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How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?


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Dude...I dont know what you smoke when you play wow, but wow looks like crap brah. Even when all the details are set to max...its still a cartoony crap fest. I am not saying the Hero engine is great awesome and superior, I am saying that even with all that tech behind it...wow still looks like crap. TOR looks better. I do agree that hi res textures, ability delay, no night day cycle, and instanced planets suck. Has me worried on the long term viability of this game.


WoW may look like crap, but graphics are really not why people play MMOs. In comparison to single player games ALL MMO games look like ****. This game is in jeopardy because it is missing many of the basic features that people have come to expect in an MMO.


-We cant customize our UI


-No target of target display


-No macros


-No mods


-No LFG/LFRaid system


-Retarted search function on the GTN


-get booted from premade pvp groups after each match


-cant even queue for specific warzones


And the list goes on. WoW may be the mcdonalds of MMOs, but like mcdonalds, there are features in that game that make it more tolerable.

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WoW may look like crap, but graphics are really not why people play MMOs. In comparison to single player games ALL MMO games look like ****. This game is in jeopardy because it is missing many of the basic features that people have come to expect in an MMO.


-We cant customize our UI - Adding it


-No target of target display - Adding it


-No macros - People will argue against this.


-No mods - Don't need them with the new interface coming up


-No LFG/LFRaid system - Adding it


-Retarted search function on the GTN - I agree


-get booted from premade pvp groups after each match - Not a big deal


-cant even queue for specific warzones - Adding it


And the list goes on. WoW may be the mcdonalds of MMOs, but like mcdonalds, there are features in that game that make it more tolerable.


Don't you read the news & updates, blogs or front page at all? =\


Anyways, to answer the OP's question. I'm sticking around until Tera or GW2, if I happen to be unhappy with those games then I will be back. I wasn't looking forward to SWTOR to begin with, I only bought this game on a whim because a few friends were playing it. I'm more into fantasy type games, it's nothing against SWTOR.

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I forsee playing SWTOR for a long time. Sure, there are bugs and the end game is a bit repetitive at the moment - but there is still plenty to do from my standpoint [7 other class stories, datacrons, codex, etc].


As long as the devs don't make the same mistake SOE did with SWG NGE, and they continue to update and improve the game - I'll be happy.


From reading the responses - I think a lot of people are just here until the next "big thing" [other MMO's, other games, etc] is released. And I wouldn't be surprised if they treat that "big thing" the same way they treat this game - "I'm gone if this isn't fixed, I'm just here until [insert next NEXT big thing] is relased", etc].

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From reading the responses - I think a lot of people are just here until the next "big thing" [other MMO's, other games, etc] is released. And I wouldn't be surprised if they treat that "big thing" the same way they treat this game - "I'm gone if this isn't fixed, I'm just here until [insert next NEXT big thing] is relased", etc].


Yep, pretty much. I'm waiting for the "next big thing" because it's what I've been looking forward to since they announced it, not because I hate swtor or something. Even if SWTOR was just a "pass by" for me, I still think it's a good game and it has a lot of potentional given time. People just want it all given to them NOW. I'm a pretty loyal person, I'll stick with an MMO through all of it's bugs, crashes, oops mistakes and B/S. It just wasn't the one I was looking to commit to. :[

Edited by Valeena
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I canceled yesterday. Have a few days left until my subscription is over. Probably will not ever come back.


Linear. Everyone the same level is in the same place with the exact same gear doing the exact same quest.


Spoon-fed. I am spoiled on games that present a challenge. There really isn't anything challenging about this game. Everything is handed to you on a silver platter. All you need to do is run to the next location, kill mob, destroy target or pick up item and run back. Rinse and repeat.


Groups. Someone already mentioned that this game is 90% solo. The less reason for a group the less 'mmo' it feels. Might as well be Guild Wars. No feeling of community.


Graphics. Not really that impressive. Chars outfits also are not that impressive.


PVP. Not that great. Same 3 missions over and over. Everyone is vamped up to 49 to make it 'fair'. Kinda lame.


Trade Skills. Boring and pretty much worthless. Not even the slightest bit of difficulty. You can max out trade-skills with no effort.


I'm sure there are a ton more reasons. I log in and don't even have motivation to run to the next quest point.


I haven't played an mmo in a couple years because of the cookie cutter set-up that is currently being pawned off as the new mmo.

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I see myself here for ten more days then I might come back in six months to see if the bugs have been fixed and if they improve the shoddy MMO core that exists now.


I had high hopes for this game, but had no idea it would be 90% Single player, 10% MMO assuming there are enough people your level to run flashpoints.



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WoW may look like crap, but graphics are really not why people play MMOs. In comparison to single player games ALL MMO games look like ****. This game is in jeopardy because it is missing many of the basic features that people have come to expect in an MMO.


-We cant customize our UI


-No target of target display


-No macros


-No mods


-No LFG/LFRaid system


-Retarted search function on the GTN


-get booted from premade pvp groups after each match


-cant even queue for specific warzones


And the list goes on. WoW may be the mcdonalds of MMOs, but like mcdonalds, there are features in that game that make it more tolerable.

You mean it is missing many of the advanced features that people have come to expect in an MMO that's taken a decade (including beta) to implement. Q) What new MMO has all this? A) None.


As more of a realist I'll be around until somone comes out with a game exactly like it, only with flightsim-based space travel & combat added.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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You mean it is missing many of the advanced features that people have come to expect in an MMO that's taken a decade (including beta) to implement. Q) What new MMO has all this? A) None.


As more of a realist I'll be around until somone comes out with a game exactly like it, only with flightsim-based space travel & combat added.



You can't compare this game to a game in the state it was in 6 years ago. Like for like, you compare with the competition NOW.


Swtor isn't that bad, it's a solid C+ MMO, must try harder.

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You mean it is missing many of the advanced features that people have come to expect in an MMO that's taken a decade (including beta) to implement. Q) What new MMO has all this? A) None.


As more of a realist I'll be around until somone comes out with a game exactly like it, only with flightsim-based space travel & combat added.


I didn't realize target of target, que to specifici warzones, GTN UI among other things took a decade to implement.

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When Diablo 3 hits, I most likely gone. This was a decent distraction, but if you step back and take good look away from the window dressing, aka voice acting. The things you can do in this game is the exact same thing you'd find in WoW or any other MMO.

IE do quests, hit max level, then either Run around fleet/Orgrimmar, PVP, OPs (Raids), HM FP's (Heroic Dungeons) and dailies.


It doesn't help that Ops content wasn't tested worth a crap and it shows. Add the fact that they have left it bugged to all hell and back for 2 months now......Yea I know its a new MMO, but you know you should fix whats wrong with your current content FIRST before worrying about new content that will prolly be just as buggy and broken as the original was.

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You can't compare this game to a game in the state it was in 6 years ago. Like for like, you compare with the competition NOW.


Swtor isn't that bad, it's a solid C+ MMO, must try harder.

No new game will ever come with best of the best features of any/every other game, established or new. The only way a game could be that robust that quickly is if magic wands actually worked. That or if programmers from those other games had come to BW 3 years ago with their game's source code. And even then it would be moot because some of WoW's faithful-endearing features (LFG/dungeonfinder, barbershops, dual spec, guild calenders, BoAs, etc.) didn't exist 3 years ago. Rather than wishing in angst for instant gratification I'll simply settle in, have fun playing the game and enjoy the growth ride. But that's just me. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I didn't realize target of target, que to specifici warzones, GTN UI among other things took a decade to implement.
Perhaps not, but the ones that came with the game (a small percentage of what the game has now) did take a decade to perfect. And I personally don't consider add-on functionality to be game features because Blizz didn't have to design or test them. Ask them how their home and yard got to looking so robust and they'll point you to their interior decorators and landscapers. Can find most of them on Curse.com. Get rid of Auctioneer/Auctionator and LOTRO has a better AH system than WoW. The GTN is a search field and pull-down menu away from being there.


Oh, Wow didn't have a single warzone until Gurubashi was patched in a month after release, and the first two BGs (AW & WG) weren't patched in until 7 months after release. For the record. :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Not much longer, there just isn't enough here. i will maybe be back when things get better, if they get better, but honestly, it is just as likely I will get caught up in whatever has my attention then and never bother. The problem is releasing games with the promise that they will be fleshed out after the fact. MMO's get more leeway on this than single player ones because of the scope of the project, but in SWTOR i think as nice as the voice acting and stuff is, too many other aspects of the game went underdeveloped I feel for that gimmick which after experiencing it doesn't add much in the replay. As a subscription service you have to continue to regularly produce new content, and SWTOR is still slowly struggling to get the game up to par, let alone add new stuff.


I was playing pretty devotedly until today when I just couldn't find any interest to play. My lvl 50 is lvl 50 so that's game over, and I have done pvp all over my alts to the point of nausea, since I can only play the same 3 Warzones so many times, even though I love the pvp. It is like pulling teeth to get a flashpoint or anything grouped going. Unfortunately interest just flat died, and almost out of no where, just suddenly I didn't want to play anymore. Losing that, I have no rose tinted glasses for SWTOR anymore, and don't want to spend any more time waiting for it to get better, when I honestly feel like they had plenty of time and budget to have made it alot better to begin with. So I cancelled today, and maybe I will be back, maybe I won't. No hard feelings, just not enough here.

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This game doen't have the vaccum suck that WoW had on me back in the day. It took me months to level with my guild then a solid month gearing/keying everyone up then at least a year on the first tier raids. The game itself is great but I don't feel the same vaccum pull that I once felt. Most people I observe don't even play that much, and these are people leveling where the game should have its strongest pull


EDIT: I'm out on March 3rd. Maybe I'll come back if the legacy system is awesome or they put in a better method of finding groups.

Edited by Touchbass
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next good game, and im gone. this game is horrible. 1/2 the time all I can think about is "I wish more people played Vanguard" ..


I mean I did my first raid last night. we wiped once. it was the second time for a few people .. but .. seriously? It took a month to kill Razorgore, first boss in BWL .. and I still remember his name .. I can't even tell you the name of any of the bosses I killed last night. The pants I got arent even really an upgrade for my companion because this game decided to give out epics for running around spamming the 1 key doing dailies.

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Are we talking years here, or months from you bio tubbies?

I mean given what the game design here brings at its core. The VO, the story focus etc. Imagine that a few months from now they got it all sorted technically, and the game runs smooth as silk. Can you find a long term home at the republic or the empire fleets?


/Droidlife. Proud two month game card holder.


Until March 5 when my 1 month sub runs out. Happy with the game and my money spent but will not be paying them any more to develop content, there are just too many more mature alternatives out there nowadays.

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next good game, and im gone. this game is horrible. 1/2 the time all I can think about is "I wish more people played Vanguard" ..


I mean I did my first raid last night. we wiped once. it was the second time for a few people .. but .. seriously? It took a month to kill Razorgore, first boss in BWL .. and I still remember his name .. I can't even tell you the name of any of the bosses I killed last night. The pants I got arent even really an upgrade for my companion because this game decided to give out epics for running around spamming the 1 key doing dailies.


I remember Soa... That's it. Just because it's so easy to remember. Other than that I don't remember any of the others.

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Of course I will subb for at least a year...well at least until the 1st April


* the game world is so full of life and worth to explore it

* the immersion sucks me totally in

* Iam not playing any alts just from beeing bored

* Illum is the best pvp expirience in my life

* We have countless Battleground types

* I love StarWars thats why I love playing ball

* Crafting is superior over any game I played before

* The Space Missions offer amazing pvp

* When you hit lvl 50 there is so much endgame content, it is amazing

* I love to crash doors with bombs...did I say that already

* I dont need any driveable AT-ST, combined ground and air in pvp would be boring

* World pvp is fantastic and it reminds of good ol Tarren Mill, we have even pvp raids

* Alterac Valley is small and boring in comparison to the pvp we have in swtor

* Group pvp is great, all the complainers are just whining

* Classes are all balanced otherwise you would see masses of just one or two class types

* Pure Shockfrozen Water owns


I think It is really obvious that Swtor is that tasty and great that I will swallow my game DVD.


This HAS to be a troll.

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