cast 7 you're doing something wrong or you're on the wrong target (there's an uncc'ed healer healing the guy you're trying to kill).


Opening with spike not only fills their resolve bar by the time you get to elecrocute (barring you from cc'ing them again in any case) but also won't be up again by cast 4, which occurs at roughly 8-12 sec into the fight as your spike is on a 20 sec cd.


Bottom line, opening with spike does very little for you but saving it gives you one last card to play that can be very beneficial.

Edited by Wargasmo
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